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Address Drivers of Non-compliance to COVID-19 Guidelines, Researchers Urge Government



By Joseph Odoi

Makerere University researchers and local leaders have asked government and other key stakeholders in refugee management to address community drivers of non-compliance to COVID-19 guidelines as increased cases continue to be registered across the country.

This call was made at the dissemination event of a study conducted by Makerere University titled Refugee Lived Experiences, Compliance and Thinking (REFLECT) in COVID-19. The REFLECT dissemination was undertaken at multiple sites in Kisenyi (Kampala), Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Kyegegwa) and Adjumani (West Nile) on 14th December 2020.

The REFLECT study observed that compliance levels around COVID-19 guidelines drastically declined between May-August 2020 and continue going down despite increased infections from community transmission. The stakeholders at this event cautioned that addressing the drivers of non-compliance was necessary in light of the overwhelmed health system, currently ongoing political campaigns and massive social gatherings in the Christmas season and beyond.

Since March 2020 the Uganda government and its partners have conducted a fairly successful awareness campaign on the prevention of COVID-19. However, this knowledge has not translated into sustainable behavioural change and while there was strict observance of COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic, compliance has drastically dropped due to a number of reasons. This is why all prevention efforts should now focus on addressing the barriers to non-compliance as the country enters into the second wave and peak period of COVID-19 transmissions.

A study conducted from among 2,092 people in refugee settlements in Uganda has found a serious disconnect between the high knowledge levels and levels of compliance with the recommended COVID-19 preventive measures. A total of 13 settlements were considered for this study including Kisenyi in Kampala, Kyaka II in Kyegegwa district and 11 settlements in Adjumani district, West Nile.

Some of the stakeholders at the REFLECT dissemination in Kisenyi, Kampala. They include community leaders from Somali, Ethiopian and Eritrean communities; officials from National Water & Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC), NGOs, politicians and law enforcement
Some of the stakeholders at the REFLECT dissemination in Kisenyi, Kampala. They include community leaders from Somali, Ethiopian and Eritrean communities; officials from National Water & Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC), NGOs, politicians and law enforcement

Presenting findings of the study at Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa, South-Western Uganda, the research team led by Dr Gloria Seruwagi observed that compliance levels had declined over time (between March/April and July/August); unfortunately coinciding with increasing number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

Inappropriate use of masks was found prevalent in some of the study sites – including sharing of masks, and only wearing them when the refugees meet the Police. Researchers say these practices constitute a source of risk for infection, rather than being protective.

Scarcity of Facemasks

Sifa Mubalama, a Woman Councillor in Kyaka II while speaking to study investigators at Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa, South-Western Uganda late last year, revealed that there is non-compliance to COVID-19 guidelines due to inadequate masks and materials at the settlement.

 “We were all given one mask each in Kyaka II settlement which you have to wash often and use again, hence becoming too old getting torn after some time. There is also inconsistent supply of soap and water. Because of this, some of the community members have not been washing their hands consistently’’ Mubalama revealed.

Sifa Mubalama, the woman counsellor in Kyaka II at the dissemination event.
Sifa Mubalama, the woman counsellor in Kyaka II at the dissemination event.

According to Mubalama, each family gets Shs. 22,000 every month, which is she says is not adequate to sustain the families. As a result, majority refugees go out in the communities to do manual work, to supplement on the income citing that this puts their lives at risk of COVID-19 infection.

Mubalama further contends that children in the settlements were not adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) because their parents were not.

“It would be easier to implement these guidelines if the parents were adhering to them. Because the parents are not adhering to the guidelines, most children are also not. It’s really important that if we are to implement the SOPs, it should start from the parent,” she said.

According to Happy Peter Christopher, the Kyegegwa Sub County Speaker, ever since the lockdown restrictions were eased, the refugees abandoned following the COVID-19 guidelines like social distancing, wearing masks, sanitizing or frequent washing of hands with soap. 

“People are not putting on masks and are careless. Refugees also buy food from the nationals and there are intermarriages. So, the spread of COVID-19 is very possible. For us we would like, if possible, to ask government to bring back the total lockdown so that we are protected”.

He also reported that, up to now, some areas in Kyegegwa had still not received the government distributed masks and called upon government to deliver masks to all refugees and also add more efforts in enforcing SOPs.

It is against this background that researchers at Makerere University and local leaders have appealed to government and other stakeholders in the refugee management to address the community drivers of non-compliance to COVID-19 guidelines as cases continue to surge in Kyaka II refugee settlement in the South Western district of Kyegegwa.

Government has been asked to address the drivers of non-compliance, as a necessity in light of the overwhelmed health system, by the currently ongoing political campaigns and the massive social gatherings during the festivities.

Dr. Misaki Wayengera the Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee on the COVID-19 Taskforce in the Ministry of Health explained why some districts did not get enough masks, saying there was an urgency to distribute to candidates returning to school.

“We intended to distribute masks to the entire 139 districts of Uganda. However, this was not possible because we opened up schools. As the Ministry [of Health], we had to negotiate with the Ministry of Education to prioritise the candidate students who were going to school; every student receiving 2 masks. As a result, we have not been able to distribute masks across the entire country,” he explained.

Dr Misaki Wayengera (1st right)  the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee , National Covid-19 Taskforce in the Ministry of Health and Dr  Gloria Seruwagi
Dr Misaki Wayengera (1st right)  the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee , National Covid-19 Taskforce in the Ministry of Health and Dr  Gloria Seruwagi Photo by New Vision

According to Dr. Wayengera, there is a need for all stakeholders dealing with refugees to appreciate that they are equally susceptible to COVID-19 like any other person.

“In terms of providing support, we must ensure that we provide things like masks, soap, sanitizers and also educational materials around the SOPs,” he said.

Adding that; “there are targeted efforts to make sure that we roll out Rapid Diagnostic Tests to make sure that we can screen the populations especially as children go back to school, we screen them but most importantly know who is infected and pull them out from the community”.

Dr Misaki Wayengera (1st left) Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee -COVID-19 Taskforce in the Ministry of Health, speaking to the Media
Dr Misaki Wayengera (1st left) Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee -COVID-19 Taskforce in the Ministry of Health, speaking to the Media

Discussion of Study Results  

Dr. Gloria Seruwagi, also the Principal Investigator notes that whereas more than half (about 60 percent) of the members of the refugee community are well informed about COVID-19; up to 40% were found to have knowledge gaps on the nature, transmission, symptoms and dangers of COVID-19.

The study results also showed that between 1-40% of the refugee population across the different study sites adopt at least one risk behaviour likely to lead to transmission of COVID-19 including behaviours related to hygiene and social interactions including related to hygiene, congestion, and physical activity.

While men appeared more knowledgeable about the virus compared to women and children, women were found to be more compliant than men. Also, refugees who were Muslims were more compliant to COVID-19 guidelines compared to their Christian counterparts while younger refugees appeared more knowledgeable about COVID-19 than the elderly.

A wide knowledge gap was found among the children and adolescents, with up to 75% not fully knowledgeable on causes, transmission, risk/protective factors and management of Covid-19.

The Myths

Study results show that refugee communities had a belief that Africans have immunity against COVID-19; and that COVID-19 is not real but is instead a fabrication of scientists and politicians; and that their religious faith would protect them.

On threats and opportunities towards compliance, social media and the diaspora were reported as the key knowledge agents among refugee communities whose effect is divisive by simultaneously encouraging both compliance and non-compliance.

While a lot of information about COVID-19 has been provided by government and other stakeholders including implementing partners from civil society, UN bodies and local leadership, researchers revealed that children, youths and s the elderly and people with disabilities were not particularly targeted with appropriate information; and had largely not been reached.

Children and COVID-19

During the investigations, researchers found that despite government and other key and agencies churning out COVID-19 related information, it largely focused on adults and missed out children and adolescents.

“The fact that they (children and adolescents) have not been targeted means that no one has even given them masks. The masks which are on the market are all big and if a child wears it, it is going to fall down. We decided to channel some of the study resources into making customised and re-usable masks for some of the older children,” explains Dr. Gloria Seruwagi.

Children putting on masks donated by REFLECT Project during the dissemination exercise at Kyaka II, Kyegegwa district in South Western
Children putting on masks donated by REFLECT Project during the dissemination exercise at Kyaka II, Kyegegwa district in South Western

Behavioural change messages needed

The REFLECT study team observed during the study that there was a great and urgent need for engaging leadership at all levels as well as developing Behavioral change messages to positively influence behavior.

Some of the REFLECT Study SBCC Materials at the Dissemination Event in Kyaka II, which were translated into the local languages
Some of the REFLECT Study SBCC Materials at the Dissemination Event in Kyaka II, which were translated into the local languages

During the dissemination exercise, the REFLECT Study Team donated masks to support the refugees “walk the compliance talk” in the fight against COVID-19. 

The study team physically sensitised and demonstrated to the refugees on proper wearing of masks. They strongly discouraged the improper use of masks including “chin” masking, partial masking, inconsistent masking, sharing of masks as well as wearing ill-fitting masks.

Dr. Gloria Seruwagi handing over masks to the Chairman of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa
Dr. Gloria Seruwagi handing over masks to the Chairman of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa

On the whole, researchers applauded government and development partners’ efforts on undertaking a largely successful awareness campaign around COVID-19.

They note however that this awareness has not translated into positive change, emphasising the need for more effort towards behavioural change, building on from the COVID awareness campaign.

A REFLECT SBCC poster translated by the Somali refugee community in Kisenyi, Kampala
A REFLECT SBCC poster translated by the Somali refugee community in Kisenyi, Kampala

The research team recommends thus;

  1. Government and all stakeholders should focus on addressing the drivers of non-compliance and enforcement fatigue. These drivers include:
  • Reviewing the feasibility of interventions: Guidelines like physical distancing are not feasible in crowded refugee settings and need to be revisited. For crowded settings emphasis needs to be put on some guidelines and not others, for example handwashing and consistently wearing fitting face masks instead of physical distancing or sanitizing.
  • Debunk myths and negative perceptions: Majority of the community has not fully bought into the seriousness of COVID-19 and think it is not only a joke but is also a political and monetary ploy advanced by politicians, some scientists, supremacists or population control enthusiasts. These myths need to be debunked and instead replaced with factual information about COVID-19.
  • More profiling of COVID-19 trends and cases should be undertaken for behavioural change impact. This is because more than 90% of study participants had not seen a single COVID case. However, stigma and other potentially related dilemmas should be carefully managed.
  • Leaders, implementers and enforcers of COVID-19 guidelines should be consistent and “walk the talk”. This is especially needed now with the political campaign season where masses are gathering and politicians are not leading by example.
  • The issue of livelihoods and food security must be resolved as a key bottleneck to compliance.
  • Culture: Local leaders, cultural leaders and grassroots organisations should be recognised and engaged more in behavioural change campaigns – for instance to engage their communities identify alternative social norms for greetings, for showing love and kindness etc., without put their lives at risk.
  1. The timeliness and critical role of the recently launched 2020 Community Health Engagement Strategy (CES) should be leveraged whereby:
  • Local health system capacity is strengthened to effectively take up the implementation and enforcement of SOPs for COVID-19 prevention.
  • Community health systems and other enforcement structures are equipped with knowledge, skills, supplies and adequate infrastructure.
  1. Key sociodemographic factors and COVID-19 risk should guide tailored impact messaging and other interventions.
  2. Children, adolescents and youth should be effectively targeted in COVID-19 interventions. They need awareness, products (e.g. fitting face masks), visibility, voice and protection from the effects of COVID-19 including being witnesses and victims of different forms of violence.
  3. The awareness message found high among adults should be reinforced and consolidated – equitably this time.

“We believe that these are low-cost interventions but which will bring about high impact in a very short time and reverse not only the trend of COVID-19 transmission but also its negative effects across the health socioeconomic spectrum” Dr Seruwagi said.

Kyegegwa Authorities Speak Out

Jethro Aldrine, the Kyegegwa District Assistant Resident District Commissioner said government was committed to inclusive dissemination of information on MOH SOPs in order to mitigate the spread of the pandemic.

“As the COVID-19 district task force, we move from door to door to sensitize people on COVID-19 including children,” he disclosed.

He also noted that government was also sensitising the masses through radio stations to create awareness that COVID-19 is real and needs to be prevented. He thanked the REFLECT Project for carrying out the study that will help the district fight the current pandemic.

At a radio talk show conducted jointly with the study team, district officials and refugee community leaders, Mr Thomas Mugweri the Surveillance Officer in the District Health Office of Kyegegwa District Local Government also thanked the REFLECT Study Team for giving it new direction.  

“While we as a district have been massively sensitizing on awareness, now we know that people are not using the message they know about COVID. We are now going to start using all our behavioural change techniques to make sure that we bring out the desired behavioural change,” observed Mugweri

He urged the politicians to stop recklessly endangering the masses by calling them to campaign rallies and instead called upon them to donate masks and lead by example through observing COVID SOPs during their campaigns.

The REFLECT study PI Dr Gloria Seruwagi after a joint radio talk show in Kyegegwa with COVID taskforce leaders at the refugee settlement village, district and national levels
The REFLECT study PI Dr Gloria Seruwagi after a joint radio talk show in Kyegegwa with COVID taskforce leaders at the refugee settlement village, district and national levels

Youth Voices on COVID-19 in Refugee Settings 

As part of increasing the visibility and voice of young people in COVID-19, the REFLECT Study organised an engagement session with children, adolescents and youth during the dissemination. The engagement sessions were led by Francis Kinuthia Kariuki and Grace Ssekasala of Centre for Health and Social Economic Improvement (CHASE-i) who were supported by Catherine Nakidde Lubowa and Dr Gloria Seruwagi the study PI.

Some of the adolescents at the REFLECT engagement session in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
Some of the adolescents at the REFLECT engagement session in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement

During this exercise, the REFLECT Team discussed Coronavirus and it emerged that a number of issues are affecting the children and youth which needed to be addressed alongside COVID-19 prevention. Most critical, children and adolescents reported defilement, rape – leading to teenage pregnancies and a lot of other SRH challenges that affected their sexual health.

Many confessed they lacked information on menstruation hygiene products which citing that some of their families could not afford. Others decried inaccessibility of contraception despite being sexually active and access to youth-friendly counselling on SRH matters affecting them.  

Both male and female youths agreed that the high level of teenage pregnancies has been attributed to high poverty levels and being out of school. ‘’Sex is being used as a tool for economic gain and survival. This is not limited to the girl child only – two cases were reported where boys are being married by older women who lure them with money and soft life’’ explained Mr. Francis Kinuthia   from his engagement with adolescent boys and youth.  

Engaging South Sudanese children and youth with the COVID-19 prevention message in Adjumani, West Nile
Engaging South Sudanese children and youth with the COVID-19 prevention message in Adjumani, West Nile

Mental health issues were reported to be affecting adolescents largely boys who expressed worry about their future especially, now, that schools had been closed, and they are in a foreign country.

 Increasing crime rates were also reported and, following unemployment plus school closure, majority youths especially males have now resorted to drugs and substance abuse.

 In regard to COVID-19 the adolescents in general reported that they had experienced the negative effect of the pandemic in their lives such as reduction on monthly hand-outs, harassment by police and enforcers of COVID -19 guidelines, increased domestic violence, SGBV, teenage pregnancy, increased levels of drug and substance abuse, poor mental health and high cost of living among others.

 Asked what could be done to solve some the challenges they were facing; youth recommended the following;

  • Establishment of skill development centres to empower them and make them less dependent on hand-outs
  • Creation of employment opportunities by authorities
  • Identification, support and nurturing talent among them refugees and youths
  • Constant supply of sanitary towels/pads and other SRH products including contraception
  • Health education on contraception methods and having in place youth-friendly services at health facilities
  • Continuous awareness campaign on COVID-19 which involve youth and punitive policies or by-laws to severely punish the perpetrators of teenage pregnancies, rape and child marriages.

The dissemination attracted members of the academia from Makerere, Gulu and other universities, central and district Government representatives, Refugee Representatives including their leadership from OPM, Refugee Welfare Committees (RWC), Village Health Teams (VHT), Youth, Women and Sub-County representatives, local politicians, Development and Implementing Partners like Save the Children, Red Cross Society, UNHCR, Nsamizi Institute for Social Development and the Private Sector.

REFLECT Co-Investigators Dr Betty Okot, Andrew Masaba (LWF) and Brian Luswata from the Ministry of Health (MoH) engage the community on radio talk show in Adjumani, West Nile
REFLECT Co-Investigators Dr Betty Okot, Andrew Masaba (LWF) and Brian Luswata from the Ministry of Health (MoH) engage the community on radio talk show in Adjumani, West Nile

Research Team

The REFLECT Study is funded by Elrha/R2HC (Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises) supported by UKAID, Wellcome and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The Study Team is led by Dr. Gloria Seruwagi.

The full team has Prof. Stephen Lawoko of Gulu University, Dr. Denis Muhangi, Dr.  Eric Awich Ochen, Dr. Betty Okot  all from Makerere University, Andrew Masaba of Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Dunstan Ddamulira from Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD and John Mary Ssekate from the National Association of Social Workers of Uganda (NASWU) Others are Brian Luswata and Joshua Kayiwa all from the Ministry of Health and Catherine Nakidde Lubowa, the Project Coordinator.

Article originally posted on MakSPH

Mark Wamai


Makerere University Public Health students recount hands-on experience in Ebola case finding in Uganda




The first day of the case-finding activity began with an orientation session at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) offices at the Ministry of Health (MoH). The briefing was led by Dr. Wenani Daniel, Lubwaama Bernard, and Mr. Daniel Kadobera, who provided an overview of the current status of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak caused by Sudan ebolavirus (SEBV) in central Uganda. A key focus of the session was adherence to strict infection prevention and control (IPC) measures including maintaining a safe distance, avoiding direct contact, refraining from entering homes, and not eating or drinking in the field.

To enhance efficiency, the team was divided into three groups, ensuring that each group included at least one clinician for proper assessment of inpatient department (IPD) registers and patient files. The groups were then deployed to their respective sites: Saidinah Abubakar Islamic Hospital, Mulago National Referral Hospital, and a buffer zone within a 2km radius around Saidinah Hospital.

Read full article on AFENET


The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is a not-for-profit networking and service alliance of FE(L)TPs, and other applied epidemiology training programs in Africa. Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) is one of four founder members of the network that has since grown to 40 members spanning Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone Africa.

Mak Editor

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Meet Laura Silovsky, a Makerere University Graduate with Refugee Roots Bridging Continents



Laura Silovsky (Right) at the graduation ceremony alongside fellow graduands Juma Said Tusubila and Ssali Abdallah Yahya on Day 2 of the 75th Graduation Ceremony. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

On Tuesday January 14, 2025, under the radiant rays of the Ugandan sun, Laura Silovsky crossed the stage at Makerere University’s 75th Graduation Ceremony to receive her master’s degree in Public Health Disaster Management (MDM). Hers is a story of passion, dedication, and curiosity to rewrite the narrative of global education. Among 1,813 master’s graduates, Laura’s story stood out, as a blend of refugee roots, firefighting bravery, and a drive to decolonize learning.

Laura’s journey began long before her arrival in Kampala. Born in the UK to a father who fled from Czechoslovakia’s dictatorship in the 1970s, she grew up understanding displacement intimately. “My father was a refugee. Why would I fear refugees?” she once asked during her research fieldwork in Uganda’s West Nile, where her empathy bridged divides.

“People in Uganda may not expect that a muzungu could be the child of a refugee, but my family experienced displacement from (what was then) Czechoslovakia as well as the effects of the protracted conflict in Northern Ireland. Fortunate to have been born in the UK, I was raised to appreciate that disasters can affect anyone, anywhere, anytime.

After studying Sustainable Development at the University of Edinburgh, I worked on a behavior change project tackling non-communicable diseases in Scotland,” Laura says.

Laura Silovsky outside MakSPH on graduation day. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Laura Silovsky outside MakSPH on graduation day.

Her journey twisted through battling Australia’s bushfires and volunteering in a COVID pandemic, but it was Uganda’s welcoming refugee policies and Makerere University’s academic excellence that pulled her in next.

“In 2020, I relocated to Australia, just after the worst bushfires since records began and before the COVID-19 pandemic. The following two years, I qualified as a firefighter and supported bushfire recovery by volunteering with a community-based organization. After gaining some insight into these different disasters, I made the decision to return to higher education, and so I applied for the MDM programme at Makerere in 2022,” says Laura.

Armed with experience in emergency response, Laura was drawn to the field’s multidisciplinary nature and was convinced she needed to expand her expertise beyond immediate recovery efforts. She aimed to explore the full disaster management cycle and the intricate connection between health and environment.

“I needed to combine gaining academic knowledge with developing practical skills, so the field placement offered within the master’s degree in Public Health Disaster Management programme was a major motivator for me,” she shared.

The love for Uganda

Studying at the University of Edinburgh, Laura took a class in Kiswahili, that included a field-based short course on the Tanzanian shores of Lake Victoria. This experience sparked a desire to spend more time in the region, but she knew she needed to expand her skill set in order to genuinely add value to an organisation, if she was on the continent.

“I hoped studying at an East African university would teach me invaluable soft skills needed to work more effectively as an international team member. Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) has a strong reputation, and I wanted to study somewhere that was locally grounded but globally recognized. Uganda’s progressive refugee policies were an added incentive to learn from experts here,” Laura says.

Laura’s intentional choice to decolonize her education

“I came to Uganda to learn from the experts here,” Laura declared, rejecting Eurocentric frameworks. “A big factor for me wanting to study at Makerere University was to decolonize my education, to recognize that the knowledge about responding to public health disasters and supporting refugees is here in Uganda,” she says.

She adds, “When I first arrived, I was quite vocal with my classmates about wanting to challenge that bias and truly acknowledge the wealth of knowledge within institutions like Makerere. The expertise here is invaluable, and I was intentional about decolonizing my education.”

Laura Silovsky with some of the 2022 MDM cohort outside MakSPH building after an exam. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Laura Silovsky with some of the 2022 MDM cohort outside MakSPH building after an exam.

At MakSPH, Laura immersed herself in courses like epidemiology, struggled briefly with statistics, but thrived on critical discussion groups and consultation with lecturers.

Collaborating with classmates from Uganda and across East Africa, she learned Luganda phrases and Somali proverbs, and built a “family” united by late-night study sessions and shared ambitions.

Beyond expectations

For Laura, studying at MakSPH was the best decision she could have made. She is still struck by the faculties’ wealth of academic and professional experience in public health and disaster management.

“I anticipated the programme would focus on applying the knowledge we gain to real-world scenarios. Of course, there were cultural differences that took me time to adjust to. I am grateful to faculty members such as Prof. Christopher Garimoi Orach, for his dedication and support, Prof. Elizeus Rutembemberwa for leading by example and valuing students’ time, and Dr. Justine Bukenya and Dr. Simon Kibira for offering their extensive support as my dissertation supervisors.”

The Fieldwork Attachment that Transformed Laura’s Research Experience

At Rhino Camp refugee settlement in West Nile, Laura’s work took on new meaning. Partnering with the Uganda Red Cross Society, she helped digitize data tools and walked long distances through Tika Zone, inspecting latrines and speaking with South Sudanese girls about their challenges in managing their menstrual health through their project that focused on schools.

Laura Silovsky conducting focus group discussions in a school in Rhino Camp in Northern Uganda with a team from the Uganda Red Cross Society. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Laura Silovsky conducting focus group discussions in a school in Rhino Camp in Northern Uganda with a team from the Uganda Red Cross Society.

“That experience in West Nile influenced my own research ideas, and it was a privilege to later return to Rhino Camp for data collection. I will always remember the long days walking with my research assistants through villages and being graciously welcomed by so many respondents,” she recalls, noting that the experiences crystallized her resolve to advocate for refugee dignity globally.

Life in Kampala  

Life in Kampala, with its vibrant energy and unique challenges, was truly a ‘full sensory experience’ for Laura. “My parents live in a small village, so Edinburgh felt like a big city when I moved there. And Edinburgh is much smaller and quieter than Kampala! But on weekends, I loved going downtown to shop at Owino Market or heading to Kyadondo Rugby Club for some pork.”

These spaces were perfect for Laura, offering new cultural experiences, including matooke, a starchy dish not found in the UK, which is mainly eaten in Uganda as a local delicacy and staple meal. Despite the differences in culture, sharing meals with classmates provided Laura with a comforting sense of connection.

Back to academics, navigating the university administrative processes wasn’t seamless initially for Laura, though. She says administrative hurdles such as paper-based systems, could change for the university to comfortably enjoy its strong reputation.

She recalls, right at the beginning, when she couldn’t find sufficient information online to support her to complete her application to join Makerere University. However, she later received support from the University’s International Office that deals with the welfare of international students.

Other university officials, from finance, librarians, program administrators, to academic registrars, played a key role in supporting her in her research and postgraduate training. “The system relies on dedicated individuals,” she noted, calling for digital reforms while praising MakSPH’s “atmosphere of innovation.”

“From my experience, such as when obtaining my transcript, the system relies heavily on individual staff members working around these administrative challenges. I’m grateful for those who helped me navigate this, and I’m interested to see how the university continues its digital transition, as it could greatly streamline processes in the future,” says Laura.

A Bittersweet Graduation Day

On graduation day, Laura’s pride mingled with melancholy. Watching families cheer on graduates, she reflected on classmates sidelined by finances or family crises.

Having gone through the course and interacted with Ugandan students, Laura hints on the common financial and personal challenges preventing many from graduating: family illness, new children, sponsorship falling through.

“I know so many of my classmates had worked so hard and were almost over the finish line but, due to financial challenges or other commitments at home, it wasn’t possible for them to graduate this year,” she says.

“For me, I was able to make the choice to pursue this program before having children, so I had fewer responsibilities at home, and I had also been saving for many years to get the money to pay tuition. Because I knew I had the money for tuition before I started, I could focus on studying. As you know, the reality for many people is that that’s not always possible.

“Small supports can transform student experiences,” Laura emphasized, advocating for systemic empathy. She sees great potential for more pastoral support at the university, citing peers from UCU and Kyambogo who benefited from accommodations like private breastfeeding spaces and flexible deadlines in special circumstances. Such initiatives, alongside financial aid, could significantly improve student welfare.

Still, the ceremony’s electric energy—watched via livestream by her parents in Europe—symbolized hope. “Uganda taught me that collaboration transcends borders,” she reflected.

Laura Silovsky (Right) at the graduation ceremony alongside fellow graduands Juma Said Tusubila and Ssali Abdallah Yahya. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Laura Silovsky (Right) at the graduation ceremony alongside fellow graduands Juma Said Tusubila and Ssali Abdallah Yahya.

“You could feel this sense of how hard everyone had worked to reach up to that point and that this was really an opportunity for them to celebrate, particularly by having family and friends around to be able to see. I love the PhD awards, when you see the PhD students coming out and their families rushing up to greet them. To me, that’s the best part of the ceremony, because a PhD requires so much work and commitment, and I think it’s really emotional to see everyone share this moment with their support networks,” she says.

Adding that; “…I was so grateful that the ceremony was streamed online. My family were watching live at home in Europe and it was so special that they could see me on camera and participate in the ceremony that way as well.”

Laura noted striking similarities between Makerere and Edinburgh’s ceremonies, especially the moment when students were asked to turn and thank their families, an emotional and powerful tradition.

Looking Ahead

Now in Tanzania, Laura eyes roles with international NGOs, armed with Ugandan-taught pragmatism and a zeal to challenge Europe’s refugee policies. “MakSPH gifted me more than a degree—it reshaped my worldview,” she says.

“As a muzungu with a Ugandan postgraduate education, I feel privileged to have benefitted from different educational perspectives, and I hope that the skills and knowledge I acquired during my time at Makerere will help me to secure a role with an international NGO. After witnessing the incredible support that Uganda provides to refugees, I also hope to advocate for more dignified policies concerning refugees in Europe,” she shares.

“There’s a spirit of innovation and dedication at Makerere, particularly when passionate lecturers like Prof. Orach, Dr. Roy Mayega, or Dr. Victoria Nankabirwa engaged students through discussion and sharing lived experiences. You could really see a different level of engagement within the students as well. Overall, I’ve had such a fantastic experience at Makerere University.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing,” she smiles.“Except maybe convince more Europeans to study here. Africa’s wisdom is the future.”

Davidson Ndyabahika

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Exciting PhD Opportunity in Health Innovation – Starting 2025



The NTU-Mak delegation posing with some of the community health workers at the field office in Nakawuka, Wakiso district.

We are happy to share this exciting PhD studentship opportunity through the NTU-Makerere University partnership under the theme Health Innovation. Starting in 2025, this project will focus on One Health drivers of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in rural Ugandan communities.

The research will combine microbiological and public health approaches to explore the prevalence, transmission, and contributing factors of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in these communities. Key research questions include:

  • What human, animal, and environmental factors contribute to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
  • How can Community Health Workers (CHWs) help mitigate their spread?


  • Essential: Willingness to spend time in both Uganda and the UK during the project and proficiency in Luganda.
  • Desirable: Wet lab microbiology skills.

For full details, visit:
> NTU Health Innovation PhD Studentships.

Application Deadline: Friday, 14 February 2025.

For inquiries, contact Dr. David Musoke at or Jody Winter at

Mak Editor

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