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Call for Applications: GETSPA Project Post-doctoral fellowships



The Institute of African Studies (IAS) at the University of Ghana, with funding support from the Open Society Foundation, is calling for applications for post-doctoral fellowships as part of the Gender Equitable and Transformative Social Policy for Post-COVID-19 Africa (GETSPA) Project.

Focus of the fellowships

For Phase 2 of GETSPA, the project has selected themes that we consider integral to transformative social policy agenda for Africa.

  • Interfaces and synergies of social and economic policy
  • Gender equitable social policy
  • Political and democratic underpinnings of social policy and citizenship
  • Informal social policy systems and practices
  • The debt crisis, austerity and implications for social policy
  • The influence of the SDGs on social policy in Africa
  • Social policies and the AfCFTA
  • Financing social policy in Africa
  • Lessons for Africa from a comparative analysis of social policy in the Global South
  • Neglected areas of social policy


  • Applicants must have been submitted their thesis and/or been awarded a doctoral degree from a recognized university within the past 5 years (that is, not earlier than 2018).
  • A record of research and/or publications in social policy-related areas in African contexts would be an advantage.

Format of Applications

Applications should be submitted in English and contain the following:

  • A CV
  • Proof of award of degree or submission of final thesis
  • A 3–5 page concept note that
    • presents the applicant’s proposed area of focus for their research/writing, including topic, research questions, theoretical framing and methodology to be used;
    • explains how the applicant intends to use the fellowship period, with a clear timeline of activities and outputs.
  • Two letters of reference


  • Deadline for applications: 25 May 2024
  • Notification to successful applicants: 15 June 2024
  • Start date of fellowship: 15 July 2024

Submit applications and enquiries to, cc:ed to, with the subject line “GETSPA post-doc application – [name of applicant]”.

You will receive an email acknowledgement of receipt of your application. If you do not receive such an email, please resend the application or call/WhatsApp +233 20 956 2427.

See Download below for details

Mak Editor


CARTA Graduate Dr. Drago on Advancing Research in Infectious Diseases



Dr. Kato Charles Drago at work in the Lab. Photo: CARTA.

In our latest ‘Stories of Change’ feature, CARTA graduate, Kato Charles Drago, cohort 3, Makerere University shares his journey from an early-career scientist to a leading expert in infectious disease in Uganda. His work focuses on biomarkers for zoonotic diseases, securing over $5 million in research funding, and establishing a biosafety level 2 lab for high-impact research at Makerere. Beyond his research, Kato is mentoring the next generation of African scientists and strengthening regional collaborations.

Read the full story here

Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 85

Mark Wamai

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CARTA Fellow Dr. Wandera Receives Research Excellence Award



Right to Left: Prof. James Wokadala, Prof. Edward Bbaale, Dr. Allen Kabagenyi, Dr. Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Dr. Patricia Ndugga and Ms. Namugenyi Christabellah. Convocation Luncheon, 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Research, Teaching, Students Excellence Awards, Edge Road, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Stephen Wandera, cohort 2, Makerere University, was nominated for the prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award 2025. This nomination recognizes his outstanding contributions to research excellence. The award ceremony took place on January 14, 2025, during the Convocation luncheon, following the 75th graduation ceremony of Makerere. We congratulate Stephen on this significant achievement and commend his dedication to advancing research within his field.

Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 85

Mark Wamai

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Mapping Research in Education: A Baseline Study on PhD Completion and Emerging Research Themes



The Deputy Principal CEES, Prof. Ronald Bisaso presents canidadates for the conferment of degrees during the Second Session of Makerere University's 72nd Graduation Ceremony on 24th May 2022.

This report on mapping research in education intends to ignite debate on completion of doctoral studies to improve on doctoral throughput, and reflect on emerging research themes in order to strengthen and increase on evidence-based research from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) that can address a myriad of education related challenges in Uganda and beyond. The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) is one of the ten (10) constituent colleges of Makerere University. Makerere University aspires to be research-led in the current strategic period, 2020-2030 and as CEES journeys ‘Towards a Research-led College’, it is prudent to take stock of research capacity by analyzing PhD graduates of the period 2012-2024 and continuing PhD students admitted by 2022/2023 as well as the emerging research themes in CEES.

First, the total number of PhD completers was 121 in the period 2012-2024 out of whom only six (6) completed in less than 5 years, which is only 5 percent. This is a worrying statistic since at Makerere University, an institutional average of 41% of registered PhD students is reported to complete within four (4) years. Apparently, majority of the completers in CEES complete in 5-9 years represented by 86 PhD graduates. In the same way, among the continuing PhD students, only 59 out of 194 PhD students have spent 3-4 years on the programme perhaps because their year of admission is relatively recent. Second, the research themes that the doctoral research focuses on were explored. Nineteen (19) out of 121 PhD graduates had researched on human resource management, eleven (11) focused on technology in education, eleven (11) on pedagogy/teaching and learning, and only five (5) on inclusive education among others. In the continuing student cohort, there is a surge in students researching on pedagogy /teaching and learning (24), technology in education (20), inclusive education (16), and emergence of a research theme on STEM Education/TVET (17) out of 194 continuing PhD students.

To compound the research themes at CEES, PhD student and academic staff research funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF) focused on quite similiar themes. Finally, areas of research that have been dominant across specialities in CEES in the last and next 5-10 years were highlighted by 28 academic staff at different ranks who responded to a survey. Overall, this report presents us with an opportunity to further reflect on the CEES Research Agenda, how to tap and maximize the potential of expertise in CEES, how to harness the diverse PhD research in education and research by academic staff in order to strongly generate impactful research and innovations, and contribute to policy and practice through policy briefs, knowledge briefs, and guidelines for uptake in education and the education system.

Ronald Bisaso, PhD. FUNAS.
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, CEES.

Mak Editor

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