MAKERERE UNIVERSITY LECTURE SERIES The 2nd Annual Nsibirwa Public Lecture Situating the Role and Relevancy of Cultural Institutions in Modern Uganda[1] _________________________ The guest of honor,...
By Laban Lwasa In a groundbreaking event that unfolded at Makerere University‘s Telepresence Center on November 7, 2023, the Inception Workshop for the ABS Project took...
In continuation of her rich tradition of honouring gallant men and women who made great sacrifices to establish the institution as we know it today, Makerere...
TUM SEED Center @ Makerere University invites applications from suitable candidates from Uganda for fully funded PhD scholarship in Engineering for the 2023/2024 Academic Year tenable...
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission list for Bachelor of Applied Psychology under the private sponsorship scheme for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. The...
Please see below the links to the 78th United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS78) Panel discussions, one of which featured Makerere University staff. Panel...
By Ritah Namisango Makerere University in partnership with LIFE Ministry Uganda and the Global Leadership Summit is implementing the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP), the brainchild of...
By Bernard Buteera In its quest to become a research-led university and in line with its vision 2030; a thought leader of knowledge generation for societal...
The President of the Republic of Uganda, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has emphasized the need for African countries to strengthen both political and economic integration...
A number of possibilities and opportunities for young people exist within the East African Community (EAC). By fostering collaboration in the pursuit of building a borderless...