Dear Graduate of MAKERERE UNIVERSITY School of Engineering 2010-2021,
Makerere University is undertaking a study regarding your employment status, further studies and or any other activities you are undertaking since your degree award at Makerere University. The information you provide helps us to improve the quality of teaching and learning, assessing the competitiveness of graduates and following up to know what our graduates are doing after graduation. We are reaching out to you because we care about you and we would like to know how you are doing in the world of work after your previous graduation at Makerere.
To participate, please visit
This study is funded by the UNESCO China Funds-in-Trust (CFIT) Phase III project on Higher Technical Education in Africa for a Technical and Innovative Workforce.
For queries or comments, please email
We look forward to hearing from you.
Eng. Dr. Dorothy Okello
Dean, School of Engineering
College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT)
Makerere University
Brief on UNESCO CFIT III Project
The UNESCO China Funds-in-Trust (CFIT) Phase III: Higher Technical Education in Africa for a Technical and Innovative Workforce was initiated with the signing of an agreement between the People’s Republic of China and UNESCO in October 2019. The overall objective of the
project is to enhance the capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) to respond to the skills needs for national development by facilitating collaboration between higher education and the industry, enhancing labor market-oriented teaching, and strengthening competence-based learning. In Uganda, the project is active at Makerere University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST). It intends to contribute to the promotion of inclusive and equitable quality education in higher technical fields at the tertiary level, to serve both economic development and lifelong learning needs. The project will specifically promote Goal 4.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals which emphasizes the need for higher level technology skills training to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
More information: