On Tuesday December 19th 2023, Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe launched the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) Commercialization Grant Cohort 1 Awards. Fifteen projects...
By Laban Lwasa In a resounding success, Makerere University hosted the Stakeholders’ Consultation and Sensitization Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol and Curriculum Development on December 12,...
The DISTINGUISHED INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES PROGRAMME is aimed at excellent researchers based outside the UK working in areas related to ‘Technologies for the Future’, with existing links...
By Ritah Namisango The Makerere University Strategic plan stipulates the institution’s goal to transform into a research led University. This pronouncement calls upon university leaders and...
Makerere University in partnership with the Cisco Networking Academy is offering free courses on a self-paced/independent study basis for the period December 2023 – March 2024....
Makerere University invites nominations for the position of Chancellor of the University. Purpose of the position The Chancellor is the titular head of the University, presides...
By Bernard Buteera On Saturday 2nd December 2023, all roads led to Achukudu Community Primary School in Napak District, Karamoja sub-region, as the Scholars and Alumni...
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University informs all Head Teachers of A ‘Level schools that application forms for admission to public universities for senior six candidates (UACE...
The Genomics, Molecular, and Immunology Laboratories (GMI Labs), operating under the auspices of the Makerere University Biomedical Research Center (MakBRC), have achieved another significant milestone in...
By: Hason Mutunzi Bwambale Joining Dr. Byamugisha on the board are esteemed professionals from various fields. Dr. Allen Kabagenyi, Ms. Rosette Nakavuma, Ms. Irene Birungi, Dr....