The Directorate for ICT Support (DICTS) on Tuesday 13th August 2024 convened a workshop to engage with various stakeholders on the ongoing review process for Makerere University ICT Policies. Held in the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, the workshop brought together Members of Central Management, Principals, Unit Heads, Student Leaders and representatives from the National Information and Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U), MTN Uganda, Centenary Technology Services Ltd, among others.
Giving an overview of the policy review process, The Director, Mr. Samuel Mugabi shared that DICTS was established in 2000 as a central ICT support unit for the University, whose operations are guided by the Makerere University ICT Policy and Strategic plan. The plan, he continued, is aimed at: Enhancing research and innovation using ICT as an Enabler; Integrating ICT within teaching and learning; and improving web management and engagement.
Furthermore, the plan sets out to: Adopt University Administrative Information Systems; Build robust ICT digital infrastructure; Enhance Information Assurance; and Achieve efficient ICT Service Provision. Since 2001, the ICT Support function of the University has been guided by four ICT policy and Master plans spanning periods; 2001-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014, as well as 2015-2019, and is currently guided by the 2020-2025 edition.
Mr. Mugabi said that whereas the four previous editions and current edition of the ICT policy and Master plan indicated that they were regularly reviewed to cater for the Uganda Vision 2040’s recognition of the role of ICT in enhancing learning and the National Development Plan’s identification of ICT as one of the primary growth enablers of economic and social transformation, there is need to cater for current global concerns and technological trends.
These concerns and trends, he said, include; Cyber Security, Digital Transformation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Environmental Sustainability and Digital Green Strategy Uganda, as well as Artificial Intelligence and Big-Data Analytics.
Following this brief overview, participants were split into six (6) working groups to discuss various sections of the ICT Policy Framework. The working groups covered policies on; ICT Governance, Web Content Publishing, Email, ICT Accessibility, Disposal of Electronic Waste, and Data Security.
Highlights of feedback from working groups
- The current focus by the University Council on ICT as a tool to improve service delivery at Makerere University is a strength that ought to be harnessed to improve the policy environment
- Roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders right from students and staff to the relevant Council Committee ought to be clearly spelled out in the various policies.
- There is need to define the key terms pertaining to each policy prior to delving into other sections
- The scope of policies should specify all stakeholders such as students, various categories of staff, visitors as well as technologies and devices where applicable.
- There is need to reference all relevant national policies that speak to various ICT policies e.g. the Data Protection and Privacy Act for Data Security etc.
- Policies should clearly spell out enforcement and sanctions wherever applicable
In his concluding remarks, Mr. Mugabi thanked participants for sparing time to attend and contribute to the workshop proceedings. He added that DICTS will synthesize the feedback from participants, include it in the policies and share the revised editions with members of working groups for their further input, before bringing them to the attention of the Quality Assurance, Gender and ICT Committee of the University Council.