Higher Education Resource Services, East Africa (HERS-EA) Leadership ACADEMY provides an intensive leadership and management development curriculum which equips women with skills needed to advance their personal career development and successfully navigate the institutional environment where they operate. The goal of the HERS-EA training is to raise the proportion of women in leadership and management positions in higher education institutions in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and Uganda).
The program is focused on managing and leading change, human resource development and institutional effectiveness. The Leadership ACADEMY prepares every participant to strengthen and expand her leadership skills and the Leadership Development Model covers Personal Development, Institutional Awareness and Networking.
The HERS-EA Leadership ACADEMY will be offered in a one week residential format in Kampala, Uganda (July 2-7, 2017) at Makerere University, Main Hall and Grand Global Hotel.
Please see Downloads for Launch Concept