More than 1,300 candidates will miss this year’s admission to the Makerere Law School.The candidates recently sat for aptitude oral and written tests that sought to...
He was a teacher by profession. He studied Geography and Education at the then Makerere College. He later attended the University of Chicago in America to...
When Robert Kakande joined Makerere University in 1995, one of the figures he grew to love was an American-accented priest named Lawrence Kanyike – popularly known...
Funded by the National Institutes of Health, Whalen’s study will be done in conjunction with researchers in Uganda. Dr. Noah Kiwanuka, a professor and physician who...
More than 1,300 candidates will miss this year's admission to the Makerere Law School.
He was educated at Makerere University from 1947 – 1950. Thereafter, he proceeded to the University of Chicago in the USA where he learned a M.Sc....
He went to Makerere University where he later became a teacher. In 1964, he was appointed director of the National Institute of Education at Makerere University....
Professor William Senteza Kajubi, former Vice Chancellor of Makerere and Nkumba Universities has passed away. He was 87 years old. Mr. Kajubi was born in Kampala...
Kajubi was born in Kampala in 1926. He studied at Makerere University from 1947 to 1950. Thereafter, he proceeded to the University of Chicago in USA,...
He was appointed the vice chancellor of Makerere University in 1977 to 1979 and again in 1990. Kajubi was also later appointed the Vice Chancellor of...