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Call for Applications: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Course



The Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) is pleased to announce the upcoming Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Course, scheduled to take place from February 26th to 28th, 2025 at the MakCHS Conference Room.

Organized under the SUSTAIN Program, this course is designed to promote excellence in research ethics by equipping participants with a framework that integrates established scientific, professional norms, and ethical principles in research activities.

Course Objectives
Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to identify, manage, and prevent research misconduct, ensuring adherence to ethical standards.

Course Outline
Topics include:

  • Introduction to Professionalism and Ethics
  • Human Subjects Protection and Regulatory Framework in Uganda
  • Humane Handling of Animal Research Subjects
  • Mentor-Mentee Relationships
  • Conflict of Interest Management
  • Collaborative Research (International, Industry)
  • Responsible Financial Management
  • Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing, and Ownership
  • Responsible Authorship and Communication

Target Audience
This course is ideal for:

  • Researchers and Research Administrators
  • Research Assistants and Study Coordinators
  • Graduate Students and Supervisors

Course Fee: UGX 205,000 or USD 56
The fee covers meals and refreshments during the training.

Payment & Registration Details
Payments should be made to:

  • UGX Account: 9030005655047, Stanbic Bank Uganda Ltd, Makerere University College of Health Sciences Research
  • USD Account: 8705613993904, Standard Chartered Bank, MAK CHS NIH

Please share payment proof via email or WhatsApp and bring a hardcopy deposit slip on the first day of training to:

Miriam Musazi
Department of Anatomy, Bioethics Centre, Room C4
Mobile: +256 782 363 996 / +256 701 363 996

Registration Deadline: February 21, 2025

Please note that only fully registered participants by this date will be admitted.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your research ethics skills and network with professionals committed to advancing ethical research practices.

Mak Editor


Mapping Research in Education: A Baseline Study on PhD Completion and Emerging Research Themes



The Deputy Principal CEES, Prof. Ronald Bisaso presents canidadates for the conferment of degrees during the Second Session of Makerere University's 72nd Graduation Ceremony on 24th May 2022.

This report on mapping research in education intends to ignite debate on completion of doctoral studies to improve on doctoral throughput, and reflect on emerging research themes in order to strengthen and increase on evidence-based research from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) that can address a myriad of education related challenges in Uganda and beyond. The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) is one of the ten (10) constituent colleges of Makerere University. Makerere University aspires to be research-led in the current strategic period, 2020-2030 and as CEES journeys ‘Towards a Research-led College’, it is prudent to take stock of research capacity by analyzing PhD graduates of the period 2012-2024 and continuing PhD students admitted by 2022/2023 as well as the emerging research themes in CEES.

First, the total number of PhD completers was 121 in the period 2012-2024 out of whom only six (6) completed in less than 5 years, which is only 5 percent. This is a worrying statistic since at Makerere University, an institutional average of 41% of registered PhD students is reported to complete within four (4) years. Apparently, majority of the completers in CEES complete in 5-9 years represented by 86 PhD graduates. In the same way, among the continuing PhD students, only 59 out of 194 PhD students have spent 3-4 years on the programme perhaps because their year of admission is relatively recent. Second, the research themes that the doctoral research focuses on were explored. Nineteen (19) out of 121 PhD graduates had researched on human resource management, eleven (11) focused on technology in education, eleven (11) on pedagogy/teaching and learning, and only five (5) on inclusive education among others. In the continuing student cohort, there is a surge in students researching on pedagogy /teaching and learning (24), technology in education (20), inclusive education (16), and emergence of a research theme on STEM Education/TVET (17) out of 194 continuing PhD students.

To compound the research themes at CEES, PhD student and academic staff research funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF) focused on quite similiar themes. Finally, areas of research that have been dominant across specialities in CEES in the last and next 5-10 years were highlighted by 28 academic staff at different ranks who responded to a survey. Overall, this report presents us with an opportunity to further reflect on the CEES Research Agenda, how to tap and maximize the potential of expertise in CEES, how to harness the diverse PhD research in education and research by academic staff in order to strongly generate impactful research and innovations, and contribute to policy and practice through policy briefs, knowledge briefs, and guidelines for uptake in education and the education system.

Ronald Bisaso, PhD. FUNAS.
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, CEES.

Mak Editor

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Call for Applications: Masters Student Mobility to Norway 2025



Makerere University (MAK) in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five-year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of training, education and research at the partner institutions with a dedicated focus on climate risk, disaster risk management and natural resource management. CoSTClim builds on a range of other capacity development projects funded by the Norwegian Government at the partner institutions, and has a specific focus on education.

One of the components of CoSTClim is student mobility from Uganda to Norway and from Norway to Uganda. Therefore, we are inviting applicants from Makerere University and Uganda Martyrs University for Masters student mobility scholarships to NTNU for the Autumn semester in 2025. There are five mobility scholarship slots available for this year. The scholarship will cover 5 months (August-December 2025) stay at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The successful candidates can enroll in selected course units at NTNU as well as leveraging the stay to write their master’s thesis. The width and breadth of available course units from which the candidates can select are found:

Limited research supervision will also be given by NTNU staff but the primary supervision responsibility stays with the allocated supervisors at Makerere University or Uganda Martyrs University.

Application procedure is in the document below. The deadline is Friday 28th February 2025.

Mak Editor

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Agriculture & Environment

PhD Scholarship Announcement (1 Position): Sustainable Energy Transitions in EA



PhD Graduate Dr. Idd Ramathani is congratulated by staff from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) after being conferred upon his award on Day 5 of the 75th Graduation Ceremony. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 5, CAES, CEDAT and CHUSS. 17th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University, through the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic
Sciences and the School of Social Sciences & Makerere University Business School, in
collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), University of
Stavanger (Norway), University of Juba (South Sudan) and Technical University of Kenya
(Kenya) received a grant from NORAD under NORHED II projects to implement activities for
Project QZA-21/0159 – Programme 2021-2026 entitled “Capacity building for socially just
and sustainable energy transitions in East Africa”
. This project aims at building the capacity of the workforce within the East African region to implement a just and sustainable low-carbon energy agenda by imparting the relevant skills and knowledge through education, research and outreach. To this end, this project is now inviting suitable candidates among Makerere University Staff to submit applications for a PhD scholarship tenable at Makerere University for a period of 3 years.

About the project
The East African region has embraced the global drive to transition to low carbon economies and clean energy. However, a key challenge is the persistent lack of knowledge, capacity and skilled personnel to support the transition. The project focuses on building capacity and competence through education, research and outreach to ensure that the region has a workforce with the relevant skills set and knowledge required to implement and demand for a just and sustainable low-carbon energy transition agenda.

The PhD position at the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences,
Makerere University will focus on the theme: Energy infrastructure, environmental impacts
and changing social practices

About the theme: Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is fundamental for halting anthropogenic climate change. However, both non-renewable and renewable energy infrastructure associated with onshore wind, hydropower and solar photovoltaic generation can be land use intensive and impact conservation areas (Rehbein et al., 2020). For instance, in Uganda, petroleum resources are located on shore within the Albertine Graben – a global biodiversity hotspot (Plumptre et al., 2017). Renewable energy infrastructure projects such as hydropower dams and support infrastructure (power lines) have traversed protected areas including national parks. So far, limited attention has been given to whether the aggregated effect of energy transitions poses a substantial threat to national, regional and global biodiversity. Hence, this project will address the environmental impacts of energy infrastructure and how social practices are affected by it.

Main tasks

  • The successful candidate will be admitted to the PhD program in Geography at Makerere University. The student must complete the PhD program consisting of mandatory and elective courses and a major research component.
  • Collect and analyse data.
  • Produce a PhD thesis, preferably based on 3-4 peer-reviewed articles published in key international journals.
  • Disseminate results at national and international conferences.
  • Be an active participant in the day-to-day project activities.

How to apply: Interested applicants should submit applications by e-mail to Prof Frank Mugagga ( / and Dr. Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju (, including:

  1. a brief statement of interest or cover letter describing your motivation to apply (max 1 page);
  2. a concept note or description of research ideas of not more than 4 pages, outlining the focus, possible research questions, and the methodological and theoretical focus;
  3. a curriculum vitae (CV) of max 4 pages;
  4. A copy of the master’s thesis.
  5. publications if any; and as it is often difficult to judge the applicant’s contribution to publications with multiple authors, a short description of the applicant’s contribution must be included.
  6. contact information (with phone numbers and e-mail addresses) for two persons who may act as referees.

Application deadline: Soft copies of the applications must be received by 21st February 2025 to the above indicated email addresses.

Eligibility requirements, qualifications and experience: The applicant should have completed a Master’s Degree in any of the following Disciplines; – Geography/Geographical Sciences, Land use and Regional Development, Disaster Risk Management or any other closely related subject. Applicants should have an excellent academic and educational record (Minimum: Upper Second for undergraduate and an average of B for the Masters) and strong analytical and writing skills (any peer-reviewed publications or previous research experience will be an advantage). Successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the project’s publication targets and will be encouraged to publish in international, peer-reviewed ISI journals. The candidates should be able to work independently but also as part of the project team.

Age limits: Not more than 40 years (female applicants) and 35 (male applicants) at the time of

PhD study conditions: The successful applicant is expected to register on the PhD-program at the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences at Makerere University. The candidate will be jointly supervised by Scholars from Makerere University, supported by colleagues from the Project Team.

The selection process: Applications will be evaluated by an independent evaluation committee. The Project Team will make the final selection of successful candidates based on recommendations from the evaluation committee.

Expected start date: The planned starting date is 15th March 2025. After that, they are
expected to further develop their research proposals with guidance from the supervisors and to
follow Makerere University’s admission procedure to apply for admission to the PhD Programme in Geography. The PhD scholarship period starts when candidate is formally admitted to the PhD Programme.

PhD Duration and Scholarship: The PhD candidate will be expected to complete studies within 3 years. The successful candidates will have a competitive scholarship covering tuition, functional fees and research costs.

For specific inquiries about the scholarship, please contact Prof Frank Mugagga Email: /; or Dr. Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju

This call is subject to equal opportunities for all and qualifying women and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Mak Editor

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