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iCARTA Workshop Empowers 37 Makerere University Academics, Professionals & Administrators



A total of 37 staff drawn from the various units at Makerere University have successfully completed the Training of Trainers (ToT) Academic, Professional and Administrative staff -APAS course, thanks to the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA).

In line with CARTA’s mainstreaming initiatives, the weeklong workshop from July 17–21, 2023, aimed to improve institutional responsiveness to graduate training and research and equip trainees to efficiently lead APAS workshops for their units.

The Consortium initially applied for and was awarded a NORHED II grant for the institutionalization of Advanced Research Training in Project Africa in order to institutionalize the gained experiences and best practices for sustainability.

APAS trainees, facilitators and Mak members of management in a group photo during the training. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
APAS trainees, facilitators and Mak members of management in a group photo during the training.

Dr. John Bosco Isunju, a Lecturer at MakSPH and CARTA Focal Person Makerere University remarked; “The APAS workshop is one of these innovations to enhance the capacity of institutional functionaries to create an enabling environment for high quality research and graduate training.”

Dr. John Bosco Isunju, a Lecturer at MakSPH and CARTA Focal Person Makerere University presenting the CARTA theory of change. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. John Bosco Isunju, a Lecturer at MakSPH and CARTA Focal Person Makerere University presenting the CARTA theory of change.

Professor Anne Kisaka Nangulu, an economic historian and the Principal of Bomet, a Moi University constituent college in Kenya, challenged iCARTA trainees to demonstrate good academic citizenship and integrity.

She also gave advice to the trainees on how to lead ethically: “Leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others, knowing your core values, and having the courage to live them in all of your life as well as parts of it in service of the common good are important.”

Professor Anne Kisaka Nangulu, an economic historian and the Principal of Bomet, a Moi University constituent college in Kenya. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Professor Anne Kisaka Nangulu, an economic historian and the Principal of Bomet, a Moi University constituent college in Kenya.

Prof. Nangulu observed, “Whenever we have new graduates, I just feel wonderful. I not only feel nice but I sleep well.  CARTA philosophy is to stop brain drain and demonstrate to the rest of the world our independence. Just remember there’s is no institution without people as you go about your day. Please make a tiny adjustment where you are. I believed that we all have great potential. Although I’ve never believed in teamwork, I do believe in group work. Let this APAS be a community that exists. Change using this platform.

Dr. Daphney Nozizwe Conco, a Senior Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand School of Public Health and CARTA facilitator urged the ToT graduands to; “Use this platform for connecting and enhancing the CARTA vision. What pays us is the impact. You can’t quantify it. Most of the time, such a training is a stepping stone. Such moments are overwhelming. Being in Makerere University is a moment of pride as South African. Historical moments.”

Dr. Daphney Nozizwe Conco, a Senior Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand School of Public Health and CARTA facilitator (Centre) mentors some of the APAS ToT trainees at Makerere University. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Daphney Nozizwe Conco, a Senior Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand School of Public Health and CARTA facilitator (Centre) mentors some of the APAS ToT trainees at Makerere University.

Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze, Professor and Dean, MakSPH hailed CARTA for the opportunity to train the staff citing that Makerere University cannot improve graduate training when its support system improve including the administrators is not improved.

Professor Wanyenze urged the trainees as strong support system of the university to work with diligence and ensure the university stakeholders good experience and services from the university for improved relations. 

Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze, Professor and Dean, MakSPH (Left) interacts with Director of the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training and CARTA focal person at Makerere University, Prof. Edward Bbaale (Centre) and Mr. Herbert Bataamye, a College Registrar (Right).
Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze, Professor and Dean, MakSPH (Left) interacts with Director of the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training and CARTA focal person at Makerere University, Prof. Edward Bbaale (Centre) and Mr. Herbert Bataamye, a College Registrar (Right).

“How can we provide quality support system to our students so that they can come to us again? We like to create alumni networks and we want them to engage with us, contribute the money. Are we sure they want to see us or look in our eyes? You are supporting your future collaborators when you are supporting your students. There has to be quality, quality is more of perception. What people feel about what we do is the quality that lasts in their minds. Forget about the standards, people will always remember how they are treated whenever they interact with us,” said. 

Professor Wanyenze thanked the organizers of the training under CARTA for supporting Makerere University towards realizing its ambitious target of becoming a “research-led” institution with a multi-faceted research agenda.

“We are talking instutionalisation. CARTA was helping us to do what we were supposed to do.  It is excellent because it talks about training people locally. CARTA is a great program for me in many ways. I hope we can institutionalise some of those good practices,” she noted. 

According to Professor Wanyenze, every time universities have policy shifts they tend to focus on professors but not both the professors and the support systems.

“The biggest challenge that we have in our graduate training in most of the universities in Africa that I know; is support systems. We are not going to improve graduate training in Makerere University unless we improve support systems. Everybody that comes in contact with or interfaces with graduate students has a role to play in graduate training. In terms of ensuring training quality and an enjoyable time at university. How do you handle the students when they come to you as finance officers, what about the administrators, who delays submission of the dissertation books when they have been submitted? We need to put the systems right and start looking at a student as a human being. We have to interface with the students and engage them as human beings,” observed Prof. Wanyenze.  

Professor Edward Bbaale, Director of Research and Graduate Training at Makerere University, stressed the importance of providing students with excellent experiences during their time at the university. He highlighted that these students could become future leaders, and their experiences could have a significant impact, potentially holding consequences if mishandled.

“The current Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance/Secretary to the Treasury was my student in economics through his undergraduate degree. Still, when he came back for his master’s degree, I taught him and also supervised his research, but I didn’t know that this young man would at one time be the one making decisions on how much money comes to Makerere University,” said Prof. Bbaale. 

Professor Edward Bbaale, Director of Research and Graduate Training at Makerere University delivering his remarks while opening the training. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Professor Edward Bbaale, Director of Research and Graduate Training at Makerere University delivering his remarks while opening the training.

“I don’t know how I treated him as a student. Recently, the undersecretary in the ministry of finance, who is now a council member, was our PhD student in economics, and I don’t know how we treated him. Those two people combined, if they are to fail the university in terms of financing as a payback, can Both of them were our students in the same environment, but we really thank God that maybe they are working in our favor. One of them is a council member making critical decisions,” he added. 

Huzaifah Mutyaba, an administrator at MakSPH, committed to implementing the APAS program after receiving facilitator training. “I have met a lot of new friends. We are going to meet soon, and we shall be discussing how to support our other colleagues to support graduate training and research at Makerere University,” Mutyaba said.

Jackie Norah Nanteza, an iCARTA trainer, emphasizes that quality goes beyond standards; it’s about how the recipients of your services perceive them. “This has been a very wonderful group to facilitate speaking sincerely. Continuously building on capacity and enthusiasm, you feel like there is power inside you. Get that energy and commit to doing better things.”

Jackie Norah Nanteza, an iCARTA trainer speaking during the training. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Jackie Norah Nanteza, an iCARTA trainer speaking during the training.

Alison Annet Kinengyere, a Library and Information Scientist at Sir Albert Cook Medical Library, commended the participants for their dedicated attendance throughout the five-day course. “I am impressed by the participants’ commitment. At Makerere University, for participants to be available for the five days is a great thing, and I congratulate all of you on your successful completion of this course.”

Twenty years ago, CARTA was formed to address a critical gap in research capacity in African public universities through a suite of interventions to enhance individuals’ and institutional capacities for high quality research at eight institutions.

Alison Annet Kinengyere, a Library and Information Scientist at Sir Albert Cook Medical Library and a iCARTA facilitator demonstrates to one of the participants during the training. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Alison Annet Kinengyere, a Library and Information Scientist at Sir Albert Cook Medical Library and a iCARTA facilitator demonstrates to one of the participants during the training.

The Consortium composed of African (Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, and South Africa) and non-African partner universities and institutions from Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK sought to produce high-quality early career researchers (ECRs) who will, in turn, become research leaders enhancing the engagement between the CARTA community (ERC’s, supervisors, graduates) and society to influence policy and programmatic change to improve long-term health outcomes.

Dr. Isunju observes that CARTA trains doctoral and post-doctoral students and other institutional functionaries that support research and graduate training. “So far 22 PhD fellows have graduated and another five in the pipeline to graduate soon. We are very grateful for what CARTA has done.”

CARTA not only trains doctoral students but also provides support to various university staff members, including administrative, professional, and academic roles. APAS was initially targeted at administrative and academic staff. It was later expanded to include crucial professional roles like communications, procurement, and registrars, recognizing their pivotal role in advancing graduate education and research within our institutions.

The first APAS ToT which was held at Makerere University where CARTA trained three people from each of the main institutions in Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Wits, Malawi, Nairobi -Moi and University Rwanda. who have since become our local trainers. In Makerere University, Jackie Nanteza, Dr. Andrew Tamale and Dr. Alison Kinengyere benefited from the initial training.

Dr. Bukirwa Joyce Muwanguzi, a Lecturer of Library And Information Science at Makerere University's CoCIS and one of the APAS trainees presenting during the training. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Bukirwa Joyce Muwanguzi, a Lecturer of Library And Information Science at Makerere University‘s CoCIS and one of the APAS trainees presenting during the training.

According to Prof. Bbaale, Makerere University’s strategic plan 2020-2030 aims at transforming a university into a research led institution and that one of the building blocks for this realization is to increase graduate enrolment and knowledge production that responds to national, regional and global developments and challenges.

He highlighted that Makerere University is determined to have the share of graduate students at 30% by 2030 many of which must be international students. “The School of Public Health and the entire College of Health Sciences has already gone over and above this target but definitely your performance is dampened by the rest of the units in the university taking us to around 12%,” Prof. Bbaale said. 

Dr. Nicholas Itaaga, a Senior Lecturer of Economics of Education and Head of Department, Foundations and Curriculum Studies, School of Education, College of Education and External Studies and a colleague (both trainees) in a role play during the workshop. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Nicholas Itaaga, a Senior Lecturer of Economics of Education and Head of Department, Foundations and Curriculum Studies, School of Education, College of Education and External Studies and a colleague (both trainees) in a role play during the workshop.

He added that; “We want to internationalize as much as possible, out of the 30% target for graduate students, we want to have 10% international students but currently we are around 2%. The second building block of our strategic plan is establishing research entities that leverage largescale multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research activities. The third block is packing and marketing of research outputs for appropriate adoption to impact communities. Makerere University through UNDP has established an innovation hub in an effort to package the research outputs and innovations.”

Dr. Bbaale emphasizes DRGT’s commitment to graduate education and research. “Collaboration with various units continues to improve,” he says. The number of PhD students enrolled and graduating has steadily risen, and despite resource limitations, every department at Makerere can at present supervise doctoral students.

Martha Lyaka, a Library Assistant at Makerere University an APAS trainee presenting during workshop. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Martha Lyaka, a Library Assistant at Makerere University an APAS trainee presenting during workshop.

Prof. Bbaale is enthusiastic about participants becoming trainers since it is in line with Makerere University‘s ambition on being a research-led institution. The program boosts facilitators’ abilities, addressing PhD training capacity.

“It is interesting to note that the ToT program seeks to enable trainees to effectively create a multiplier effect in their respective units. This model is quite unique. It will build a critical mass of trainers with a requisite capacity to manage doctoral studies in respective units. I would like to congratulate the MakSPH for taking lead in this front and for building synergies with DRGT as we strive to take graduate training and research at our university. I would like to appreciate the CARTA secretariat that combined effort with Makerere University that led to the grant that is enabling all these activities to take place. I would like to appreciate the vice chancellor for the able and visionary leadership that has identified,” he said.

Dr. Patience Tugume a Lecturer from the Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology at Makerere University and an APAS trainee speaks during the workshop. Makerere University School of Public Health, Plot 28 House 30, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Patience Tugume a Lecturer from the Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology at Makerere University and an APAS trainee speaks during the workshop.

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Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium



Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium Kigali, Rwanda, February 18-20, 2025. Photo: Courtesy.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce the 3rd U.S.-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium in partnership with and hosted by the Republic of Rwanda. The upcoming meeting will be held on February 18-20, 2025 in Kigali, Rwanda. The application is now open for scientists, engineers, and medical professionals from the United States and African Union member countries to submit their application online before the deadline of July 7, 2024, 11:59 PM ET (Washington D.C. time).

This program brings together outstanding early/mid-career scientists, engineers, and medical professionals (within 15 years of most recent degree), from the United States and the member countries of the African Union for a series of symposia to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their fields. The goal of these meetings is to enhance scientific exchange and dialogue among early-to-middle career researchers in African countries and the United States, including the African science diaspora, and through this interaction facilitate research collaboration within and beyond the region. Another unique aspect of the Frontiers events is the pluri-disciplinarity of the participants’ backgrounds and research interests.

One of the main objectives of this Frontiers symposium is to advance our understanding of cutting-edge S&T trends in the U.S. and Africa and to foster dialogue and collaborations across disciplines. The upcoming symposium will address the following topics:

  • Session I: New Solutions for Decarbonization
  • Session II: Biotechnology
  • Session III: Precision Agriculture
  • Session IV: Advances in Space Research
  • Session V: Smart and Connected Cities

We encourage early-career scientists, engineers and medical professionals working on related research to apply to this multidisciplinary meeting, as long as they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Each general participant will also have the opportunity to present their research during poster sessions. Travel of selected participants will be covered. More details on the symposium, organization, and program can be found on the symposium webpage.

Please submit your application online by 11:59 PM ET on July 7, 2024. For more information on the U.S.-Africa Frontiers Program, please visit our program website. Please email with any questions.


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Call for scholarship applications for PhDs and MSc positions in the framework of the Intra Africa Homegrown Clean Energy Project



Some of the CAES PhD graduates with the Chair of the University Ceremonies Committee, also member of staff at the College, Prof. Jackie Bonabana (Right). 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), 30th January 2024, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Homegrown Clean Energy Project:

Mobility for Clean Energy Solutions to promote energy independence and environmental well-being through collaboration and innovation, addressing climate challenges across Africa.


Africa, a continent brimming with potential, faces a critical challenge: ensuring energy access and tackling climate change. Over 50% of its population lacks electricity, and relying on unsustainable practices threatens their health and the environment. Yet, Africa possesses a wealth of untapped renewable resources – a golden key to unlocking a brighter future.
The Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) Solutions Project steps in to address these challenges with a vision driven by African ingenuity. We are empowering universities, the private sector, and local communities to develop clean energy solutions tailored to their specific needs.

The objectives of Homegrown Clean Energy:

  • Promote the development of Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) solutions for underrepresented communities.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and technology transfer among participating institutions.
  • Enhance entrepreneurship skills in clean energy solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa.
  • Promote gender equality and social inclusion in clean energy solutions.

Participating Institutions:

  • Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMIN), Nigeria
  • Makerere University, Uganda
  • University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
  • Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Uganda
  • University of Nigeria (UNN), Nigeria
  • University of Zimbabwe (UoZ)

Application Documents:

  1. Filled Application Form
  2. CV
  3. A three-page proposal document

See Downloads for detailed application.

How to Apply for the Scholarship:

To apply: click here to apply: Masters
To apply: click here to apply: PhD

Application Deadline

The deadline for the application is 27th July 2024 by Midnight GMT +1. Results will be announced on September 3, 2024

Contact Details

For further enquiries or guidance required kindly contact the following.

  • FUT Minna – Caroline Alenoghena; +234 8035015984
  • UNN- Cynthia Nwobodo; +234 803 946 2574
  • MAK– Grace Nakabonge; +256 782356607
  • UMU- Dr Robinah S. Nakabo; +256 776 802981
  • UAC- Michel Dossou; +229 97 54 27 44
  • UoZ- Dr Blessing Magonziwa; +263 775990146

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Job Opportunity at MakSBSREC: Assistant Administrative Officer



The Davies Lecture Theatre (Right), School of Biomedical Sciences (Blue) and other buildings at the College of Health Sciences (CHS), Mulago Campus, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University is pleased to announce a vacancy for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) within the School of Biomedical Sciences Research Ethics Committee (MakSBSREC). This is an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to contribute to the ethical oversight of research involving human participants.

Position Details:

  • Job Title: Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) – MakSBSREC
  • Reports to: Chairperson MakSBSREC
  • Engagement: Full-time
  • Duration: 1 Year, renewable upon satisfactory performance
  • Duty Station: Kampala

Qualifications, Desired Skills, and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Humanities, Medicine and Surgery, Ethics and Human Rights, or any related field.
  • Master’s degree in Bioethics (an added advantage).
  • Up-to-date training in Human Subject Protection or Good Clinical Practice.
  • Proficiency in English (both spoken and written).
  • Prior experience in regulatory work in research studies or projects.
  • Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and meet deadlines.

How to Apply:

Qualified and interested candidates are invited to submit a soft copy of their application documents and a motivation letter to with the subject line “Application for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator)”. Address your application to the Dean, School of Biomedical Sciences.

Deadline for submission: July 2, 2024, by 5:00 pm Ugandan time.

Please provide a reliable 24-hour phone contact. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

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