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CEPIDE Lays Ground for Innovative Doctoral Education in Ugandan HEIs



CEPIDE is an acronym for the Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE). Funded by the Government of Uganda under the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), this two-phase project aims to build institutional capacity and individual capabilities of doctoral supervisors at Ugandan universities by giving rise to a shift from traditional modalities to innovative approaches of doctoral education.

On 28th January 2021, stakeholders gathered in the Central Teaching Facility 2 (CTF2) Auditorium, Makerere University, to receive findings from Phase one of the project. This phase entailed conducting a baseline study of the state of doctoral education in Uganda. Phase one will also involve writing a course module for a specialized blended capacity building training for supervisors of doctoral candidates at Ugandan universities. Phase two on the other hand will involve implementing the course module developed in phase one as well as creating a database and an online platform for e-networking, knowledge sharing and professional support among doctoral supervisors in Ugandan universities.

The East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (EASHESD) under which CEPIDE falls has aligned its activities along four thematic areas namely; Policy and advocacy, Research and Innovations, Leadership and Management, and Training and Learning. These thematic areas position EASHESD to contribute to research in the understanding of the field of higher education, with the CEPIDE study intricately feeding into this.

EASHESD is predominantly a graduate School offering Masters and PhD programmes and as such, the CEPIDE study on improving the quality of Doctoral Education and Training in Universities in Uganda is a fulfillment of its mandate. Addressing the dissemination workshop, the EASHESD Dean Dr. Ronald Bisaso elaborated that CEPIDE study is aligned to the School’s own practice and grounded in research undertaken therein.

“As Dean, I am happy to note that the members of staff from the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development wrote proposals and received funding to support three projects under the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (MakRIF). These projects include: i.  Capability Enhancement project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE), ii. Enhancing Women to Leadership positions in Universities in Uganda (WOLEP) and iii. Pedagogical  Leadership of Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions to Enhance Graduate Work Readiness and Transition to Work (PLASHE-WIL).

“Through the aforementioned research projects, the School has ensured that key stakeholders namely female Vice Chancellors, the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), National Planning Authority (NPA) and the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) participate in the research projects as well as actively engage with researchers during the dissemination of findings on higher education” remarked Dr. Bisaso.

Seated L-R: Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, Dr. Nora Mulira-NCHE, Dr. Sabrina Kitaka – Mak-RIF GMC and Mr. Timothy Sejjoba-MoES with CEPIDE PI-Dr. Irene Etomaru (In Blue 2nd Row) and other participants at the Research Dissemination, 28th January 2021, CTF2, Makerere University.

He concluded by saying that the involvement of key stakeholders in research and dissemination has enabled EASHESD to build a network that connects research in higher education with Government agencies that focus on higher education and development as well as universities in Uganda.

Presenting an overview of the project, the Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Irene Etomaru said the study was driven by the acute shortage of a critical mass of doctorates with requisite knowledge and skill sets to undertake translatable research and train innovative researchers in Uganda. “There are only about 26 researchers per million inhabitants in Uganda, which is well below the world average of 1,083, about 1,000 PhD holders in various disciplines are unevenly distributed across the academia, government ministries, agencies and research institutes and 80% of these are at Makerere University.”

The PI shared that through CEPIDE, it is envisaged that an Enhanced Postgraduate Environment (EPE) will be created in Ugandan universities. The EPE, she said, would lead to the nurturing of a new cadre of doctorates able to undertake translatable research, train innovative researchers as well as develop innovative models to address local societal needs and improve Uganda’s innovative capacity.

In terms of data collection, the CEPIDE team reviewed laws, plans, policies and reports, and held Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) with NCHE. Furthermore, they collected data from fourteen institutions offering doctoral education and training in Uganda and held in-depth interviews with a total of 49 participants.

Prof. Fred E. K. Bakkabulindi another member of the research team tasked with the role of mentorship then delved into the context and history of doctoral training in Uganda. Statistics for the period 1970-2020 revealed that Makerere University at 90% had the highest number of PhDs among the five doctorate awarding Public HEIs in Uganda. Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) followed with 7.2%, Gulu University (GU) with 1.5%, Uganda Management Institute (UMI) with 1.1% and finally Kyambogo University (KyU) with 0.2%. The glaring difference in percentages could be attributed to the fact that whereas Makerere’s statistics stretch back to 1970, the other four HEIs only started awarding PhDs in the 2010s with GU coming closest in 2013.

The statistics shared by Prof. Bakkabulindi further proved the unfortunate fact that doctoral education and training in Uganda is biased in favour of males. Only 23.4% of the total numbers of PhD graduates in the aforementioned 50-year period were female. UMI led the percentages with 45.5%, followed by Makerere at 23.6%, MUST at 20.5%, GU at 14.2% while KyU is yet to graduate any female PhDs.

Prof. Bakkabulindi also examined the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) versus non-STEM dichotomy with telling results. KyU proved that it is a predominantly STEM HEI by producing 100% STEM PhDs. KyU was followed by MUST at 79.5%, Makerere at 67.6%, GU at 40%, while UMI produced none.

The Dissemination Moderators Dr. Tom Balojja (R) and Ms. Ritah Namisango (L) confer during the event

With the contexts established, it was time for the participants to hear the team’s findings from their baseline study. Dr. Tom Balojja who also doubled as the day’s emcee in delivering a summary of the findings shared that doctoral education and training in Uganda had low throughput rates. Furthermore, doctoral education and training is biased in favour of males and STEM disciplines, and has its capacity concentrated in Makerere University.

He then went on to present the findings in detail, as espoused by the European Commission’s Seven Principles of Innovative Doctoral Training. These seven are; Research excellence, Attractive institutional environment, Interdisciplinary research options (cross-disciplinarity), Exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors, International networking, Transferable skills training and Quality assurance.

The CEPIDE study recommended that;

  • Government of Uganda should integrate doctoral education and training in national development planning within the context of the policy objective of increasing the percentage of the GDP spending on Research and Development (R&D).
  • National targets should be set and resources should be committed to achieve the set targets in order to address concerns about the inadequacy of the critical mass of researchers in the country.
  • Government of Uganda should introduce a sufficient and well-structured legal framework necessary to regulate doctoral education and training. The legal framework should regulate the structure of doctoral programs and curriculum issues, support systems and staffing to improve the quality of the postgraduate training environment in HEIs in Uganda.
  • Government of Uganda and institutions offering doctoral education and training should work out mechanisms which will enable them to work with the industry and other research institutions in promoting research and innovations.
  • Institutions should transit from offering PhD by research to the taught PhD
  • The scope of doctoral education and training should be broadened to incorporate other models of the doctorate such as PhD by coursework (taught PhD), Professional doctorates, Work-based doctorates.
  • The role and funding of Doctoral Schools in Universities should be underscored to create enhanced postgraduate environment (EPE)
  • More research and interventions into doctoral education and training in Uganda.

Reacting to the presentation, the Director Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi requested the NPA to come up with a PhD training strategy for Uganda that clearly outlines the demand for PhDs particularly in the industry as well as resources to train them. He emphasized the need to preserve the quality of PhDs trained as the drive for more PhDs is impressed upon HEIs. In the same breath, the Deputy Director DRGT, Dr. Robert Wamala advocated for a mechanism to ensure productivity of PhDs as a third factor to consider in addition to quantity and quality.

ED National Planning Authority-Dr. Joseph Muvawala (R) addresses participants as Dr. Sabrina Kitaka (L) and Mr. Timothy Sejjoba (C) listen at the CEPIDE Research Dissemination.

Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda, the Deputy Principal College of Education and External Studies (CEES) in his remarks commended Mak-RIF for changing the terrain of research and innovations at Makerere University. “CEES was one of the Colleges that wasn’t attracting much funding but with the coming of Mak-RIF, we have seen a very significant increase from only two research Projects to twenty.”

He thanked NPA for accepting to conduct both virtual and physical training for staff at Makerere University who are interested in writing impactful policy briefs.

Dr. Sabrina Kitaka who represented the Mak-RIF Grants Management Committee (GMC) Chairperson, Prof. William Bazeyo commended the CEPIDE research team for recognizing that Makerere as a leader ought to strive to bridge the gap in doctoral training and education between itself and younger institutions. She thanked the Government of Uganda for providing funding to more than 500 Research Projects all aimed at informing national development priorities.

“The Volatility, Uncertainty Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) phenomenon created by the COVID-19 is teaching us how to be innovative by disseminating our findings both physically and online. Any innovation that results in training of scholars is not only exciting but brings closer the possibility of an education that is boundless” said Dr. Kitaka.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (R) and Deputy Principal CEES, Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda confer during the CEPIDE dissemination

Mr. Timothy Sejjoba who represented Dr. Jane Egau, Director for Higher Technical and Vocational Education and Training – HTVET, Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) in his address congratulated Makerere University upon not only securing funding under Mak-RIF but also putting it to good use. “We believe that you are going to inspire other institutions to reach the heights that they should.”

He noted that the CEPIDE study had brought very interesting findings and conclusions to the fore and that his Ministry would be very glad to continue discussing these with HEIs. On the issue of quality assurance for PhDs Mr. Sejjoba advised that HEIs ought to be self-regulating so as to guarantee the brand of their programmes and graduates in the job market.

In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe congratulated the CEPIDE team upon delivering possibly the most important Mak-RIF seminar to-date, owing to its addressing of the University’s core strategic direction head-on. He equally thanked the Government of Uganda for providing; i. Funding for over 500 research and innovations through Mak-RIF, ii. Increasing the monthly salary of a Professor to UGX 15million, and iii. Funding infrastructure development for research. “We now have some of the best labs anywhere in the world and there is no reason why as a University we cannot drastically contribute to transformation of our society.”

He reiterated Makerere’s commitment to support other HEIs to build their capacity in doctoral training and teaching and commended the decision by the Higher Education Student Financing Board (HESFB) to start offering loans for postgraduate study at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Uganda.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe makes his remarks at the CEPIDE study dissemination event

The Executive Director National Planning Authority (NPA), Dr. Joseph Muvawala in his address commended the ongoing policy work between the School of Economics, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) and his authority, noting that this ought to be duplicated between other Schools and Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. He shared that increasing number of graduate students seems to be sufficient condition for Uganda to take off in terms of economic development and emphasized the importance of Makerere University implementing its new 10 year strategic plan, which he described as “good”.  

He advised the CEPIDE team and all researchers to improve their capacity to write policy briefs, noting that policy makers lack the time to read research papers in their entirety. “I am here to say that you have our full support as NPA and my colleague Dr. Mugendawala will draft a concept on how to connect graduates to industry.”

Concluding the day’s remarks, the Chief Guest Dr. Nora Mulira who represented the Executive Director NCHE, Prof. Mary Okwakol acknowledged that the Council as a participant in the CEPIDE study had gleaned a number of lessons to incorporate in the UNESCO instrument that feeds the state of Uganda’s Higher Education. She added that the study provided a number of options on how to advance the National PhD programme and thanked the Vice Chancellor for effectively using the funds received from Governement of Uganda.

“To the Principal Investigator, this is a pivotal study that is going to move Uganda ahead and is well aligned with strategic development framework as enshrined in NDPIII and Vision 2040, which look at research and innovation as a driver for development” commended Dr. Mulira.  

She urged the research team to formulate an output plan that stipulates the specific actions that need to be undertaken by particular stakeholders within set timelines.

Article by Public Relations Office.

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Mark Wamai


CEES Holds Open Day and Skills Expo to Empower Future Educators



Left to Right: A CEES Official, Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli, Prof. Robert Wamala, Dr. Wilson Ssabavuma and Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu Musoke inspect products by student exhibitors on 14th March 2025. College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Several students from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) at Makerere University have showcased different innovations that can be used to train learners in the new competence-based curriculum that has been rolled out across different levels of learning.

These student innovations were presented during the CEES Open Day and Skills Expo held on Friday 14th March 2025 at Makerere University Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium under the theme: “Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity.”   

The CEES Open Day and Skills Expo 2025 comes at a time when the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports in partnership with the National Curriculum Development Centre is implementing the new competence- based curriculum. This strategic direction requires both the teachers and the students to embrace the teaching and learning approaches for effective delivery and implementation.

Dr. Wilson Ssabavuma (Right) and Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu (Left) tour exhibitions by students. College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Wilson Ssabavuma (Right) and Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu (Left) tour exhibitions by students.

Featuring student presentations and innovations as well as a panel discussion focusing on strategies for adopting the new curriculum, the student-driven event organized by CEES student leaders with the support of the College leadership aimed at equipping education students with practical skills to prepare them for their roles as future educators.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe commended the students and staff for prioritizing innovations and presentations on the new competence-based curriculum. In a speech read by Prof. Robert Wamala, the Acting Director of Research, Innovations and Partnerships, the Vice Chancellor noted that the College of Education and External Studies is mandated to train students who will implement the new competence-based curriculum at the lower secondary, upper secondary and at institutions of higher learning.

“The new competence-based curriculum focuses on equipping learners with practical skills. The College has undertaken strategies to train and produce teachers who can effectively teach students and actively engage them in practical sessions. Makerere University is committed to providing innovative teaching, learning and community engagement. This Open Day and Skills Expo aligns perfectly with our vision of producing graduates who are not only knowledgeable, but also fit for purpose in the evolving job market,” he said.

Prof. Robert Wamala represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe. College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Robert Wamala represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe.

He added: “I must emphasize that there are changing demands in education that go beyond theoretical instructions and indeed require practical and hands-on experiences. I believe that this skills expo serves as a bridge between academia, industry and other key stakeholders. It will help students showcase skills and innovations like we have seen, and explore entrepreneurship and self-employment.”

The Vice Chancellor encouraged students to seize this opportunity to develop more innovations that go beyond simplifying education, to blending an entrepreneurship ideology to create jobs in an economy that is increasingly evolving.

“To our students, this is your chance to demonstrate your capabilities, learn from others, but also take both steps towards building your future careers. It is possible that you can look at yourself as a teacher, but allow me to remind you that you can as well look at yourself as an entrepreneur, innovator and business person. So, size this opportunity to diversify your skills and make meaningful connections,” he guided.

Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu represented the Principal CEES-Prof. Anthony Mugagga. College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu represented the Principal CEES-Prof. Anthony Mugagga.

On behalf of Prof. Anthony Mugagga, the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies, Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu described the event as a clear demonstration of Makerere University‘s commitment to preparing students for the new competence-based curriculum.

“We are delighted that our students have organized this event in an effort to transition to a skills-based curriculum. Our students represent a group that embraces innovative teaching and learning approaches, and are ready to continue learning and sharing,” he said.

“The College of Education and External Studies is working with the National Curriculum Development Centre to ensure the effective delivery of the competence-based curriculum at the Secondary School and University levels.

He acknowledged the National Curriculum Development Centre for being an instrumental partner who has organized several workshops that have equipped the staff at the College of Education and External Studies with the 21st century skills required to deliver the new competence based curriculum.

Mr. Wilson Ssabavuma who represented the Executive Director of the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) commended the College of Education and External Studies for undertaking an innovative approach to transform the service teaching force into a competent labour force.

Dr. Wilson Ssabavuma who represented the Director National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC). College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Wilson Ssabavuma who represented the Director National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC).

 “I take this opportunity to thank the College of Education and External Studies for inviting the National Curriculum Development Centre to witness the steps and strategies undertaken to transform the service teaching force into a competent labour force positioned and ready to deliver the competence-based curriculum,” he said.

“You will agree with me that most of us gathered here are products of the old curriculum. Since the introduction of secondary education in Uganda, it is the first time, we are having major reforms in education following the realisation that we cannot dodge the way of change that is taking place all over the world. We must definitely transform our education to ensure that we remain relevant to the national, regional and global economies,” he stated.

He highlighted that the different stakeholders noted that the only way to produce a competent work force would be through changing the education sector to meet the market demands and the 21st century trends.

“In 2011, we started to revise the old curriculum. In 2020, we rolled out the competence-based curriculum at the Ordinary level. This year, we have done the same to the Advanced level curriculum,” Mr. Ssabavuma added.

He disclosed that when the NCDC rolled out the new curriculum, it became problematic not only to students, but also to the teachers at the different levels. To address this challenge, mindset change approaches and a number of initiatives including capacity building workshops were implemented to onboard the different stakeholders.

 “Teacher educators have to be responsive to the ongoing changes in the local, regional and global trends so that we train human resources that is suited to the task. I am happy to note that the staff and students at the College of Education and External Studies have embraced the competence-based curriculum. I am particularly pleased to see that you have come up with home grown innovations. This attempt is very useful and we commend you for that initiative,” he said.

Ms Anyango Oliver, one such innovator, built an innovation that explains the different types of unemployment. Her innovation describes what unemployment is, and different types of un employment including structure and cyclical unemployment.

Richard Nizeyimana, a Student Leader at CEES. College of Education and External Studies (CEES) Open Day and Skills Expo, theme: "Empowering Future Educators Through Skills and Innovation for National Prosperity", 14th March 2025, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Richard Nizeyimana, a Student Leader at CEES.

Her innovation further identifies the causes of these types of unemployment, effects of unemployment to individuals and the society, and suggest solutions to these kinds of unemployment.

Ms Anyango believes such a model of looking at employment, if adapted, can be solution-based because it identifies the problem, its causes, and also outlines possible solutions.

Mr. Richard Nizeyimana, a Student Leader at CEES thanked students for actively participating in Open Day and Skills Expo. He emphasized that the Expo provided a platform to students to exhibit the innovations in line with the competence-based curriculum.  “We have used local materials to make teaching aids that can explain concepts for students. We are solving the problem of teachers going out there in the field and teaching their students’ things that are only based on theory. We want to be on point and effectively deliver the new competence-based curriculum to students both at O and A-level,” he stated.

Ritah Namisango
Ritah Namisango

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Celebrating Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi’s Legacy: A Call for Linguistic Innovation and Digital Transformation



Makerere University College of Education and External Studies in partnership with the Buganda Kingdom Ministry of Heritage and Palaces hosted an inaugural memorial lecture to honour the late Professor Livingstone Walusimbi, whose ground breaking contributions to African languages have left an indelible mark on the field. Themed Building Sustainable Futures: Bridging Prof. Walusimbi’s Linguistic Legacy with Digital Transformation, the event provided a profound moment of reflection on the transformative power of language and its pivotal role in shaping societies.

Held on February 27, 2025 at Makerere University School of Public Health Auditorium, the memorial lecture provided a befitting platform to celebrate Prof. Walusimbi’s legacy and selfless service in advocating for and advancing the recognition of Luganda and African languages at Makerere University and other academic institutions. The month of February is dedicated to mother tongues and African languages. It was therefore a perfect decision to hold the inaugural memorial lecture during the month of February. According to Wikipedia, the International Mother Language Day is a worldwide annual observance held on 21st February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism.

The hybrid lecture featured Anthems led by Buddo Senior Secondary School, a prayer led by Rev. Juliet Ssekamate from Wampeewo Church of Uganda, and a powerful poem with words that symbolized the good works of Prof. Walusimbi and a pledge by those he mentored and the future generations to keep his legacy alive, recited with love and emotion by Mr. Aloysius Matovu Joy (a former student of Professor Walusimbi), speeches, a keynote speech and a panel discussion.

Rev. Juliet Ssekamate from Wampeewo Church of Uganda leading the opening prayer.

The lecture brought on board dignitaries from Buganda Kingdom and other cultural institutions, the family of Prof. Walusimbi, the academia, scholars, educators, learners from primary schools, students and teachers from various secondary schools, institutes and universities, Bakayimbira Dramactors, the media, individuals mentored by Prof. Walusimbi, alongside leading experts in linguistics. The lecture presented a golden opportunity to honor his legacy while exploring the continued relevance of his work in the context of today’s rapidly advancing digital age.

Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi’s academic journey was marked by an unwavering dedication to linguistic excellence and education. Born on 23rd March 1935, his early experiences in the Ugandan school system during the 1940s and 1950s laid the ground work for what would become a lifelong vocation in education. Beginning his career as a Grade III teacher at the National Teachers’ College in Kyambogo in 1958, he demonstrated from the outset a deep-seated passion for teaching and learning-an attachment that would drive him to pursue advanced studies abroad, ultimately earning him a certificate from Leicester University in 1962, a diploma from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1969, and culminating in a master’s degree in Linguistics in 1971 followed by a PhD in 1976.

Through these rigorous academic pursuits, Prof. Walusimbi not only solidified his place as a distinguished scholar, but also laid the foundation for his lifelong contributions to linguistics and language education.

A pencil drawing of the Late Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi

Beyond his academic achievements, Prof. Walusimbi played a pivotal role in integrating Uganda’s indigenous languages into the university’s curriculum. Understanding the crucial need to preserve and promote the nation’s linguistic heritage, he spearheaded the introduction of courses in Luganda, Runyakitara, Ateso, and Luo. His efforts not only enriched the academic landscape at Makerere University, but also made a significant contribution to the cultural vibrancy of Uganda’s higher education system.

The Chief Guest, Owek. Joseph Mulwanyammuli Ssemwogerere, former Katikkiro of Buganda Kingdom, lauded Prof. Walusimbi for his tireless efforts in promoting African languages, particularly Luganda, which continue to shape Uganda’s linguistic landscape. Speaking on behalf of the Katikkiro of Buganda Kingdom, Charles Peter Mayiga, Owek. Mulwanyammuli offered profound reflections on the pivotal role of language in preserving culture and driving socio-economic development.

At the core of his address was the critical role of language in defining identity and fostering unity in the community. “A community without language and culture is a lost group,” Owek. Mulwanyammuli stated, emphasizing the necessity of nurturing indigenous languages as vital to the socio-economic transformation of societies. African languages, he argued, are not only markers of identity, but also powerful tools for development, promoting community cohesion and progress.

The former premier celebrated Prof. Walusimbi’s remarkable contributions, noting that he was a steadfast advocate for the academic recognition and preservation of African languages, particularly at a time when many dismissed them as unworthy of scholarly attention. Prof. Walusimbi’s groundbreaking work to have Luganda and other indigenous languages taught at universities has created a lasting impact, resulting in a generation of experts in these fields. His unwavering commitment has shaped the academic landscape, leaving behind a legacy of linguistic scholars continuing his mission.

Owek. Mulwanyammuli also addressed a contemporary challenge—the misconception that native speakers of a language are automatically experts. He stressed the importance of formal education in indigenous languages, particularly to guide the youth who are increasingly influenced by social media and globalization. “We need people like Professor Walusimbi to guide us, especially the youth,” he remarked, underscoring the need for academic support in teaching indigenous languages and culture.

Chief Guest, Owek. Joseph Mulwanyammuli Ssemwogerere.

Owek. Mulwanyammuli thus called for continued research into the relationship between indigenous languages, culture, and development. “We need to move with the times,” he urged, highlighting the potential of integrating indigenous languages into the evolving digital landscape. By doing so, he believes African languages can play a pivotal role in the continent’s economic and political transformation, serving as bridges to new technologies and innovations.

In her keynote address, Ms. Margret Nankinga, Coordinator of Luganda, Lusoga, and Lugwere Languages at the Language Commission of the African Union, emphasized the contributions of Prof. Walusimbi to the teaching of Luganda and African languages at Makerere University and other Universities as well as key issues of cultural identity, education and technological advancement.

She highlighted the impact of colonial-era policies that sought to diminish the role of mother tongues in education, labeling them as hindrances to academic success. These attitudes, which punished children for speaking their native languages, still re-occur today, inhibiting the growth of linguistic diversity. She stressed that Prof. Walusimbi defied these odds, dedicating his career to proving that African languages—specifically Luganda—could be vehicles for higher education and intellectual discourse.

She portrayed the significance of linguistic literacy, urging a revitalization of indigenous languages in both educational and technological contexts. Ms. Nankinga highlighted how, despite the historic stigmatization of mother tongues, languages such as Luganda have demonstrated adaptability. Prof. Walusimbi’s pioneering work in introducing Luganda at the university level exemplifies the potential of African languages to carry complex and high-level knowledge.

Keynote Speaker, Ms. Margret Nankinga.

Drawing attention to the challenges of the 21st century, she warned of the digital divide, where African languages are at risk of being excluded from the digital revolution. “Are we capable of migrating our languages into the digital sphere?” Ms. Nankinga asked. She emphasized that in an age where social media, artificial intelligence, and ICT dominate global communication, it is crucial that African languages are not left behind. To preserve their cultural heritage and ensure their relevance in the future, African languages must evolve alongside technology.

“In this migration, someone may be sitting right next to you, yet they’re not truly present. They are in another world—the world of social media. Their attention is consumed by social media. Their body may be here, but their spirit and everything else have already migrated—that’s the term they use. So, how do we ensure that as they migrate, they carry our language with them? How do we ensure they carry our cultures? How do we ensure that our indigenous knowledge also migrates to the digital world, to social media, and the Internet?” she questioned.

Ms. Nankinga also underscored the importance of policy reform, calling for a shift in attitudes toward language education. She advocated for policies that provide economic value to indigenous languages and support their integration into the digital landscape. The example of the Bible being translated into 22 Ugandan languages was a powerful illustration of the richness of these languages and their capacity to convey complex ideas. Yet, much more needs to be done, she argued, particularly in the realms of scientific research and technological innovation.

She advocated for collaborative efforts among universities, researchers, and policymakers to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and modern innovation. “If we are to evolve, let us start with our languages,” Ms. Nankinga guided. She also pointed out the need for researchers to present their findings in African languages, making academic knowledge more accessible and relevant to local communities.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, emphasized the significant impact of Prof. Walusimbi’s work on both the academic and cultural realms. He remarked that when Prof. Walusimbi joined Makerere University as a tutorial fellow in 1972, he entered an academic environment that had not yet fully recognized the intrinsic value of Ugandan and African languages. Prof. Walusimbi advocated for the inclusion of indigenous languages in the university curriculum, beginning with the introduction of Luganda as a formal subject in 1976.

Dr. Anthony Wamala(2nd R) receiving a certificate from Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, looking on is Prof. Masagazi Masaazi(3rdR) and Prof. Muyinda Birevu(4thR).

The Vice Chancellor stated that Prof. Walusimbi’s academic journey at Makerere University exemplified both scholarly excellence and an unwavering commitment to the advancement of indigenous languages. His rapid progression from tutorial fellow to lecturer in 1975, senior lecturer, and ultimately, the first Ugandan to attain a professorship in linguistics in 1992, stands as a testament to his dedication and intellectual rigor. He explained that Prof. Walusimbi’s contribution to Makerere University extended far beyond his exemplary academic achievements.

“Recognizing the importance of community engagement, he established platforms such as the Baganda Nkobazambogo Students Association and co-founded the Luganda Language Society (Ekibiina ky’olulimi oluganda). These initiatives not only nurtured linguistic scholarship, but also promoted cultural pride and heritage among generations of Ugandans. His persistent outreach has indelibly changed the cultural and educational landscape of our nation,” Prof. Nawangwe said.

Prof. Nawangwe announced the University’s exciting new initiative that is aligned to integrating technology with language preservation. He highlighted a research project by researchers at Makerere University at the College of Education and External Studies who were developing an application to transcribe the Luganda language in real-time. This tool was designed to enable those with hearing impairments to read spoken Luganda on their screens. Prof. Nawangwe stated that this project was a true reflection of the kind of research-driven innovation that Prof. Walusimbi had championed throughout his life.

Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga, the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies represented by Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu, acknowledged Prof. Walusimbi’s instrumental role in establishing the Department of Humanities and Language Education at the College. He stated that Prof. Walusimbi’s visionary leadership played a pivotal role in integrating rigorous linguistic scholarship with progressive pedagogical practices, creating a strong foundation for the study of languages. He added that by championing interdisciplinary research, Prof. Walusimbi set a benchmark for academic excellence in language education.

“His foresight and leadership were critical in leading these language studies in our curriculum. Through incorporating rigorous traditional linguistic scholarship in progressive pedagogical practices, he not only established a robust academic foundation for the study of languages, but also set a standard for interdisciplinary research. His commitment to multi-term education has reshaped education practices in Uganda,” Prof. Anthony Mugagga stated.

The Principal noted that Prof. Walusimbi was at the forefront of advocating for policies that promoted language instruction in local dialects, ensuring that Ugandan and other indigenous languages were integrated into formal education. This advocacy helped position language as more than just an academic discipline but as a fundamental tool for cultural preservation and social cohesion.

Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu

On a personal note, Prof. Mugagga shared that Prof. Walusimbi was not just an outstanding academic but also a compassionate mentor whose guidance left a profound impact on many scholars, including himself. He credited the late professor for instilling in him the belief that education transcends textbooks and lecture halls. According to him, Professor Walusimbi’s mentorship emphasized the importance of curiosity, identity, and ethical responsibility in academia. He noted that the late professor’s dedication to blending traditional values with innovative educational practices made him a model educator who fostered equity, intellectual rigor, and mutual respect among students and colleagues alike.

The Minister for Heritage and Palaces in the Buganda Kingdom, Dr. Anthony Wamala acknowledged the lasting contribution of Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi to the development of his mother tongue, to be specific Luganda.

The Minister described Prof. Walusimbi as the “father of modern Luganda language,” underscoring his pivotal role in ensuring that the study and teaching of Luganda received the academic recognition it deserved. “Through his effort in advocacy and mentorship, the teaching of our own language gained recognition at this great centre of academic excellence,” the Minister said.

The Minister emphasized that Prof. Walusimbi’s contributions went far beyond academic scholarship. His work laid a critical foundation for the continuity of Uganda’s heritage and cultural identity. “It is therefore incumbent upon us, the living, to protect and extend the vision and leadership of Professor Walusimbi,” the Minister urged, stressing the need for continued efforts in supporting the teaching and further development of Luganda.

Taking note of the modern technological advancements today, the Minister highlighted the potential to use these tools to further the transmission of Luganda. “We are blessed to live in a world with numerous technologies that we can exploit to pass on our language,” he remarked, pointing to mobile applications as one example of how technology could be harnessed to make learning and teaching Luganda more accessible, especially for younger generations and those from outside the region wishing to learn.

Buddo Senior Secondary School students entertained the audience.

The Minister called on everyone, to not only celebrate Prof. Walusimbi’s achievements, but also to commit to embodying the values he championed. “Let us strive for excellence in our pursuits, serve our communities with proportion, and use our knowledge to build a more just and equitable world,” he stated. By doing so, the Minister affirmed that Prof. Walusimbi’s legacy would continue to inspire and guide future generations in the preservation and growth of Uganda’s linguistic and cultural heritage.

As the first recipient of a PhD in Luganda from Makerere University and the only professor specializing in the subject, Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi, the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for the inaugural lecture and a former student of Prof. Walusimbi praised his unwavering commitment to the development of Luganda and other African languages. He underscored the significance of Prof. Walusimbi’s work in advancing linguistic scholarship. He expressed the collective aspiration to see other Ugandan and African languages develop to the level of Luganda, highlighting how the late Professor’s efforts extended beyond Makerere University to impact the broader linguistic and educational landscape.

He said, “It is our wish to see Uganda and other African languages develop the way Luganda has developed. We are here to instruct on work that has been done by Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi.”

Prof. Masagazi Masaazi applauded the invaluable contributions of Uganda’s language teachers, recognizing their role in sustaining and expanding linguistic education through research, teaching, and publication. He further reflected on Professor Walusimbi’s groundbreaking achievements, explaining that his mentor did not merely study languages for academic interest, but worked tirelessly to develop structured programs in Luganda. Prof. Walusimbi, initially trained in English language and linguistics, conducted extensive research and pioneered the creation of Luganda language programs.

Mr. Aloysius Matovu Joy – a former student of Prof. Walusimbi.

Mr. Aloysius Matovu Joy, a multifaceted Ugandan artist, one of the directors of Bakayimbira Dramactors and a former student of Prof. Walusimbi, in a poignant poetic tone called the populace to preserve and nurture the Luganda language, the mother tongue of many Ugandans. He re-echoed the importance of passing the language on to future generations, encouraging parents to teach their children not just to speak it, but to gain expertise and qualifications in it. He called for a broader recognition of the language, urging for books and knowledge in Luganda to multiply, thus safeguarding its future.

He recounted the invaluable role Professor Walusimbi played in his life, describing him as a nurturing figure who never let his students wither but instead helped them flourish. “He watered us, and we blossomed,” said Mr. Matovu, highlighting how the professor instilled in his students a profound love and respect for Luganda. According to Mr. Matovu, it was Professor Walusimbi who helped elevate the language, allowing it to surpass others, especially those that historically sought to suppress it.

Mr. Matovu praised Professor Walusimbi for being a fountain of wisdom, comparing him to a stone that, once ordinary, transformed into a mighty rock that stood out among others. “You became a father, mother, and grandparent to us, shaping us into the people we are today,” he said, conveying deep respect and admiration. He also underscored how Prof. Walusimbi not only made his students experts in the Luganda language, but also helped them become teachers and leaders in their own right.

Dr. Alice Joy Nabalamba, daughter of the late Prof. Walusimbi, on behalf of the family, expressed deep gratitude for the recognition of her father’s legacy. She emphasized that Makerere University was more than just a workplace for her father—it was his second home for over four decades. She extended special thanks to the organizing committee for their unwavering commitment to ensuring that Professor Walusimbi’s work is celebrated and remembered.

Reflecting on his career, Dr. Nabalamba described her father as more than an educator; he was a mentor and a guardian of language and culture. His belief that language is deeply intertwined with identity and heritage fueled his relentless efforts to preserve indigenous languages. As an advocate for linguistic preservation, his work extended beyond academia to global platforms such as UNESCO, where he collaborated with experts to safeguard endangered languages. Dr. Nabalamba noted that he was acutely aware that the disappearance of a language equated to the loss of history, wisdom, and the very essence of a people.

Dr. Alice Joy Nabalamba – daughter of the late Prof. Walusimbi.

Dr. Nabalamba called upon the multitude to carry forward her father’s vision. She urged scholars, educators, and language enthusiasts to continue his work by promoting indigenous languages, fostering education, and embracing kindness. In her words, “Today, as we honor him, I know he would not want us to dwell in sorrow. Instead, he would want us to continue with his work—to teach, to preserve, to serve, and most of all, to be kind to one another.”

In a panel discussion moderated by Dr. David Kabugo, the panelists namely Dr. Prosperous Nankindu, Dr. Ronald Kizito, and Prof. Abasi Kiyimba shared insights into the linguistic legacies of Professor Walusimbi and how to continue his work in preserving and promoting African languages in the digital era.

Dr. Ronald Kizito pointed out Prof. Walusimbi’s role in introducing Luganda at Makerere University, which later spread to other institutions. He noted that Prof. Walusimbi’s 1976 PhD dissertation from UCLA continues to be a valuable resource for their work, especially in training computers to recognize the syntax, grammar, and structure of Luganda. He emphasized how this laid the foundation for teaching computers to understand and process Luganda, making it accessible on a global scale. He also shared ongoing efforts at Makerere University College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, where they are working on teaching machines to read, translate, and speak Luganda, ensuring that the younger generation can interact with technology in their native language.

[L-R] Prof. Abasi Kiyimba, Dr. Prosperous Nankindu, Dr. Ronald Kizito, and Dr. David Kabugo during the panel discussion.

Dr. Prosperous Nankindu mentioned the importance of preserving and promoting Luganda, highlighting the foundational work of Prof. Walusimbi in developing Luganda studies. She acknowledged his efforts in standardizing Luganda grammar and literature, which have greatly influenced language education in Uganda. Dr. Nankindu stressed the need for continued research and technological advancements to ensure that Luganda remains relevant in the digital age. She called for more initiatives to integrate Luganda into modern communication, education, and artificial intelligence, ensuring its sustainability for future generations.

Prof. Abasi Kiyimba focused on Prof. Walusimbi’s great work in developing the Luganda language and its literature. He explained how Prof. Walusimbi helped set rules on how Luganda should be written and spoken correctly. He also worked on creating dictionaries and improving the language for teaching and learning. Prof. Kiyimba called upon the audience to continue researching and using modern technology to keep Luganda strong and relevant in schools and everyday life.

The well-attended lecture moderated by Ms Ritah Namisango and Dr. Muhammad Kiggundu Musoke from the College of Education and External Studies, ended with a prayer led by Bishop Hannington Mutebi, a member of Prof. Livingstone Walusimbi’s family.

Ritah Namisango
Ritah Namisango

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Makerere Launches ARESRO Project to Strengthen Education System Resilience in Africa



Makerere University, through its ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), has launched the Africa Regional Education System Resilience Observatory (ARESRO) Project on 25th February 2025.

Makerere University, through its ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), has launched the Africa Regional Education System Resilience Observatory (ARESRO) Project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at bolstering the resilience of education systems across sub-Saharan Africa. The virtual launch, held on February 25, 2025, brought together key stakeholders, including prominent academicians, development partners, and educational experts from across the continent.

The ARESRO Project, funded by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) through the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), seeks to establish a virtual observatory headquartered at Makerere University. This observatory will serve as a central hub for real-time data on education system resilience, tracking current and future risks, shocks, stressors, and existing interventions in 42 GPE partner countries across Africa.

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe. Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe.

In his remarks, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, Vice Chancellor, emphasized the significance of the ARESRO Project in advancing Makerere‘s vision of becoming a research-led and innovation-intensive institution. “It is through such innovative projects that we can offer solutions to address the development challenges within our communities,” he added.

Prof. Nawangwe further underscored the importance of resilient education systems, especially in the face of Africa’s socio-economic, demographic, and climate challenges. He highlighted the need for strategic investments in research and innovation, noting that “Africa is on the rise, and her renaissance must be anchored in a formidable higher education sector that is research and innovation-led.”

The Outgoing Head of GAMSU and Mak-RIF, Prof. William Bazeyo.
Prof. William Bazeyo.

Prof. William Bazeyo, Chief of Party of ResilientAfrica Network, highlighted the critical need for resilient education systems, stating, “The COVID-19 pandemic starkly demonstrated the vulnerability of education systems to unexpected shocks. By establishing ARESRO, we aim to provide real-time data and insights that will enable education systems to anticipate, adapt to, and recover from a wide range of disruptions.”

Echoing this sentiment, Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze, Dean, School of Public Health, emphasized that, “ARESRO is not just about helping education systems bounce back from disruptions; it is about proactively anticipating, planning for, and adapting to various challenges to ensure continuity and quality education for all learners in Africa.”

Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze, Professor and Dean, School of Public Health, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze, Professor and Dean, School of Public Health, Makerere University.

Ms. Tricia Wind, Program Lead for the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX), highlighted the observatory’s alignment with the goals of the Resilient Africa Network (RAN) at Makerere University and explained that GPE KIX, a joint initiative between IDRC and GPE, funds this project to support partner countries in building equitable, inclusive, and resilient education systems.

Tricia emphasized the importance of resilient education systems, especially in light of disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and emerging challenges like artificial intelligence. She noted that the observatory aims to generate evidence and innovative solutions to help African countries strengthen their education systems against future shocks while promoting gender equality and inclusion.

She also highlighted the observatory’s role in addressing knowledge gaps regarding education system resilience, a concept lacking consensus in theory and practice. The initiative encourages collaboration among affected communities to find and implement effective solutions.

Tricia Wind
Tricia Wind

The Africa Regional Observatory is one of six global observatories, with others in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Pacific region, and South and Southeast Asia. These observatories aim to foster a community of practice, sharing research, insights, and strategies to enhance education system resilience worldwide.

According to Dr. Roy William Mayega, the Principal Investigator, the ARESRO Project aims to fill crucial knowledge gaps by developing a unified framework for defining, assessing, and enhancing education system resilience. It will explore effective approaches to addressing future shocks, stressors, risks, and vulnerabilities, ensuring that African education systems are better prepared to face emerging challenges such as climate change, pandemics, civil conflicts, and technological shifts.

The observatory will engage in a three-pronged research approach, including Context Analysis, Formative Assessments, and Foresight Analysis. These strategies will provide a comprehensive understanding of resilience practices, perceptions, and experiences, as well as anticipate future shocks and stressors. Key project deliverables will include sub-regional desk review reports, country-specific formative assessment reports, foresight analysis reports, and research translation products such as knowledge briefs and policy briefs.

Dr. Roy William Mayega.
Dr. Roy William Mayega.

In his remarks, Prof. Nawangwe expressed deep appreciation for the support from GPE KIX and IDRC, saying, “Your contributions will go a long way towards strengthening the resilience of our education systems in Africa. IDRC has been a long-time partner of Makerere University, and we do not take your partnership for granted.” He also commended Prof. William Bazeyo for his exemplary leadership in steering research and innovation in Uganda and beyond.

Through strategic stakeholder engagement and collaboration with regional bodies such as the African Union, IGAD, ECOWAS, and SADC, ARESRO aims to influence policy and practice, ensuring that resilience-building strategies are embedded in education systems across Africa. The project will also prioritize gender equity, inclusion, and adaptive management to create more inclusive and sustainable educational environments.

The virtual launch ended with the official inauguration of the ARESRO Project by Prof. Nawangwe.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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