2009 Events and before
14 years agoon
December 2009
This workshop held at Imperial Royale Hotel enabled participants benefit from the Mentoring Strategy Spearheaded by Prof. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza. The key topics of the four day workshops were: Concretisation of Personal Mission Statements and Development of Strategies for personal growth (1,3 and 5 personal year plans), Exploration of resource opportunities to realize the objectives of your personal mission statement, Sharing of the GMD mentoring strategy for the next four years (2010-2013), Sharing of personal experiences from female professors in Makerere University, Understanding issues and principle of Gender, Women and Leadership in Makerere University, Tips on how the “Act like a LADY and think like a MAN”, Personal branding and Repositioning for leadership in Makerere University and Strategies for Women to support fellow Women.
13th – 15th December 2009: First APEDIA Conference
Makerere University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine hosted the First International Academic Partnership for Environment and Development Innovations in Africa (APEDIA) Conference on Sustainable Land Use in Africa. The conference aimed at examining the issue of land use and conflicts, with a focus on Sources and Solutions
11th December 2009: Nora's Sisters; Gender Mainstreaming Division & Norwegian Embassy.
These organized an event held in the Main hall with the highlight being a play titled Nora's Sisters " The rights and roles of women in society" .
11th December 2009: i@MAK Official Launch of 19 New Publications.
The Publications Board was established as a Sub Committee of, to promote scholarly writing and publishing initially among the staff and students of partnering institutions. The Board had since its formation published over 40 books through a public private partnership with M/s Fountain Publishers Limited, a leading local publishing firm. A peer reviewed Journal titled Makerere University Research Journal (MURJ) was also introduced and five issues published thus far. The Committee launched 19 peer reviewed books.
10th December 2009: Makerere-NUFU Crafting the Bamasaba.
The Mak-NUFU Folklore Project Coordinator, invited the public to the screening of a documentary film titled, Crafting the Bamasaba that focused on the ritual of Imbalu among the Bagisu. This 62 minute film was research documentation under the MAK-NUFU Linkage Folklore Project that is housed in the Department of Literature. The event was held at the Department of Food Science & Technology Conference Hall
9th December 2009: H.E. President Yoweri Museveni visit to Faculty of Technology. President Museveni visited the Faculty of Technology where he toured and inspected some of their innovations. They included sanitary pads made from papyrus and a mini- hydro-power station that could produce about 10 megawatts of electricity ideal for institutions situated near water sources. The President also said the Government will start funding science students' placement in industries.
November 2009
27th November 2009: Consultation Meeting on the formation of a National Remote Engineering Consortium
The Faculty of Technology organized the first Consultation Meeting on the formation of, “The National Remote Engineering Consortium”. The Seminar under the theme: “Enriching Science Education through Remote Engineering” was held at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, on November 2009 27, 2009 from 8:30 am to 4:30pm. The formation of a National Remote Engineering Consortium, premised on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, constituted by the Academia, Industry and the Public/Private Sector, was aimed at enriching science education. It was presided over by the Minister of State for Higher Education, The Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT, The Deputy Director NCHE, The Ag. VC Makerere University, DVC F&A, Dean and Staff Faculty of Technology and members from the private and public sectors.
27th – 28th November 2009: Inaugural Makerere University Grand Alumni Re-union
Makerere University Convocation held the inaugural Makerere University Alumni Re-union on November 2009 28, 2009 at Makerere University Freedom Square. The event was presided over by H. E Benjamin Mkapa as Chief Guest, and as part of the Pre re-union activities, a public lecture on the role of the academia in governance and National developmentwas held on November 2009 27, 2009 in the University Main Hall. Makerere University Convocation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment jointly organized the lecture. The Grand Alumni re-union was marked by other activities like a 2-day exhibition at the Freedom square, A cocktail hosted by the Chief guest at Kampala Serena Hotel on 27th November 2009 and on the 28th, Laying of a foundation stone for the Alumni House in Katanga and crowned by an Alumni Dinner at the Freedom Square.
24th November 2009: Sir Tim Berners-Lee visits Makerere
Makerere University hosted the Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. At the Faculty of Computing and IT Block B Lab 2, where he delivered an address about the origin of the World Wide Web and answered burning questions from Students and Staff. He later on met with the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Professor Venansius Baryamureeba
23rd – 25th November 2009: International Workshop on Research in Adult Education
Makerere University Institute of Adult and Continuing Education in partnership with Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (DVV) organized the International workshop on Research in Adult Education.
23rd – 26th November 2009: COVIDSET 2009 Conference
From 23rd to 26th November 2009, Makerere University hosted the COVIDSET 2009 Conference for Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology. The conference was held under the theme Revitalising Science, Engineering and Technology Research and development for Sustainable development in Africa. The Conference attracted participants from twelve African countries as well as the donor community and other agencies involved in higher education.
23rd November 2009: International Workshop on Research in Adult Education.
Makerere University Institute of Adult and Continuing Education in partnership with Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (DVV) organized the International workshop on Research in Adult Education.
23rd – 25th November 2009: First International Ethnomusicology Symposium
The Department of Music, Dance and Drama, supported by Norwegian Government and NUFU organized the First International Ethnomusicology Symposium at Makerere University. The symposium aimed at discussing issues around ethnic music and the preservation of that important aspect of our culture. The symposium concluded on the 25th November 2009 with the handover of ethnic music from Uganda collected in the 1940s and 50s collected by Professor Waschmann and which had since then been kept in Britain.
15th – 18th November 2009: International Conference on Family Planning Research and Best Practices
The School of Public Health in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health organized and hosted the International Conference on Family Planning Research and Best Practices from the 15th to 18th November 2009. The objective of the conference was to enable scientific and programmatic exchange and sharing of available findings and identification of knowledge gaps regarding family planning. Over 800 international, regional and local participants attended the workshop at the Speke Resort Munyonyo.
13th November 2009: International Students' Cultural Day.
The University Management together with the international students studying at Makerere University organised the first ever international students’ cultural day to showcase their culture, identity and countries. The event was held under the theme “Appreciating our culture in harmony.” The international students presented cultural exhibits; folk songs; tongue twisters; cultural dances; drama and plays; fashion shows and cultural dishes/delicacies.
13th – 18th November 2009: Statistics week and Africa Statistics Day Celebrations
The Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics together with the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) celebrated the statistics week. This week was marked by painting of the Makerere Police Post on Friday 13th Nov; A Student-organized statistics symposium, which started with a March 2010 around the University on 16th Nov and a public lecture that was delivered by Prof. J.P.M. Ntozi on the 18th of Nov at the St. Francis Conference Hall.
9th – 13th November 2009: Makerere-Sida Bilateral Research Program Annual Review meeting
Makerere-Sida Bilateral Research Program Annual Review Meeting was held at Makerere University. All Program and Sub-program Coordinators, researchers, past and current students supported under this program were scheduled to attend the plenary meeting.
8th – 13th November 2009: The 13th East, Central and Southern African Regional Meeting and International Scientific Conference
The 13th East, Central and Southern African Regional Meeting and International Scientific Conference organised by the Uganda Veterinary Association, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University and the Commonwealth Veterinary Association was held from 8th to 13th November 2009 2009 under the theme “Convergence Of Veterinary Science, Public Health And Trade For Sustainable Livelihoods In Sub-Saharan Africa”.
5th – 6th November 2009: School of Graduate Studies Annual Research and Innovations Dissemination Conference
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) also organized and hosted the Annual Research and Innovations Dissemination Conference from the 5th to 6th November 2009 at Hotel Africana. The purpose of the Conference was to open an opportunity for individual researchers, units and research projects at the University to disseminate their research findings and share knowledge and experiences in research.
It was also an opportunity for our researchers and academics to interface with members of the public and private sector who could have an interest in our research projects for possible business solutions or investment opportunities.
December 2009
This workshop held at Imperial Royale Hotel enabled participants benefit from the Mentoring Strategy Spearheaded by Prof. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza. The key topics of the four day workshops were: Concretisation of Personal Mission Statements and Development of Strategies for personal growth (1,3 and 5 personal year plans), Exploration of resource opportunities to realize the objectives of your personal mission statement, Sharing of the GMD mentoring strategy for the next four years (2010-2013), Sharing of personal experiences from female professors in Makerere University, Understanding issues and principle of Gender, Women and Leadership in Makerere University, Tips on how the “Act like a LADY and think like a MAN”, Personal branding and Repositioning for leadership in Makerere University and Strategies for Women to support fellow Women.
13th – 15th December 2009: First APEDIA Conference
Makerere University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine hosted the First International Academic Partnership for Environment and Development Innovations in Africa (APEDIA) Conference on Sustainable Land Use in Africa. The conference aimed at examining the issue of land use and conflicts, with a focus on Sources and Solutions
11th December 2009: Nora's Sisters; Gender Mainstreaming Division & Norwegian Embassy.
These organized an event held in the Main hall with the highlight being a play titled Nora's Sisters " The rights and roles of women in society" .
11th December 2009: i@MAK Official Launch of 19 New Publications.
The Publications Board was established as a Sub Committee of, to promote scholarly writing and publishing initially among the staff and students of partnering institutions. The Board had since its formation published over 40 books through a public private partnership with M/s Fountain Publishers Limited, a leading local publishing firm. A peer reviewed Journal titled Makerere University Research Journal (MURJ) was also introduced and five issues published thus far. The Committee launched 19 peer reviewed books.
10th December 2009: Makerere-NUFU Crafting the Bamasaba.
The Mak-NUFU Folklore Project Coordinator, invited the public to the screening of a documentary film titled, Crafting the Bamasaba that focused on the ritual of Imbalu among the Bagisu. This 62 minute film was research documentation under the MAK-NUFU Linkage Folklore Project that is housed in the Department of Literature. The event was held at the Department of Food Science & Technology Conference Hall
9th December 2009: H.E. President Yoweri Museveni visit to Faculty of Technology. President Museveni visited the Faculty of Technology where he toured and inspected some of their innovations. They included sanitary pads made from papyrus and a mini- hydro-power station that could produce about 10 megawatts of electricity ideal for institutions situated near water sources. The President also said the Government will start funding science students' placement in industries.
November 2009
27th November 2009: Consultation Meeting on the formation of a National Remote Engineering Consortium
The Faculty of Technology organized the first Consultation Meeting on the formation of, “The National Remote Engineering Consortium”. The Seminar under the theme: “Enriching Science Education through Remote Engineering” was held at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, on November 2009 27, 2009 from 8:30 am to 4:30pm. The formation of a National Remote Engineering Consortium, premised on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, constituted by the Academia, Industry and the Public/Private Sector, was aimed at enriching science education. It was presided over by the Minister of State for Higher Education, The Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT, The Deputy Director NCHE, The Ag. VC Makerere University, DVC F&A, Dean and Staff Faculty of Technology and members from the private and public sectors.
27th – 28th November 2009: Inaugural Makerere University Grand Alumni Re-union
Makerere University Convocation held the inaugural Makerere University Alumni Re-union on November 2009 28, 2009 at Makerere University Freedom Square. The event was presided over by H. E Benjamin Mkapa as Chief Guest, and as part of the Pre re-union activities, a public lecture on the role of the academia in governance and National developmentwas held on November 2009 27, 2009 in the University Main Hall. Makerere University Convocation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment jointly organized the lecture. The Grand Alumni re-union was marked by other activities like a 2-day exhibition at the Freedom square, A cocktail hosted by the Chief guest at Kampala Serena Hotel on 27th November 2009 and on the 28th, Laying of a foundation stone for the Alumni House in Katanga and crowned by an Alumni Dinner at the Freedom Square.
24th November 2009: Sir Tim Berners-Lee visits Makerere
Makerere University hosted the Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. At the Faculty of Computing and IT Block B Lab 2, where he delivered an address about the origin of the World Wide Web and answered burning questions from Students and Staff. He later on met with the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Professor Venansius Baryamureeba
23rd – 25th November 2009: International Workshop on Research in Adult Education
Makerere University Institute of Adult and Continuing Education in partnership with Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (DVV) organized the International workshop on Research in Adult Education.
23rd – 26th November 2009: COVIDSET 2009 Conference
From 23rd to 26th November 2009, Makerere University hosted the COVIDSET 2009 Conference for Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology. The conference was held under the theme Revitalising Science, Engineering and Technology Research and development for Sustainable development in Africa. The Conference attracted participants from twelve African countries as well as the donor community and other agencies involved in higher education.
23rd November 2009: International Workshop on Research in Adult Education.
Makerere University Institute of Adult and Continuing Education in partnership with Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (DVV) organized the International workshop on Research in Adult Education.
23rd – 25th November 2009: First International Ethnomusicology Symposium
The Department of Music, Dance and Drama, supported by Norwegian Government and NUFU organized the First International Ethnomusicology Symposium at Makerere University. The symposium aimed at discussing issues around ethnic music and the preservation of that important aspect of our culture. The symposium concluded on the 25th November 2009 with the handover of ethnic music from Uganda collected in the 1940s and 50s collected by Professor Waschmann and which had since then been kept in Britain.
15th – 18th November 2009: International Conference on Family Planning Research and Best Practices
The School of Public Health in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health organized and hosted the International Conference on Family Planning Research and Best Practices from the 15th to 18th November 2009. The objective of the conference was to enable scientific and programmatic exchange and sharing of available findings and identification of knowledge gaps regarding family planning. Over 800 international, regional and local participants attended the workshop at the Speke Resort Munyonyo.
13th November 2009: International Students' Cultural Day.
The University Management together with the international students studying at Makerere University organised the first ever international students’ cultural day to showcase their culture, identity and countries. The event was held under the theme “Appreciating our culture in harmony.” The international students presented cultural exhibits; folk songs; tongue twisters; cultural dances; drama and plays; fashion shows and cultural dishes/delicacies.
13th – 18th November 2009: Statistics week and Africa Statistics Day Celebrations
The Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics together with the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) celebrated the statistics week. This week was marked by painting of the Makerere Police Post on Friday 13th Nov; A Student-organized statistics symposium, which started with a March 2010 around the University on 16th Nov and a public lecture that was delivered by Prof. J.P.M. Ntozi on the 18th of Nov at the St. Francis Conference Hall.
9th – 13th November 2009: Makerere-Sida Bilateral Research Program Annual Review meeting
Makerere-Sida Bilateral Research Program Annual Review Meeting was held at Makerere University. All Program and Sub-program Coordinators, researchers, past and current students supported under this program were scheduled to attend the plenary meeting.
8th – 13th November 2009: The 13th East, Central and Southern African Regional Meeting and International Scientific Conference
The 13th East, Central and Southern African Regional Meeting and International Scientific Conference organised by the Uganda Veterinary Association, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University and the Commonwealth Veterinary Association was held from 8th to 13th November 2009 2009 under the theme “Convergence Of Veterinary Science, Public Health And Trade For Sustainable Livelihoods In Sub-Saharan Africa”.
5th – 6th November 2009: School of Graduate Studies Annual Research and Innovations Dissemination Conference
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) also organized and hosted the Annual Research and Innovations Dissemination Conference from the 5th to 6th November 2009 at Hotel Africana. The purpose of the Conference was to open an opportunity for individual researchers, units and research projects at the University to disseminate their research findings and share knowledge and experiences in research.
It was also an opportunity for our researchers and academics to interface with members of the public and private sector who could have an interest in our research projects for possible business solutions or investment opportunities.
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Prof. Nawangwe urges young people to take up leadership in innovation for the transformation of Africa
22 hours agoon
February 4, 2025By
Mak EditorBy the Program Communication Team
On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Makerere University hosted the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Council Representatives meeting, which brings together young people from around 45 partner universities of the Mastercard Foundation.
During the event, Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe urged young people to prepare for leadership roles in innovation, especially starting with their communities, if they wish to see the positive transformation they desire in Africa.
“I urge you to connect and network with your peers and discuss how you can form inter-university teams to innovate solutions that will address the development challenges in our communities for the transformation of the African continent.” Prof. Nawangwe remarked.
Prof. Nawangwe applauded the Mastercard Foundation for its partnership with Makerere University and Uganda in general, which has uplifting effects on many young people.
“Makerere University and Uganda have made remarkable strides in providing Higher Education to Young People, thanks to the generous support of the Mastercard Foundation, which has contributed significantly to educating the next generation of African leaders. Through valuable initiatives and partnerships, such as the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Makerere University is poised to continue educating young individuals who will significantly impact Uganda’s and Africa’s economic growth.” Prof. Nawangwe noted.
The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nawangwe, further urged young people to seize the opportunities the Mastercard Foundation and other like-minded development partners presented to improve their lives and communities.
“The Mastercard Foundation has given you the platform and opportunity to be leaders and beacons of change. Embrace this responsibility with courage. Let the core values of the Scholars Program—humility, listening, kindness and respect, co-creation, and impact—guide your actions,” Prof. Nawangwe emphasized.
While speaking at the same event, the Program Director of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University, Prof. Justine Namaalwa, enumerated high-level achievements the Program had accomplished for the last decade at Makerere University. She pointed out that in terms of scholarship enrolment, the Program had recruited 1,032 Scholars, of which 76% were Females, 7% were Internationals, 4% were Refugees, and about 1% were Youth with Disabilities.
Prof. Namaalwa further pointed out other post-graduation achievements, including a 94% completion rate of the total number of Scholars enrolled in the Scholars Program. She pointed out that between 2018 and 2025, the Program had graduated 964 Scholars, of which 37% were employed, mainly in the private sector.
Prof. Namaalwa revealed that beyond the Scholars Program, the Mastercard Foundation had put other initiatives supporting the university in numerous ways. She pointed out other initiatives such as the e-learning initiative, a COVID-19 Response measure to ensure continuity of Teaching and Learning at Makerere University and the Climate Resilience and Sustainability Collaborative: Makerere University, in collaboration with the University of Ghana, the University of Cape Town, and the University of Cambridge, is implementing a new initiative that addresses one of the world’s most significant challenges in recent times—climate change.
Prof. Namaalwa revealed that the Research Collaborative would provide opportunities for MSc and PhD scholarships to African students and encourage young people to enrol as graduate students starting in the academic year 2025/2026.
The event was punctuated with fireside chats, during which young people had an opportunity to discuss a number of topical issues related to entrepreneurship and Transformative leadership. Thereafter, the visiting students were taken on a guided tour around Makerere University.
The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Council comprises student leaders from partner Universities. Each Partner University has one Council Representative. They represent the needs of Scholars and work with the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program teams at each institution, the Mastercard Foundation, and Alumni.
CAES, CHS & CoVAB Receive Buses to Enhance Fieldwork, Outreaches
23 hours agoon
February 4, 2025On Monday 3rd February 2025, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe handed over three (3) university buses to the respective leadership in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), the College of Health Sciences (CHS), and the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB).
The new buses mark a significant improvement in mobility and learning for Makerere University students and staff, furthering the institution’s commitment to practical education and community service.
Speaking at the handover ceremony held at the University’s Freedom Square, Prof. Nawangwe highlighted the significance of the new buses in enhancing teaching and learning. “These buses will play a crucial role in improving students’ practical learning experiences by ensuring reliable transportation for fieldwork and community outreach,” he said.
Prof. Nawangwe expressed gratitude to the Parliament and the Government of Uganda for providing the resources for the new buses, emphasizing their importance in replacing the old fleet, which frequently breaks down. The new 2023 model buses, with a 67-seater capacity, were secured at a cost of UGX 626million each and are expected to save the university significant maintenance costs and improve the learning experience for students.
Principals from the respective colleges expressed their appreciation for the new buses. Prof. Frank Norbert Mwiine, Principal of CoVAB, emphasized the importance of the buses for practical training at locations such as Lake Mburo National Park. Associate Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga, Principal of CAES, and Associate Prof. Bruce Kirenga, Principal of CHS, highlighted the buses’ role in facilitating community engagement and outreach.
He explained that the decision to purchase Isuzu buses instead of those manufactured by Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC) a Makerere University partner, was based on prior engagement with the former, as well as the need to utilize the allocated funds promptly within the Financial Year, which couldn’t be accomplished at KMC due to their high demand.
CARTA Fellow Dr. Wandera Receives Research Excellence Award
2 days agoon
February 3, 2025Stephen Wandera, cohort 2, Makerere University, was nominated for the prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award 2025. This nomination recognizes his outstanding contributions to research excellence. The award ceremony took place on January 14, 2025, during the Convocation luncheon, following the 75th graduation ceremony of Makerere. We congratulate Stephen on this significant achievement and commend his dedication to advancing research within his field.
Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 85
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