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AfPEC Project Targets to Safeguard Ecosystems in the Mt. Elgon Region through Agroforestry



*****Funded by DANIDA, Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC), a five-year project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda aims to foster to use agroforestry to prevent climate change and loss of biodiversity in the region. The project will focus on four districts namely: Mbale, Bududa, Bulambuli, and Kapchorwa. Project Partners: Makerere University, Aarhus University & University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Youth Leading Environmental Change (YLEC), Seniors without Borders, Forests of the World, Stjernekommunikation, and FrellsenKaffe. Through the project, coffee farmers in the region will be supported to export their coffee to Denmark. The project team held the inception meeting on 25th-26th September 2024 in Mbale City.


Climate change and biodiversity loss are emerging as two of the greatest environmental challenges facing humanity. In Uganda, natural ecosystems such as forests and wetlands contribute considerably to people’s livelihoods and the national economy. However, rapid population growth has led to the degradation of these ecosystems due to increased demand for firewood and the conversion of land for agricultural purposes. Furthermore, the effects of climate change, including variable rainfall patterns and higher temperatures, are leading to a rise in the frequency and intensity of floods, droughts, landslides, windstorms and hailstorms (UNEP- Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in Uganda). Failure to tackle the effects of climate change threatens the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with catastrophic consequences that will hit the poorest and most vulnerable communities first and hardest (UCL Global Governance Institute, 2021). The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals. 

Prof. Mugagga welcoming participants and briefing them about the purpose of the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Prof. Mugagga welcoming participants and briefing them about the purpose of the workshop.

Agroforestry as a climate change adaptation strategy

Agroforestry, the purposeful integration of trees or shrubs with crops and/or livestock at the plot, farm, and/or landscape scale, is one potential climate change adaptation strategy to increase the resilience of farmers and agricultural systems against climate risk, providing a range of biophysical and socioeconomic benefits. As highlighted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports of 2022, agroforestry is a promising agro-ecological approach to climate change adaptation because of the multitude of co-benefits that many agroforestry systems provide including, enhanced food security and income opportunities, the provisioning of ecosystem services, and biodiversity conservation (Amy Quandt, 2023). Agroforestry significantly impacts the environment in diverse ways that contribute to both global environmental goals and local sustainability. Despite of the benefits, promotion, implementation and sustainability of agroforestry practices is still not well addressed.

Participants following the proceedings of the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Participants following the proceedings of the workshop.

Purpose of the AfPEC project

Coffee farmers in the Mt. Elgon Region in Eastern Uganda have traditionally with success used agroforestry that protects important water catchments and biodiversity hotspots, but these areas now experience degrading soils caused by external factors such as forest loss, soil erosion and population growth. Changes in climate have also affected farming conditions favouring more drought-resistant crops and agroforestry systems with well-developed shade. Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC), a new project funded by DANIDA aims to understand the factors that motivate coffee farmers to engage in agroforestry, and to foster the use of agroforestry to minimize the effects climate change and loss of biodiversity in the region. Specifically, the project aims to document the effects of agroforestry in terms of ecosystem services and livelihood benefits, to understand motivating factors for long-term sustainable development, and to support science-based agroforestry in practice. The project will focus on four districts namely: Mbale, Bududa, Bulambuli and Kapchorwa.

Prof. Tabuti briefing participants about the project. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Prof. Tabuti briefing participants about the project.

Specific objectives

The project will be implemented though five work packages in line with the objectives below;

1.Quantifying the potential of agroforestry in terms of ecosystem services – Under this objective the focus is to assess the benefits of various agroforestry systems, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and other ecosystem services. This research will help stakeholders understand the potential and limitations of different agroforestry approaches and contribute to mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Additionally, the findings will be used to select suitable native tree species for planting in highland coffee agroforestry systems.

Participants following proceedings of the workshop at Wash & Wills Hotel, Mbale City. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Participants following proceedings of the workshop at Wash & Wills Hotel, Mbale City.

2.Identifying livelihood benefits from agroforestry and key factors for long-term sustainable development.

3.Channelling scientific knowledge on agroforestry into practice –Given the urgent threats posed by biodiversity loss and climate change in Africa, it is imperative to translate scientific research into practical solutions. In collaboration with NGOs and local farming communities, the project team will disseminate user-friendly information and ensure that research findings directly benefit livelihoods and ecosystems. The goal is to increase local income through sustainable coffee production, carbon credits, and potentially, emerging markets for ecosystem services.

The Project PI, Dr Anne Mette Lykke briefed participants on ethics and the rules governing the DANIDA AfPEC Grant. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
The Project PI, Dr Anne Mette Lykke briefed participants on ethics and the rules governing the DANIDA AfPEC Grant.

4. Building multidisciplinary capacity at university level –The project will train four PhD students from Uganda, and at least 12 master students from Denmark.

5. Promoting optimized agroforestry systems widely.

RDCs from the project area, Mr Bululu Alex (Bududa District) and Mr. Bwire James (Mbale) together with Mr Chemonges Joseph representative of cooperative associations in Kapchorwa at the inception meeting. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
RDCs from the project area, Mr Bululu Alex (Bududa District) and Mr. Bwire James (Mbale) together with Mr Chemonges Joseph representative of cooperative associations in Kapchorwa at the inception meeting.

Partner Institutions

AfPEC is composed of seven partners: three university partners with multidisciplinary backgrounds, three Danish and Ugandan NGOs and a private communication company. All partners work in close collaboration with four coffee farmer communities. These include; Makerere University, Aarhus University (Department of Ecoscience), University of Copenhagen, Youth Leading Environmental Change (YLEC), Seniors without Borders, Forests of the World, Stjernekommunikation, and FrellsenKaffe.

On behalf of Makerere University, Dr Henry Ssemakula appreciated the project team saying the initiative would boost Makerere's aspiration of becoming a research-led university, responding to the global development challenges. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
On behalf of Makerere University, Dr Henry Ssemakula appreciated the project team saying the initiative would boost Makerere’s aspiration of becoming a research-led university, responding to the global development challenges.

Project team

The overall PI is Dr Anne Mette Lykke from Aarhus University. At Makerere, the project is coordinated by Prof. John Tabuti from the Department of Environmental Management and Prof. Frank Mugagga from the Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences. Other participants: Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience (Jørgen Axelsen), Makerere University (Dr Josephine Esaete and Dr Kellen Aganyira), University of Copenhagen (Ida Theilade, Nerea Turreira Garcia, Stine Kroijer), Seniors without Borders (Poul Kroijer, Lone Jacobsen, Kjeld Lanng, Frans Theilby, Lars Brodersen, Jan Thorn Clausen, Hazra Okem, Ann Grace Apiita, Emmanuel Alituha, Christopher Ejiku), Youth Leading Environmental Change (Daniel Esayu, Annet Nakkazi, Richard Tusabe),  Forests of the World (Jens Holm Kanstrup, Kristian Lybæk, Abiyu Lencho), and Stjernekommunikation (Jan Stjerne).

Some of the participants on Day One of the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Some of the participants on Day One of the workshop.

AfPEC Inception meeting in Mbale City

On 25th-26th September 2024, the project team held an inception meeting in Mbale City to get stakeholder buy-in and concretize roles of team members. The meeting was attended by 52 participants including the project team, farmers from participating districts, RDCs from participating districts, representatives from the participating NGOs – Seniors without Borders, Youth Environmentalists leading Environmental Change (YLEC) and Forests of the World, and Graduate students attached to the project.

Prof. Jørgen Axelsen briefed participants on the biological pest control processes. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Prof. Jørgen Axelsen briefed participants on the biological pest control processes.

Presentations/remarks by the project team

In his welcome address, Prof. Frank Mugagga, one of the project coordinators at Makerere University appreciated participants for honouring and turning up for the workshop, noting that it was important for the team to establish a working relationship for smooth implementation of the project. Outlining the importance of research and partnerships towards the vision and mission of Makerere University, he expressed gratitude to the funders, and the Project PI, Dr Anne Mette Lykke for her unwavering efforts towards securing the grant.

The Chief Guest also Deputy RDC, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.Kapchorwa District addressing participants.
The Chief Guest also Deputy RDC, Kapchorwa District addressing participants.

Presenting an overview of the project, the lead Coordinator in Uganda, Prof. John Tabuti explained that although agroforestry systems have been around for long, their contribution has not been well understood and adopted. Discussing the different work packages, Prof. Tabuti said the project would document both negative and positive impacts of highland agro-ecosystems to improve their contribution to ecosystems and livelihoods.

Mr. Martin Sakajja, Deputy RDC Kapchorwa expressed gratitude for the project noting that it holds immense significance for the country and world at large. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Mr. Martin Sakajja, Deputy RDC Kapchorwa expressed gratitude for the project noting that it holds immense significance for the country and world at large.

At the meeting, the Project PI, Dr Anne Mette Lykke briefed participants on ethics and the rules governing the DANIDA AfPEC Grant. She presented the partnership grant agreement, highlighting the research ethics considerations, rules on publications, communication and dissemination requirements, and data sharing and management as guided by DFC. She urged the project team to familiarise themselves with the regulations to ensure timely delivery of the intended outputs.

Mr. Hussein Mafabi, representative of farmer groups in Mbale, also Chairperson Bufumbo Agroforestry Group expressed gratitude for the project saying the local communities were eager to participate in the activities. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Mr. Hussein Mafabi, representative of farmer groups in Mbale, also Chairperson Bufumbo Agroforestry Group expressed gratitude for the project saying the local communities were eager to participate in the activities.

 In his remarks, the representative of farmer groups in Mbale District, also Chairperson of Bufumbo Agroforestry Group, Mr. Hussein Mafabi appreciated the project team and funders, noting that the initiative would greatly improve their skills in agroforestry. Highlighting the factors fuelling environmental degradation in the region, Mr. Mafabi decried the lack of a clear policy on plastic waste management, calling for support to avert the crisis. He emphasized the need to translate the project results into actual policy changes to further collaboration beyond AfPEC. “AfPEC has the support of local communities who are eager and willing to participate in the project activities,” he noted.

Ms. Hezra Okem, members, Seniors without Borders briefing participants about their activities in the region. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Ms. Hazra Okem, member, Seniors without Borders briefing participants about their activities in the region.

During the workshop, representatives from the partnering NGOs including Seniors without Borders, Forests of the World, and YLEC shared their experiences working in the region, outlining success stories in coffee agroforestry that the AfPEC project can leverage to achieve its targets. Prof. Jørgen Axelsen briefed participants on the biological pest control processes, whereas Dr James Johns from Forests of the World delivered a presentation on biomass and carbon sequestration in Uganda’s smallholder agroforestry systems. Speaking to participants, Dr Poul Kroijer (Seniors without Borders) noted that through the AfPEC project, farmers in the region will be able to export their coffee to Denmark. The team expressed willingness to support the project activities.

MSc students Emilie, Josephine and Matilda from Aarhus University, Denmark presenting their research ideas at the workshop. They are support by AfPEC and will conduct their research in the Mt. Elgon Region. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
MSc students Emilie, Josephine and Matilda from Aarhus University, Denmark presenting their research ideas at the workshop. They are support by AfPEC and will conduct their research in the Mt. Elgon Region.

Presentations by MSc and PhD students supported by the Project

AfPEC project will train four PhD students from Uganda, and at least 12 master students from Denmark.

During the workshop, three Masters Students from Aarhus University, Denmark and four PhD students from Makerere University who will be conducting research on different aspects of agroforestry in the Mt. Elgon Region, Eastern Uganda presented their research ideas to participants who provided enriching feedback.   These are; Smilie Nielsen (MSc Human Security) who will be examining the factors that motivate young coffee farmers in Mt. Elgon Region to engage in agroforestry, Ms. Josephine Fogt Anderson (MSc Human Security) who will be studying women-nature relations in agroforestry and planting initiatives (How gender equality can be addressed in tree planting and agroforestry projects), and Ms. Matilda Willemoes who will be exploring the potential for carbon sequestration and storage in coffee Forestry systems.

The students receiving feedback on their presentations from one of the supervisors on the AfPEC Project, Prof. Frank Mugagga. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
The students receiving feedback on their presentations from one of the supervisors on the AfPEC Project, Prof. Frank Mugagga.

The PhD students include Mr. Patrick Kayima who will study value chain and livelihood benefits of coffee agroforestry, and Ms. Patricia Adoch who will evaluate the influence of different management practices of coffee agroforestry systems on pollinators and pests in the Mt. Elgon Region. Ms. Joyce Lunyolo will conduct research on incentives for stewardship efforts in coffee agroforestry among farmers in the region, whereas Mr. Derick Kisegu will study and document the contribution of Arabica coffee agroforestry systems in mitigation and adaptation to climate change in fragile highland ecosystems of Uganda.  

PhD students Patrick, Patricia and Derick presenting their research ideas to participants at the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
PhD students Patrick, Patricia and Derick presenting their research ideas to participants at the workshop.

The students will be supervised by academics from the partner institutions namely: Prof Anne Mette Lykke, Prof. John Tabuti, Prof. Frank Mugagga, Dr. Josephine Esaete, Prof. Ida Theilade, Dr. Kellen Aganyira, Prof. Stine Kroijer, and Prof. Katrine GroFriborg.

PhD student Patricia interacting with her supervisor Dr Anne Mette Lykke at the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
PhD student Patricia interacting with her supervisor Dr Anne Mette Lykke at the workshop.

Remarks by the Chief Guest

Addressing participants, the Deputy RDC Kapchorwa District, Mr. Martin Sakajja, on behalf of the Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) in the project area, expressed gratitude for the initiative noting that it holds immense significance for the country and world at large. “Agroforestry represents the fusion of agricultural productivity with ecological conservation—a synergy that is critical for sustainable development in our times. For generations, rural populations have depended on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood. Yet, we know the challenges farmers face: declining soil fertility, erratic rainfall, and dwindling forest resources. Agroforestry addresses these issues by promoting sustainable agricultural practices that not only enhance food security but also generate additional sources of income from forest products such as fruits, timber, and medicinal plants. Through this project, we envision empowering farmers to increase their yields while preserving the natural resources they rely on. By embracing agroforestry, we are not only reducing our vulnerability to climate change but also contributing to global climate goals. I commend Makerere University and all the partners involved in this project for their vision and dedication,” he noted.

PhD student Derick Kisegu discussing his project with his supervisors. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
PhD student Derick Kisegu discussing his project with his supervisors.

Remarks by the representative of Makerere University

On behalf of Makerere University, Dr Henry Ssemakula appreciated the project team for the initiative noting that it aligns with the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the National Development Plan, and the Parish Development Model. “The project is also in tandem with our strategy of transforming Makerere into a research-led University responding to national, regional, and global development challenges, and contributing to global knowledge generation. Its commitment to capacity building through Masters and PhD trainings, community engagement, and internationalization is equally commendable.” He appreciated the funders for supporting AfPEC and several other projects in Uganda.

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
PhD students Patrick Kayima and Joyce Lunyolo interacting with their supervisors.

The workshop was moderated by Dr Josephine Esaete, Dr Vincent Muwanika, and Dr Kellen Aganyira from Makerere University.

Dr Henry Ssemakula commenting on the PhD students' presentations. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr Henry Ssemakula commenting on the PhD students’ presentations.

On the final day of the workshop, the project team conducted a reconnaissance tour of three research sites namely; Bufumbo in Mbale, Buginyanya in Bulambuli District, and Sipi in Kapchorwa District. 

A participant from YLEC sharing his views. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
A participant from YLEC sharing his views.

More photos from the workshop

Dr Josephine Esaete moderating one of the sessions during the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr Josephine Esaete moderating one of the sessions during the workshop.

Dr Vincent Muwanika from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University moderating one of the sessions during the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr Vincent Muwanika from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University moderating one of the sessions during the workshop.

Dr Kellen Aganyira, member of the AfPEC project from Makerere University at the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr Kellen Aganyira, member of the AfPEC project from Makerere University at the workshop.

Dr Poul Kroijer (Seniors without Borders) addressing participants at the workshop. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr Poul Kroijer (Seniors without Borders) addressing participants at the workshop.

Dr James Johns from Forests of the World delivered a presentation on biomass and carbon sequestration in Uganda’s smallholder agroforestry systems. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Dr James Johns from Forests of the World delivered a presentation on biomass and carbon sequestration in Uganda’s smallholder agroforestry systems.

Prof. Mugagga addressing farmer groups in Bufumbo Sub County about the project. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Prof. Mugagga addressing farmer groups in Bufumbo Sub County about the project.

Project team with farmer groups in Bufumbo, Mbale after their interaction. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, DANIDA-funded Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate Change (AfPEC) project (March 2024-April 2029) focusing on Mt. Elgon Highlands in Eastern Uganda Inception Meeting in Mbale City, 25th-26th September 2024.
Project team with farmer groups in Bufumbo, Mbale after their interaction.

Hasifa Kabejja

Agriculture & Environment

Makerere University renews partnership with the CGIAR to enhance equitable agrifood systems



Participants and trainers of the GREAT gender-responsive cereal grains breeding course that was held at Makerere University, September 2017 Photo Credit: GREAT. Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa with funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

By Elizabeth Asiimwe

Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa. With funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform, Makerere University will implement the activities through the Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) Project, co-implemented by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the School of Women and Gender Studies.

This renewed partnership focuses on developing and enhancing postgraduate training and research in gender and agrifood systems at Makerere University. This is in line with the broader aim of nurturing a cadre of gender-responsive agricultural researchers (both social and biophysical scientists), equipped to contribute to inclusive and effective agricultural systems that address the priorities of both women and men in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

Dr. Florence Kyazze, the GREAT Principal Investigator, emphasized the significance of the MoU, stating that, “This renewed partnership is an opportunity to enhance the curriculum in gender and agriculture and align it with changing needs, the latest knowledge, and best practices in gender and agrifood systems”.  

Above: Dr Florence Birungi Kyazze, GREAT Principal Investigator. Photo Credit: GREAT
Above: Dr Florence Birungi Kyazze, GREAT Principal Investigator. Photo Credit: GREAT

In the new partnership, Makerere will initiate the development of a Masters program with an intermediary postgraduate diploma in gender and agricultural development. The interdisciplinary program taught by faculty members in the fields of agriculture, gender studies, rural development, and sociology, drawn from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the School of Women and Gender Studies, other relevant units of Makerere University, and other universities, will emphasize the integration of theory and practice.

The proposed program will embrace a blended and more flexible learning environment to enable learners to maneuver the multiple roles that balance school, work in gender and agrifood systems, and other spheres of life.  “It is important to equip students with the necessary tools and skills that can be used in real-life agricultural programming situations;  from research to community interventions and policy levels using flexible approaches to drive gender equality in agriculture ”, remarked Dr Kyazze.

The MoU marks a critical step in reinforcing the commitment of both institutions to promote gender-responsive agricultural innovations, ultimately fostering a more equitable and sustainable future for all, contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 4, and 5.

About GREAT:

GREAT started as a 5-year collaborative capacity-building program between Makerere University and Cornell University in the USA with core funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2015-2020). Co-led by Prof. Margaret Najjingo Mangheni (Makerere) and Prof. Hale Ann Tufan (Cornell), GREAT later transitioned into a broadened tripartite two-year partnership to include the OneCGIAR through the GENDER Impact Platform (2021-2023).

At Makerere University, GREAT is implemented by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and the School of Women and Gender Studies (SWGS), with the secretariat at CAES.

GREAT maiden Stakeholder meeting in 2014, Cornell University, New York, USA. Photo Credit: GREAT. Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa with funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
GREAT maiden Stakeholder meeting in 2014, Cornell University, New York, USA. Photo Credit: GREAT

Vision and strategy:

GREAT equips researchers to create more inclusive and effective agricultural systems by addressing the priorities of both women and men in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From inception, the strategy to achieve this vision was through i) supporting Makerere University to become a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for gender-responsive agricultural research and training in sub-Saharan Africa (evidenced by adequate staff capacity, visibility, and high reputation in the region), ii) capacity building of researchers to conduct gender-responsive agricultural research, ii) fostering information exchange, dialogue and collaboration on gender-responsive research; and, iv) triggering support of gender-responsive research in the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and building a cadre of champions – all which have been achieved to a larger extent.

Towards this vision, GREAT has:

  • Strengthened ample technical capacity of 14 staff at Makerere University to conduct gender-responsive agricultural research and training;
  • Established a track record for delivering high-quality courses evidenced by growing demand for fee-paying short courses beyond the BMGF grant.
  • Established connections with renowned international scholars and experts in gender and agriculture who contribute to course offerings as short-term consultants based on need.
  • Established strategic partnerships with various institutions such as the One CGIAR, US Universities- Cornell, Michigan State, University of Georgia, and National Agricultural Research Institutions of Uganda, Burundi, and Burkina Faso
  • Delivered five (5) mainstream gender-responsive plant breeding (Level 1) courses, One (1) Level 2 course, One (1) gender-responsive plant breeding and seed systems in South Asia course, and 10 custom courses (tailored to suit clients’ needs)
  • Trained a pool of 362 fellows drawn from Africa, South Asia, Latin America on gender-responsive agricultural research
  • Published three special journal issues with over ten articles, and two trainers’ manuals on gender-responsive plant breeding
  • Contributed to the enhancement of the curriculum on gender and agriculture-related course units at Makerere University taught by GREAT trainers
  • Created various knowledge products and communication channels to amplify the visibility of the work on gender-responsive agriculture research.  
  • Raised 3.58 million US Dollars in grants to Makerere University

For more information, please contact:

Dr Florence Birungi Kyazze, GREAT P.I Email:

Dr Losira Nasirumbi Sanya, GREAT Associate P.I:

Ms Elizabeth Asiimwe, GREAT Program Manager:

GREAT Year 5 Annual Meeting in 2019. Photo Credit: GREAT Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa with funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
GREAT Year 5 Annual Meeting in 2019. Photo Credit: GREAT

Dr Losira Nasirumbi Sanya, currently a Lecturer in the Department of Extension and Innovation Studies and Associate P.I of the GREAT Project (R), receives the GREAT Course certificate from Prof. Bernard Bashaasha, former Principal of CAES (2017) Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa with funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr Losira Nasirumbi Sanya, currently a Lecturer in the Department of Extension and Innovation Studies and Associate P.I of the GREAT Project (R), receives the GREAT Course certificate from Prof. Bernard Bashaasha, former Principal of CAES (2017)

Ms Hellen Opie from NARO, and a PhD Student of Agricultural and Rural Innovations at CAES (L) receives her certificate from the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. William Bazeyo (M), and the former Ag Executive Director of ASARECA (R) (2018). Makerere University and the CGIAR, in August 2024, renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate efforts to create more inclusive agricultural systems in Africa with funding of US$ 99,935 through the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Ms Hellen Opie from NARO, and a PhD Student of Agricultural and Rural Innovations at CAES (L) receives her certificate from the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. William Bazeyo (M), and the former Ag Executive Director of ASARECA (R) (2018).

Ms. Elizabeth Asiimwe is the Programme Manager, GREAT.

Mak Editor

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Agriculture & Environment

Climate Change: LEARN Kampala Workshop Deliberates Strategies for Strengthening Resilience in Urban Areas of E.A



Dr Paul Mukwaya, Head, Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences at Makerere University addressing participants at the workshop. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.


Climate change presents significant challenges for urban environments, impacting livelihoods, infrastructure, and general well-being. Cities in East Africa face significant climate challenges including increased temperatures, extreme heat, erratic and extreme rainfall, and flooding which threaten and undermine overall resilience of urban communities.  In Kampala, for example, the impacts of climate change are manifested in a number of forms, key among them being flooding.  As many of the poor people in Kampala live in flood plains and reclaimed wetlands, they are exposed to frequent flooding during the rainy season resulting in loss of lives and property. The impact of the floods is exacerbated by poor city planning as these neighbourhoods have no drainage systems. A key priority is not only to mitigate the impacts of climate change but to develop resilience strategies that safeguard and improve urban livelihoods.

Ms. Alice Menya briefing participants about the activities of LEARN. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Ms. Alice Menya briefing participants about the activities of LEARN.

LEARN Kampala Dialogue

On 4th-5th September 2024, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University held a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region.

Some of the participants following the proceedings of the workshop. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Some of the participants following the proceedings of the workshop.

Organized under the theme; “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change” and hosted by Makerere University, the two-day cross-city workshop designed to engage with the pressing issue of urban climate resilience, explored adaptive strategies for effectively addressing climate impacts on livelihoods, focusing on urban areas in Uganda. Specifically, the workshop sought to; i)assess the impact of climate change on urban areas-identifying key vulnerabilities and risks, ii) explore adaptation strategies, iii) facilitate collaboration amongst stakeholders including policymakers, community leaders, businesses, and researchers, and iv) enhance resilience of communities to the effects of climate change.

Dr Micheal Mbogga from CAES, Makerere University delivering a keynote address on climate change effects and urban vulnerability. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Dr Micheal Mbogga from CAES, Makerere University delivering a keynote address on climate change effects and urban vulnerability.

By bringing together diverse stakeholders and focusing on practical solutions, the workshop aimed to foster a collaborative approach to creating sustainable and resilient urban environments.

Keynote on climate change effects and urban vulnerability

The workshop featured a keynote address on climate change effects and urban vulnerability delivered by Dr Michael Mbogga from the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University. In his presentation, Dr Mbogga emphasized the need for strategies to strengthen urban resilience, indicating that climate change was bound to worsen the challenges being experienced by urban dwellers. “Most urban centres in Sub Saharan Africa are characterized by high population growth rates, with many informal settlements, poor service delivery, and limited capacity to deal with the effects of climate change. This calls for collaborative efforts to strengthen social, infrastructural, economic and institutional resilience to avert the effects of climate change.” Despite the challenges, Dr Mbogga highlighted the need to assess and explore the opportunities presented by climate change. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, opportunities presented by climate change relate to efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, such as adoption of low-emission energy sources, and building resilience.

Some of the participants at the workshop at Makerere University. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Some of the participants at the workshop at Makerere University.

Focused group discussions and panel presentation

The workshop also featured focused group discussions on risks and vulnerabilities in urban areas, innovations and adaptation strategies for urban areas, strategies for effective stakeholder engagement, tools and resources for community-led adaptation initiatives, and an expert panel presentation on policy and planning for resilience within urban settings. In his presentation, Mr. James Muhwezi from the Finance Climate Unit, under Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development briefed participants on the different initiatives being undertaken by the Unit to mitigate the impacts of climate change. These include development of policy frameworks on climate and green investments. He highlighted a number of opportunities presented by climate change that ought to be explored, including participation in the carbon markets. Presenting initiatives being undertaken by Wakiso District to mitigate the impact of climate change, Ms. Hafsa Namuli, Senior Planning Officer, called for interventions that align with government priorities. She said the district was undertaking a number of initiatives to ensure adherence to infrastructural development guidelines, and encouraging the set-up of smart cities.  

Dr Patrick Byakagaba from the Department of Environmental Management, Makerere University moderated the workshop. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Dr Patrick Byakagaba from the Department of Environmental Management, Makerere University moderated the workshop.

Issues arising from the discussions

  1. Factors fueling climate change are political, economic, and social, and should be dealt with holistically.
  2. Unplanned settlements in urban centres exacerbate the risks posed by climate change.
  3. Lack of drainage systems in many urban centres in Eastern Africa, hence the high rate of flooding that poses health and economic challenges.
  4. Limited enforcement of laws contributes to climate change.
  5. Limited awareness amongst the vulnerable communities of the risks posed by climate change.
Ms. Hafsa Namuli, Senior Planning Officer, Wakiso District making her submission during a panel discussion on policy and planning for resilience within urban settings. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Ms. Hafsa Namuli, Senior Planning Officer, Wakiso District making her submission during a panel discussion on policy and planning for resilience within urban settings.

Way forward

  1. There is need to deal with urbanization holistically, not only focusing on the capital city.
  2. There is need to increase investment in climate change risk management.
  3. Urban communities should be continuously educated on the dangers of climate change and measures for strengthening resilience.
  4. Joint efforts required to strengthen law enforcement.
  5. Participants agreed to sustain the conversation to find lasting measures for averting climate change, and strengthening resilience in urban centres.
  6. It was also agreed to continuously share work on resilience within the region.
  7. LEARN should continue engaging partner countries through workshops and conferences.
  8. Creation of benchmarking opportunities so that countries continuously learn from each other.
  9. Countries encouraged to explore opportunities presented by climate change.
Participants in focused group discussions. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Participants in focused group discussions.

The workshop was coordinated by Ms. Alice Menya on behalf of LEARN, and Dr. Paul Mukwaya, Head, Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University. It was moderated by Dr. Patrick Byakagaba from the Department of Environmental Management, Makerere University.

Participants in focused group discussions. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Participants in focused group discussions.


Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) is an international multidisciplinary research network focused on collaborative and transformative urban research. The network aims to strengthen science-policy-society interactions through co-creating contextually relevant, evidence-based, and transformative knowledge to address pressing urban development challenges in Africa. It brings together academics, policy-makers, and civil society actors from Eastern Africa and The Netherlands, with the primary focus of fostering co-production of actionable, practical, and impactful research in Africa. Thematic Focus Areas include urban resilience, cities and climate change, art, culture and heritage, digitalization, and informality. Activities: research, policy, science communication, education, and exchange and mobility.

A participant presents her group report. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
A participant presents her group report.

The Urban Action Lab

The Urban Action Lab is a pioneering initiative based at Makerere University, dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges of urban development. As a collaborative hub, it unites researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and industry experts to drive sustainable solutions that enhance the quality of urban life. Its focus spans six critical dimensions: sustainable urban and regional development planning, global environmental change, urban socio-economic environments, inclusive local economic development, spatial practices, and critical mapping, as well as the dynamics of places, networks, and flows.

A participant shares her views during the workshop. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
A participant shares her views during the workshop.

Dr Mukwaya introducing members of the organizing committee. Leiden-Delft-Erasmus East Africa Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with the Urban Action Lab at Makerere University a workshop to deliberate strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in urban centres in the East African Region, Theme: “Resilient Urban Futures: Adapting Livelihoods to Climate Change”, 4th-5th September 2024, School of Public Health Auditorium, Kampala Uganda.
Dr Mukwaya introducing members of the organizing committee.

Hasifa Kabejja

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Agriculture & Environment

FoodLAND Project Team Holds Dissemination Meeting for Stakeholders in Wakiso District



Participants with the representative of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Julius Kikooma (7th R) during the dissemination workshop held at Makerere University on 29th August 2024. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

******Funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, the main aim of the project was to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies to support the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa. Held at Makerere University, the meeting served as a platform to sensitize stakeholders on the different products developed by the project, including smart farming technologies, nutrient-rich foods, and the nutritional recommendations for adults and the elderly. The meeting featured clinical screening, and the launch of a 30-day healthy diet challenge.


Africa’s food system is dominated by a number of challenges ranging from primary and seasonal production to poor quality produce, and limited access to markets.  In Africa, the use of outdated farming practices and the low adoption rate of improved agricultural technologies have contributed to low productivity. Issues such as monoculture, lack of crop rotation, and poor soil management are still prevalent across the Continent. Poor infrastructure in terms of roads, storage, and processing facilities limits access to markets and increases post-harvest losses. Moreover, many African farmers and other food systems-related businesses lack access to finance and credit facilities that would enable them to invest in improved agricultural technologies and inputs. (John Ulimwengu, FARMINGFIRST 2023).

The Ugandan Coordinator, Prof. John Muyonga briefing participants about the project. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Ugandan Coordinator, Prof. John Muyonga briefing participants about the project.

In his presentation delivered at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa in 2023, FAO Director General, Dr. QU Dongyu highlighted the need for collective effort to support vulnerable communities with multiple and innovative solutions to build their resilience and transform agri-food systems to deliver better nutrition. Dr QU Dongyu warned that 1 billion people in Africa could not afford a healthy diet in 2020, and the impacts of the climate crisis, conflicts, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine were raising levels of malnutrition and hunger. According to a joint report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, led by FAO, 281 million people in Africa are undernourished, nearly 60 million African children under 5 suffer from stunting, and 14 million suffer from wasting.   

Solutions to Challenges facing Africa’s food system

Launched in 2020 with the aim of developing, implementing and validating innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies to support the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) Ugandan project team has come up with a number of initiatives that have tremendously transformed farming in rural communities in the country. Led by Prof. John Muyonga from the School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bio-engineering at Makerere University, the team has developed technologies for precision irrigation and fertigation, smart storage, rodent control, and value addition. Additionally, the team has established infrastructure at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo (MUARIK) for research and training, and has trained over 100 farmers in the different technologies developed, supported the application of ecological principles to ensure sustainable agricultural production, developed nutrient enhanced food products such as noodles containing orange fleshed sweet potatoes and biofortified beans; instant flours containing orange fleshed sweet potatoes, biofortified beans and grain amaranth; and dry eggplant. The team has also developed nutritional guidelines for adults and the elderly. Uganda’s project team: Prof. John Muyonga and Prof. Johnny Mugisha from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University; Dr. Cassius Aruho, Dr. Puline Nakyewa, Dr. Margaret Masette, Dr. Getrude Atukunda, and Dr. Justus Rutaisire from NARO; Mr. Henry Nsereko from VEDCO; and Prof. Dorothy Nakimbugwe from Nutreal.

Mr. Steven Byantware, MAAIF Director for Crop Resources, represented the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF) at the dissemination workshop. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Steven Byantware, MAAIF Director for Crop Resources, represented the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF) at the dissemination workshop.

Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project is committed to developing a range of innovations for local agriculture and aquaculture development, as well as to nudging consumers towards healthier eating behaviour in six African countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The project specifically aims to empower smallholder farmers and food operators, foster nutrition responsive and sustainable agro-biodiversity, reinforce the productivity and resilience of food supply chains, and create new market opportunities at both the local and global scales, thereby encouraging the flourishing of rural communities. These achievements are envisaged to benefit both African and European consumers by providing them with traditional-based, healthy, nutritious foods, while encouraging the diffusion of African diets and aiding the fight against malnutrition, particularly in women and children.

Project dissemination workshops

In July 2024, the team held workshops in the project areas of Kamuli and Nakaseke districts to sensitize farmers on the research recommendations, and train them on the technologies developed to support smart farming.

NARO Deputy Director General, Dr Sadik Kassim delivering his remarks. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
NARO Deputy Director General, Dr Sadik Kassim delivering his remarks.

Stakeholders’ engagement/dissemination meeting in Wakiso District

On 29th August 2024, the project team held a dissemination meeting for stakeholders within Wakiso District to sensitize them on the challenges affecting Africa’s food systems, particularly Uganda, and the measures undertaken by the project to address them. Held at Makerere University and attended by staff and students, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and NARO, and representatives of farmer groups, the meeting discussed a number of issues including the engineering innovations for precision irrigation and fertigation, smart storage (charcoal cooling blankets to prolong shelf-life), and rodent control system developed by the research team. The meeting also discussed producer and consumer behaviours, value addition, integrated aquaculture and bio-based packaging, and nutritional recommendations to minimize under-nutrition, malnutrition, and non-communicable diseases.

Dr Sadik Kassim and Prof. Julius Kikooma checking out some of the products developed by the project team. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr Sadik Kassim and Prof. Julius Kikooma checking out some of the products developed by the project team.

Presentations by the project team

Briefing participants on the project goal and objectives, Prof. John Muyonga, project coordinator in Uganda emphasized the need to address production and nutritional challenges along the entire value chain.

Delivering a presentation on producers and consumers’ behaviour, Prof. Johnny Mugisha noted that fear of risks was undermining uptake of innovations by the farmers. He highlighted the need for incentives to farmers to promote uptake, and called for support initiatives to reduce risks associated with long term investments such as climate change mitigation strategies. Additionally, Prof. Mugisha explained that the price of food or affordability was associated with consumer food choices, advocating for innovative models to distribute quality food to consumers at fair prices. The research also established that diets of rural women were greatly affected by their level of income, calling for initiatives to improve women’s income, and sensitization on good nutrition.

Dr Dorothy Nakimbugwe briefs participants about the value addition process and the food products developed by the project team. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr Dorothy Nakimbugwe briefs participants about the value addition process and the food products developed by the project team.

On behalf of Nutreal Ltd that led the value addition component on the project, Dr Dorothy Nakimbugwe, from the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, presented to participants the different nutrient-rich products developed. These include; orange fleshed sweet potato, bio-fortified beans, noodles, composite flours, and snacks/daddies. According to Dr Nakimbugwe, food processing improves nutrition and health and reduces post-harvest losses. “Consumption of the nutrient-enhanced foods contributes to higher dietary intake of key nutrients (protein and micronutrients e.g. iron and zinc), and can greatly reduce malnutrition. Reports from UNICEF indicate that malnutrition poses a significant barrier to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), affecting not only health but also education, economic prosperity, and societal well-being. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 30% of children under the age of five suffer from stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition. Uganda’s adult population also faces a malnutrition burden. In adults, under-nutrition and nutritional deficiencies lead to low productivity, poor health, and poor pregnancy outcomes.

Dr. Cassius Aruho from the Aquaculture Research and Development Center, Kajjansi delivers a presentation on the role of NARO in promoting the fisheries sector in Uganda. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Cassius Aruho from the Aquaculture Research and Development Center, Kajjansi delivers a presentation on the role of NARO in promoting the fisheries sector in Uganda.

Presenting the nutritional recommendations, Dr Richard Bukenya from the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition at Makerere University indicated that the causes of malnutrition were largely behavioural. According to the Global Nutrition Report of 2022, Uganda has shown limited progress towards achieving the diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets. 10.4% of adult (aged 18 years and over) women and 2.3% of adult men are living with obesity. Uganda’s obesity prevalence is lower than the regional average of 20.8% for women and 9.2% for men. At the same time, diabetes is estimated to affect 5.6% of adult women and 5.6% of adult men. The 2018 Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), also indicates an increase of diet related health conditions including obesity, diabetes, Cardio Vascular Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, and Cancer with up to 33% of deaths in Uganda related to these non-communicable diseases. The FoodLAND project has worked to supplement efforts by Government to reduce malnutrition. Following desk reviews and stakeholder engagements, the project developed 30 nutritional recommendations for adults and the elderly. These include; i) Daily consumption of locally available fruits and vegetables, whole starchy staples, and protein-rich foods including beans, peas, nuts, fish, eggs, and meat; ii) Limiting the consumption of fried foods, salt, alcohol, and sweetened beverages; iii) Hydrate with fluids, preferably water; iv) Regular engagement in moderate-intensity physical activity like brisk walking, digging, swimming, aerobics, and cycling; v) Undertaking medical examination at intervals of no longer than 6 months to facilitate timely detection and treatment of ailments like diabetes, hypertension, high plasma cholesterol and cancers.

One of the farmers gives a moving testimony on how the skills acquired from the project have transformed her farming business and made her life better. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
One of the farmers gives a moving testimony on how the skills acquired from the project have transformed her farming business and made her life better.

Remarks by the Vice Chancellor

On behalf of the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, the Deputy Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Prof. Julius Kikooma commended the project team for the initiative. “The research focus of the FoodLAND project is extremely important, especially for us as a country that is highly reliant on agriculture and yet faced with malnutrition, poor market access from agricultural products and the challenge of climate change. While Africa has potential to grow diversity of food, the continent suffers high levels of under-nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, food poisoning and has in recent decades also registered marked rise in prevalence of over-nutrition and associated non-communicable diseases,” he noted. He commended the project for being in line with the University’s 2020-2030 strategic plan, which seek, among others, to strengthen generation and uptake of knowledge and technologies that contribute to socio-economic transformation of people in Uganda and beyond.  He appreciated the European Commission for the support extended to the project.

The Project Coordinator, Prof. John Muyonga introducing some of the project members during the dissemination workshop. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Project Coordinator, Prof. John Muyonga introducing some of the project members during the dissemination workshop.

MAAIF Representative

In his address, Mr. Steven Byantware, MAAIF Director for Crop Resources, who represented the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF) appreciated the project team for supporting government programmes intended to foster agro-industrialization and mechanisation of agriculture with the aim of transforming the country from subsistence to commercial farming. He urged the team to popularise the research findings through extensive dissemination programmes.

Mr. Steven Byantware, MAAIF Director for Crop Resources taking different tests during the clinical screening session. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Steven Byantware, MAAIF Director for Crop Resources taking different tests during the clinical screening session.

Director General – NARO

On behalf of the Director General of NARO, Dr. Sadik Kassim, Deputy Director General commended the partnership between Makerere and the organization. Highlighting the challenges posed by climate change and mechanization of agriculture, Dr. Kassim said the project is crucial in promoting agro-bio-diversity and nutrition bio-diversity. Regarding uptake and sustainability, he urged the project team to work with the government and private sector to strengthen the innovations. He equally appreciated the European Commission for funding the project.

Prof. Muyonga during the clinical screening session held on the slidelines of the dissemination workshop. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Muyonga during the clinical screening session held on the slidelines of the dissemination workshop.

In her remarks, the Dean, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bio-engineering, Dr Julia Kigozi commended the project team for the initiative, saying it promotes the CAES innovation-intentional agenda.

The meeting featured testimonies by some of the farmers supported by the project who expressed gratitude, noting that their livelihoods had greatly transformed following the application of the knowledge acquired from the project.

Participants during the clinical screening session. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants during the clinical screening session.

Exhibition, clinical screening, and launch of a 30-day healthy diet challenge

On the side-lines of the dissemination meeting was an exhibition of the different products developed by the project team, and clinical screening as well as launch of a 30-day healthy diet challenge.

The Precision Irrigation and Fertigation Technology developed by the project. Funded to the tune of 7 million euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), FoodLAND project Research Dissemination for Wakiso District, 29th July 2024, School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering, Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Precision Irrigation and Fertigation Technology developed by the project.

More about the project;

Hasifa Kabejja

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