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Engineering, Art & Tech

The 7th Advances in Geomatics Conference successfully convened at Makerere University.



Prior to the conference, a number of activities were conducted including trainings in Mapping using unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Wetland Vulnerability Analysis, both of which were held at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) from the 14th to 16th of August 2023.

Another pre conference activity was a Public Lecture on the subject of the progress of the implementation of the Land Policy- 10 years after it was launched held on the 16ht of August 2023.  The panelists included Ms. Naome Kabanda, Ag. Director Land Management, Ministry of lands, Housing and Urban Development, Ms. Frances Birungi Odong from the Civil Society, Dr. Moses Musinguzi from CEDAT, and Mr. Simon Peter Mwesigye from Un Habitat.

The 2-day conference was conducted under the Theme; ‘Geomatics Excellence for a modern Society-Sustainable Fit for Purpose Solutions for the 21st Century,’ and it drew the participation of researchers, scholars, and distinguished guests from a cross section of areas of Geomatics.

(L-R) Dr. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo- Ndandiko, HoD, Geomatics and Land Management, Prof. Robert Wamala (DRGT), Dr. Venny Nakazibwe, Deputy Principal CEDAT, Assoc. Prof. Anthony Gidudu, Dean, School of the Built Environment, CEDAT.

In his remarks at the opening ceremony, the Vice Chancellor Makerere University, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe noted that the gathering hosted at the CTF II was testament to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation in the field of geomatics, where cutting-edge advancements continue to reshape our perception and interact with our world.

Prof. Robert Wamala (DRGT) represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Robert Wamala at the opening ceremony

In a statement read for him by Prof. Robert Wamala for the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), The Vie Chancellor noted that Geomatics, with its diverse array of disciplines encompassing remote sensing, GIS, cartography, surveying, land management and more, has played a pivotal role in addressing some of our planet’s most pressing challenges. From environmental monitoring and urban planning to disaster management and resource allocation, the impact of geomatics on our global society cannot be overstated, he observed.

He said the 7th of the biennial conferences covering diverse areas of technology, science, and exploration, serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas, the dissemination of groundbreaking research, and the fostering of collaborations that have the potential to shape our future.

‘It is a forum where experts from around the world converge to share insights, discuss emerging trends, and explore novel methodologies. It is a space where we celebrate the successes of the past while laying the foundation for a future that is technologically advanced, environmentally sustainable, and socially equitable’, he said.

He extended gratitude to the sponsors, whose support was instrumental in making this event possible. Your belief in the power of knowledge and collaboration is a driving force behind the progress we continue to make in the geomatics field.

Dr. Venny Nakazibwe, Deputy Principal represented the Principal CEDAT, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe

Dr. Venny Nakazibwe, the Deputy Principal CEDAT on behalf of Prof. Henry Alinaitwe extended her appreciation to the Department of Geomatics and Land Management for sustaining the conference initiated in 2011.  She said through the conference, the staff, the alumni and continuing students have a forum to showcase their knowledge through training and research dissemination for their career growth.

The conference attracted a number of dignified Scholars as key note speakers and they included; Dr. More blessings Shoko from the University of Cape Town, Dr. Moses Musinguzi from CEDAT, Ms. Vineet Chaturvedi a Research Scientist from the Technical University of Munich, and Ms. Viola Otieno, an Earth Observation Scientist.

Staff and the guest speakers at the conference

In the preparations for the conference, a call was sent out to researchers to submit abstracts on topics related to Geomatics research which were reviewed and evaluated by the organizing committee based on their relevance to the conference theme, originality, and scientific quality and that included; GIS Science & GIS Applications; Remote Sensing Applications; Photogrammetry & LiDAR Applications; Cartography; Spatial Information Management; GPS/GNSS Applications; Cadastre & Land Management; Geomatics Professional Standards & Practices; Engineering & Mining Surveying; History of Surveying & Measurement Geomatics Education; Hydrographic Surveying; Positioning & Measurement; Location-based Services and Integrated Spatial Planning.

HoD Geomatics and Land Management, Dr. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo-Ndandiko, addressing the participants

According to the Head of Department, Geomatics and Land Management, Dr. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo – Ndandiko, the conference, the 7th of its kind was aimed at highlighting, promoting and encouraging scholarship in various Geomatics disciplines that are locally and internationally recognized as listed above.  ‘The conference has created a for a where academia, researchers and practitioners in the field of geomatics within and outside Uganda have discussed and peer reviewed their work thus advancing geomatics scholarship in the nation’, she said.

Dr. Moses Musinguzi talks to the UAV trainers and exhibitors

Dean, School of the Built Environment ® and HoD, Geomatics and Land Management hand over a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Moses Musinguzi, one of the Key note Speakers.

Prior to the conference, a number of activities were conducted including trainings in Mapping using unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Wetland Vulnerability Analysis, both of which were held at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) from the 14th to 16th of August 2023.

Another pre conference activity was a Public Lecture on the subject of the progress of the implementation of the Land Policy- 10 years after it was launched held on the 16ht of August 2023.  The panelists included Ms. Naome Kabanda, Ag. Director Land Management, Ministry of lands, Housing and Urban Development, Ms. Frances Birungi Odong from the Civil Society, Dr. Moses Musinguzi from CEDAT, and Mr. Simon Peter Mwesigye from Un Habitat.

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Engineering, Art & Tech

Makerere signs MoU with EACOP Ltd.



Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Right) and Martin Tiffen (Left) shake hands after the signing of the MoU on 16th July 2024. Makerere University signs MoU with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd to create a platform for finalist and recently graduated students to undertake internships and industrial training, 16th July 2024, Council Room, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda.

Makerere University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd to create a platform for finalist and recently graduated students to undertake internships and industrial training with EACOP.  The pact provides a framework that will guide the collaboration between the two entities.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe signed on behalf of Makerere University while Martin Tiffen, the MD signed on behalf of EACOP at a ceremony held at Makerere University on Tuesday 16th July 2024.  The MoU details the two main areas of collaboration in capacity building including internships or graduate training and the trainer of trainers.

In his remarks, Prof. Nawangwe commended the initiative which he said will benefit several students from the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) and the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) where programs related to the oil and gas industry are offered. He noted that oil and gas was still a young industry in Uganda and therefore the collaboration was timely.

Prof. Moses Musinguzi, the Principal of CEDAT made remarks. Makerere University signs MoU with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd to create a platform for finalist and recently graduated students to undertake internships and industrial training, 16th July 2024, Council Room, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda.
Prof. Moses Musinguzi, the Principal of CEDAT made remarks.

Prof. Moses Musinguzi, the Principal CEDAT said the college was ready to collaborate with EACOP based on the fact that it is home to several programs in addition to the traditional engineering courses offered. He said all professionals have something to input into the oil pipeline and therefore the college was ready to offer the necessary support in ensuring that the MoU is actualized.

Dr. Peter Olupot, the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department who spoke on behalf of the Dean School of Engineering said the school offers a range of programs relevant to the oil and gas industry in addition to the petroleum and geoscience subjects offered in the College of Natural Sciences. He said the School of Engineering was moving towards problem-based learning and competence-based assessment and therefore values the industry-academia relationships which will further the ongoing efforts towards producing graduates relevant to the industry.

Dr. Peter Olupot, HoD Mechanical Engineering Department spoke on behalf of the Dean School of Engineering. Makerere University signs MoU with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd to create a platform for finalist and recently graduated students to undertake internships and industrial training, 16th July 2024, Council Room, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda.
Dr. Peter Olupot, HoD Mechanical Engineering Department spoke on behalf of the Dean School of Engineering.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd. is a project company set up to develop, build, and operate a pipeline system that will transport crude oil from the inlet flange at Kabaale in Uganda to the port of Tanga in Tanzania.

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Engineering, Art & Tech

A team of staff of Northeastern University paid a courtesy call on the Principal of the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT)



A team of staff of Northeastern University comprised of J.J. Kappa, Khalid I. Koddi, and Swaby Meisha paid a courtesy call on the Principal of the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) while on a mission to lay strategies for the forthcoming study abroad program.

Over twenty students from Northeastern University will next summer come to the Margret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art for a period of three weeks. While here, students will take on two courses identified by the faculty, engage with the local community to get the cultural experience and visit the cultural sites such as the museum and Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAD) among other areas.

While receiving the team, the Principal, Prof. Moses Musinguzi gave a brief background to the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) as one of the ten Colleges making up Makerere University, as well as MTSIFA as one of the Schools making up the College.

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Engineering, Art & Tech

The School of Engineering vouches for Competence Based Learning and Green skilling for better graduates



The School of Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) in a bid to improve the teaching and learning of engineering students convened a stakeholder engagement to discuss green skilling and competence-based assessment framework in engineering programs at Makerere University.

The discourse was held on Wednesday 26th June 2024 at the CEDAT conference hall attracting the participation of academia, the industry, and other key stakeholders pertinent to the promotion of quality teaching and learning like the National Curriculum Development Centre and the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), with the main purpose of inputting into the ongoing efforts by the School of Engineering to improve the quality of graduates produced

Assoc. Prof. Dorothy Okello, the Dean School of Engineering, in her welcome remarks, said the discourse was one of the strategies laid out to facilitate the process of improving the quality of graduates that the college was sending out to the world of work.  She said with support from the UNESCO China Funds in Trust in 2013, the School of Engineering published reports on Labor Market Analysis and a Tracer study for engineering graduates that highlighted the employment status of the graduates which established where and whether they were employed or not or had left the profession.  She said the studies also evaluated the situation at the college to assess the internal readiness in training the graduates.

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