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Rt. Hon. Mbabazi launches Students Centre Project at Mak@90 Grand Finale



On Saturday 3rd August 2013, distinguished guests, alumni, partners, staff, students, friends and well-wishers filled the Makerere University campus to participate in the ‘Mak@90’ Grand Finale; a climax of the year-long celebrations to mark 90 years of Makerere University’s existence. Thanks to the heavens for the fine and cool weather!

As early as 9:00am, one would feel the celebratory mood in the atmosphere, as flags flew high and the proud alumni kept streaming in. A green and clean campus, people of all ages walking majestically to the Freedom Square; the Uganda Police band playing wonderful hymns; students wearing red gowns; and all invited guests elegantly and confidently walking in, with happy faces – clearly communicating that they have an inner untold joy to be at Makerere University!

By 10:30am, the Freedom Square was filled to capacity as they waited to receive the Chief Guest, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The jubilant congregation welcomed the composer of the Makerere University Anthem, Mr. Grace Wilson Mutekanga Igaga with a standing ovation as he was ushered in the VIP tent in the Freedom Square. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi, an alumnus of Makerere University represented His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Uganda. The congregation also rose to their feet to welcome H.E Dr. Mwai Kibaki, former President of the Republic of Kenya, and a distinguished alumnus of Makerere University, to the historic celebrations.

Under the theme, “Leadership towards Africa’s transformation in the 21st century,” the staff and students exhibited the latest advances in research and innovations at this great institution. The Chancellor of Makerere University, Chairperson of Council, Vice Chancellor, the Prime Minister of Uganda, the Minister of Education and Sports; and other dignitaries toured the exhibition.

On behalf of the President, Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi laid a foundation stone for the Makerere University Students’ Centre.  This project is expected to cost USD 30million with Phase 1 costing USD 15million, and total built-up area of 58,000sq.metres. The congregation was wowed by the magnificent  artistic impression of the proposed storied Students’ centre.  An excited member of the congregation blossoming with happiness was overheard exclaiming, “Oh dear Lord, I wish I live to see the completion of this wonderful Students’ Centre!” May the Almighty grant this wish. 

“The need for Universities to devote more time to research, innovations and career guidance so as to help our children study courses that are relevant to the needs of society has never been greater than it is currently. We would therefore like to congratulate Makerere University for extending her innovations to economic self sustainability by seeking to construct the multi-facility Students Centre,” he said. He also re-emphasized Government’s commitment to supporting Makerere University.  

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. John Ddumba-Ssentamu, explained that the Students’ Centre will be a one-stop information centre for students with a multi-purpose auditorium. He called unto all stakeholders, including the alumni to support this cause.

“The role of Alumni in any Institution cannot be underestimated. You are core to the existence of any University. As you may be aware, most Universities, especially in the North, have mostly succeeded because of the support of their alumni. In times when Government funding for higher education is increasingly not enough, the Alumni have a great opportunity to make a substantial contribution. Makerere University has produced over 300,000 graduates. I would like to thank you, Alumni of Makerere University for your various contributions wherever you are in Uganda and all over the globe. I am now appealing to you – the Alumni – to come forward and make your contribution towards this great Institution,” he appealed. The VC also paid tribute to the development partners for supporting the institutional programmes of Makerere University. Professor Ddumba-Ssentamu, also the Chairperson of Mak@90 Main Organising Committee applauded the Members of Mak@90 Organising Committee, University of East Africa celebrations Committee and the Ceremonies Committee for  the hard work and selfless service during the year-long Mak@90 celebrations.

H.E Mwai Kibaki, former President of Kenya who spoke as a distinguished alumni of Makerere University, challenged young Makerereans to make their contribution by breaking new ground in research.

“As old Makerereans, we have done our part. It is now the turn of young Makerereans to break new ground through research and innovations,” he emphasized.

Drawing examples of some of the prominent alumni that have gone through Makerere University like the late Julius Nyerere, President Kabila of DRC; President Kibaki congratulated Makerere University for giving the region and the entire world high quality human resource.

“I am grateful to be a witness to the ninety year celebrations. It is not the number of years that count but rather the institution’s illustrious story of transformation,” he added. President Kibaki, a proud alumnus of Makerere University was grateful to the Institution for contributing to making him what he is today.

The celebrations were heightened with the fresh news of Makerere University’s improved ranking from 9th to 4th position on the continent, as per the July 2013 webometric rankings.

“In the next few years, Makerere should become a World Class University. The Task Force on Job Evaluation and Re-organisation of Staff Structure of Makerere University has already made path finder recommendations that are being scrutinized and we shall soon be able to set Makerere on the path to World Class categorization and this is a sure possibility,” re-assured Hon. Jessica Alupo, the Education Minister.

An Artistic Impression of the Proposed Students' Centre, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
An Artistic Impression of the Proposed Students’ Centre, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

On behalf of the Student community, the Guild President, H.E Anna Adeke-Ebaju, appealed to the Government of Uganda to increase funding to public universities. She requested Government to re-consider the beneficiaries of the Students’ Loan Scheme, which currently caters for only science students, and excludes humanities and social sciences. In response to her request, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister explained that the Students loan is still in its infancy, Government is aware of its challenges, but that it will improve as time goes by.

A key highlight of the celebrations was the recognition of Mr. Grace Wilson Mutekanga Igaga, the composer of the Makerere University Anthem. The police band played and the congregation joined in giving this illustrious alumnus a highly deserved standing ovation as he walked to receive an award from the Chancellor, Professor George Mondo Kagonyera, in recognition of his genius contribution to Makerere University.

“As we celebrate the 90 years of Makerere University, I take this singular honour of recognizing the composer of one of the most beautiful anthems, I have ever listened to,” remarked the joyful Chancellor. He then presented the well-worded and beautiful plaque to Mr. Grace Wilson Mutekanga Igaga and a dummy cheque of Five Million shillings, as a token of appreciation from the Makerere University.

Mr. Grace Wilson Mutekanga Igaga, in recognition of your ingenious efforts in composing the Makerere University Anthem – a timeless and eternally inspiring masterpiece – read part of the plaque.

The 70 year old Grace Wilson Mutekanga Igaga thrilled the congregation when he melodiously and articulately opened his vocal cords to sing a stanza of the coveted Anthem; in a manner that only the original composer could have done. He was extremely natural, original and fully in control, as the audience looked on in awe, fighting back tears of joy! Mutekanga was in the company of his dear wife, Mrs. Frances Mutekanga. The applause that followed was thunderous!

In his address to the congregation, the jovial alumnus, Mutekanga said, “With big humility, I stand before you, to thank you Mr. Vice Chancellor and your administration for every effort. I thank the Makerere University community for accepting my commodity. I say to the entire world, I feel honoured. I have never imagined that I would receive this honour when I am still alive. I am very grateful for the Award.”

In the same spirit, Gen. Elly Tumwine, the Patron of the Great Lakes Students’ Union presented a medal to H.E Dr. Mwai Kibaki in recognition of his outstanding political, economic and life achievements and also for promoting good governance in the region.

The guests were treated to a photographic memory lane of Makerere University and a video tour of the great Institution. They were served mouth-watering snacks and bull-roasting. The celebration attracted artists who are also alumni of Makerere University. Key among them was Herbert Segujja, a popular comedian,  excellent at mimicking President Museveni. The audience broke into uncontrollable laughter when the comedy version of President Museveni in the person of Segujja, drove into the Freedom Square with full V.I.P escorts and glamour. He went ahead to give remarks that sent the audience into further laughter. By press time, (10:00pm) the guests were still dancing to the tunes of these artists, in a highly interactive dance floor. The event was updated online (facebook and twitter) as it happened, and was also covered live on UBC. As estimated 900 guests attended the grand finale, close to the expected 1,000.

The event was majorly sponsored by Makerere University. Other sponsors included Bank of Uganda, Centenary Bank; Stanbic Bank; dfcu Bank, Crane Bank; Coca-Cola Sabco, Crown Beverages Limited,  UBC Television, NTV, sms one and the Daily Monitor.

Congratulations to Makerere University for successfully celebrating the 90 years of existence.

Looking forward to the Centennial celebrations!

Story By Ritah Namisango and Marion Alina
Photos by Elias Tuhereze and Joseph Buwule


Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium



Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium Kigali, Rwanda, February 18-20, 2025. Photo: Courtesy.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce the 3rd U.S.-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium in partnership with and hosted by the Republic of Rwanda. The upcoming meeting will be held on February 18-20, 2025 in Kigali, Rwanda. The application is now open for scientists, engineers, and medical professionals from the United States and African Union member countries to submit their application online before the deadline of July 7, 2024, 11:59 PM ET (Washington D.C. time).

This program brings together outstanding early/mid-career scientists, engineers, and medical professionals (within 15 years of most recent degree), from the United States and the member countries of the African Union for a series of symposia to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their fields. The goal of these meetings is to enhance scientific exchange and dialogue among early-to-middle career researchers in African countries and the United States, including the African science diaspora, and through this interaction facilitate research collaboration within and beyond the region. Another unique aspect of the Frontiers events is the pluri-disciplinarity of the participants’ backgrounds and research interests.

One of the main objectives of this Frontiers symposium is to advance our understanding of cutting-edge S&T trends in the U.S. and Africa and to foster dialogue and collaborations across disciplines. The upcoming symposium will address the following topics:

  • Session I: New Solutions for Decarbonization
  • Session II: Biotechnology
  • Session III: Precision Agriculture
  • Session IV: Advances in Space Research
  • Session V: Smart and Connected Cities

We encourage early-career scientists, engineers and medical professionals working on related research to apply to this multidisciplinary meeting, as long as they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Each general participant will also have the opportunity to present their research during poster sessions. Travel of selected participants will be covered. More details on the symposium, organization, and program can be found on the symposium webpage.

Please submit your application online by 11:59 PM ET on July 7, 2024. For more information on the U.S.-Africa Frontiers Program, please visit our program website. Please email with any questions.


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Call for scholarship applications for PhDs and MSc positions in the framework of the Intra Africa Homegrown Clean Energy Project



Some of the CAES PhD graduates with the Chair of the University Ceremonies Committee, also member of staff at the College, Prof. Jackie Bonabana (Right). 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), 30th January 2024, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Homegrown Clean Energy Project:

Mobility for Clean Energy Solutions to promote energy independence and environmental well-being through collaboration and innovation, addressing climate challenges across Africa.


Africa, a continent brimming with potential, faces a critical challenge: ensuring energy access and tackling climate change. Over 50% of its population lacks electricity, and relying on unsustainable practices threatens their health and the environment. Yet, Africa possesses a wealth of untapped renewable resources – a golden key to unlocking a brighter future.
The Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) Solutions Project steps in to address these challenges with a vision driven by African ingenuity. We are empowering universities, the private sector, and local communities to develop clean energy solutions tailored to their specific needs.

The objectives of Homegrown Clean Energy:

  • Promote the development of Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) solutions for underrepresented communities.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and technology transfer among participating institutions.
  • Enhance entrepreneurship skills in clean energy solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa.
  • Promote gender equality and social inclusion in clean energy solutions.

Participating Institutions:

  • Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMIN), Nigeria
  • Makerere University, Uganda
  • University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
  • Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Uganda
  • University of Nigeria (UNN), Nigeria
  • University of Zimbabwe (UoZ)

Application Documents:

  1. Filled Application Form
  2. CV
  3. A three-page proposal document

See Downloads for detailed application.

How to Apply for the Scholarship:

To apply: click here to apply: Masters
To apply: click here to apply: PhD

Application Deadline

The deadline for the application is 27th July 2024 by Midnight GMT +1. Results will be announced on September 3, 2024

Contact Details

For further enquiries or guidance required kindly contact the following.

  • FUT Minna – Caroline Alenoghena; +234 8035015984
  • UNN- Cynthia Nwobodo; +234 803 946 2574
  • MAK– Grace Nakabonge; +256 782356607
  • UMU- Dr Robinah S. Nakabo; +256 776 802981
  • UAC- Michel Dossou; +229 97 54 27 44
  • UoZ- Dr Blessing Magonziwa; +263 775990146

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Job Opportunity at MakSBSREC: Assistant Administrative Officer



The Davies Lecture Theatre (Right), School of Biomedical Sciences (Blue) and other buildings at the College of Health Sciences (CHS), Mulago Campus, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University is pleased to announce a vacancy for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) within the School of Biomedical Sciences Research Ethics Committee (MakSBSREC). This is an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to contribute to the ethical oversight of research involving human participants.

Position Details:

  • Job Title: Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) – MakSBSREC
  • Reports to: Chairperson MakSBSREC
  • Engagement: Full-time
  • Duration: 1 Year, renewable upon satisfactory performance
  • Duty Station: Kampala

Qualifications, Desired Skills, and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Humanities, Medicine and Surgery, Ethics and Human Rights, or any related field.
  • Master’s degree in Bioethics (an added advantage).
  • Up-to-date training in Human Subject Protection or Good Clinical Practice.
  • Proficiency in English (both spoken and written).
  • Prior experience in regulatory work in research studies or projects.
  • Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and meet deadlines.

How to Apply:

Qualified and interested candidates are invited to submit a soft copy of their application documents and a motivation letter to with the subject line “Application for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator)”. Address your application to the Dean, School of Biomedical Sciences.

Deadline for submission: July 2, 2024, by 5:00 pm Ugandan time.

Please provide a reliable 24-hour phone contact. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

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