Background This call for abstracts is under the new U.S. Studies Center in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration supported by the U.S. Mission...
Scholars at Makerere University have developed a set of competencies to guide graduate secondary school teachers in Uganda, focusing on effectively teaching students under the new...
History teaching and learning is perceived by many to be boring. This according to students is because history is often presented in such a way that...
Intervening in the enduring debate on the origins of the African state, this article examines the processes of producing custom in the Ugandan societies of precolonial...
Makerere University student Wycliff Watama has won a fully funded research scholarship and will be leaving in a months’ time to study at Hiroshima University in...
The Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs (DVCAA) Associate Prof. Umar Kakumba was speaking during   the second day of the JICA Chair and Japan...
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) on 19th March 2022, held a pre-application workshop for the prospective 2022 PhD applicants for Gerda Henkel Call....
History Lecturers can now use videos, animations, avatars, illustrations and maps to spice up the teaching of history in higher institutions of learning. Training geared at...
I recommend Rhoda Kalema’s autobiography to everyone who wants to read a first hand account of Uganda’s colonial and post-independence history. This is the story of...
Makerere University Council Chairperson Mrs. Lorna Magara on 25th November 2021 during stakeholder mobilisation event highlighted how Makerere’s rich history has been documented but also added...