The East African Teacher Education Symposium (EATES) is an annual international symposium for educational research related to teacher education. The symposium addresses the situation in and...
By Latifah Nalubowa The School of Education recently welcomed a group of Senior 6 students from Mbogo High School for an insightful career development session aimed...
The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released admissions lists showing SUBJECT COMBINATIONS for the following programmes: Bachelor of Arts(ARTS), Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor...
The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists of Diploma/Degree Holder applicants admitted under Private/Self Sponsorship for Bachelor of Education (EXTERNAL) Degree Programme for 2024/25. ...
Makerere University in collaboration with the University of Agder, Norway, University of Rwanda and Jimma University is implementing a NORAD funded project titled Transformative Education and...
In an ambitious move to enhance early childhood development, researchers from Makerere University’s College of Education and External Studies are advocating for the integration of nutrition...
A recent study by the Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) reveals significant challenges in the country’s doctoral education system. The...
Twenty-five officials from the office of the parliamentary budget at the Parliament of Uganda have graduated with certificates in public speaking from Makerere University. Participants were...
Makerere University’s vision for blended learning which was adopted during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, is on track, the Acting Vice Chancellor (VC) who doubles as...
At the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), there was a buzz of excitement as faculty, staff, and students gathered to honor a remarkable figure:...