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Freshers tipped on academic excellence, finances, career development, Emerging Leaders Program



By Gerald Ochwo

On 5th August, 2024, the Office of the Academic Registrar, organized a Central Orientation briefing for all the freshmen and women of the 2024/2025 Academic Year intake. The orientation briefing provides a central platform where the newly admitted students are taken through a wide range of issues that directly relate to their day-to-day lives by various officials at the University. Held at the Freedom Square, this year’s orientation attracted the participation of thousands of Ugandan and International students.

In his welcome remarks, the Academic Registrar, who also doubles as the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, in-charge of Academic Affairs, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, congratulated the students upon successfully going through the rigorous admission process of Makerere University, where only the best are admitted. He noted that Makerere University is still among the few prestigious and most admired higher institutions of learning on the African continent and beyond. He signaled to the new students that their arrival at Makerere University was the beginning of a new chapter in their life, where they will now have the opportunity to determine the next direction and course of their lives. 

With regard to Academic life, Prof. Buyinza assured the students that Makerere University will provide all learning opportunities, where the students will get to learn new things, acquire new knowledge, and grow new competencies that will equip and shape their character as they become reliable and grounded professionals.

“We want you to achieve your academic and personal potential, to develop networks of friends, new interests and life skills. In order to achieve this we recommend that you work hard; find time to relax; and make use of the support services that are available to you.”~ said Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.

He emphasized that academic success can only be attained by students when they avoid certain lifestyles and choices such as; moving with huge sums of money and moving late in the nights. Prof. Buyinza advised that they should instead abide by the university policies and guidelines, as well as prioritize enrollment and timely registration.

Students of the Academic Year 2024/2025 intake, listening to the presentation by the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)/Academic Registrar, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi. Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Students of the Academic Year 2024/2025 intake, listening to the presentation by the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)/Academic Registrar, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.

In his concluding remarks, the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and Academic Registrar, called upon the new students to avoid distractors, always focus on what brought them to Makerere University, be good time managers, exploit their talents, map out their future careers, embrace diversity and take good care of themselves. He reiterated the University’s commitment to provide an intellectually and socially vibrant environment for academic excellence, provided the students on their part observe good finance management of their tuition.

“In you, I see vibrant young people with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I hope that you will use the energy you have to your best for the benefit of yourselves and humanity. We want you to thrive and succeed here, academically, socially and personally.”~ Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi noted.

In his communication, the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, who also represented the Vice-Chancellor at the event, took a moment to unveil the ‘Emerging Leaders Program’, a campaign being championed by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni. The program focuses on promoting and cultivating a safe and healthy mindset change amongst young people, including University students. He noted that the core objectives of the program are to empower tomorrow’s future leaders in achieving; a sexually fortified youth, an addiction free generation, financially faithful and education focused. The Emerging leaders program is being implemented jointly by the Advancement Office under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and the Students’ Guild Office. The program is currently running an open fair campaign at the Freedom Square for one week, to raise awareness among the first year students on; HIV Counselling, Testing and Treatment, Life skills, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and Pregnancy prevention, counselling, and mentorship among others.

Prof. Alinatiwe reiterated Prof. Buyinza’s message on finance management. He noted that a number of students receive tuition from parents/guardians but instead choose to divert it into other activities with the hope of realizing a multiplier effect. He emphasized that this vice has over the years landed a number of students into problems including dropping out of the University. He further added that the University will not hesitate to cancel all the provisional admissions of those students who will not have registered within the first two (2) weeks of the semester as stipulated by the Freshers’ Joining Instructions.

“I want to stress the issue of fees and tuition payment. Please note that it is only after you have fully registered with the University, that you will be regarded as a bonafide student of Makerere University. Those of you who are still having tuition and you are pondering on when to pay, after this orientation briefing, please go and bank the tuition. The temptation of diverting that money into other unproductive ventures is so high”~ Prof. Alinaitwe advised.

The Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe. Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe.

He concluded by congratulating the students upon their admission and reminding them that at the University, there is no central bell and therefore, personal time management is entirely an individual responsibility. Prof. Alinaitwe further urged the students to make all the necessary inquiries on academic related issues within the College structures.

“In case you have academic related issues, go to the Principal or Deputy Principal, the College Registrar or School Dean. Avoid finding yourselves on the wrong side of the law and other cases of indiscipline, which could eventually lead to your expulsion from the University,” Prof. Alinaitwe cautioned. 

The central orientation briefing was also attended by the current Guild President, H.E. Lubega Nsamba and his Guild cabinet. The Guild President emphasized that Makerere University was the best place for each student to realize their potential and that they should take advantage of it. He noted further that this is the time for the students to start putting their life desires into practice.

“I implore you all to start putting in practice what you intend to become. I personally, got elected into the Office of the Guild President just after 2 semesters of my study. This is because Makerere University provided me with a platform to start practicing what my heart had desired for many years. You too can become the Nsamba of tomorrow” ~ the Guild President said.

Guild President H.E. Lubega Nsamba (holding microphone) in the company of some of the members of the Guild Cabinet. Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Guild President H.E. Lubega Nsamba (holding microphone) in the company of some of the members of the Guild Cabinet.

The Dean of Students, Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli, encouraged the students to maximize their stay at Makerere University by engaging in meaningful practices including games and sports. She informed the students that the Office of the Dean of students, is in-charge of the students general welfare including, meals, accommodation, and the places of worship. She also informed the students on the new initiatives that have been spearheaded by the Office of the Dean of Students such as; the creation of the Disability Support Unit, which is currently situated in the Frank Kalimunzu, Central Teaching Facility. She added that a desk has also been created under the Students Work Scheme. This scheme, she said, supports students in job placement and skills enhancements.

Dean of Students Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli (holding microphone), accompanied by Wardens of the various Halls of Residence. Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dean of Students Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli (holding microphone), accompanied by Wardens of the various Halls of Residence.

Other Units of the University that participated at this year’s orientation briefing included, the University Library that was represented by the University Librarian, Dr. Ruth Nalumaga. She called upon students to register with the Makerere University Main Library and the College Libraries in order to be able to access Library services, and urged them to attend the Library orientation sessions set to start this week.

The University Hospital officials equally encouraged the students to register with the hospital in order to access the services that are provided at the University including safe male circumcision.

From the University Guidance and Counseling Center, the Manager, Mr. Henry Nsubuga, advised students to seek counseling at the centre as often as the need may arise. The students also received further tips from the Principal Games Tutor, Ms. Peninah Kabenge, who shared with the students on the different Games and Sports activities that the University Offers and encouraged them to visit and register with the sports Office. She also encouraged the students to participate in the forthcoming #MakRun2024, scheduled to take place on the 18th August, 2024, at the Freedom Square, Makerere University.

Representing the University Bursar, Mr. Evarist. Bainomugisha, Mrs. Jackie Ayorekire, advised the new students to get enroll on the ACMIS system and generate a Payment Reference Number (PRN) and pay tuition on time. She cautioned them on the University fees policy and the need to follow to the dot the policy.

Fees payment is due on the first day of your arrival at the university. Please make time and pay tuition on time and avoid having excuses at the time of examination. Remember you are only regarded a student of Makerere University after you have been registered. No student is registered without tuition payment” ~ Mrs. Ayorekire said.

The Chief Security Officer, ACP Musani Michael Sabila cautioned the students to avoid bandwagons and always remember that they came to the University alone and therefore, any unlawful activities that they participate in will have individual repercussions.

“Please abstain from unlawful activities like strikes, demonstrations and riots on campus. I also caution you to avoid coming back to campus during night hours. The Gates of Makerere University are closed by mid-night and no one is allowed to come into the campus by that time” remarked ACP Sabila.

Mr. Samuel Mugabi, the Director Directorate for ICT Support (DICTS), urged the students to quickly open University email accounts in order to access university electronic services such as internet and e-learning materials. He noted that DICTS provides assistance on all issues related to enrolment, registration and examination permits among others. In the same vein, Mr. Arthur Moses Opio in-charge of End User Support, encouraged the students to reach out to DICTS through the twitter handle: @DICTSMakerere  and the Academic Registrar’s Twitter handle: @MakerereAR and via and the Main University Twitter handles.

Representing Gender mainstreaming, Ms. Suzan Mbabazi, urged the fresh students to be aware of sexual harassment and report any form of such vices to the relevant offices including, the Directorate of Gender Mainstreaming situated at the Senate Building, Level 4. She encouraged the students to acquaint themselves with the Makerere University Policy and Regulations against Sexual Harassment including the Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy.

Makerere University has the Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy which clearly defines ground that constitutes sexual harassment and the same policy, provides in details on whom you should contact and where to go in case you are harassed”~ she said.

Students listen to Ms. Susan Mbabazi (back to camera). Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Students listen to Ms. Susan Mbabazi (back to camera).

Gerald Ochwo is the Senior Assistant Registrar in–Charge of Communications & Liaison Office of the Academic Registrar

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Office of the Academic Registrar Lauded for Groundbreaking Achievements In Digitalization



Mr. Charles Ssentongo (5th Left), together with Office of the Academic Registrar staff members are joined by Dr. Dickson Kalungi (4th Right) and MUST Registrars for a group photo in front of the Senate Building on 25th March 2025.

By Gerald Ochwo

On 25th March 2025, a delegation of Registrars from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) undertook a benchmarking exercise at Makerere University, with a specific focus on the latter’s pioneering efforts in academic records digitalization. The delegation, led by Dr. Dickson Kalungi, Ag. Deputy Academic Registrar was received by Mr. Charles Ssentongo, Deputy Academic Registrar in charge of Admissions and Records Division, who represented the Academic Registrar (AR), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.

The visit was prompted by Makerere University‘s trailblazing achievements in digitalizing academic records, as exemplified by the Digitalization of Academic Records Project (DARP). This initiative has been instrumental in creating a centralized, digital one stop repository of all University’s academic records, thereby enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management.

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Ssentongo conveyed the Academic Registrar’s message and highlighted Makerere University‘s efforts to digitalize all its processes and records. He further noted that the university is intentional about creating a digital ecosystem that makes academic records retrieval easy and efficient.

As a university, we are now intentional with the digitalization of all our processes including, digitization of our manual records that date as way back as the inception of Makerere University. Currently, the DARP project as gone as far as creating a one stop center for both Academic document verification and certification, whereby our former graduates, will only need to access the online verification and certification portal and submit their documents without necessarily having to travel many physical distances to Makerere University” Mr. Ssentongo remarked.

Registrars from MAK and MUST pose for a group photo after the meeting. Left is article author Gerald Ochwo.
Registrars from MAK and MUST pose for a group photo after the meeting. Left is article author Gerald Ochwo.

In his appreciation remarks, the MUST head of delegation, Dr. Dickson Kalungi, thanked the Academic Registrar for honoring their request to come and learn from the best practices that exist at Makerere University and particularly commended the Department for the great steps and strides made in pioneering modern Academic records storage management systems.

“I want to sincerely thank the Office of the Academic Registrar for sparing time and organizing this meeting. As a University, we have embarked on a transformative change drive whereby we intend to automate all our registry processes including, the management of Academic Records. The DARP project at Makerere University, has been one project where we draw a number of lessons and we are eager to go and implement some of the best practices we have observed here today”


The benchmarking exercise undertaken by Mbarara University of Science and Technology demonstrates the significance of Makerere University and particularly, the Office of the Academic Registrar’s achievements in academic records digitalization. The DARP project serves as a model for other institutions to follow, highlighting the importance of investing in digital solutions to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management. It further demonstrates the university’s commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices with other institutions. Makerere University‘s efforts in digitalizing academic records have set a high standard for other universities to emulate, and the DARP project is a shining example of innovation and excellence in academic records management.

Gerald Ochwo is the Liaison Officer, Office of the Academic Registrar

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Press Release: Launch of #MakRun2025



Makerere University officially launches the 5th Edition of the Makerere University Marathon #MakRun2025, 27th March 2025, Main Hall, Main Building, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.


27th March 2025


Makerere University is pleased to announce the launch of the 5th edition of the Makerere
University Marathon, also known as #MakRun2025, under the theme “Run the Hills for the Future” which is scheduled to take place on 17th August 2025.

The MakRun2025 is targeting 10,000 participants drawn from the university community, corporate entities, sports enthusiasts, and the general public. Proceeds from this year’s marathon will go towards further equipping the Makerere University Disability Support Unit and strengthening the Makerere University Endowment Fund.

Speaking as the Guest of Honour, the Minister for Sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang, emphasized the unifying power of sports, stating that the “#MakRun2025 is not only about physical endurance it is a uniting force that brings people together from all walks of life, driving us towards a common goal, advancing education and inclusivity for all.”

As part of the launch event, Makerere University officially handed over assistive equipment to the Disability Support Unit, procured from proceeds of the #MakRun2024. The equipment includes:

  • Focus Blue 40 Braille Display – 5th Generation for the Visually Impaired
  • Everest D5 Braille Embosser
  • DUXBURY Braille Transcription Software
  • And other essential assistive tools to support students living with disabilities.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, reaffirmed the importance of this annual event, stating that “This event has become one of the most significant social and community engagement activities in our university calendar, bringing together students, staff, alumni, corporate partners, and members of the wider public for a good cause.”

In his remarks, the Ag. Chairperson of the Makerere University Endowment Fund, Mr. Barnabas Tumusingize, highlighted the growth of the initiative: “What started as a small university event has now evolved into a major attraction. To professionalize the event, we are incorporating race timing chips, cash prizes for winners, among other enhancements, with a vision of making it a regionally recognized major race by 2027.”

We call upon all members of the Makerere University community and the general public to participate and support this noble cause.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Tuhirirwe Karane
Communications Officer
Makerere University Endowment Fund
+256 414 660 416/+256 703 647496

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Call For Abstracts: Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed & Food Security in Africa



Some of the speakers lined up for the Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed, and Food Security in Africa, 5th–6th June 2025, Onomo Hotel, Nakasero, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University, in collaboration with Michigan State University, invites researchers, development actors, regulators, and practitioners to submit abstracts for the Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed, and Food Security in Africa.

The symposium will be held from 5th–6th June 2025 at Onomo Hotel in Kampala, under the theme: Advancing the role of insects in African farming systems for feed, food, and food security. The symposium aims to share knowledge and experiences in advancing the use of insects as a solution to Africa’s food, feed, and food security challenges. Contributions on the following sub-themes are welcome.

  1. Insects as animal feed for sustainable livestock production livelihoods
  2. Insects for human food and food security, including indigenous insect food systems
  3. Insects for improved soil health and crop production
  4. Commercialization of insect farming and products, including regulation and standardization

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 18th April 2025
Feedback to Participants: 2nd May 2025

Registration Fee:  Participants will be required to pay a fee of USD 45, which will cover meals and venue costs. Limited scholarship slots are available for students and farmers. Please note that participants are responsible for their transportation and accommodation.

Submission Guidelines: Abstracts should align with the symposium themes and must be submitted by the deadline. Further details on submission formats and requirements will be provided upon request.

For further information about the symposium and Abstract submission, please refer to the contact below.

Dr. Amulen Deborah Ruth (PhD)
Makerere University
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity
Department of Livestock Industrial Resources
P.O. Box 7062, Kampala
Phone: +256 782 315 636

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