Right to Left: The Chief Justice-Hon. Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, Chairperson of Council-Mrs. Lorna Magara, Chancellor-Prof. Ezra Suruma, Vice Chancellor-Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, DVCAA-Prof. Umar Kakumba, DVCFA-Prof. Henry Alinaitwe and other dignitaries on Day 1 of the 73rd Graduation Ceremony, Freedom Square, Makerere University.
The Vice Chancellor of the University of London, Prof. Wendy Thomson has emphasized the role of higher education in shaping individuals and societies. “Makerere University and the University of London have tens of thousands of talented graduates now contributing to social and economic development and tackling global challenges both at home and around the world, in areas that include education, health, law, business, technology and a range of fields critical to sustainable development,” she noted while delivering her Commencement Lecture on the first day of the 73rd graduation ceremony, 13th February 2023. Citing the UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 that proclaimed the right to education, directed to the full development of the human personality, the strengthening of respect for human rights, the promotion of global citizenship, and sustenance of the global commons, Prof. Thomson said strengthening higher education would greatly transform nation states across the globe. “The University of London is scoping deeper engagement with the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) in its mission to expand doctoral education and build research capacity to address key challenges including health, education, climate, natural resources and deep social and economic questions of equality and sustainability. We know that graduates of ARUA institutions – including our own graduates across Africa are key to long-term sustainable development,” she said.
Delivering her Commencement Lecture, Prof. Wendy Thomson, Vice Chancellor, University of London emphasized the role of higher education in transforming societies.
Visiting Uganda and Makerere for the first time, Prof. Thomson noted that it was a great opportunity for the two Universities to renew their historical ties and strengthen collaboration. “At a time when Makerere has reached its centenary, this is a splendid opportunity for both institutions to reflect upon our special relationship and look to a future collaboration,” she said. The relationship between the two institutions dates back to 1949 when Makerere became a university college affiliated to the University College of London. With the establishment of the University of East Africa on 29th June 1963, the special relationship with the University of London came to a close and degrees of the University of East Africa were instituted. On July 1, 1970, Makerere became an independent national university of the Republic of Uganda, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to its own awards.
Prof. Thomson congratulated the graduands upon the ‘very important milestone’ given the challenges placed on study and health care services during the pandemic. “I would also like to express my recognition and respect to your family and friends who have supported you through your studies to reach this joyful moment. I have a daughter who has just begun university in England, and I appreciate the financial and emotional calls that are made on parents and families during a university education.”
The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni challenged the incoming members of Council and the University Management to work out plans for equipping students with skills to fight moral decadency in society. Photo credit: Twitter/@JanetMuseveni
Graduation statistics
Three Colleges presented students for the award of degrees and diplomas on the first day of the 73rd graduation ceremony of Makerere University. These include; the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), the College of Health Sciences (CHS) and the School of Law. CoNAS presented 275 graduands, 84 female and 192 male. Of these, 7 graduated with PhDs (3 female, 4 male), 38 with MSc (7 female, 31 male) and 130 with BSc (74 female, 156 male). The PhD graduates include; Dr Samuel Ojelel, Head, Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology; Kajumba Pamella Katalihwa (Department of Physics), Mukalazi Hebert (Department of Mathematics), Nayebare Gumoteyo Jacintha (Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies); Okello Alex (Department of Physics); Kimuli Philly Ivan; and Nankinga Loy (Department of Mathematics).
Dr Samuel Ojelel, Head, Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology was one of the PhD graduands from CoNAS.
A total of 13,209 students will be awarded degrees and diplomas of Makerere University during the 73rd graduation ceremony that ends on Friday, 17th February 2023. Of these, 6803 (52%) are female and 6406 (48%) male.
Remarks by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports
In her remarks, the Minister of Education and Sports. Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni who attended the ceremony virtually congratulated the graduands and appreciated the parents and guardians for the sacrifices made to ensure their children acquire quality education. She equally appreciated the faculty of Makerere for committing time to educate the students. The Minister applauded the University Council for the new strategy that seeks to increase graduate students at Makerere and pledged more government support towards research. She challenged the incoming members of Council and the University Management to work out plans to equip students with skills to fight moral decadency in society, focusing on the fight against HIV/AIDS and corruption. “Each individual life has a purpose and if that purpose is not discovered, life becomes meaningless. Do what it takes to prepare students with integrity and humility to enable them fulfil God’s given purpose,” she advised. She urged the graduands to use the skills acquired at the University to develop the country.
CoNAS Principal, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta presenting PhD graduands.
Remarks by the Chancellor
The Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma congratulated the students for successfully completing their respective programmes of study and research. “One of my favorite quotations is from the Gospel of John chapter 17. Jesus is praying to God and He says: I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” (John17:4)NIV. This implies that finishing the task God has given us to do brings glory to God and to us. So by accomplishing what brought you to Makerere University, you have brought glory to God, to your parents, to your supporters and to your country.”
He paid special tribute to members of staff for the excellent work done to prepare the graduands. “Despite the severe challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic to both staff and students, they persevered and today marks your successful victory over all these challenges. The university leadership and teachers as well as the graduands deserve our gratitude for a job very well done.” He also appreciated the parents, guardians and sponsors for supporting the students.
Dr. Loy Nankinga graduated with a PhD in Mathematics.
Prof. Suruma thanked the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni for the unwavering support to the University. “At a time when the national budget is very tight you have ensured that Makerere University continues to receive the financial support it needs to maintain and even surpass its record of excellence in education and research. We appreciate you for being exemplary as a mother, a guardian and a true champion of morality in Uganda’s education sector. Together with His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni you have persistently supported Makerere University in particular and the Education Sector in general. We thank you very much for taking the time to celebrate Makerere University’s 73rd Graduation Ceremony with us.”
Former Vice Chancellor, Prof. Livingstone Luboobi congratulating Dr. Nankinga.
The Chancellor thanked the University Council, under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Lorna Magara for putting in place the right policies and controls to guide and steer the Institution. He commended the University Management under the leadership of Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe for ensuring that the policies are successfully implemented.
He encouraged the graduands to remain hopeful even in the midst of affliction. “Worry and anxiety come to all of us, although they don’t improve anything. But faith and trust in God has worked miracles for me. I sincerely encourage you to trust in God. The God who has enabled you to survive COVID and to complete your programme here at Makerere is alive and real.”
Mr. Okello Alex graduated with a PhD in Physics.
Remarks by the Vice Chancellor
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe appreciated the President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni and First Lady, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni for the support that led to the creation of the Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) in the 2019/2020 financial year with initial funding of UGX 30 Billion. “The Research and Innovation Fund has transformed Makerere tremendously, with very many innovations in agriculture and food security, health, engineering, education, and the social sciences that are already changing the lives of our people. Beyond the 826 grants issued by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund to date, we have taken a strategic decision to use part of the funding to support PhD research grants. This is in line with Government efforts to develop Uganda’s knowledge economy. We are hopeful that this will help unlock the potential of Makerere to substantively contribute to national development,” he said. He also appreciated the President for the generous contribution of UGX 800 million towards the year-long Mak@100 celebrations. He equally applauded the development partners whose generous support has trained the majority of PhDs, as well as a number of Masters and Post-docs. “I commend the Government and People of Sweden for the biggest staff development programme in the history of Makerere University. Sida support to Makerere University came to an end in June 2022 with more than 500 (staff at Makerere University and other Public Universities) obtaining PhDs and more than 1,000 obtaining Masters’ degrees. We are in consultation with the Swedish Embassy to explore alternative ways of research collaboration.”
Prof. Juma Kasozi, Deputy Principal CoNAS.
The Vice Chancellor appreciated the MasterCard Foundation for the e-Learning Initiative aimed at addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning and therefore enhancing Makerere University’s resilience to future disruptions in teaching, learning and research. “I would like to thank the other stakeholders who are providing scholarships to enable bright, but economically disadvantaged students to attain education at Makerere. These include the Madhvani Foundation, the Government of Uganda through the Higher Education Students Financing Board, the Embassy of China, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Government Ministries, State House, NORAD and many others. I thank the Higher Education Students’ Financing Board for the award of loans to students’ for both undergraduate degree and diploma programmes. The Board has so far supported a total of 1,853 learners at Makerere University since 2014 and this year, a total of 114 Students Loan beneficiaries are graduating.”
Some of the MSc graduates celebrating their achievement.
Regarding infrastructure development, the Vice Chancellor said plans were in high gear to renovate halls of residence starting with Lumumba and Mary Stuart. “We commend His Excellency, the President for his strategic engagements with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to provide the required funding for the renovation of all Halls of Residence and Schools of Medicine.”
Prof. Nawangwe urged the graduands to be proud and good Ambassadors of the Alma Mater and to put to good use the knowledge acquired to transform their communities and country at large.
The Department of Zoology, Entomology, and Fisheries Sciences (ZEFS), was awarded a contract under the European Union-funded project: Eco-Innovative Technologies for Improved Nutrition, Sustainable Production and Marketing of Agro- ecological Food Products in Africa (INNOECOFOOD). ZEFS is implementing INNOECOFOOD in collaboration with the Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biology.
The overall goal of INNOECOFOOD is to promote sustainable production, processing, marketing and consumption of nutritious aquaculture fish, Spirulina, and selected insect value chains through innovative, climate-smart technologies. Among other outputs, the project will train rural farmers, youth and women to innovatively produce and process the fish, fish feeds and develop nutritious-rich products. The project is offering research support to three continuing MSc candidate to work on formulation and evaluation of novel nutritious-rich products from fish byproducts, Spirulina and selected insect species. The formulated products will be based on selected carbohydrates and protein ingredients and made in the form of soup, porridge and energy bars. Please note that additional aspects of the research areas will be availed to the successful applicants.
Applications are invited from continuing students of MSc in Biochemistry to conduct research in the area indicated above. The Fellowship will support the successful candidates with research costs and modest stipend for a period of about six months.
Applicants MUST be duly registered for the Academic year 2024/25 for the afore-mentioned MSc. programme.
Females and candidates with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applicants must provide evidence of successful progress in their coursework and exams.
The application package should include:
One-page motivation letter.
2-3-page Concept Note on the research topic of interest.
Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
Copies of academic documents.
Evidence of registration for the MSc. in Biochemistry programme.
Recommendation letters from two academic referees.
Applications should be compiled into a single PDF file and submitted electronically to the Head of Department, – Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, Dr. G. Kawooya Kubiriza (godfrey.kubiriza@mak.ac.ug), copied to the Head of Department Biochemistry and Systems Biology, Dr. Agnes Nandutu Masawi (agnes.nandutu@mak.ac.ug) and Project Administrator, Ms. Catherine Nanyonga (ngenevive@gmail.com) by the deadline of 25 April, 2025, 5:00pm.
The Ugandan government has increasingly recognized the critical role of science education in driving the nation’s economic development. As such, it has put in place deliberate policies aimed at popularizing science education in schools. This initiative seeks to equip the youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute effectively to the country’s development. Since 2004, science education has been made compulsory in lower secondary schools, and the Uganda Government has continuously emphasized the importance of science and technology through policies like the National Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy, introduced in 2009. These policies aim to create a strong foundation for the country’s “Transformation for Prosperity,” focusing on technological innovation and development. The introduction of astronomy and space science as part of the curriculum supports this vision, offering students the tools to explore scientific concepts that will drive future innovation.
The PI, Prof. Florence D’Ujanga addressing participants at the project dissemination workshop held at Makerere on 21st March 2025
About the Project – Use of Astronomy and Space Science to Promote Science Education in Schools
In an initiative geared towards bolstering science education in Uganda, Makerere University Department of Physics is leveraging the wonders of astronomy and space science to ignite curiosity and enthusiasm among learners. The project, led by Prof. Florence Mutonyi D’ujanga from the Department of Physics has reached 10 schools in Kampala, Luwero, and Mukono districts, using the vast universe to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. The astronomy outreach activities have impacted numerous schools across different regions in Uganda. The initiative started during the COVID-19 lockdown, with initial outreach to nearby schools in Kampala. As the programme gained momentum, it expanded to various districts, benefiting students from both primary and secondary levels. The schools that have participated in the programme include, Kampala: Makerere College School and Makerere CoU Primary School, Luwero: Mulusa Academy (Wobulenzi), Wobulenzi Bright Parents, Janan Luwum S.S., and Janan Luwum Nursery & P/S, MUkono: Our Lady of Africa S.S., Kyesereka CoU P/S, Mpoma Royal College, and Mpoma Junior School.
Pupils of Wobulenzi Bright Parents in a Planetarium show at the Department of Physics shortly before the dissemination event held on 21st March 2025.Students of Makerere College School participated in the project.Students of MACOS with their Physics teacher after the Planetarium show at the Department of Physics.
Aims and Objectives of the Project
Funded by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (MakRIF), the central aim of this initiative was to use astronomy and space science to capture the imagination of students, encouraging them to embrace the study of science and mathematics. “By engaging students in hands-on, interactive learning activities, the project seeks to improve their performance in these critical subjects. The initiative focuses on making science enjoyable, accessible, and inspiring, fostering a positive attitude toward the subject from an early age,” explained Prof. D’ujanga.
Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, the Principal of CoNAS, also Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration at Makerere University presided over the dissemination event. He emphasized the importance of early exposure for children to develop an appreciation for science.Students from the participating schools at the dissemination workshop.
Activities conducted
The project began with a questionnaire to assess the students’ initial understanding of astronomy, followed by tailored outreach activities that addressed gaps in knowledge and sparked excitement about the subject. The activities included;
Telescope Assembly: Students learned to assemble telescopes using local materials, helping them gain a hands-on understanding of how astronomy tools function.
Sky Viewing: Students had the opportunity to observe celestial bodies like stars, planets, and constellations, experiencing the universe up close.
Cultural Astronomy Storytelling: This component introduced students to the rich cultural narratives surrounding astronomy, linking science with history and tradition.
Astronomy Quiz Sessions: Fun, educational quizzes challenged students’ knowledge of astronomy, stimulating a deeper interest in the subject.
Planetarium Shows: The project also featured immersive planetarium shows, which are a highlight for many students. These shows provided an exciting visual experience, where learners could see projections of stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena. The planetarium is at the heart of this outreach programme. Traditionally used for educational purposes in the field of astronomy, the planetarium has a hemispheric domed ceiling, which serves as a projection screen for images of celestial objects. The immersive environment fosters curiosity and excitement among learners, laying a solid foundation for further study in science. One of the main objectives of the planetarium shows is to break down the myth that sciences are difficult. By using visual and interactive methods, the project demonstrates that learning about space and the universe can be both fun and inspiring.
On behalf of MakRIF, Dr. Mercy Rebekah Amiyo expressed appreciation to the research team for their invaluable initiative in promoting the study of science.
Project research dissemination event
On 21st March 2025, the project team hosted a dissemination event at Makerere University to present and share their research findings. The event was presided over by Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, the Principal of the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration at Makerere University. The event was attended by students, school administrators, as well as representatives from MakRIF and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. In her address, the Project Principal Investigator (PI), Prof. Florence D’ujanga, emphasized the importance of sparking curiosity in students to encourage them to pursue scientific studies. “By making astronomy and space science more accessible and engaging, this project seeks to inspire greater interest in science education, ultimately benefiting Uganda’s long-term development in critical fields such as technology, engineering, and mathematics,” she explained.
On behalf of MakRIF, Dr. Mercy Rebekah Amiyo expressed appreciation to the research team for their invaluable initiative in promoting the study of science through astronomy. Dr. Amiyo praised the team’s dedication to making complex scientific concepts more engaging. She called upon the project team to secure property rights and take proactive steps toward the commercialization of the project.
In his remarks, the Guest of Honour, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta emphasized the importance of nurturing scientists who understand principles rather than simply memorizing frameworks. He emphasized the importance of early exposure for children to develop an appreciation for science. He expressed gratitude to the Government of Uganda for its continued support towards research activities at Makerere University.
Students from the participating schools during the workshop.
Testimonies by students
Sharing their testimonies about the project, Jonathan Mugabi and James Tanzinge, both S.4 students at Makerere College School, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity it provided. They noted that the project had ignited a newfound passion for research, significantly expanding their interest in exploring scientific topics. Through their participation, they were introduced to essential scientific vocabulary, which has helped to deepen their understanding of complex concepts. Additionally, the project exposed them to cutting-edge technology, fostering a sense of excitement and curiosity about the role of innovation in science. As a result, both students have developed a strong desire to continue their studies in the sciences at a higher level, inspired by the hands-on experiences and knowledge they gained from this initiative.
Students of Makerere College School sharing testimonies about the relevance of the project.A pupil of Kyesereka CoU P/S blessed the event with a prayer.Each of the participating schools received a certificate in appreciation of their contribution to the project.Mr. Kivumbi, Physics teacher at MACOS receiving a certificate on behalf of the School.The Headteacher of Makerere Primary School receiving a certificate.The best performer at secondary school level is a student of Our Lady of Africa S.S.The best performer at Primary School level receiving his award.
Click on the link below for the pictorial of the dissemination conference;
Makerere University (MAK) in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five-year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of training, education and research at the partner institutions with a dedicated focus on climate risk, disaster risk management and natural resource management. CoSTClim builds on a range of other capacity development projects funded by the Norwegian Government at the partner institutions, and has a specific focus on education.
One of the components of CoSTClim is student mobility from Uganda to Norway and from Norway to Uganda. Therefore, we are inviting applicants from Makerere University and Uganda Martyrs University for Masters student mobility scholarships to NTNU for the Autumn semester in 2025. There are five mobility scholarship slots available for this year. The scholarship will cover 5 months (August-December 2025) stay at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The successful candidates can enroll in selected course units at NTNU as well as leveraging the stay to write their master’s thesis. The width and breadth of available course units from which the candidates can select are found: https://www.ntnu.edu/geography/exchange-students.
Limited research supervision will also be given by NTNU staff but the primary supervision responsibility stays with the allocated supervisors at Makerere University or Uganda Martyrs University.
Application procedure is in the document below. The deadline is Friday 28th February 2025.