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Call For Contribution To Mak@100 Book Chapters




Makerere University (Mak) is due to celebrate a century of existence in 2022. Among the significant highlights of these centenary celebrations, the University plans to publish an easy-to-read and well-documented book that critically reviews its successes in living to the Motto: “We Build for the Future”, since its inception in 1922 as a technical institute. Under this theme, the book will address several sub-themes and issues such as: How Makerere has met the changing East African market needs for skilled labour since 1922 and how, as a premier regional university, it is now positioned to develop research leadership in the region; whether or not Makerere has sustained its research leadership status as a postcolonial university that had influenced other sub-Saharan universities, and how this is reflected in the curricula What are the new courses that have emerged to locate Makerere as a nation-building institution? What ground-breaking researches and knowledge is being produced in the University? What has been the relationship between the University and the states it was built to serve, and how has this affected Makerere‘s performance over the years? Since a university that has come of age is assessed based on its ability to be independent/autonomous, how has Makerere performed? What funding strategies are in place in this regard? What has emerged as Makerere‘s identity: an ivory tower or a service university that offers service to empower the hinterlands? What are Makerere‘s overall influence and image in the region, and what explains this? What would Makerere like to become in the next 100 years? These are some of the broad questions to guide the formulation of thoughts for the chapters from diverse disciplinary perspectives. 

EDITORS:  ABK Kasozi, Josephine Ahikire and Dominica Dipio


Submission of abstracts (Max. 500 words): December 31, 2021

Submission of draft chapters (Max 10,000 words): March 30, 2022

Submission of Final Chapters:  June 30, 2022

Book Publication – June to October 2022

Send abstracts to: mak100.bookproject[at]

Copy to: josephine.ahikire[at], abkkasozi[at], ahikirejosephine[at]


Section 1: Providing skilled human resources for East African Society

(i)The technical school which opened in 1921

The colonial state established Makerere Technical School to produce low-level technicians. The school taught skills needed by the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar. Students were taught carpentry, building, general mechanics, and some tailoring. Many of the trainees were absorbed by the E. African states and their markets. The question to answer by writers for this section is: What was the trajectory of the technical school and its offshoots in enhancing the lifestyles of the people of East Africa?

(ii) Makerere College and Kampala Technical College

A formal College was founded in 1922 as “Uganda Technical College”, but in the same year, the College was renamed Makerere College, teaching technical subjects and courses in education and the arts.  The writers on this section should focus on the demands for skilled labour; what Makerere was called upon to deliver, and whether Makerere truly built the future of the parties involved. In 1928, vocational courses were separated from the College and were transferred to “Kampala Technical College”. What became of the latter College, and were vocational courses wholly divorced from the university system?

(iii) Makerere graduates to university status, 1949

The 1945 Judge Asquith’s Report on higher education gave the blueprint for establishing institutions of higher learning in British African colonies to provide high-level African civil servants such as doctors, engineers, agriculturalists, a few lawyers, and production of knowledge through research to the colonial states. In 1949, the institution became Makerere College, the University of East Africa, giving certificates of the University of London. When Makerere became a university, it assumed, like other universities, multiple functions. These functions included the production of knowledge for development, skilled and thinking individuals who would use known wisdom to create better knowledge and improve themselves and their societies. The University College was expected to be the leading teaching and innovation centre in East Africa. The areas to review in this section are the expectations of the colonial officers and their African collaborators who worked hard to establish the University. Did the institution fulfil those expectations? Did their aims go beyond human resource production? How did the production of graduates by Makerere change East African society in the eleven years before independence? The writers should assess the colonial workforce needs from 1935 to 1960, find out what Makerere was called upon to produce and whether it achieved those targets.

(iv) Skills needed for independent East Africa

In the period 1950 to 1963, Makerere remained the only University College for East Africa. There was an increased demand for educated graduates in almost all disciplines, including science and humanities-based ones. Makerere was called upon to produce graduates to increase educated Africans in the civil service and the private sector.

The education Makerere was giving was ideology-free, which Kenya and Uganda did not object to. But Tanzania felt that the instruction given must enhance patriotism and service to communities. Chapters dealing with topics in this section must review the needs of the three East African states in the period 1950 to 1965 and assess the place of Makerere therein.

(v) Skills needed for the digital age

From around 1980 through the current period, the digital age has transformed how goods and services are produced and delivered. It is only those societies that use technology that are likely to sustain a reasonable standard of living. To what extent has Makerere transformed its activities to exploit the digital age for itself and the society it serves.

Section II: Production of knowledge through research and innovation

When Makerere became a university, it was expected to produce and expand knowledge by providing researchers with facilities for creating, disseminating, storing information and data for use by society and institutions of higher learning. Although not emphasized as its primary task, the Asquith Report identified research as one of the functions of the various university colleges the British Empire was to establish in Africa. Has Makerere contributed to knowledge, the development and improvement of the thinking capacity of its target areas? Writers on this section have several sub-themes and therefore chapters to think about, including:

  • Writers, poets, and actors

In the period 1950 to 1970, Makerere-based writers contributed to the dissemination of knowledge. These writers included Ngugi was Thiong’o, Okot p’Btek, Peter Nazareth, Ali Mazrui, Audrey Richards, Paul Theroux, V.S. Naipaul, Mahmood Mamdani, Samwiri Karugire, Mathia M. Kiwanuka, Phares Mutibwa and others. A chapter to assess the contribution to knowledge by Makerere staff and students in this period would say a lot about how the university contributed to building an informed society in East Africa.

  • Visual Artists

Since 1940, the Margaret Trowell School of Fine has produced artists whose work has contributed to the shaping of Makerere University’s social consciousness.  It has documented Makerere’s challenges and successes over the years. The art works, both in storage in the Makerere Art Gallery and those in private and public spaces, reveal Makerere as an enduring institution which has used every opportunity to push its research agenda.  Artists such as Gregory Maloba, Sam Ntiro, Elimo Njau, Francis Nnaggenda and Kefa Ssempangi have, through their work, provided a variety of perspectives on Makerere’s history. A narrative of Makerere University’s journey of ten decades through the lens of Makerere Artists is proposed.

  • Knowledge production

There was a lot of knowledge produced at the East African Institute of Social Research (now MISR), the Medical School and the Faculty of Agriculture from 1950 to 1970. A survey of what was achieved in research at Makerere in that period would add to our knowledge of the institution’s contribution to knowledge in East Africa.

  • Management of research and post-graduate production

Management of research and production of high-level person power such as PhD holders is a topic that a book on the achievements of Makerere should highlight. To what extent has Makerere contributed to developing high-level human resources and creating the next generation of knowledge producers?

Section III: Makerere’s contribution to democratic governance and the building of social institutions in East Africa

Universities contribute to democratic governance and the building of social and political institutions by equipping their graduates with the intellectual skills to understand and analyze social and political issues before taking appropriate positions. Makerere has supplied East Africa with political leaders, including presidents, prime ministers, ministers, judges and journalists. Writers of chapters in this section might organize these achievements by roles such as:

  1. Political leaders
  2. Religious leaders
  3. Institutional developers
  4. Famous politicians and political thinkers

Section IV: Makerere’s contribution to the economic development of East Africa

Universities support economic growth by the general training of the labour force and providing knowledge linked to a country’s innovation system. This is more so now when most critical development is knowledge-based; universities should be the reservoirs of intellectuals and experts. To what extent has Makerere supplied the market with skills and knowledge to move East African economies forward? Writers for this section need to have a thorough understanding of East African economies and the extent to which the university has influenced their performances.

Section V: Makerere and Curriculum Development in East Africa

Universities strengthen lower levels of education by training the needed teaching personnel and triggering relevant curriculum changes at the lower levels of education. Lower-level syllabuses are structured to fit into the admission requirements of universities. The question to ask is: To what extent has Makerere influenced what is taught at the lower levels of education? Should Makerere take credit or blame for the slow curriculum development and the failure of Africanising what is taught in East African schools and universities?

Section VI: Challenges

There are several challenges to Makerere’s ability to build the future for a society that contributors must investigate if readers are to participate in appreciating the successes or failures of Makerere University.

  • Governance of the University

The governance of a university is key to the delivery of good higher education. Like other universities, Makerere has passed through several hiccups in its desire to provide higher education.

Though it is difficult to govern institutions differently — or better – than the way society is managed, we expect higher education institutions to handle themselves well, to be autonomous but at the same time accountable to the public in the way they manage their financial and academic processes. Higher education institutions, particularly universities, must accept the Government as the final protector of the public good in higher education to achieve autonomy and accountability. In Uganda the oversight roles of the Auditor General for financial matters and the National Council for Higher Education must be accepted. At the same time, governments must understand that universities perform best when they are institutionally free and protected from state micromanagement. The writers in this section must survey the history of how the University has been governed and how it has passed through the East African region’s various political storms since 1922.

  • The university and the Uganda state

The history of the current university in Uganda is tied to, and reflects, the rocky history of the Uganda state since the 1945 anti-colonial riots. The Ugandan university has prospered and declined amidst the fortunes of the Uganda state. Like other African countries, university education was introduced in Uganda to create an intelligent collaborating elite to manage the colonial state. After independence, the post-colonial leaders were determined to build a collaborating middle class and avoid the emergence of a hostile educated elite. A well-researched chapter on the university’s relations with the state between 1922 and 2022 would be an excellent monument to reveal how Makerere survived and built a society in that period.

  • Funding of the University, 1922-2022

The funding of Makerere is key to understanding almost all the challenges the university has faced in the past and is meeting now. Writers for this section should study the model the colonial state used in funding Makerere; its subsequent alteration by the 1970 Act to a state-driven one; the failure of the state to finance the institution fully; the throwing of the university to the waves of the market in the 1980s; the subsequent shortage of funds and the impact of the Structural Adjustment “Conditionalities” on Makerere.[1] Although the state allowed the market to operate in the financing of Makerere, the state retained its power to control the institution’s financial policy. Currently, most public universities have accumulated deficits. After such a review, it is necessary to point out what went right or wrong and what course the institution should take in financing all its activities.

  • Staff and Student strikes

Writers on this section should review staff and student strikes at Makerere, beginning with the 1928 and 1952 food strikes to the many activists from the 1980s when the university implemented neoliberal policies to the current period.[2] The core causes of these strikes are funding, relations with external forces and mismanagement. To write Makerere’s contribution to society, we must study its problems, shortcoming and the constraints under which it operates.

  • The type of University Makerere has been and should be in the next century

Carol Sucherman poses an interesting question, which Mahmood Mamdani grappled with at the University of Cape Town.[3] Has Makerere been a foreign (European) university in Africa or an African university? In his many speeches in Parliament, Abu Mayanja emphasized the Africanisation of the curriculum as a basis of decolonizing the minds of Ugandan youths.[4] It seems that this is an area where Makerere has not entirely constructed ideas for Africanising the University. But we cannot blame the institution for this failure. The current African university was an outgrowth of the European university. Universities as chartered communities of learners, teachers and knowledge producers developed over time from the Islamic through the medieval and enlightenment periods. Some of the earliest centres of learning included Athens ((500-300 BC), Alexandria (288 BC- 650 AD), Qarawiyyin (859 -), Al-Azhar 970-) and Timbuktu (C12th – C18th). Many of these learning centres became corporate entities when rulers gave them charters or guarantees of freedom to teach and search for knowledge unhindered. The original aim of many universities founded in Europe before 1800 was to produce and defend the values and social legitimation of the founders of a given institution. The modern western university evolved out of religious centres of learning, mainly Christian Cathedral schools for the clergy. These included Bologna (1088), Salamanca (1134), Paris (1150), Oxford (1167), Cambridge (1209) and others. Later, other disciplines were added to theology for study as scholars realized that the development of the mind involved the mastery of multiple domains (Newman,1907). Al-Azhar, founded earlier in 970AD in Egypt, stuck to only religious teaching and research until the C19th.

In Uganda and many post-colonial states, higher education imitated and followed western traditions. Almost all university studies delivered at Makerere followed and were certified by a western institution, the University of London, whose certificates Makerere graduates received until 1963. The administration of the university and its curriculum followed and was never allowed to undermine the colonial administration, and any dissenting lecturers (like Mary Parker, who criticized the colonial policies of Kenya in her lectures) were not permitted to teach. With independence, it was expected that Makerere would develop a robust institutional personality, chart its course by defining what type of university it wished to be and serve society accordingly.

Umar Kakumba (PhD)

[1] Mamdani, Mahmood (2007).  Scholars in the Marketplace:  The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005.  Kampala:  Fountain Publishers.

[2] Byaruhanga, Fredrick Karuhanga (2006). Student Power in Africa’s Education: A Case Study of Makerere University. New York: Routledge, Tailor and Francis Group

[3] Sicherman, Carol (2005). Becoming an African University: Makerere 1922-2000. Kampala: Fountain Publishers

[4] Abu K. Mayanja: Several speeches in Parliament e.g Hansard: “Motion: 1965/66 – Estimates of Expenditure”, 6th July 1965, p. 2802; Hansard: “Motion – Address in Reply to the Presidential Speech.”  January7, 1966 pp. 295 – 297; Hansard: Motion: Estimates of Expenditure- Ministry of Education, 6th July 1965, pp.2799-2806.

Mark Wamai


Princess Zahra Aga Khan Visits Mak, Tours Innovation Pod



Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Centre) flanked by her daughter Sarah Boyden (to her Left) and Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (to her Right) poses for a group photo with members of her delegation and Staff at the Main Building Entrance. Visit by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) and eldest daughter of the Late Aga Khan IV, 20th February 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

On 20th January 2025, the blazing afternoon sun was temporarily obscured by cloud cover as a convoy complete with VVIP security detail quietly made its way to the Main Building. As the convoy came to a stop at the Main Building’s Eastern staircase, all eyes were peeled to see who this VVIP was. As she emerged, there was no fanfare whatsoever as she proceeded to pleasantly greet the welcoming party. Princess Zahra Aga Khan, graceful by all standards, had arrived at Makerere University, an institution fondly talked about by her father His Late Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV.

It was indeed humbling that Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) could include Makerere University on her itinerary. She had earlier on the same day paid a courtesy call on the President H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at State House Nakasero, and presided over the graduation of 120 students of the Aga Khan University-Kampala.

Princess Zahra who was received by the Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi and the Dean Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze was thankful for the warm reception and Makerere’s unwavering legacy.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Right) is received upon arrival in the Vice Chancellor's Office by Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (Left). Visit by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) and eldest daughter of the Late Aga Khan IV, 20th February 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Right) is received upon arrival in the Vice Chancellor’s Office by Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (Left).

“My whole life, my father always told me that Makerere was the best University in Africa,” relayed Princess Zahra, before adding “And my whole life he told me how sad it was that tertiary level degrees had been de-funded and what fragility that bred in these countries.” She went on to explain that her father’s philosophy was that if a country cannot train its upper degrees, it cannot build a free, fair and successful economy.

Princess Zahra nevertheless expressed how glad she was to see that Makerere still remains a beacon of higher education, and that the Main Building that was gutted by fire was reconstructed to perfection. “So to come here and see it looking so amazing and beautiful is really good.”

She confessed that her itinerary, though involving many hops to preside over graduations in Kenya, Tanzania and finally Pakistan, was testimony of how much Aga Khan Institutions had evolved over the past twenty years. Princess Zahra explained that partnerships with Makerere and other universities, especially in the aftermath of events such as CoVID-19, were crucial in helping Aga Khan Institutions to adjust. “An institution can become far stronger and more resilient,” she explained.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Centre) flanked by her daughter Sarah Boyden (Left) and Dr. Tania Bubela (Right) reacts during the courtesy call. Visit by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) and eldest daughter of the Late Aga Khan IV, 20th February 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Centre) flanked by her daughter Sarah Boyden (Left) and Dr. Tania Bubela (Right) reacts during the courtesy call.

In his welcome remarks, Prof. Buyinza thanked Princess Zahra for including Makerere on her eventful itinerary. “We are more than a century old and have greatly impacted the development and economy of this country, not on our own, but with the big network of our partners in many respects. Your coming reinforces the resolve that we must work together for the good of humanity.”

The Acting Vice Chancellor equally welcomed members of Princess Zahra’s delegation who included; her daughter Sarah Boyden, Mr. Zakir Mahmood-Chairman Board of Trustees AKU, Mr. Amin Mawji, OBE-Trustee AKDN, Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin-President and Vice Chancellor AKU, Dr. Tania Bubela-Provost and Vice President Academic AKU, Zeenat Shahabuddin-Regional CEO for Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) in East Africa, and Joseph Mwizerwa-Associate Vice Provost AKU-Uganda.

Contributing to the day’s discussion, Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin the President and Vice Chancellor AKU who has been in Kampala for the last twenty years, admitted that the new campus in Nakawa heralds a new era of growth as they commence student activities in June 2025.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Centre) signs the Visitors Book as Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (Left) and Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin (Right) witness. Visit by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) and eldest daughter of the Late Aga Khan IV, 20th February 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Princess Zahra Aga Khan (Centre) signs the Visitors Book as Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (Left) and Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin (Right) witness.

Makerere has been and is a distinguished University in Africa. We look forward to engaging and discussing how best we can come up with programmes that can benefit Uganda and Ugandans” he remarked.

As a rejoinder, Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze admitted that AKU’s and Makerere’s academic programmes present a number of potential synergies both in training and research. “Cancer clinical care and research is a big issue for us here; the burden is growing and we need to do more work to be able to characterize exposures and what it is that’s driving it.”

Other areas singled out in the discussion as potential for collaboration included; the environment, climate change and its linkage with health and other issues, and harnessing of the potential Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Makerere University currently partners with the Ministry of Health to roll out EMR systems nationwide, so as to optimize health service delivery in line with the Uganda Vision 2040.

Princess Zahra Aga Khan is received upon arrival at the Mak UniPod by Dr. Cathy Ikiror Mbidde (Right) as Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze (2nd Right) and other officials witness. Visit by Princess Zahra Aga Khan, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Trustee of the Aga Khan University (AKU) and eldest daughter of the Late Aga Khan IV, 20th February 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Princess Zahra Aga Khan is received upon arrival at the Mak UniPod by Dr. Cathy Ikiror Mbidde (Right) as Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze (2nd Right) and other officials witness.

“We have already done quite a number of facilities across the country for HIV, probably more than 1,000, but right now we are moving towards having an integrated electronic system for all care, the interoperability of multiple systems that exist, and being able to scale that up” complemented Prof. Wanyenze.

Prof. Buyinza who brought the lively discussion to a close concurred that a lot of potential areas for collaboration exist between the two partners and reassured Princess Zahra Aga Khan and her delegation of the Makerere’s readiness to undertake joint activities for the good of humanity. He also used the occasion to observe a moment of silence in honour of His Late Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, who passed away on 4th February 2025.

Following the signing of the Vice Chancellor’s Visitors Book, Princess Zahra Aga Khan and her delegation proceeded to the Makerere University Innovation Pod (Mak UniPod), where they received a guided tour from Dr. Cathy Ikiror Mbidde, the Director.

Mark Wamai

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Prof. Alinaitwe Hands over DVCFA Office to Prof. Ireeta



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (C), Members of Management and Staff witness as Prof. Henry Alinaitwe presents a copy of his handover report to Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe officially hands over Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-DVCFA to Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, 20th February 2025, Main Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Prof. Henry Alinaitwe on 20th February 2025 officially handed over the Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-DVCFA to Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta at a ceremony presided over by the Acting (Ag.) Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi. The handover was witnessed by the University Secretary-Mr. Yusuf Kiranda, Chief Human Resources-Mr. Deus Tayari Mujuni, Chief Internal Audit-Mr. Patrick Akonyet, University Bursar-Mr. Evarist Bainomugisha and Chief Legal Affairs-Ms. Nanyondo Sumaiyah Sebuta.

Equally present to witness the ceremony were the Chief Estates and Works- Eng. Okuk Geoffrey, Dean of Students-Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli, Deputy University Secretary-Mr. Simon Kizito, Mr. Juma Katongole-Representing Director ICT Support, Ms. Susan Mbabazi-Representing Director Gender Mainstreaming, Ag. Manager of Planning and Development-Mr. Emmanuel Kitamirike as well as staff from the Vice Chancellor’s and Deputy Vice Chancellors’ Offices.

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi in his remarks thanked Prof. Alinaitwe for the effort and support rendered to the University through the DVCFA’s Office and prayed that Makerere could continue tapping into his knowledge.

“As colleagues we have a shared agenda and a common destination as we do the best for Makerere. I thank Prof. Henry Alinaitwe for being a hardworking colleague of great humility, collegiality, and being open-heartedly committed to the principle of trust” remarked Prof. Buyinza, who also expressed belief that God has bigger plans for him as he exits office.

In the same breath, Prof. Buyinza congratulated Prof. Ireeta on his new role, admitting that he has what it takes to carry on from where his predecessor left off. “Thank you for accepting to take on this appointment; it takes a person of great responsibility to accept the huge mandate of this office.”

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (L) presents a plaque of appreciation from the University Management to Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (R) as Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta (C) witnesses. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe officially hands over Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-DVCFA to Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, 20th February 2025, Main Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (L) presents a plaque of appreciation from the University Management to Prof. Henry Alinaitwe (R) as Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta (C) witnesses.

The Chief Human Resources Officer, Mr. Mujuni thanked Prof. Alinaitwe for steering the Office of the DVCFA and pledged to correspondingly support his new supervisor, Prof. Ireeta. The University Secretary, Mr. Kiranda equally thanked Prof. Alinaitwe for the guidance, support, and flexibility accorded to his office to fulfil its mandate.

“Although it is difficult for us to sit here and witness this handover, we are comforted to have previously worked with Prof. Ireeta and look forward to the continuity in service that his experience presents” added Mr. Kiranda.

The Chief Internal Audit Officer, Mr. Akonyet in his tribute thanked Prof. Henry Alinaitwe for his guidance as immediate supervisor, which helped shape the internal audit function. Like Mr. Kiranda, Mr. Akonyet thanked Prof. Ireeta for his support as a member of the University Council’s Audit Committee and expressed confidence that his passion for service would greatly benefit the University in his new role.

Presenting his handover report, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe reflected on a number of achievements such as: Mobilising resources for the Makerere@100 Celebrations and other activities; establishing the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit (GAMSU); realigning Makerere’s Ten-Year Strategic Plan to the Five-Year NDP-recommended interval; Payment of outstanding In-house Benefits; Harmonization of staff salaries; as well as Recruitment, Promotion and Training of staff.

Prof. Alinaitwe equally highlighted achievements such as: Formulation of the ICT Policy and purchase of related equipment; Developing a Security Masterplan and enhancing surveillance, personnel numbers and equipment; Support to Student Affairs Management and Governance including overseeing the Emerging Leaders Program; Renovation of Student Halls of Residence; Establishment of the Disability Support Centre; Leading the Design Team for the Reconstruction of the Main Building; Improving Competitiveness of the Staff Housing Policy; Improving the University Fleet and Vehicle Access Control; Improving the Budgeting Process through Unit Ledgers and Accounts; among others.

The handover was crowned with cake-cutting. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe officially hands over Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-DVCFA to Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, 20th February 2025, Main Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The handover was crowned with cake-cutting.

He concluded by thanking the University Council and the Vice Chancellor for entrusting him with the role of DVCFA as well as all the support rendered to his office in the execution of his duties. “Whereas I have read out all these various achievements, they have largely been due to all your respective contributions and I thank you for that.”

In his acceptance remarks, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta similarly thanked the University Council and Vice Chancellor for entrusting him with the responsibility of overseeing the Office of the DVCFA. He acknowledged that despite the fact that he was taking over from Prof. Alinaitwe on whose behalf he had acted a number of times, he still has big shoes to fill. “However, with my God, all things will work out” he prayed.

The incoming DVCFA requested Prof. Alinaitwe to always accept consultation on matters relating to the office and pledged to be as results-oriented as his predecessors. “Let’s all work together for the good of our University” he concluded.

Following the Handover Ceremony, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi on behalf of Members of Management presented a plaque to Prof. Henry Alinaitwe in appreciation of his dedicated service as Ag. DVCFA from 16th November 2021 to 19th February 2025.

Mark Wamai

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Makerere set to benefit from Project to Enhance Distance Education Environment



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe and Prof. Venny Nakazibwe pose for a group photo with members of the delegation at the Main Building entrance. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, meeting with project implementation partners from the Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) and the Korea National Open University (KNOU) to discuss the upcoming Project for Enhancing the Distance Education Environment at Makerere University in Uganda (2024-2028), 18th February 2025, Kampala, East Africa.

In a pivotal meeting held earlier this morning, the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, met with project implementation partners from the Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) and the Korea National Open University (KNOU) to discuss the upcoming Project for Enhancing the Distance Education Environment at Makerere University in Uganda (2024-2028). This collaboration, set to launch on February 27, 2025, is poised to revolutionize the university’s distance learning initiatives.

The project, which is generously funded by the Korean Government through KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), will receive a substantial investment of USD 12.2 million. It aims to address critical areas in e-learning at Makerere University, with key components focusing on the development of a comprehensive e-learning master plan, capacity building for staff in Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL), equipping two state-of-the-art content development studios, and the development of necessary infrastructure.

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi and Prof. Henry Alinaitwe during the meeting with Prof. Chun Se yeoung and members of the delegation. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, meeting with project implementation partners from the Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) and the Korea National Open University (KNOU) to discuss the upcoming Project for Enhancing the Distance Education Environment at Makerere University in Uganda (2024-2028), 18th February 2025, Kampala, East Africa.
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi and Prof. Henry Alinaitwe during the meeting with Prof. Chun Se yeoung and members of the delegation.

Prof. Henry Alinaitwe expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “This project marks a significant milestone for Makerere University as we strive to enhance our distance learning capabilities. The integration of advanced technology and capacity building will not only improve the quality of education but also ensure greater accessibility for learners across the region. We are grateful for the generous support from the Korean Government and look forward to the successful implementation of the project.”

The delegation from Korea, led by Prof. Chun Se yeoung, also expressed their commitment to the success of the project. Prof. Chun Se yeoung remarked, “We are excited to partner with Makerere University on this transformative project. We believe that by enhancing the distance education environment at Makerere, we will not only benefit the university but contribute to the development of higher education in Uganda and the broader East African region. Our goal is to build a sustainable and scalable model that empowers educators and students alike.”

The project is expected to have a lasting impact, significantly strengthening Makerere University’s capacity to offer high-quality education remotely, thereby increasing access to learning opportunities for students across Uganda and beyond.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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