Inaugural Deans’ Workshop Addresses Research Management
6 years agoon

Makerere University on Friday, 14th June 2019 held the Inaugural Workshop for Deans and Directors in academic affairs under the theme “Building Institutional Capacity for Researcher Development, Funding and Management of Sponsored Research”. Organised by the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)-DVCAA and the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), the Friday event was the first in a series of training and sensitisation workshops for academic leaders at Makerere University, aimed at building a sustainable research culture and research management systems for quality and relevant research output. The workshops are supported by IREX's University Administration Support Program funded by Carnegie Corporation oF New York.
Welcoming participants to the Inaugural Workshop, the Director DRGT Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi shared that the University Management is committed to establishing Makerere as a fully-fledged research University over the period 2020-2030. This shall be achieved by placing emphasis on increasing graduate enrolment, establishing research infrastructure, strengthening research policies, mobilisation of research funding, fostering knowledge production and utilisation of research results for sustainable national development.
“This is the first in the series of training workshops. Similar ones for College Principals, and Heads of Academic Departments, Research Centres and Coordination Offices will follow in the course of the year,” added Prof. Buyinza.
Presenting the rationale for the workshop, the DVCAA Dr. Umar Kakumba who represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe shared that it was a great pleasure to interact with colleagues who play a critical role in the academic affairs of Makerere University.
“Reputable Universities around the world are expected to be centres of excellence in research, innovations and knowledge or technological transfer for the wellbeing of communities and national welfare. Unfortunately research in sub-Saharan Africa has been undermined by deficiencies in research support systems, management and administration,” remarked Dr. Kakumba.
The DVCAA was however optimistic that a formalised Deans’ Forum, which was one of the expected outcomes of the Workshop, would nurture and institutionalise a vibrant research culture among research leaders and faculty. “We are here to inspire each other on how to excel in attracting grants and interacting with agents both within and without the country.”
Delivering the Keynote address on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Kakumba shared that universities the world over exist for the three fundamental purposes of: Generation of knowledge; Dissemination of knowledge, through teaching and learning; and Community outreach. He noted that research funding trends were steadily shifting from institutional core funding to competitive project funding and performance-based funding that rewards success in raising third-party funds.
The address also highlighted that at 38 researchers per one million people, Uganda falls way behind continental leaders Egypt and South Africa that reported approximately 679 and 437 researchers respectively for the same sample size. Scandinavian countries however reported figures above 6,000 researchers per one million people.
Nevertheless, it was noted that Makerere can take advantage of its historical brand as the region’s premier university as well as collaborations and partnerships with the world’s leading universities to boost its research potential. The University can also take advantage of its wide academic disciplinary specialities; at over 37% science, resident centres of excellence and alumni of high calibre spread across the globe to better leverage its research potential.
Chairing the first session on Research Governance and Organisational Capacity: Role of Central Research Office/Directorate, the Director Quality Assurance, Dr. Vincent Ssembatya while quoting the 2010 Association of Commonwealth Universities conference held in Cape Town, South Africa asserted that Universities must be “citadels not silos”.
“Universities are by nature made up of thousands of staff and students across various disciplines engaged in teaching and learning, research and knowledge transfer. They should be seen to fix the problems of communities that surround them” explained Dr. Ssembatya.
Sharing from personal experience, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi in his presentation revealed that the challenges of grants management are directly proportional to size; the bigger the grant the more the challenges faced.
“A Central Research Office is important in helping researchers to identify the potential risks associated with particular grants. Our research governance structure should be able to lead to enhancement of quantity, quality and relevant research output” said the Director DRGT.
Prof. Buyinza also shared that the revitalization of the Makerere University Press was timely, as it would help make institutional research more visible by translating findings and innovations into usable products for communities. He revealed that the Deans’ Forum would foster accountability as the research leaders freely exchange grants opportunities and effective management practices.
The second session made The Case for a Deans’ Forum: Effective Research Leadership for a Research-led University. The Dean School of Languages, Literature and Communication, Dr. Aaron Mushengyezi who chaired the session noted that the training workshops would inspire research teams and provide a platform for Deans to share best practices in resource mobilisation. He also called upon Deans to always share their grant writing skills with junior colleagues, “This will boost their confidence and motivate them to apply for more grants on their own.”
Quoting the SAGE Handbook of Research Management by Robert Dingwall and Mary Byrne McDonnell the session presenter and Dean, Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze said “Research organizations particularly large ones such as universities may need units capable of doing both radical and incremental innovation.”
The same Handbook she said also notes that “innovation may be better placed in smaller organizations or smaller units within large organizations.”
Prof. Wanyenze shared that the MakSPH experience had shown that innovation thrives in diversity and oftentimes lies at the borderline of different disciplines. “If we do not reach out to those from different units, we could miss out on a lot of innovations” she explained.
Speaking on the capabilities that foster Effective Research Capabilities, Prof. Wanyenze said that scientific or scholarly credibility were no longer sufficient in today’s dynamic environment. “Dingwall R and McDonnell MB in their Handbook of Research Management describe five additional capabilities as; the Entrepreneur, the Networker, the Collaborator, the Mentor and the Multitasker.”
These capabilities, she said, could be developed by research leaders over time and/or achieved through appropriate team organization. The Dean further observed that teaching and research are synergistic and as such, delivering stability and small incremental change is required to address both. She nevertheless warned that cutting-edge research is inherently disruptive.
The third session of the day on Research Funding and Building Functional Networks for Makerere was chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-DVCFA, Prof. William Bazeyo, a renowned grants mobiliser. In his remarks, the DVCFA thanked Dr. Kakumba for championing the Inaugural Deans’ Workshop and inviting him to chair the session.
He spoke on the importance of forging research networks, as these enable the collaborating parties to prolong the life of research and innovations beyond the duration and funding of projects under which they were nurtured.
“We must also establish an autonomous grants management system for all our units if we are to improve research management and output” added Prof. Bazeyo.
Delivering the presentation, MakSPH’s Dr. Roy William Mayega observed that whereas universities with their high concentrations of experts, facilities, ideas and mentors have a key role to play in research and innovations, funding that ensured sustainability and continuity of research remained a big problem. “Many low-income countries have not prioritised investments in research leading to weak research infrastructure and heavy reliance on grants.”
This was backed by a 2019 LASER-RAN assessment of 27 universities in Africa, which showed that over 70% of research funding originates from outside the continent. Whereas Governments were shown by the same assessment to contribute 9.7% of the research funding, the private sector at 3.8% made the least contribution.
Dr. Mayega also pointed out that research with no clear path to translation, disconnect with development priorities and inadequate grants writing capacity were threats to research in our universities. Others cited were; few super-experienced researchers, inadequate financial management capacity and bureaucracy.
“Our knowledge products are mostly academic publications that are not easily understood by funders. We need to translate our research into simpler language and impactful innovations” he explained.
Dr. Mayega therefore called for increased support to young researchers by putting in place grants targeting young scientists as well as supporting the publications and career paths of non-teaching research support staff. He also proposed increased internal cross-disciplinary networks, improved research-to-translation support and improved research support infrastructure as some of the incentives to help build functional research networks.
Charing the last session of the day, the Dean School of Women and Gender Studies, Dr. Sarah Ssali reassured the Deans and participants at the workshop that Makerere University was in the process of developing a policy on grants, which would incentivise more researchers and units to undertake research. “We will advocate for a policy that enables Schools or units from which the grants originate to share in or retain a good percentage of the overhead.”
Delivering the presentation on Incentivising Research & Researcher development in Universities, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation & Extension and Acting DVCAA at Kampala International University (KIU), Prof. George Nasinyama expressed happiness to be back at his alma mater, an institution that he previously served as Deputy Director Research under DRGT.
Prof.Nasinyama revealed that there was a paradigm shift in the nature of knowledge generation from the Ivory Tower and its connotations of mono-disciplinary research to the Engaged University with its multidisciplinary, participative research that was uncertain and exploratory in nature. “However, there is also a third GloCal mode of Universities with local meaning but global reach, which place emphasis on clusters and networks and accountability to various stakeholders.”
He stated that many African Universities still faced challenges with massification and teaching overload which leads to the vicious cycle of ‘teach or perish’. This, he said, necessitates lecturers to rush from one overcrowded lecture room to another, resulting in reduced thirst for research (libido sciendi).
Prof. Nasinyama nevertheless said that researchers at Makerere University can be incentivised in three main ways namely; Government support to a research fund or through subsidy, Institutional incentives based on performance at either individual or departmental level, and support to researchers that bring income to the University by sharing overhead costs.
“In South Africa, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) provides a publication subsidy to universities of approximately US$9,000 per publication unit, which is equivalent to a peer-reviewed, accredited journal article or book chapter by one author. However, this scheme is absent in many African Countries” remarked Prof. Nasinyama giving an example of a Government subsidy.
At the conclusion of the Workshop, participants present, guided by the day's able moderator Dr. Patrick Byakagaba agreed to form a seven member Interim Deans’ Forum with the DVCAA Dr. Umar Kakumba as the Patron. Nominated members were; Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze-CHS (Chairperson), Dr. Edward Bbaale-CoBAMS (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Aaron Mushengyezi-CHUSS, Dr. Robert Tweyongyere-CoVAB, Dr. Grace Kibanja-CHUSS, Dr. Ronald Naluwairo-LAW and Dr. Gilbert Maiga-CoCIS.
Article by Public Relations Office
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Re-Advert: Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor
8 hours agoon
March 31, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor holds a pivotal role in financial governance, institutional planning, and administrative leadership.
The Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
a) Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard shall oversee the finances and administration of the University;
b) Be responsible for the Planning and Development of the University and,
c) Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide strategic leadership and ensure efficient and sound financial, human and fiscal resources management in the University.
a) Provide leadership in Strategic planning and governance, leadership and administrative experience, Human resource and performance Management, Stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
b) Provide leadership in preparation and implementation of the University’s recurrent and capital budgets.
c) Monitor the development and implementation of the University’s accounting procedures, manuals and other documents relating to financial control and Management as per approved financial regulations.
d) Oversee income and expenditure of all income generating units of the University.
e) Coordinate the production of the University-wide Financial Reports by Colleges and Units.
f) Management of human resources in the University.
g) Oversee the management of University Estates and Assets.
a) Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
b) Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
c) Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
a) Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate should be acceptable by Senate.
b) At least five years of financial or administrative leadership experience at the level of school dean/director or higher in a higher education institution, public service, or corporate institutions.
c) Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) to completion. At least three of the students must be at the PhD level.
7.2 Strategic Planning and Governance
a) Experience in leading large administrative teams at the level of dean or higher, demonstrating efficiency and productivity.
b) Proven record in developing and executing strategic plans, aligning financial and administrative objectives with institutional goals.
c) Evidence of developing and implementing financial policies that have improved financial efficiency, transparency, and risk management.
d) Evidence of implementing organisational restructuring or process improvements to ensure operational efficiency.
e) Ability to develop and implement institutional policies, ensuring compliance with national higher education and financial regulations.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
a) Minimum 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable with that of Makerere University, as accepted by Senate.
b) Demonstrated experience in managing budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000=, ensuring financial sustainability and accountability.
c) Proven ability to mobilize resources, secure grants, and attract external funding to support institutional growth.
d) Experience in conducting financial forecasting, cost control measures, and investment strategies to optimize institutional resources.
e) Track record of leading financial audits and compliance assessments in alignment with national and international financial regulations.
f) Experience in handling procurement, asset management, and infrastructure development, ensuring transparency and value for money.
7.4 Human Resource and Performance Management
a) Track record of leading workforce planning, recruitment, and talent development strategies, ensuring a high-performance institutional culture.
b) Experience in implementing performance-based appraisal systems, leading to improved staff efficiency and accountability.
c) Proven ability to foster industrial harmony, resolving labour disputes and improving employer-employee relations.
7.5 Infrastructure Development and Resource Optimization
a) Experience in overseeing capital development projects, ensuring timely delivery and cost efficiency.
b) Track record of overseeing the maintenance and expansion of university facilities, enhancing institutional infrastructure.
c) Proven ability to negotiate and manage contracts for outsourced services, ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality standards.
7.6 Digital Transformation and ICT Integration
a) Experience in integrating ICT solutions in financial and administrative operations, improving service delivery and efficiency.
b) Evidence steering the automation of financial, procurement, and HR systems, reducing paperwork and improving real-time decision making.
c) Proven ability to implement cybersecurity measures that safeguard institutional financial and administrative data.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
a) Demonstrated experience in building partnerships with government agencies, donors, private sector investors, and international organizations to enhance institutional funding.
b) Proven ability to engage faculty, students, and staff in financial decision-making, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.
c) Experience in negotiating contracts, partnerships, and collaborations that have led to financial and administrative growth.
7.8 Personal Attributes
a) High level of integrity, transparency, and ethical leadership, with a record of financial prudence.
b) Strong analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, backed by evidence of successfully managing complex financial and administrative challenges.
c) Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, ensuring effective stakeholder engagement.
d) A visionary leader with the ability to drive financial sustainability administrative efficiency, and institutional growth.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.
The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
a) A signed letter of application;
b) A vision statement;
c) Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
d) Copies of required minimum number of publications;
e) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates;
f) Three (3) letters of recommendation;
g) Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
h) A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
i) A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body;
j) Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 14th April, 2025;
k) The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
(a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked
should be addressed to:
(b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to search.dvcfa[at] by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 14th April, 2025.
Please note that:
(a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time
will not be considered.
(b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries:
Email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (PhD)
RE-Advert: Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor
8 hours agoon
March 31, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of First Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The First Deputy Vice Chancellor must possess a strong background in academic leadership, teaching, research, and strategic institutional management.
The First Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
- Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard be responsible for the Academic affairs of the University
- In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, perform the functions of the Vice-Chancellor and,
- Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide leadership and Coordination of academic and academic research matters to ensure effective and efficient implementation of policies, teaching and research programmes.
- Initiate, obtain approval of policies, plans and programmes that will enhance the academic and professional excellence of the University.
- Initiate, coordinate curriculum development and review for all courses offered at the University.
- Ensure that all examinations are set and marked in accordance with established Regulations.
- Coordinate the appointment of external examiners.
- Oversee the selection and admission of qualified students.
- Oversee the development of research programmes by liaising with Principals of Colleges/Deans of Schools and submit them to Senate and Council for approval.
- Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
- Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
- Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
- Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in a relevant discipline.
- Minimum 5 years of progressive academic experience, including teaching, research, and academic administration at the level of dean of a school or higher.
- At least 20 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, or equivalent databases.
- Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to completion and graduation; at least three of these students must have been at the level of PhD.
7.2 Strategic Planning & Governance
- Evidence of having served or participated in university-level strategic planning processes including, membership to strategic planning committees and contribution to policy development and institutional growth.
- At least five years of demonstrated experience in academic programme accreditation processes contributing to the securing approvals from the relevant national or international regulatory bodies.
- Demonstrated evidence in leading at least one (1) higher education ICT integration initiative, improving online learning, digital governance, or student information systems or the development of at least one online course curriculum.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
- A minimum of 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable to that of Makerere University, as accepted by the Senate, at the level of Dean of a School or higher.
- Participated in the development and implementation of at least two (2) academic policies improving quality assurance, curriculum development, or institutional governance.
- Demonstrated ability to lead a school or college, ensuring optimal performance and professional development of members.
- Proven track record of mentoring at least 10 faculty members toward career progression and research output, including co-teaching, publication, and capacity development in areas of teaching and training, grants, research and innovations.
- Participated in at least three (3) university committees or initiatives on academic policy development, research and publications, or student affairs.
- Participation in mediation of at least five (5) student or faculty grievances, ensuring fair and transparent resolutions.
7.4 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Development
- Led or contributed to the development of at least five (5) accredited academic programmes or curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
- Participated in the Designing and conducting at least 10 faculty development workshops focused on pedagogy, research methodologies, or curriculum advancement.
7.5 Research & Innovation
- Secured at least $200,000 in competitive research grants from national or international funding agencies.
- Established or managed at least one (1) research centre, or college wide research programme or industry-academic partnerships.
- Published a minimum of five (5) books, or 5 book chapters, or patents (separate from the papers in peer reviewed journals), contributing to knowledge production in the discipline.
- Organized at least three (3) international or national research conferences, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
7.6 Financial & Resource Management
- Successfully managed academic budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000= in a leadership role.
- Led at least two (2) faculty resource mobilisation initiatives, increasing funding for research, scholarships, or infrastructure.
- Secured at least one (1) international academic partnership to enhance funding, student exchange, or faculty development.
- Developed and executed at least three (3) cost-cutting strategies, optimising institutional resources without compromising academic quality.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
- Built at least five (5) partnerships with government agencies, private sector stakeholders, or international academic institutions.
- Successfully led at least two (2) community engagement or outreach programmes, strengthening university-industry relations.
- Served on or contributed to at least three (3) University, national, or international education policy boards, shaping higher education discourse.
7.8 Personal Attributes
- Proven record of upholding institutional integrity, with no record of financial mismanagement or ethical violations.
- Demonstrated decision-making and problem-solving skills, having led at least five (5) crisis resolution initiatives.
- Recognized for academic leadership excellence, receiving at least one (1 ) award or recognition for contributions to higher education.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.
The First Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re- appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
- A signed letter of application;
- A vision statement;
- Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
- Copies of required minimum number of publications;
- Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation;
- Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
- A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
- A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body.
- Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 14th April, 2025.
- The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked “CONFIDENTIAL: POSITION OF FIRST DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR” should be addressed to:
b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 14th April, 2025.
Please note that:
a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries: Visit our website OR email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza
Office of the Academic Registrar Lauded for Groundbreaking Achievements In Digitalization
4 days agoon
March 27, 2025By
Mak Editor
By Gerald Ochwo
On 25th March 2025, a delegation of Registrars from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) undertook a benchmarking exercise at Makerere University, with a specific focus on the latter’s pioneering efforts in academic records digitalization. The delegation, led by Dr. Dickson Kalungi, Ag. Deputy Academic Registrar was received by Mr. Charles Ssentongo, Deputy Academic Registrar in charge of Admissions and Records Division, who represented the Academic Registrar (AR), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.
The visit was prompted by Makerere University‘s trailblazing achievements in digitalizing academic records, as exemplified by the Digitalization of Academic Records Project (DARP). This initiative has been instrumental in creating a centralized, digital one stop repository of all University’s academic records, thereby enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management.
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Ssentongo conveyed the Academic Registrar’s message and highlighted Makerere University‘s efforts to digitalize all its processes and records. He further noted that the university is intentional about creating a digital ecosystem that makes academic records retrieval easy and efficient.
“As a university, we are now intentional with the digitalization of all our processes including, digitization of our manual records that date as way back as the inception of Makerere University. Currently, the DARP project as gone as far as creating a one stop center for both Academic document verification and certification, whereby our former graduates, will only need to access the online verification and certification portal and submit their documents without necessarily having to travel many physical distances to Makerere University” Mr. Ssentongo remarked.

In his appreciation remarks, the MUST head of delegation, Dr. Dickson Kalungi, thanked the Academic Registrar for honoring their request to come and learn from the best practices that exist at Makerere University and particularly commended the Department for the great steps and strides made in pioneering modern Academic records storage management systems.
“I want to sincerely thank the Office of the Academic Registrar for sparing time and organizing this meeting. As a University, we have embarked on a transformative change drive whereby we intend to automate all our registry processes including, the management of Academic Records. The DARP project at Makerere University, has been one project where we draw a number of lessons and we are eager to go and implement some of the best practices we have observed here today”
The benchmarking exercise undertaken by Mbarara University of Science and Technology demonstrates the significance of Makerere University and particularly, the Office of the Academic Registrar’s achievements in academic records digitalization. The DARP project serves as a model for other institutions to follow, highlighting the importance of investing in digital solutions to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management. It further demonstrates the university’s commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices with other institutions. Makerere University‘s efforts in digitalizing academic records have set a high standard for other universities to emulate, and the DARP project is a shining example of innovation and excellence in academic records management.
Gerald Ochwo is the Liaison Officer, Office of the Academic Registrar
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