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East Africa to Explore Business Opportunities from Climate Change



Over 100 participants at the 1st Climate Change and Opportunities for Sustainable Business in East Africa Conference have developed a Communiqué that will be presented at the upcoming United Nations Climate Conference (COP21) in December 2015 in Paris, France.

The Minister of Water and Environment, Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu who is scheduled to lead the Ugandan delegation to the 2015 Climate Change Conference (COP21), officially opened the Kampala Conference held on 12th November 2015 on the theme: Supporting the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference: Climate Change and Opportunities for Sustainable Business in East Africa.

Minister of Water and Environment, Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu addressing participants.Hon. Kamuntu commended the Royal Embassy of Norway, Makerere University-Uganda, and University of Bergen-Norway, for organizing the conference aimed at exploring and demonstrating through workable models/approaches that sustainable solutions and technology can be enhanced to create business opportunities for the mutual benefits.

 “This Conference is timely; for it presents the East Africans with a platform to discuss and come up with a message on climate change and business opportunities that we would like to be captured by over 190 countries in COP21 in 2015. This is a commendable consultative and participatory approach, and I thank the Embassy of Norway, the University of Bergen in Norway, and Makerere University, Kampala for organizing this important conference,” the Minister said.

In the communiqué, the participants comprising government officials, delegation from East Africa and Norway, members of the private sector, development partners and key industry figures, the academia and media recommended to the United Nations Conference of the Parties Conference (COP21) the following:

  • The prioritization and mainstreaming of South-North collaborations especially in the areas of research and innovation that are key to attaining climate-friendly development and eventually developing sustainable business enterprises into national policy frameworks.
  • Based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the urgent streamlining of climate financing initiatives including but not limited to carbon markets to enable up-scaling of existing technologies on a massive scale such as the use of solar energy, wind and thermal resources as well as energy saving clean cooking technologies.
  • That the Academia, Private Sector and Government form a strong alliance that commercializes research findings, technology and technology transfer as well as innovative approaches towards climate-smart business opportunities at all levels. 
  • That Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Faith-based organizations, the private sector and the media embrace networking as a mutually beneficial avenue for sharing and disseminating business programs supported by national and regional policy frameworks as well as build capacity of stakeholders to implement viable climate change and business linkages.Some of the participants who attended the Conference.

Addressing the participants at Serena Hotel Kampala, Hon. Kamuntu said that the effects of climate change in Uganda are already evident in the agricultural sector; affecting the productivity of seasons which have culminated in adverse effects in combination with increasing population growth rate. 

“Uganda’s current growth rate indicates that 60% of the population consists of young people below 18 years and 78% of the population is the youth under 35 years. With this kind of population, it will be a wise opportunity and blessing for the country to invest in and develop skills of these young people in order to have a dynamic labor force for Uganda’s economy. However we must recognize that if this is not handled, the combination of climate change with the increasing population can be a disaster,” he stated.

The Norwegian Ambassador to Uganda H.E Susan Eckey said for the world to be able to find solutions to climate change, countries should develop a system for national reporting. Norwegian Ambassador to Uganda H.E Susan Eckey, giving her speech.

“In the climate meeting in Lima last year, countries agreed to not only set national goals before the Paris conference but also to enhance necessary action, and we see that countries are willing to do more than before. More than 150 countries responsible for 90% of gas emissions have already set their climate goals. These goals show that the transition to the low emission societies has begun,”she said.

Her Excellency informed the participants that Norway has set three top priorities ahead of the upcoming Paris conference. These include: a long term vision; countries to update and upgrade their climate goals every five years; and a system for national reporting. 

  Prof. Dag Rune Olsen, University of Bergen- Norway.Highlighting the issue of temperature change and its adverse impact on human and natural systems, the Rector of University of Bergen, Prof. Dag Rune Olsen said that by the end of this year 2015, the global average temperature may have a positive milestone of about 1 degree Centigrade above industrial levels as predicted by the UK Meteorological Office.

 “This climate change has wide spread impact on humans and natural systems. The increase in temperature will also have widespread impact on bio-diversity, food security as well as affect public health. We shall also witness the increase to geo-hazards. The human influence on the climate system is clear and the recent emissions of greenhouse gasses are the highest in history, that leads us to the reasons as to why the upcoming meeting-the COP21 in Paris is important,” he explained.

Prof. Olsen revealed that the Africa Progress Report shows that Africa can seize climate and all energy opportunities. The new research on the climate economy shared by Lord Stern also illustrates the opportunity to transform and expand the supply of hydroelectric solar Power energy in Africa, which will spur development and reduce on the negative environment effects.

According to the Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. John Ddumba-Ssentamu, global attention today is focused on climate change as a criticalProf. John Ddumba-Ssentam, Vice Chancellor-Makerere University. driver for development. Prof. Ddumba-Ssentamu mentioned that East Africa and Norway have initiated several joint efforts to address the impacts of climate change while harnessing business opportunities.

 “The effects of climate change already have profound and irreversible impact on economic social and environmental systems. They are manifested in several forms including drought, erratic rainfall patterns and other extreme weather events that threatens human health and infrastructure, agricultural production and food security, water and other natural resources and sustainability that are the very core of human survival and economic development. It is therefore very urgent that we come up with both mitigation and adaptation majors that will help us to deal with the evolving climate,” he remarked.

During the conference, participants also discussed the effects of climate change on trade and business, social economic opportunities and development, human health, environment and continental prosperity. Through the various discussions and presentations held, the participants indicated that the high prevalence of food shortages faced by East African countries is caused by the high illiteracy rate and unawareness, marketing bottlenecks, poor agricultural practice, resource depletion and degradation.

Giving the East African perspective on mitigation and adaptation strategies carried out by Makerere University so far, Prof. Samuel Kyamanywa noted that the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) has integrated aspects of climate change at undergraduate level and introduced new regional Masters programmes. He also shared that the College has developed seeds for rangeland forages, drought and disease resistant varieties of crops as well as carried out extensive research on indigenous multipurpose tree species that can absorb carbon dioxide from the environment.

Prof. Samuel Kyamanywa presenting the East African perspective on Climate Change.In a presentation titled, Converting the Climate Change message into suitable business, Mr. Ssewagudde  Christopher, Representative from Innovation Norway said: “The emerging opportunities for alternative livelihoods, asset building, improving scientific knowledge for value addition projects, up-scaling, replication and sustainability, institution of linkages and the importance of participatory approaches and addressing cross-cutting issues in business like mainstreaming gender, indigenous knowledge, HIV/AIDS, child protection and disability have changed the standards of living as well as creating more business opportunities for East African people.”

The participants recognized that sustainable solutions and technology can be harnessed to create business opportunities for the mutual benefit of East Africa and Norway in line with international targets including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

They also appreciated the support provided by the United Nations through Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Conference of the Parties towards an international agreement of dealing with the Climate Change adaptation and Mitigation.

During the conference, the Minister of Water and Environment Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu, H.E. Susan Eckey and Prof. John Ddumba-Ssentamu were presented with signed copies of a book entitled Responsible and Profitable: Strategies for Sustainable business models by Authors Sveinung Jørgensen and Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen. The book connects Business with Climate Change and provides knowledge on how countries can utilize opportunities availed by the current climate change.

Article by: Mak Public Relations Office


Proscovia Nabatte

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Call for Applications: Masters Student Mobility to Norway 2025



Makerere University (MAK) in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five-year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of training, education and research at the partner institutions with a dedicated focus on climate risk, disaster risk management and natural resource management. CoSTClim builds on a range of other capacity development projects funded by the Norwegian Government at the partner institutions, and has a specific focus on education.

One of the components of CoSTClim is student mobility from Uganda to Norway and from Norway to Uganda. Therefore, we are inviting applicants from Makerere University and Uganda Martyrs University for Masters student mobility scholarships to NTNU for the Autumn semester in 2025. There are five mobility scholarship slots available for this year. The scholarship will cover 5 months (August-December 2025) stay at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The successful candidates can enroll in selected course units at NTNU as well as leveraging the stay to write their master’s thesis. The width and breadth of available course units from which the candidates can select are found:

Limited research supervision will also be given by NTNU staff but the primary supervision responsibility stays with the allocated supervisors at Makerere University or Uganda Martyrs University.

Application procedure is in the document below. The deadline is Friday 28th February 2025.

Mak Editor

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Celebrating Dr. Irene Rebecca Namatende



Dr. Irene Namatende was conferred upon the PhD in Education Management on Day 1 of the 75th Graduation Ceremony. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 1, CoCIS, CEES, CoVAB and School of Law. 13th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Dr. Irene Rebecca Namatende who serves as the Quality Assurance Officer, College of Health Sciences Makerere University (MakCHS) received her PhD at the 75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University held 13th – 17th January 2025. Congratulations to her on reaching this milestone. Following is a brief interview with Dr. Namatende sharing her PhD journey and inspiration.

Who is Dr. Irene Rebecca Namatende? She hails from Busoga-Iganga-Bubago-Buwaya in Mayuge District. She is the daughter of Mr. Tenywa Mudiba Amuraphel, a Fine Artist, and the late Ms. Aidha Mukyala, a teacher. Irene Rebecca Namatende attended Naluwoli Primary School in Kamuli District, Kiira Academy in Jinja for her O-levels, and Mukono Town Academy for her A-levels.

Prior to PhD studies, she holds a Bachelor of Arts from Makerere University, Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management (DPAM) and a Master’s in Public Administration and Management from Uganda Management Institute. She also has a certificate in Research Management and Leadership Programme from George Mason University (USA) through IREX/UASP Fellowship in 2019-2020.

Her PhD Journey: My pursuit of a PhD began in 2015 at the East African School of Higher Education and Development Studies, Makerere University. Driven by my enthusiasm for Quality Assurance, I decided to pursue a PhD in Education Management; my research focused on the Management of External Examination of PhD Theses at Makerere University.

The PhD program allowed Irene to develop enhanced research skills and knowledge in quality assurance. She said, ‘I am now well versed in QA mechanisms and have a clear understanding of the policies, processes, and principles that govern external examination in higher education institutions. – I have gained insight into the experiences faced by PhD students. To date, I have published two papers in internationally recognized journals’.

A brief about her Study: The study explored the methods and principles involved in the external evaluation of PhD theses at Makerere University. It outlines the historical, theoretical, conceptual, and contextual aspects of external PhD thesis evaluation at Makerere University. Additionally, it traces the worldwide origins of external examination, examines Makerere‘s specific context, and employs Pryor et al.’s 5Ps Model to assess its effectiveness. The research highlights various challenges, such as delays, compensation for external examiners, and discussions regarding relevance. Furthermore, the study suggests that Makerere University improve its external examination processes, create a solid tracking system for all PhD theses, and recognize and reward both internal and external examiners, as this would inherently encourage examiners to perform diligently and submit the PhD reports promptly, allowing PhD students to graduate within the expected time frame. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of efficient performance metrics and principled examination procedures for ensuring the academic quality of PhD theses.

What motivated the PhD studies? Her inspiration was Professor Lillian Tibatemwa Ekirikunbinza, a Justice of the Supreme Court. Professor Tibatemwa Ekirikubinza who served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Makerere University and simultaneously held the role of Principal Investigator (PI) for the Quality Assurance Project, sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 2005-2006

In 2006, Irene was appointed as the secretary for the Quality Assurance project, working under Professor Elisha Semakula. Both he and Prof. Ekirikunbinza motivated her to aspire to more than just being a project secretary. During this period, she supported the drafting and the writing of QA Policy framework/policy in 2006 and formulated the proposed strategic plan for the Quality Assurance Directorate.    She noted,’my enthusiasm for Quality Assurance, combined with my professional journey from 2006 to 2025, led me to enroll in a PhD program in Education Management at the East African School of Higher Education and Development’.

Challenges during PhD Study: Dr. Namatende highlighted the challenges during her PhD journey thus, “The path to my PhD has not been very smooth. The onset of COVID-19 in 2019/2020 dramatically hindered my ability to concentrate, leaving me at a standstill. 2. During my studies, I experienced the loss of my second supervisor, Dr. Hilary Mukwenda (RIP), with whom I had closely collaborated, which affected my progress. 3. Although my school submitted my book to the external examiner on time, the feedback took nearly eight months, making me feel like a hindrance in my research. Amidst all these challenges, I became victorious”.

Community Service/Contribution: Beside her work as a Quality Assurnace Officer, she also holds various assignments including General Secretary, of Makerere University Senior Administrative Staff (MASA); Chairperson Joint Hymnal Choir – St. Francis Chapel Makerere University from 2019 to 2020; member – Welfare Committee MakCHS; member – Quality Assurance, ICT and Gender Committee, MakCHS; member of the Principal’s Operation Team (POT), MakCHS.

Her quote: ‘Everything Ends according to God’s Purpose’

Zaam Ssali

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Mak Planning and Development Department gets new leadership



By Carol Kasujja Adii

Mr. Matia Kabuye Kagimu on 21st January 2025 officially handed over office to the newly appointed acting Manager of Planning and Development Department, Mr. Emmanuel Kitamirike – a Principal Planning Officer in the same unit.

Presiding over the handover ceremony, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi who represented the Vice Chancellor commended Mr. Matia Kabuye Kagimu who joined the University service in November 1991 for the vibrant leadership during his tenure as the Manager of Planning and Development Department. He also credited Mr. Kabuye Kagimu for serving Makerere University stakeholders with dedication and humility.

“Presiding over and also witnessing a number of such ceremonies over the years, I have learnt one thing, that they only strengthen our resolve to continue contributing to Makerere University. When you see a colleague that has served with distinction and integrity, it is a message to the in-coming that you need to not only emulate the strides made but also do better than your predecessor,” said Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) on behalf of the University management.

Out going Manager Mr. Matia Kabuye Kagimu speaking at the handover ceremony.

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi explained that over the years, Mr. Kabuye Kagimu has not only guided the University Management in strategic planning, budgeting and resource allocation, but also mentored many of them.

“Mr. Kabuye Kagimu, you are lucky you are leaving with your head held high. You are lucky that God has given you an admirable tenure, you have served with distinction and we are happy. We wish you good health as you continue serving in whatever capacity God puts you,” Prof Buyinza Mukadasi said.

Despite facing significant challenges, including limited staffing and resources and unprecedented budget cuts, Mr. Kabuye Kagimu led the planning unit with unwavering dedication. Under his leadership, the team delivered crucial planning functions, including budgeting and reporting, in alignment with the Government of Uganda’s programme budgeting system.

Furthermore, during his tenure, the unit oversaw the decentralization of the University’s budgeting function to the Colleges and Administrative Units, as well as alignment of the Makerere University 10-year strategic plan (2020-2030) with the National Development Plan II. Mr Kabuye Kagimu also diligently worked with the different Colleges and Departments on development of infrastructural facilities improvement projects.

[L-R] Mr. Matia Kabuye Kagimu and Mr. Emmanuel Kitamirike

Welcoming the newly appointed Acting Manager Mr. Emmanuel Kitamirike to the leadership role, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi pledged to accord him the necessary support.

During the handover, the University Bursar, Mr. Evarist Bainomugisha, who has worked with Mr. Kabuye Kagimu for five years, testified that he is a highly skilled personality who has exhibited high standards of ethics, integrity, morality and professionalism.

“Mr. Kabuye has exhibited a high level of team work.  He has worked well with the finance team and a number of staff in the entire University as he oversaw the planning function,” Mr. Bainomugisha said.

Addressing the audience, Mr. Kabuye Kagimu thanked the University Council, as well as Central and Top Management for the cooperation and support accorded to him during the 33 years he served the University.

Mr. Kabuye Kagimu appealed to the University Management to prioritize the staffing needs in the Planning and Development Department so that the Unit is in position to serve the entire university on time, and with the right financial and human resources.

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Emmanuel Kitamirike, the Acting Manager Planning and Strategy, extended deep gratitude to the University Management especially the Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe and the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe for their mentorship over the years and entrusting him the new responsibility.

“Without a plan, we are directionless. Without accurate reporting, we cannot ensure effective accountability because these are pillars upon which success stands. I want to assure you, Acting Vice Chancellor-Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi that my team and I, are fully aware of the monumental task ahead. We are committed to tackling it with unwavering resolve and dedication,’’ Mr. Kitamirike said.  He also pledged to give attention to grant-funded projects.

Group photo of participants who attended the handover ceremony.

Present during the handover were Mr. Lubowa Gyaviira Ssebina, the Deputy University Bursar, Ms Joan Makanga Mutekanga-representing the Directorate of Internal Audit, Ms Consolate Komugisha-representing the Office of the University Secretary and staff from the Planning and Development Department.

About the Department The Planning and Development Department (PDD) was established in 1992 with the overall mandate to coordinate the formulation and implementation of the University’s Strategic Plans. The Department has to date rolled out four planning cycles. The Department brings together the constituent components of the University-wide plan, including plans from all units of the University, to ensure that Makerere is an efficient and responsive University.

Mak Editor

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