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President of Hargeisa University Visits Makerere University



On 15th March 2018, the President of Hargeisa University, Prof. Dr Muhamud Yousuf Muse and the Vice President for Academics and Research, Assoc. Prof. Sied Muhumed Jibril visited the Vice Chancellor and had bilateral talks.

Hargeisa University is found in Somaliland, a former British Colony which received its independence in 1991. Hargeisa University has ten colleges, two institutes and two centres which are focused on teaching, research and community outreach. Prof Jibril, explained to the Vice Chancellor that quite often, people in Africa do not distinguish between Somalia and Somaliland. Somaliland is a peaceful democratic country with its own governance structure, own currency, and has had five peaceful Presidential elections since 1991.

The Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe and the President of Hargeisa University, Prof. Dr Muhamud Yousuf Muse exchanging the MoU. on left is the Vice President for Academics and Research, Assoc. Prof. Sied Muhumed Jibriland on Right, is the Acting Director Legal Affairs, Mr Goddy Muhumuza.

The State President is the Supreme Head of the University and therefore the university has support from the government. Somalia was an Italian colony while Somaliland was under the British Protectorate. Somalia is not yet peaceful and not about to be because the kind of conflict resolution and model they are applying is imported from elsewhere and does not meet the needs of its country while Somaliland developed its own local model in one of their centres and this has helped to bring peace and democracy in their nation.

Hargeisa University has a student population of 7,500 students and has collaborations with many international universities and organizations such as University of Oslo, Harvard University, Kings College London, Turkish Universities, MEKELLE University in Ethiopia where they do joint programmes. Prof Jibril informed the Vice Chancellor that there were opportunities of collaborating in research with Hargeisa University. Recently, Oil was discovered In Somaliland and that would be a ripe area for a strong collaboration.  The College of Health Sciences has already had students from Hargeisa University at postgraduate level and were among the best performers in the College.

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe welcomed the visitors and was delighted that they found it worthwhile to come and collaborate with the University. Makerere University is a comprehensive university with ten colleges trying to become a research-led university by reducing on undergraduate programmes and increasing graduate programmes and emphasizing research.  Makerere University being the largest and oldest university has an obligation of assisting her neighbours as we value collaborations with other universities and would be willing to work with Hargeisa University. He informed them that the College of Veterinary, Animal Resources and Biosecurity was already working with the Sheik Veterinary Institute by offering certificate and diploma programmes in veterinary fields and later absorbing the students for degree programmes.

Prof. Dr Muhamud Yousuf Muse presenting a gift to Prof.  Barnabas Nawangwe.

A Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation was signed between The Vice Chancellor of Makerere University and the President of Hargeisa University and was witnessed by the Acting Director Legal Affairs, Mr Goddy Muhumuza, the International Relations Officer, Ms Martha Muwanguzi, and staff from the Public Relations Office and the Vice President for Academics and Research at Hargeisa University, Prof Jibril Muhamud.

At the College of Health Sciences, the visitors were welcomed by the Acting Principal and Dean, School of Public Health, Prof Rhoda Wanyeze, Dr Lukanga from Pathology representing Dean School of Biomedical Sciences and Dr Namatovu who represented the Dean School of Medicine. Hargeisa University had students in this College who performed very well. So far, eight students have done graduate programme and another was about to complete her studies.

Hargeisa University is a member of the Arab Universities Association and many Medical Associations and done a lot publishing international journals mostly in the medical fields. Hargeisa runs a joint masters programme with Turkish university in Family Medicine. Unfortunately, Somaliland with a population 3.5 million people has only 2 Gynaecologists and 2 obstetricians which clearly indicates the urgency in collaborating with Makerere University in capacity building through training their personnel to work in health facilities. Makerere University has the resources while Somaliland has the platform. The Country is under reconstruction and a helping hand from an African brother was very much needed. The ground for collaboration was quite rich for tapping into.

The following were suggested areas for collaboration

1.    Development of joint masters programmes and Somali students get training
2.    Joint Consultancies
3.    Development of research programme models can be borrowed
4.    Exchange of academic staff (sending staff to Somaliland and vice versa)
5.    Student internships where 4th Year undergraduate students doing electives can be sent to Somaliland for some months and they earn credits to their programmes
6.    Opportunities for training such as pathologists, gynaecologists, obstetricians in the region, etc
7.    Distance Learning programmes to support training

Particular areas such as Tropical Medicine, Masters of Public Health Nutrition, e-modulation where students are organized and taught online instead of moving to Somaliland. Developing tailor-made programmes at Somaliland where Makerere staff go and teach specialized courses in the mornings and give service to the community in the afternoons.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe presenting a gift to the President of Hargeisa University, Prof. Dr Muhamud Yousuf Muse

It was agreed that the Call for Applications of Postgraduate Programmes for academic year 2018/2019 be sent to the Vice President Prof Jibril to enable to the Somali students apply.

In the College of Veterinary, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, the visitors were received by the Deputy Principal, Prof Majalija and the meeting was attended by Dr Edward Wampande, Prof Ejobi, Dr Ahmed Sengooba, Dr Frank Mwine, the International Relations Officer, Ms Martha Muwanguzi and the Personal Secretary to the Principal, Ms Lillian Tukahirwa.

The President Dr Muhumud Yousuf Mose gave a brief history of Somaliland and that of Hargeisa University and informed the meeting that Hargeisa University had collaborations with several international universities, international donors and the World Medical Association. For quite a long time, Hargeisa University was collaborating with Western universities but realized it was not proper to depend on them so much but emphasize working together with their African brothers. Somaliland having the largest livestock population and being the largest livestock exporting country on the African continent, Hargeisa University had special interest in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Following areas were suggested; collaboration in joint research programmes, developing joint masters programmes, exchange of students and staff, developing joint consultancies for the Ministry of Livestock in Somaliliand.

COVAB has Centres for wildlife, for Bio security, Animal Clinics and for partnerships and has supported capacity building for Sheikh Veterinary Institute in Somaliland, development of Umtala Veterinary School in Kigali, Bunda Veterinary School in Malawi and have trained professionals who work across sectors.  Dr Frank Mwine said, each one of us are the engines for development in our various disciplines and so we need to be proactive to engage in politics so that we can bring changes and development to our nations. We cannot do away with the external donors completely since they are the ones who have resources which train our staff. Specific areas ought to be identified for this collaboration.

From L-R: The Acting Director Legal Affairs, Mr Goddy Muhumuza, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University Professor Barnabas Nawangwe, the President of Hargeisa University, Prof. Dr Muhamud Yousuf Muse,  the Vice President for Academics and Research, Assoc. Prof. Sied Muhumed Jibril and  the International Relations Officer, Ms Martha Muwanguzi

It was suggested that Hargeisa can start off by sending two or three students to Makerere for masters programmes. They can also send students for the CARTA training. Makerere University can partner with Hargeisa and joint write a proposal for training in trypanosomiasis in cattle and in humans as well as tuberculosis in humans and they get funding for this.

The Veterinary System is very key in the Somaliland ecosystem and establishing a communication platform between the Veterinary and Agricultural College in Somaliland was quite crucial. In addition, establishing a collaboration with the College of Health Sciences was also important. Hargeisa University was also advised to apply and join the ‘One Health” Network for Africa for managing animal health and population.

In the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the visitors were welcomed by the Deputy Principal, Assoc. Prof Goretti Nanabaoga and the meeting was attended by the College Registrar, Mr Edward Obura. The Deputy Principal said they were interested in widening the network with those who share same concerns with their College. Makerere University does a lot of collaborative research and suggested that cross boarder research would be an ideal area that can be explored and we attach students from both countries be attached to this research. Writing joint proposals for funding was another area also identified.

Written by Martha Muwanguzi- Makerere University International Relations Office


Denis Wamala

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MakCEES develops an Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE Schools



Left to Right: This is the project team; Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale Prof. Christopher Mugimu (Principal Investigator), Dr. Joyce Bukirwa, and Dr. Rev. Sr. Justine Namaganda. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.

School Managers have been urged to incorporate entrepreneurship as an innovative solution aimed at addressing the existing problems in Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools.

Studies indicate that in most UPE Schools in Uganda, learners still lack parental support, mid-day meals, scholastic materials, clean water, and are often unattended to by teachers, which undermines children’s desire to learn or stay in school because hunger impairs their ability to concentrate and learn effectively.

Constrained by resources, UPE schools are unable to offer decent feeding, sanitary facilities and clean water. The situation is perpetuated by the inability of the School management to optimize potential benefits of UPE schools such as the available land, space, human resources, public goodwill to experiment with innovative solutions to address existing problems.

“If UPE schools incorporate entrepreneurship, it can make a very big difference,” said Prof. Christopher Mugimu based at the College of Education and External Studies at Makerere University.  Prof. Mugimu is the Project Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools.

The Project Principal Investigator, Prof. Christopher Mugimu. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.
The Project Principal Investigator, Prof. Christopher Mugimu.

This proposal is informed by a one-year study conducted by the project research team consisting of staff from the College of Education and External Studies namely Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University

As an intervention, the project research team proposes an Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management.  “This is a timely, strategic and innovative empowerment initiative purposively designed to transform UPE Schools managers’ mindset from a traditional managerial role to an enterprising leadership role,” said Prof. Mugimu.

The project aims at promoting entrepreneurial leadership in UPE schools by training and equipping school leaders and teachers with entrepreneurial skills.

He said: “With this project, we are confident that UPE schools can overcome the challenges that have held them back for so long and unlock a brighter future for their learners.”

Part of the audience at the research dissemination. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.
Part of the audience at the research dissemination.

Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF), the project seeks to address the perennial challenges of low learning outcomes in UPE schools.

During the dissemination workshop held on 20th March 2025 at the College of Education and External Studies, Prof. Mugimu informed the different stakeholders that in most UPE schools, the leaders are not free to take on new ideas.

Presenting the results of the baseline survey, Prof. Mugimu underscored that the findings proved very low entrepreneurial orientation levels with less than 20% of UPE school leadership in terms of autonomy, pro-activeness, innovativeness, competitiveness and risk-taking.

Prof. Mugimu emphasized that the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative framework is ideal for UPE school leadership to identify and utilize opportunities to start-up and scale-up UPE School learning environment improvement initiatives.

On the issue of utilization of resources in UPE schools, the survey indicated that most UPE schools possess resources, most of which are unrecognized, unutilized and underutilized.

Participants pose for a group photo at CEES. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.
Participants pose for a group photo at CEES.

“If the School managers implement the entrepreneurial leadership initiative, these resources could be leveraged to improve the quality of education and transform the lives of learners,” he said.

Prof. Mugimu stated that some UPE schools have 10 acres of land, which could be a valuable resource to undertake school gardening to produce food stuff for school meals or bee-keeping for production of honey. He suggested that Schools could utilize biogas material from waste to support cooking and lighting, talent clubs should be ‘re-awakened’ to train and empower learners gifted in Music, Dance and Drama to come up with performances that generate income. The schools should rejuvenate art and crafts so that materials produced by the learners are sold to generate income.

According to Prof. Kagimu, entrepreneurial leadership builds and promotes an entrepreneurial mindset and culture bringing on board both the teachers and learners. He explained that if the school leadership creates an entrepreneurial culture in UPE schools, this would not only involve the teachers and learners in the activities, but also contribute to the ultimate goal of empowering learners with skills and knowledge as well as making learning attractive and interesting.

The Acting Principal of the College of Education and External Studies, Prof. Ronald Bisaso commended the project team for coming up with an intervention aimed at integrating entrepreneurship in UPE schools. He added that the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative in UPE schools would add value to learners in line with the new competence-based education curriculum.

Prof. Ronald Bisaso commended the research team. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.
Prof. Ronald Bisaso commended the research team.

 “This intervention (the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative) is timely. Its implementation will contribute to the transformation of the education sector. It adds value to schools and significantly benefits the learners who are our focus. Teachers with an entrepreneurial mindset will train and equip learners with entrepreneurial skills,” said Prof. Bisaso, who is the substantive Deputy Principal.

He shared that the initiative will have a ripple effect on the entire education system, with benefits extending beyond the schools to the boarder community.

“By promoting entrepreneurial thinking and self-reliance amongst UPE teachers, we hope to create a new generation of educators and learners who are equipped to drive innovation and progress in the entire education sector,” he remarked.

Dr. Kulthum Nabunya, Officer Education Services at Kampala City Authority (KCCA) highlighted that the implementation of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative at the respective UPE schools would follow a committee approach to ensure continuity and sustainability.

Dr. Nabunya also acknowledged the project research team for the timely intervention. “With the ongoing implementation of the Competence-based education curriculum, schools have no option, but to embrace the innovative approaches such as the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative,” she said.

KCCA's Dr. Kulthum Nabunya. Research Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management by College of Education and External Studies (CEES)' Prof. Christopher Mugimu, Dr. Badru Musisi, Dr. Victoria Tamale, Dr. Justine Namaganda and Dr. Joyce Bukirwa from Muni University, 20th March 2025, Funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), Kampala, East Africa.
KCCA’s Dr. Kulthum Nabunya.

 She was optimistic that if the Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative is effectively implemented, UPE learners would be in position to adapt to the secondary competence-based curriculum.

Contributing to the discussion, Dr. Nicholas Itaaga, an Associate Professor at the College of Education and External Studies said the implementation of the entrepreneurial leadership initiative would significantly benefit staff in UPE schools through skills acquisition, empowerment and involvement in school activities.

Wrapping up, the stakeholders who participated in the dissemination workshop stressed the need for mindset change programs in UPE schools, incorporating entrepreneurship into the curriculum, and undertaking community-school working strategies that bring on board politicians and community leaders.

Project Summary:

UPE was introduced in 1997 to cater for poor households in Uganda. Hence, UPE schools’ management was mandated to create inclusive and enabling learning environment for upward social mobility of deprived children. However, 23 years later, UPE schools are typified by a tangible state of teacher, parental and community detachment; which leads to learner letdown. As an intervention, we propose an Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative for UPE schools to reboot, retool and re-orient school management from mechanically implementing prescribed solutions; to encounter school management challenges and dilemmas in a sustainably creative, innovative and adaptive ways. The Initiative is consistent with the Ministry of Education and Sports’ mission to deliver quality education to all Ugandans and to SDG 4 Target 1, seeking all children to complete free, equitable and quality basic education by 2030.

Ritah Namisango
Ritah Namisango

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Ssentamu Churchill Sworn-in as 91st Makerere Guild President



The Ag. Vice Chancellor-Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (4th R) with 91st Guild President-H.E. Ssentamu Churchill James (C) and Vice President-H.E. Kadondi Gracious (4th L), as well as Members of Council and Management on 21st March 2025. Ssentamu Churchill James and Kadondi Gracious inaugurated as the 91st Guild President and Vice President, 21st March 2025, Main Hall, Main Administration Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

On March 21, the Makerere University community welcomed a new era of student leadership as Ssentamu Churchill James was inaugurated as the 91st Guild President. The ceremony gathered students, faculty, parents, and dignitaries, marking a significant moment in the university’s history.

In his inaugural address, Ssentamu expressed gratitude, stating, “It’s been God’s grace all through.” He acknowledged the vital support of his family and mentors, reinforcing the importance of collaboration in leadership. “We have been entrusted with the responsibility to bring political, social, and academic salvation,” he declared, emphasizing his commitment to restoring Makerere’s status as Africa’s premier higher education institution.

Reflecting on his campaign, Churchill credited his team, stating, “I am no one without my team,” and dedicated his victory to every student aspiring for a better Makerere. He underscored that students are the foundation of his cabinet, stating, “Those students are our bosses,” and called for unity and resilience among fellow leaders as they prepare to tackle challenges ahead.

H.E. Ssentamu Churchill James takes oath as 91st Guild President of Makerere University. Ssentamu Churchill James and Kadondi Gracious inaugurated as the 91st Guild President and Vice President, 21st March 2025, Main Hall, Main Administration Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
H.E. Ssentamu Churchill James takes oath as 91st Guild President of Makerere University.

The ceremony also included the swearing-in of Guild Representative Councilors from various colleges and Halls of Residence, culminating in the inauguration of Ssentamu and the Vice Guild President.

The outgoing Guild President, H.E. Lubega Vincent Nsamba, shared insights from his tenure, highlighting the importance of building harmonious relationships and the value of collaboration in solving challenges. He quoted theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the dangers of ignorance and urged new leaders to actively engage with the university’s governance structures.

Nsamba linked his faith to leadership, encouraging his successors to seek divine guidance and reflecting on his administration’s efforts to foster a good working relationship with university management. He congratulated Churchill and wished him success in his term.

Professor Buyinza Mukadasi, speaking on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, expressed joy in welcoming the new leadership and emphasized that this was the time to chart a new leadership journey. He acknowledged all election participants and praised the peaceful transition of leadership, encouraging the new guild members to embrace dedication, humility, and adherence to university regulations.

Ssentamu Churchill James and Kadondi Gracious inaugurated as the 91st Guild President and Vice President, 21st March 2025, Main Hall, Main Administration Building, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi with the H.E. Ssentamu, H.E. Kadondi, Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli and family members of the Guild Leadership.

“As students of Makerere University first and foremost, aim for academic excellence,” Mukadasi advised, highlighting the importance of dialogue with university management. He officially commissioned the new government, expressing optimism for their future contributions and collaboration. He called on them to embrace dialogue with the university administration.

Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli, Dean of Students acknowledged the departing President, Vincent Lubega Nsamba, for his efforts in enhancing student life and congratulated Churchill on his election, encouraging him to uphold values of inclusivity and diversity.

“As we celebrate this transition, let us reaffirm our commitment to fostering a supportive campus environment,” Kabumbuli urged, emphasizing the need for collaboration in creating a conducive learning atmosphere.

As the inauguration drew to a close, the Makerere University community looked forward to a promising future under President Ssentamu’s leadership.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program Scholarship Announcement AY 2025/2026



Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University Graduates of the 75th Graduation Ceremony. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University is pleased to announce 190 Undergraduate and 11 Master’s Scholarships for Ugandan Nationals, Refugees, Students with Disabilities, Internally displaced young people, and International students joining Makerere University (main campus) in the Academic Year 2025/2026 under the Private Sponsorship Scheme.

Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University‘s main campus, an applicant must belong to one of the following categories: Ugandan nationals, refugees, students with disabilities, internally displaced young people, or international students and fulfil the following conditions.

  1. Applicants for Undergraduate Degree Programmes
  1. The applicant must have applied for admission to Makerere University‘s main campus under the private sponsorship scheme for the academic year 2025/2026.
  2. The Applicant must have either;
    • Completed their advanced secondary level education (or its equivalent) in an African country or
    • Hold second class/credit diploma from any recognized institution or
    • Must have passed the mature age entry examinations of Makerere University for the Years 2023 and 2024.
  3. The Applicant should be experiencing financial hardships.
  4. The Applicant should not be a holder of any other scholarship, including the Government of Uganda Scholarship.
  5. The Applicant should not have completed any undergraduate degree Programme.
  6. The Applicant should have demonstrated leadership potential and/or community service.
  7. The Applicant should be 28 years old or younger at the application deadline.
  8. Applicants under the categories of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), and Students with Disabilities should be 32 years old or younger at the time of the application deadline
  9. A refugee applicant must hold a Refugee Identity Card or Family Attestation.
  10. Applicants in the Refugee Host Communities category must have completed their secondary school education within those communities.
  11. The applicant should have applied for any degree programmes prioritized under the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University‘s main campus (please refer to the application form for a list of prioritized programmes).
  1. Applicants for Master’s Degree Programmes
  1. The applicant must have applied for admission to Makerere University‘s main campus for 2025/2026.
  2. The Applicant must have completed their undergraduate education in an African country.
  3. The Applicant should be experiencing financial hardships.
  4. The Applicant should not be a holder of any other scholarship.
  5. The Applicant should not be pursuing or have completed any Master’s degree studies.
  6. The applicant should have demonstrated leadership potential and/ or community service.
  7. The Applicant should not be over 35 years old at the application deadline.
  8. Applicants in the Refugee and Students with Disabilities categories should be under 40 years old at the application deadline.
  9. A refugee applicant MUST hold a Refugee Identity card or Family Attestation.
  10. The applicant should have applied for any degree programs prioritized under the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (please refer to the application form for a list of prioritized programs).


Prospective applicants for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University‘s main campus can access and complete the application form at no cost through the Online Application Portal (


The application submission deadline is Friday, 6th June 2025, at 11:59 PM EAT.

For inquiries or clarifications, please call our office mobile line at +256 700-716-128 or email  

Mak Editor

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