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BBA students get Electronic Government Procurement skills



In a bid to roll out Electronic Government Procurement (EGP) in all government agencies by 2025, students pursuing Bachelor Business Administration at the School of Business were introduced to the new technology during a one-day training.

On April 14, a team from the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) met 2nd year and final year students of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) specializing in procurement and equipped them with skills on how to use the new procurement technology as part of the government initiative to move away from the manual paperwork system to the use of technology in all government entities.  

PPDA is an organization that is mandated to oversee the procurement and disposal of public assets in all government entities in Uganda.

Dr. Christopher Alioni (Left) with the two trainers from PPDA (seated) during the training.
Dr. Christopher Alioni (Left) with the two trainers from PPDA (seated) during the training.

Dr. Christopher Alioni and Dr. Jude Mugarura, lecturers in the School of Business applauded the PPDA team for the opportunity rendered to the students.

“Since our BBA students of year three are the potential employees of these public institutions, we thought it wise to bring PPDA on board, to come and train our students about that system,” Dr Alioni said.

“It helped us to link the theory to the practice of EGP, and familiarize the students to this system”.

He added: “The intention of the training was to give the students the practical bit of what they have been studying. They also got an opportunity to see what is actually happening in the working world. And to find out the progress in the implementation efforts.”

Over 130 students attended the training which was held at the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility.

Students of BBA that took part in the training on Electronic Government Procurement (EGP) conducted by PPDA.
Students of BBA that took part in the training on Electronic Government Procurement (EGP) conducted by PPDA.

Dr Alioni further revealed that the training was last conducted seven years ago: “It was held in 2017, and since then, we had never received such an opportunity again. But we thank the team that tutored our students.”

Doreen Nakakande, one of the students who participated in the training applauded PPDA staff for the wonderful task they conducted.

“It was so interesting and at the same time educational because we majored in procurement and we were more into the theories. It also proved to us that electronic procurement is possible because some people were saying that it can’t work in Uganda.”

Ronald Bwebale, another BBA student said: “The new system will ease the work since everything can be conducted electronically without having to do paperwork that is time consuming.”

Business & Management

EfD-Uganda Holds Inaugural AGM: Celebrates Milestones and Outlines Future Plans



Prof. Eria Hisali making his opening remarks at the AGM. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.

The EfD-Mak Centre Uganda held its first Annual General Meeting since its establishment in Honai Vietnam in 2018 and official launch at Makerere University in October 2019. The meeting aimed to highlight the Centre’s achievements and outline strategic objectives for the next five years. Four key resolutions were generated during the meeting.

The AGM, held on July 18, 2024, at Glory Summit Hotel in Hoima, was officially opened by EfD Mak Board advisory member Assoc. Prof. Eria Hisali. The event was attended by Centre Directors, deans, research fellows, and the Centre’s core team.

In his opening remarks, Hisali praised the EfD Mak Centre for its achievements over the past five years, acknowledging the dedication of its leadership, research fellows, and partners. “It has been five years of very productive work. So congratulations to the leadership and everyone who has been part of this journey,” he stated.

Professor Hisali emphasized the critical nature of environmental issues, particularly for developing countries where livelihoods are deeply intertwined with natural resources. “The efforts that you people are doing are crucial to assure us that we will live to see another day. It is a matter of survival, security, and harmony,” he said.

Highlighting the Centre’s contributions to knowledge creation and policy engagement, he noted, “The EfD Mak Centre has contributed tremendously to the visibility of Makerere University. We appreciate you.” He acknowledged the Centre’s role in research, outreach, and interactions with policymakers as key to its success.

Hisali Calls for Expanded Role and Sustainability Measures for EfD Mak Centre

Looking forward, Professor Hisali called for strategic interventions to ensure the Centre’s sustainability over the next decade. He proposed that the Centre be fully integrated within Makerere University to secure financial stability, suggesting that the university should cover salaries and operational costs. He also advocated for exploring government support and incorporating the Centre into the national budget to ensure continued funding.

Some of the research fellows attending the AGM. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Some of the research fellows attending the AGM.

Additionally, he recommended that the Centre enhance its outreach and policy activities, aiming to become a central figure in parliamentary discussions on natural resources and budgeting. “We should be positioning ourselves in such a way that nothing can be discussed in this country regarding matters of the environment without our input,” Professor Hisali asserted.

Professor Hisali also stressed the importance of robust governance structures and urged the Centre to review its board composition for improved responsiveness to policy needs. “The five years have not been for nothing, and we can pick many lessons from there. What gaps do we identify from the governance level?” he questioned.

To further strengthen the Centre’s impact,  Hisali encouraged expanding partnerships beyond the EfD network, including collaborations with commercial banks and other stakeholders. He also highlighted the need for ongoing capacity building, suggesting the integration of environmental and climate change issues into university curricula and the development of new degree programs with a focus on the environment. “Capacity building is increasingly important in formal and informal settings to ensure a unified understanding of environmental issues,” he concluded.

In his closing remarks Prof. Hisali appreciated the people and government of Sweden for the support given to this initiative, extending gratitude to the university management, the research fellows, students and Hoima district leadership for input and engagements.

“We have taken note of the emerging issues that require attention and the centre will not allow to fail and that should be out of the picture. Issues raised directly impact on our lives and the country. Any failure means letting down the people who have sacrificed a lot for us to be who we are”, the professor pledged.

Hisali appealed to the centre leadership and research fellows to provide a platform within the seminar series for the process of thought generation on issues of environment and not to wait for research output to go for seminars.

A Research Fellow contributes to the discussion. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
A Research Fellow contributes to the discussion.

He encouraged research fellows to create time, meet monthly  just with  notebooks and pens to think , imagine and explain the phenomena as seen not as described  in books , models and theories.

“Use EfD as a platform that enable us to conceptualize because then policy makers will take us serious for dealing with reality not as an academic exercise”, Hisali advised.

Dean of School of Economics Applauds EfD Mak Centre’s Success and Collaborative Spirit

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, Dean of the School of Economics, congratulated the EfD Mak Centre for its successful review, highlighting the centre’s fulfillment of the terms agreed upon with EfD and Sida in Sweden. Dr. Okumu praised the collaborative efforts between the two colleges involved, noting the smooth interaction as a positive indicator of the centre’s effective partnership.

“We have not witnessed any rift in marriage that is typical of many collaborations, and this is a seal of approval for the nature of our collaborative efforts,” Dr. Okumu remarked. He underscored the importance of this seamless cooperation in reflecting the centre’s commitment to its mission and goals.

Reflecting on the impact of the EfD Mak Centre, Dr. Okumu highlighted its potential to influence graduate-level research and seminars within the School of Economics. “As a research cluster, it is poised to affect research output within the school significantly. We anticipate that the centre will start having a visible influence on the nature and characterization of our graduate research,” he said.

Dr. Mike Okumu speaking during the meeting. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Dr. Mike Okumu speaking during the meeting.

Dr. Okumu also emphasized that the funding from EfD Sweden should be viewed as a foundational support and a testament to the centre’s collaborative success. He encouraged leveraging this partnership to compete for additional grants in climate change, environmental, and natural resource economics, extending beyond the current affiliations.

Looking forward, Dr. Okumu expressed hope that the AGM discussions would foster broader resource flow and establish a sustainable framework for the centre, particularly if Sida’s support were to diminish. He urged participants to engage openly and freely, emphasizing that such openness would enhance the centre’s effectiveness.

“We are all researchers here,” Dr. Okumu concluded, “and the freer we are in our discussions, the better EfD Mak will become.”

Celebrating Achievements and Planning Future Directions (2019 – 2024)

The Deputy Director Prof. Johnny Mugisha highlighted the EfD-Mak Centre’s notable accomplishments and future plans. Representing the Centre’s Director, who was away on EfD-related duties, Prof. Mugisha shared insights into the Centre’s evolution since joining the Environment for Development (EfD) network in 2018.

“The EfD-Mak Centre has made substantial strides in environmental economics research and policy impact,” Prof. Mugisha noted. The Centre, based at Makerere University, operates under the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) and the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES). Since its formal inauguration in August 2019, the Centre has focused on advancing transdisciplinary research and policy translation.

Prof. Mugisha detailed the Centre’s institutional development, emphasizing its strategic start with an official join date of November 5, 2018, and its inauguration event in August 2019. The Centre, operating within Makerere University‘s Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, is committed to addressing environmental and developmental challenges through innovative research and community engagement.

The Centre’s organizational structure includes a 9-member Advisory Board, chaired by Associate Professor Umar Kakumba, and a dedicated team of 26 research fellows. This framework supports its research and policy initiatives, guided by a robust management team including the Vice Chancellor and key faculty members.

EfD-Mak Centre’s vision is to lead in research excellence and policy influence in environmental economics. The Centre’s mission includes conducting high-quality research to inform policy and enhancing visibility through strategic collaborations. Prof. Mugisha highlighted the Centre’s strategic plan for 2025-2029, focusing on strengthening research capacity, expanding policy engagement, and fostering collaborations with national and international institutions.

The Centre’s policy engagement has been proactive, involving regular dialogues and hosting the 16th EfD Annual Conference in Kampala in 2022. These efforts facilitate collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and local communities, addressing issues such as natural resource governance and energy transitions.

Prof. Mugisha also outlined the Centre’s collaborative partnerships, which span national and international institutions. Key collaborations include government bodies, local governments, and international organizations such as the University of Gothenburg and Duke University. Funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has supported the Centre’s research and policy initiatives.

Prof. Johnny Mugisha presenting the Centre milestones. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Prof. Johnny Mugisha presenting the Centre milestones.

Over the past five years, EfD-Mak Centre has conducted significant research on sustainable agriculture, energy transitions, water management, and climate change. The Centre has published over 142 papers in peer-reviewed journals and secured 11 competitive research grants. Notable projects include studies on renewable energy, climate resilience, and gender dynamics in environmental economics.

Looking ahead, EfD-Mak Centre’s strategic direction includes strengthening institutional capacity, expanding policy engagement, and enhancing collaborations. The Centre will focus on themes such as energy transition, climate change adaptation, and water resources management.

Prof. Mugisha concluded by expressing gratitude to all supporters and partners, emphasizing the Centre’s commitment to advancing research and policy for sustainable development. “Together, we will continue to make meaningful strides towards a healthier, more sustainable planet,” he said

Resolutions of the AGM

The meeting resolved to appreciate the center leadership for the last five years and governance structure, the university and other stakeholders for the support given to the center.

Second, the meeting agreed to formalize the AGM as an integral part of the structure of the EfD Mak centre and also from the, name of AGM annually. Since the meeting will be held annually, the centre should provide updates on progress made and address the resolutions of the previous AGM.

The meeting further resolved to confirm the results for election of the Director and Deputy Director of the EfD Mak centre. And, four to review and expand the pertinent aspects of the strategic outlook  of the EfD Mak centre and, all given suggestions, remarks, reports  be taken care of, taking in all issues that emerged from the deliberations.

Jane Anyango is the Communication Officer EfD Uganda

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Business & Management

EfD Uganda AGM Endorses Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha for Directorship



Participants in group photo after the AGM held in Hoima City. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.

Hoima, Uganda – At the EfD-Uganda Annual General Meeting held at Glory Summit Hotel in Hoima District on July 18, 2024, Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha were re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director of the EfD-Mak Centre, respectively.

The EfD-Mak Centre, established in 2018 and officially launched at Makerere University in October 2019, elected the duo during its inaugural AGM. The voting exercise, presided over by EfD Mak Advisory Board member Prof. Eria Hisali, included research fellows, advisory board members, and leadership from the collaborating colleges of CAES and CoBAMS.

“I congratulate colleagues who have offered themselves for the leadership and also congratulate you for winning the trust and support of the AGM. The task ahead of us is enormous, and I hope all colleagues will support you in steering this institution into the future,” Prof. Hisali stated.

Prof. Eria Hisali and Dr. John Sseruyange during the election exercise. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Prof. Eria Hisali and Dr. John Sseruyange during the election exercise.

Prof. Edward Bbaale, nominated in absentia by Dr. Alex Tatwangire and seconded by Dr. John Sseruyange and Dr. Ibrahim Okumu, was away on EfD-related activities in Perugia, Italy. Dr. Tatwangire praised the leadership team for their accomplishments, suggesting the continuation of their tenure.

“I wish to nominate Prof. Edward Bbaale for the position of Director,” Dr. Tatwangire said.

Prof. Bbaale’s agent, Dr. John Sseruyange, conveyed his acceptance of the nomination and the vote. “I wish to thank the voters on behalf of Prof. Edward Bbaale. He is ready to continue promoting the work of the centre, strengthen engagement with policymakers, and enhance institutional and capacity-building initiatives,” Dr. Sseruyange announced.

Dr. Alex Tatwangire (Standing) and Dr. Florence Lwiza during the nomination exercise. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Dr. Alex Tatwangire (Standing) and Dr. Florence Lwiza during the nomination exercise.

Prof. Johnny Mugisha, nominated by Dr. Florence Lwiza and seconded by Dr. Vincent Ssaajabi and Dr. John Sseruyange, was declared Deputy Director-elect. Prof. Mugisha expressed his gratitude, stating, “It is an honor to be given the responsibility to keep on the driving seat of the EfD Mak Centre. I derive my confidence from the existing structure, our focused advisory board, and the commitment of our research fellows and administrators at the centre.”

Prof. Mugisha emphasized his commitment to advancing the Centre’s goals. “The experience we have enjoyed in the last five years gives us confidence that we shall move the centre to higher levels. We have growing interest from our partners and collaborators within Makerere and beyond. I accept this responsibility as the Deputy Director,” he affirmed.

Prof. Johnny Mugisha, the Deputy Director- elect. Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre, Makerere University, Annual General Meeting, Glory Summit Hotel, Hoima District, Uganda, East Africa, 18th July 2024-Professors Edward Bbaale and Johnny Mugisha re-elected unopposed as Director and Deputy Director respectively.
Prof. Johnny Mugisha, the Deputy Director- elect.

He also acknowledged the strategic direction outlined during the AGM, vowing to add value and present significant advancements in the next five years.

The EfD Mak Centre’s leadership structure is unique, with a Director and Deputy Director stemming from different colleges due to the collaborative nature of its founding between CoBAMS and CAES. This arrangement ensures that while the Centre is structurally hosted by CAES, the Director comes from CoBAMS and the Deputy Director from CAES, promoting balanced representation and collaboration.

Jane Anyango is the Communication Officer EfD Uganda

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Business & Management

Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence awards certificates to 30 Officials



Dr. Peter Babyenda (Front Row Right) and Dr. Willy Kagarura (2nd Row 2nd from right) pose for a group photo with participants. Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala, five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities, 1st-5th July 2024, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

The Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence at the College of Business and Management Sciences, has successfully concluded a five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities. The training, held in Jinja, was attended by 30 participants who received certificates of completion at a closing ceremony on July 5, 2024. The event was graced by the Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences, Makerere University, who delivered closing remarks and awarded the certificates.

In his closing address, the Principal expressed deep gratitude and pride, thanking the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (MoFPED) for their generous financial support, which made the training possible. He highlighted the Ministry’s crucial role in identifying and nominating participants from various government bodies, emphasizing the importance of professional development in improving public investment efficiency and effectiveness.

Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right) presents a certificate to one of the male participants. Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala, five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities, 1st-5th July 2024, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

The Principal also extended special thanks to the Permanent Secretaries, Vice Chancellors, and Executive Directors of the participating institutions for recognizing the significance of the training and nominating their staff to attend. He commended the dedication of the faculty members from Makerere University, MoFPED, and the National Planning Authority for their expertise and time, which ensured a fruitful learning experience for the participants.

Addressing the participants, the Principal lauded their commitment and resilience throughout the week-long training. He noted that the program equipped them with essential skills and knowledge in Public Investment Management (PIM), including project preparation, execution, procurement, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), monitoring and evaluation, and integrating climate change, social, and environmental risk management in project preparation.

Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right) presents a certificate to one of the male participants. Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala, five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities, 1st-5th July 2024, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

He encouraged the participants to view this training as the first step in their journey to becoming experts in PIM, emphasizing the importance of continuing education through advanced modules in Financial and Economic appraisal of projects. The advanced training, conducted in collaboration with Cambridge Resources International (CRI) and Queens University in Canada, offers a tripartite certificate from Makerere University, MoFPED, and Queens University.

In his remarks, the Principal highlighted the broader scope of the Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence, which extends beyond training to include research, outreach activities, and advisory services to the government. He announced the Centre’s ongoing efforts to revise the Development Committee guidelines for MoFPED and assess the performance of projects selected since the first National Development Plan (NDP I). Additionally, he proposed organizing a one-day Public Investment Management Conference in October 2024 to evaluate the current state of public investments in Uganda and develop future strategies.

Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right) presents a certificate to one of the female participants. Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala, five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities, 1st-5th July 2024, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

The Principal concluded by congratulating the participants on their achievement and expressing confidence in their ability to effect positive change in the management of public investments in Uganda. He acknowledged the invaluable support of the faculty, mentors, and coaches, as well as the excellent work of the PIM CoE Secretariat, headed by Dr. Willy Kagarura.

As the training workshop came to a close, the participants left with a sense of accomplishment and a renewed commitment to enhancing public investment management practices in Uganda, contributing to the country’s economic development and prosperity.

Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right) presents a certificate to one of the male participants. Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala, five-day training workshop for public officers from various government agencies and universities, 1st-5th July 2024, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

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