ACHIEVE provides trainees with dissemination and implementation (D&I) and data science research skills and knowledge through experiential learning, mentoring, and “hands-on” immersion in global health implementation...
Applications are invited for participation in two short courses in data analysis with R and Python The Makerere University Data Science Research Training Program to Strengthen...
HARNESSING DATA SCIENCE FOR HEALTH DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION IN AFRICA The Makerere University Data Science Research Training Program to Strengthen Evidence-Based Health Innovation, Intervention, and Policy...
I congratulate Drs. Moses Joloba, David Kateete and Charles Batte upon the award of USD 1.75 million from the National Health Institutes, USA to support the...
Call for Applications for 5 PhD Scholarships Tenable at Makerere University in collaboration with University of Bergen (UiB)-Norway under Norhed II Project ‘Mathematics for Sustainable Development-2021-2026’...
We are extremely grateful and privileged to share our Annual Report for Academic Year 2019/20 with Makerere University community. The College is on track to be...