The ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences (CHS), Makerere University is pleased to announce the MKITs (Video and Photo) Challenge. RAN is calling for educational, inspiring Videos, artworks, graphics and photographs
Thematically, submissions can address any solutions that target community challenges which may include innovative approaches or technological innovations addressing effects of climate change and climate variability manifesting as floods, landslides, drought disease epidemics including HIV and AIDS, food insecurity, environmental protection, livelihood diversification, financial inclusion, entrepreneurial activities, sustainable development, rapid urbanization and the associated effects, water and sanitation among others and many more areas. Submissions could portray or illustrate innovation, economic potential, cultural wealth, and use of indigenous knowledge in a creative and non-stereotypical way. "Documentation of every step of your innovation/idea is as important as the idea itself"
The MKITs challenge has two categories, Individuals/Teams may submit as many photos and videos to either category. Winners will be highly profiled on RAN's portals including Partner bulletins. Please submit your video, photos and Join an inspired community of innovators as they lively show case their documentation capabilities.
The overall winners will receive Prizes (Prizes include – Laptop, Smartphones, Internship placement and so much more) This is an excellent opportunity to get exposure for you and your idea, build support for your project, receive technical feedback, and to practice your documentation skills.
Register and submit your video or Photo through this link:
Deadline for submissions is 20th March 2015
For further inquiries about this challenge please email RAN at: and include “MKITs Challenge” in your subject line and or call on Tel (Office): +256 414 343 597.
Please see Downloads for more details
NOTE: The M-KIT challenge is open to international applicants and persons from all disciplines