THE HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION is an American private foundation which supports research on problems related to violence and aggression. We conduct a special program for...
Makerere University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Uganda aimed at producing highly competitive graduates for the market....
The Government of Uganda through a Loan from the African Development Fund to support the Education V Project (Support to Higher Education, Science and Technology- HEST)...
We invite you to submit a proposal (presentation / session) for TNC15, the largest networking conference for research and education in Europe. The theme of TNC15...
With funding provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program invites developing country researchers to apply...
The International Conference in Higher Education Research and Innovation (ICHERI) is organized by the East African School for Higher Education Studies, College of Education and External...
The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an internationally recognised, independent scientific and educational animal welfare charity. It works to improve knowledge and understanding of animals’ needs...
Innovative Metrics and Methods for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA) is a new £7.2m research partnership funded by the UK Departmentfor International Development (DFID) and coordinated...
Makerere University Volleyball Team is in high spirits ahead of the November 2014 inter-university games. The team, comprised of a male and female wing, has been...
The Ambassador of Sweden to Uganda, H.E Urban Andersson has opened the 2014 Mak-Sida Annual Review Meeting, which brings together Ugandan and Swedish partners to assess...