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Uganda’s IGE Cohort 2022 Graduates: New IGE Program (2023-2027) Launched



Uganda’s pioneer cohort of the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE 2022) has graduated with Certificates of Achievement and new IGE five year program (2023-2027) officially launched at Makerere University.

The ceremony organised by the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak Centre) was held on 5th April 2023 and presided over by the University Vice Chancellor. It was graced by the EfDs Global hub IGE program Lead and Co-leader Prof. Anders Ekbom and Emily Caesar, the EfD Advisory Board Chair, Prof. Umar Kakumba, the Principal College of Business and Management  Sciences represented by Dr. Yawe Bruno.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe launched the new IGE Phase and awarded certificates of Achievement to the IGE 2022 fellows on behalf of the Vice Chancellor.

Prof. Alinaitwe appreciated the Swedish IGE program coordinators, the Swedish government and the tax payer for the commitment and support towards the program as well as the human capacity building, research and infrastructure development on the continent.

Prof. Umar Kakumba EfD-Mak Board Chair (Left) interacts with Eng. Prof. Henry Alinatwe (Right) after the opening session.
Prof. Umar Kakumba EfD-Mak Board Chair (Left) interacts with Eng. Prof. Henry Alinatwe (Right) after the opening session.

He observed that environmental degradation and climate change are common and eminent resulting from unsustainable human and economic activities and the ever the ever increasing population.

“The Inclusive Green Economy program is definitely for all of us. As a university, it gives us the opportunity to interact with various stakeholders, policy makers   key ministries and it means, we already have some key contacts as extra resources. As a university, we want to be seen to be impacting society “

Alinaitwe implored the EfD-Mak Centre and IGE fellows to collaborate with the Economic Policy Research Centre to conduct research in environmental, economic and agricultural matters among others.

The Leader of the IGE program at the EfD Global hub at the University of Gothenburg Sweden Prof. Anders Ekbong said the program collaborates with the EfD Centres across the globe to support and build capacity in government ministries and agencies.

Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Left) interacts with EfD Mak's Deputy Director Prof. Johnny Mugisha (Right).
Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Left) interacts with EfD Mak’s Deputy Director Prof. Johnny Mugisha (Right).

The EfD contributes to more effective environmental management to policy relevant research capacity development and policy engagement and the IGE is part of this.

In 2023 and beyond, Anders said EfD and IGE will jointly focus on sustainable energy transitions and interdisciplinary collaboration.

“An Inclusive Green Economy is an economic development that improves human being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risk and ecological scarcities. The program strives to avoid economic growth that is attained at the expense of the environment and includes the aspect of inclusion such as social acceptance, public involvement in planning, decision making and follow up”.

IGE is a capacity building program for senior public servants in East Africa and economic policy instruments to achieve green transitions. Other parts of EfD focus on academic capacity building while the IGE is in this, it translates research into policy and practice, bridging gaps between research and policy”. Anders explained

He said, during the two years, the IGE program covered 5 countries and 55 civil servants have been enrolled constituting the IGE Alumni/fellows.

IGE Global Hub Leaders interact with Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Right) during one of the breaks.
IGE Global Hub Leaders interact with Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Right) during one of the breaks.

The program according to Anders has received 7.5 million dollars to implement the second phase of a slightly modified IGE program to accelerate transition towards inclusive green economy, develop skills and increase use of evidence based policy making and to build a community of practice on IGE to improve collaboration between government organisations, sector stakeholders and the academia.

The EfD-Mak Board Chairman Prof. Umar Kakumba said the university is delighted to have this strategic partnership that enabled the university join the global network of environmental economists to establish the Centre as one of the hubs, expanding opportunities of pursuing strategic partnership.

“The launch of the IGE for the next five years attest to the fact that the preliminary phase has been successful in a way of meeting the goals that were set and it is an affirmation on our part that Makerere continuous to be a university for the region and the university that is seeking the North-South partnership to create interventions that can address emerging problems related to environment”, Kakumba said.

The new IGE phase according to the board chair comes on the heels of capacity building that has taken place where the university has had the  policy makers, governments and nongovernmental agencies spread across and where the training has come in handy of supporting the mission of training and capacity building and human capital development of the country.

One of the participants receiving the certificate from Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (2nd Left)  as Prof. Edward Bbaale (Left) and Prof. Anders Ekbong (Right) witness.
One of the participants receiving the certificate from Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (2nd Left) as Prof. Edward Bbaale (Left) and Prof. Anders Ekbong (Right) witness.

Kakumba underscored the importance of training people in policy as important

“Policy remains key without which a country may not succeed even with resource because they may be wasted. Policy must provide a pivot around which the entire operations rotate and policy must guide action and ensure that goals and objectives of any institution or project are achieved.

Representing the Principal CoBAMS, Dr. Yawe Bruno congratulated the fellows upon successfully completing the program. He said the activities executed by the EfD-Mak Centre speak to the University and college strategic objectives, the national development plan as well as the sustainable development goals.

“It is encouraging to learn that Sida has agreed to fund the new IGE phase for which we congratulate the IGE team lead. I appreciate the hard work of your team. The college appreciates the leadership of the EfD-Mak Centre for coordinating the IGE activities.

The Centre is a special kind of undertaking because its leadership is of hybrid nature bringing two colleges together  and following that, we have joint academic programs”, The Principal appreciated.

Participants, Program Leaders and University officials pose for a group photo after the certificate award ceremony.
Participants, Program Leaders and University officials pose for a group photo after the certificate award ceremony.

The Director EfD-Mak Centre Prof. Edward Bbaale said, Makerere University has had a long-term collaboration with Sida particularly through the university of Gothenburg including training PhD candidates specialising in environmental economics with the objective of ensuring that candidates come back home and participate in policy reviews, formulation and advising government  in the area of environmental economics.

Later Bbaale said, it was realised that the candidates lacked a platform to engage with government and undertake several activities related to policy engagement and advise to government and hence the University of Gothenburg sought to create an institutional platform where research and engagement takes place leading to the birth of the EfD-Mak Centre – one of the 14 others across the world.

“I want to give credit to the institutional framework established at Makerere in that when Dr. Anders and colleagues came up with the concept of Inclusive Green Economy, there was an established platform to leverage.The Inclusive Green Economy is being implemented through the EfD-Mak Centre”. Bbaale said

Both the EfD and IGE operated as sister interventions sponsored by Sida from the University of Gothenburg. Within the two years implementation of the IGE, senior civil servants have been trained and because of the synergies of the IGE and EfD, the two beginning 2023 merged  into one mega program to create more impact in green growth and environmental sustainability.

“The ingenuity and hard work of our leads in the University of Gothenburg and Sida agreed to sponsor another phase for five years where we are going to train government officials at senior level and uniquely we agreed as a team to recruit only five per year because the hands-on and other closely monitored activities that take place during the training”, Bbaale added.

Prof. Edward Bbaale (Left) and Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Right) interact after the graduation ceremony and program launch.
Prof. Edward Bbaale (Left) and Eng. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (Right) interact after the graduation ceremony and program launch.

The participants are selected by heads of government ministries who recommend participants on the program. Through this program Bbaale said, both the visibility of the university and connection to other partners have improved.

IGE Graduands speak out

The graduating IGE fellows applauded the initiative as enriching

“We have been having knowledge on green economy but the inclusive bit has been missing. IGE program is helping us to make green economy inclusive because as we transition, we want programs, projects and investments which reconcile environment and economic development. The inclusive component is enabling us to have a win-win situation by bringing in the would-be losers for the green economy among the beneficiaries”, Aaron Werikhe from the National Planning Authority.

“The course is very timely for us particularly in two ways; It is going to enable previous participants form a community of practice that is going to connect the dots between what has been researched and what we are going to practice”, Andrew Masaba from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

“As a city, we are struggling with issues of climate change, environment, waste, dust in the city and the increasing city population and the growing economy. This program has been very useful in helping us to learn the policy instruments that we can use in addressing environmental problems in the city, developing strategies and how to address climate change issues but also make economic growth of the city sustainable without affecting the environment.

So, we are developing a number of projects around this to make the city better. I thank the organisers, it has been a very good program and I pray that many other people benefit from it”, Robert Kyukyu Ag. Director Strategic Management and Business Development at Kampala Capital City Authority.

Courtesy Call on the Vice Chancellor

Prior to the launch of the new five year IGE program (2023-2027) and IGE 2022 cohort graduation ceremony, the IGE Lead team from the EfD Global Hub paid a courtesy call on the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe in his office in the Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (2nd Left) poses for a group photo with the IGE Global Hub Leaders and Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right).
Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (2nd Left) poses for a group photo with the IGE Global Hub Leaders and Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right).
Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Right) presents souvenirs to the delegation.
Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Right) presents souvenirs to the delegation.
The IGE Global Hub Leaders during the courtesy call.
The IGE Global Hub Leaders during the courtesy call.

Business & Management

Dept. of Population Studies Staff Complete Training on Doctoral Supervision



Dr. Patricia Ndugga (Seated Right) with facilitators from CEES and some of the participants that took part in the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Staff members from the Department of Population Studies, within the School of Statistics and Planning at Makerere University, have successfully completed a comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision. The training, held from June 28 to June 30, 2024, was meticulously conducted by esteemed faculty from the College of Education and External Studies, alongside experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training.

The initiative, aimed at enhancing the supervisory skills of doctoral advisors, underscores Makerere University‘s commitment to academic excellence and robust research mentorship. The Deputy Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences, Prof. James Wokadala, officiated the closing ceremony, commending the participants for their dedication and active engagement throughout the training sessions.

Dr. James Wokadala gives his remarks at the close of the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“We are committed to fostering a supportive and rigorous research environment for our doctoral candidates. This training is a testament to our dedication to academic excellence and effective mentorship,” remarked Prof. Wokadala in his closing address.

He said the college has got plans to improve PhD graduation levels, some of which include appointing two PhD coordinators per school. He asked the staff to exhibit high ethical standards while supervising the students.

Dr. James Wokadala (Seated Centre) with participants at the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The training program was generously funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, secured by Dr. Patricia Ndugga. The grant facilitated a series of interactive workshops, case studies, and collaborative discussions, designed to equip the faculty with advanced supervisory techniques and strategies to support doctoral students effectively.

Dr. Patricia Ndugga expressed her gratitude for the support, stating, “This training is a significant step towards enhancing the quality of doctoral supervision at Makerere University. We are grateful to the Carnegie Corporation for their continued support in our quest to improve research training and mentorship.”

Dr. Patricia Ndugga (Left) with other participants at the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The participants, who included both seasoned and emerging academic staff, have expressed their enthusiasm for applying the new skills and knowledge gained to their supervisory roles, thereby enriching the academic journey of their doctoral students.

Makerere University remains steadfast in its mission to provide top-tier education and research training, continuously seeking avenues to enhance the capabilities of its faculty and the academic experience of its students.

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Business & Management

MBA Shortlist for Graduate Admission Test (GAT) 2024/2025



The School of Business, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, invites all shortlisted candidates who applied for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme offered at Makerere University Main Campus; College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) for academic year 2024/2025 for a Graduate Admission Test (GAT).

The test is scheduled to take place on Saturday 13th July, 2024 starting 9:00 AM at CoBAMS.

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Business & Management

New Development Economics program gathers support at stakeholder workshop



The Principal-Prof. Edward Bbaale (2nd Right), Dean School of Economics-Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu (Right), Deputy Principal CoNAS-Prof. Juma Kasozi (Left) and other officals that attended the stakeholder workshop on 20th June 2024. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

In a key gathering at College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders from diverse sectors convened yesterday (June 20, 24) to envision the future of economic education in Uganda. The occasion centered around the unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, a program poised to reshape how economic challenges are addressed and opportunities harnessed in the country.

Among the esteemed speakers were Prof. Edward Bbaale, Principal of the college, and Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, Dean of the School of Economics, whose shared enthusiasm for the new program underscored its potential impact. “This initiative aligns seamlessly with Uganda’s Development Goal Vision 2030 and the National Development Plan III (NDPIII),” Prof. Bbaale remarked. “Our aim is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to drive sustainable development across the nation.”

Prof. Edward Bbaale addresses participants at the workshop. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“Our aim is not only to contribute to the development of Uganda but also to impact the wider African region and beyond,” Prof. Bbaale said.

Development Economics, as emphasized by Prof. Okumu, represents a fusion of economic theory and practical application aimed at fostering inclusive growth and poverty reduction. “This program,” he explained, “is not just about classroom learning; it’s about preparing future economists to engage directly with real-world challenges and policy-making processes.”

With an emphasis on research-led teaching and innovative approaches to economic analysis, the Bachelor of Science in Development Economics aims to position graduates as thought leaders capable of driving sustainable economic growth and development.

Participants included Deputy Principals of CoNAS and CHUSS, Prof. Juma Kasozi (Left) and Prof. Eric Awich Ochen (2nd Left) respectively. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The workshop provided a dynamic forum for stakeholders from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, as well as representatives from KCCA, CHUSS, CONAS, URA, and the private sector, to offer valuable insights. Discussions centered on curriculum design, industry relevance, and collaborative opportunities, reflecting a shared commitment to equipping graduates with the skills demanded by today’s economy.

“The Ministry of Finance recognizes the pivotal role of this program in advancing Uganda’s economic agenda,” noted a representative during the workshop. “By focusing on development economics, we are fostering a cadre of professionals capable of driving innovation and sustainable growth.”

Participants at the workshop follow proceedings. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

From the private sector, there was a clear call for graduates who possess not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience. “We look forward to collaborating with the School of Economics to ensure that students gain hands-on skills that are directly applicable to our evolving business landscape,” remarked a representative from a leading industry player.

Looking forward, the School of Economics aims to integrate stakeholder feedback into finalizing the program’s curriculum and securing necessary accreditation. With an emphasis on research and policy analysis, the Bachelor of Science in Development Economics aims to prepare graduates to become catalysts for change, equipped to navigate Uganda’s economic complexities.

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