February 2010
26th February 2010: The CIT Mentor Series:
CIT has continuously received feedback from the private sector and specifically requesting the faculty to invite people from the Private Sector to come and mentor the students to expose them to what the industry expects of them. This series featured Mr. Robert Kabushenga, CEO, Vision Group of Companies.
23rd – 24th February 2010: Consultative Workshop of DeLPHE Project:
The Consulatative workshop of DelPHE Project : Collaboration of School of Education, University of Nairobi , Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts; Makerere University and the Center for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University was held at the Conference Hall, Economic Policy Research Center, Makerere University.
22nd February 2010: Mak/ECNU MoU signing ceremony:
Makerere University and the East China Normal University (ECNU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation aimed at strengthening the cooperation in education, science, engineering and technological transfer between the two universities. Chinese Ambassador to Uganda H.E. Sun Heping expressed represented Peoples Republic of China at the signing ceremony held in the Council Room, Main Administration Building, Makerere University.
22nd February 2010: The 26th MUBS Public Lecture:
The School runs a Public Lecture Scheme as part of its activities to increase the diversity of business management among its clients and as part of its corporate social responsibility. The 26th MUBS Public Lecture was held under the theme:Innovations and Business Growth in the MUBS Conference Hall. The presenters were; Mr. Patrick Bitature (Chairman Simba Group and Uganda Investment Authority) and Mr. Jamil Sewanyana (Lecturer, Department of Entrepreneurship, MUBS).
20th February 2010: International Mother Tongue Day Celebrations:
This day has been designated by UNESCO as Mother Tongue Day and is observed worldwide. This was the third time the Institute of Languages was celebrating this day. The theme of the day was “Mother Tongue to Foster Unity in Diversity” Activities of the day included; reciting of poems and proverbs in mother tongues, reading of essays, singing and dancing among others, held at the Department of Food Science & Tech Conference Hall
19th February 2010: Launch of the Makerere Linux Chapter:
Every third Friday of the month the Linux User Group-Uganda (LUG) gathers at their LUG Meeting. The monthly meeting at the Makerere Faculty of ICT also served as a lunch for their Makerere Chapter. Speakers from DSMagic and AG Commons were on hand to inspire the students.
18th February 2010: Mak-SIDA PhaseIII Research Cooperation signing ceremony:
SIDA has been supporting research in Makerere University since 2000. A number of units including Faculties of Agriculture, Social Sciences, Technology, College of Health Sciences, and School of Graduate Studies, the University Library and the Directorate of Communication and Information Technology Support have since benefited through two phases of support which came to an end in December 2009 2009. The support to the tune of 181 million SEK has benefited over 150 students on PhD programmes and 40 students on Master degree programme. The signing ceremony of the Specific Agreement on Research Cooperation between Makerere University and Sida (represented by the Embassy of Sweden) took place in the Council Room, Main Administration Building.
17th February 2010: Public Dialogue – Desirable Institutions:
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University, held a Public Dialogue on the theme “Desirable Institutions, or Desirable Leaders. What does Uganda need for development?” at the Lower Conference Hall, Senate Building.
17th February 2010: CHS Needs Assessment Dissemination Workshop:
Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University have undertaken in a Twinning Program to inform and guide a 10-year strategic initiative to build Makerere University's sustainable capacity to improve health outcomes in Uganda and the region. As part of the activities, the MUJHU Twinning Program carried out a Needs Assessment for the College of Health Sciences. The half-day dissemination workshop took place at the Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala.
16th February 2010: Public Lecture by Ambassador Demetrios J. Marantis:
Ambassador Demetrios J. Marantis, Deputy U.S. Trade representative gave a public lecture entitled “United States – African Trade and Investment in the 21st Century” held in the Conference Hall, Department of Food Science and Technology from 2.30 – 4.00p.m.
13th Feb – 3rd March 2010 2010: MTSIFA Staff Art Exhibition:
Fourteen Members of Staff at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts Exhibited their works at the “Different but One” exhibition, held at the Makerere Art Gallery.
12th February 2010: Consultative Workshop for the Development and use of Pozzolanic Materials Research:
The Department of Construction Economics and Management of Makerere University received a grant from the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, under the World Bank's Millennium Science Initiative programs, towards research in the development and use of pozzolanic materials. The Department’s one-day consultative workshop was held at the Protea Hotel, Kampala.
12th February 2010: Mak/UMEME MoU on Bulk Metering signed:
The University now benefits from a lowered average tariff at the main campus, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between UMEME and Makerere University.
11th February 2010: Launch of the GRACE book:
The Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment (GRACE) is a project that was initiated in 2005 with an aim to provide context specific data on how women in Africa use information communication technologies (ICTs) to improve their lives, barriers that prevent them from accessing and utilisation of ICTS and how they surmount these barriers. With support from the International Development Research Center (IDRC), GRACE evolved into an African network of gender and ICT researchers involving 14 research teams in 12 different African countries including Uganda. The findings from the first research phase were captured and published in a book titled “African Women and ICTs: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment” and launched at the Faculty of Food Science Conference Room, Makerere University.
10th February 2010: A Student Portforlio’s Presentation, CHS:
The student Portfolio for Makerere was designed in partnership with students and staff of the College of Health Sciences and was piloted this year. Other Institutions at Makerere University such as The School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Computing & IT and the Directorate of Human Resources Management are in the process of piloting it. The CHS presentation was held in the Davis Lecture Theatre, College of Health Sciences
9th – 11th February 2010: MEDI-SHARE National Conference.
MEDI-SHARE is an initiative taken by a consortium of Institutions: CINECA of University of Bologna Italy and Pharmacy schools in three Higher Education Institutions in East Africa; Makerere University, Nairobi University and Muhimbili University of Health Sciences. The project involves a collection of patient information of three conditions; HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. The software and platform for managing this information has been developed by CINECA in conjuction with Almalaurea of Italy. The Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, Makerere University organized the three-day workshop at the Imperial Royale Hotel Kampala.
1st February 2010: ICPAU Results Release Ceremony
The Vice Chancellor was invited to officiate over the release of the December 2009 results by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU). As part of her Corporate Social Responsibility, Makerere University provides the ICPAU with facilities for conducting practical IT examinations, a relationship which dates back to 1997.
1st February 2010: 2nd Vice Chancellors Media briefing
The 2nd monthly media briefing featured the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences and the School of Graduate Studies. The Vice Chancellor made presentations on the commencement of online registration or students from 1st February 2010, Electronic feedback to parents and guardians on student progress, the putting in place of a Public Relations and Communications Board, to improve the University’s Communications function, and the Alumni Development Fund Account to help raise funds and undertake major projects aimed at creating endowment for Makerere University.
February 2010
26th February 2010: The CIT Mentor Series:
CIT has continuously received feedback from the private sector and specifically requesting the faculty to invite people from the Private Sector to come and mentor the students to expose them to what the industry expects of them. This series featured Mr. Robert Kabushenga, CEO, Vision Group of Companies.
23rd – 24th February 2010: Consultative Workshop of DeLPHE Project:
The Consulatative workshop of DelPHE Project : Collaboration of School of Education, University of Nairobi , Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts; Makerere University and the Center for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University was held at the Conference Hall, Economic Policy Research Center, Makerere University.
22nd February 2010: Mak/ECNU MoU signing ceremony:
Makerere University and the East China Normal University (ECNU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation aimed at strengthening the cooperation in education, science, engineering and technological transfer between the two universities. Chinese Ambassador to Uganda H.E. Sun Heping expressed represented Peoples Republic of China at the signing ceremony held in the Council Room, Main Administration Building, Makerere University.
22nd February 2010: The 26th MUBS Public Lecture:
The School runs a Public Lecture Scheme as part of its activities to increase the diversity of business management among its clients and as part of its corporate social responsibility. The 26th MUBS Public Lecture was held under the theme:Innovations and Business Growth in the MUBS Conference Hall. The presenters were; Mr. Patrick Bitature (Chairman Simba Group and Uganda Investment Authority) and Mr. Jamil Sewanyana (Lecturer, Department of Entrepreneurship, MUBS).
20th February 2010: International Mother Tongue Day Celebrations:
This day has been designated by UNESCO as Mother Tongue Day and is observed worldwide. This was the third time the Institute of Languages was celebrating this day. The theme of the day was “Mother Tongue to Foster Unity in Diversity” Activities of the day included; reciting of poems and proverbs in mother tongues, reading of essays, singing and dancing among others, held at the Department of Food Science & Tech Conference Hall
19th February 2010: Launch of the Makerere Linux Chapter:
Every third Friday of the month the Linux User Group-Uganda (LUG) gathers at their LUG Meeting. The monthly meeting at the Makerere Faculty of ICT also served as a lunch for their Makerere Chapter. Speakers from DSMagic and AG Commons were on hand to inspire the students.
18th February 2010: Mak-SIDA PhaseIII Research Cooperation signing ceremony:
SIDA has been supporting research in Makerere University since 2000. A number of units including Faculties of Agriculture, Social Sciences, Technology, College of Health Sciences, and School of Graduate Studies, the University Library and the Directorate of Communication and Information Technology Support have since benefited through two phases of support which came to an end in December 2009 2009. The support to the tune of 181 million SEK has benefited over 150 students on PhD programmes and 40 students on Master degree programme. The signing ceremony of the Specific Agreement on Research Cooperation between Makerere University and Sida (represented by the Embassy of Sweden) took place in the Council Room, Main Administration Building.
17th February 2010: Public Dialogue – Desirable Institutions:
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University, held a Public Dialogue on the theme “Desirable Institutions, or Desirable Leaders. What does Uganda need for development?” at the Lower Conference Hall, Senate Building.
17th February 2010: CHS Needs Assessment Dissemination Workshop:
Makerere University and Johns Hopkins University have undertaken in a Twinning Program to inform and guide a 10-year strategic initiative to build Makerere University's sustainable capacity to improve health outcomes in Uganda and the region. As part of the activities, the MUJHU Twinning Program carried out a Needs Assessment for the College of Health Sciences. The half-day dissemination workshop took place at the Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala.
16th February 2010: Public Lecture by Ambassador Demetrios J. Marantis:
Ambassador Demetrios J. Marantis, Deputy U.S. Trade representative gave a public lecture entitled “United States – African Trade and Investment in the 21st Century” held in the Conference Hall, Department of Food Science and Technology from 2.30 – 4.00p.m.
13th Feb – 3rd March 2010 2010: MTSIFA Staff Art Exhibition:
Fourteen Members of Staff at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts Exhibited their works at the “Different but One” exhibition, held at the Makerere Art Gallery.
12th February 2010: Consultative Workshop for the Development and use of Pozzolanic Materials Research:
The Department of Construction Economics and Management of Makerere University received a grant from the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, under the World Bank's Millennium Science Initiative programs, towards research in the development and use of pozzolanic materials. The Department’s one-day consultative workshop was held at the Protea Hotel, Kampala.
12th February 2010: Mak/UMEME MoU on Bulk Metering signed:
The University now benefits from a lowered average tariff at the main campus, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between UMEME and Makerere University.
11th February 2010: Launch of the GRACE book:
The Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment (GRACE) is a project that was initiated in 2005 with an aim to provide context specific data on how women in Africa use information communication technologies (ICTs) to improve their lives, barriers that prevent them from accessing and utilisation of ICTS and how they surmount these barriers. With support from the International Development Research Center (IDRC), GRACE evolved into an African network of gender and ICT researchers involving 14 research teams in 12 different African countries including Uganda. The findings from the first research phase were captured and published in a book titled “African Women and ICTs: Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment” and launched at the Faculty of Food Science Conference Room, Makerere University.
10th February 2010: A Student Portforlio’s Presentation, CHS:
The student Portfolio for Makerere was designed in partnership with students and staff of the College of Health Sciences and was piloted this year. Other Institutions at Makerere University such as The School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Computing & IT and the Directorate of Human Resources Management are in the process of piloting it. The CHS presentation was held in the Davis Lecture Theatre, College of Health Sciences
9th – 11th February 2010: MEDI-SHARE National Conference.
MEDI-SHARE is an initiative taken by a consortium of Institutions: CINECA of University of Bologna Italy and Pharmacy schools in three Higher Education Institutions in East Africa; Makerere University, Nairobi University and Muhimbili University of Health Sciences. The project involves a collection of patient information of three conditions; HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. The software and platform for managing this information has been developed by CINECA in conjuction with Almalaurea of Italy. The Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, Makerere University organized the three-day workshop at the Imperial Royale Hotel Kampala.
1st February 2010: ICPAU Results Release Ceremony
The Vice Chancellor was invited to officiate over the release of the December 2009 results by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU). As part of her Corporate Social Responsibility, Makerere University provides the ICPAU with facilities for conducting practical IT examinations, a relationship which dates back to 1997.
1st February 2010: 2nd Vice Chancellors Media briefing
The 2nd monthly media briefing featured the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences and the School of Graduate Studies. The Vice Chancellor made presentations on the commencement of online registration or students from 1st February 2010, Electronic feedback to parents and guardians on student progress, the putting in place of a Public Relations and Communications Board, to improve the University’s Communications function, and the Alumni Development Fund Account to help raise funds and undertake major projects aimed at creating endowment for Makerere University.