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Citation Award of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa of Makerere University to Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende



Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende is being awarded a Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa of Makerere University in recognition of a distinguished career spanning over 40 years in legal practice, international adjudication and mediation and academia.

He was born in 1956 and educated at Makerere University where he received a Bachelor of Laws degree, with honours. His postgraduate qualifications include a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre; and a Master of Laws degree in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

As one of the few advocates practicing in Jinja district in the 1980s and 1990s, he rose to become Vice President of the Uganda Law Society. He is the immediate past Chairperson of Law Council and has been a Judge and Justice of the following courts: Chief Justice, High Court of the Seychelles (2009 to 2014); Acting Justice, Supreme Court of Uganda (May 2008 to Jan 2009); International Judge, United Nations Mission in Kosovo (2002-2004); Judge, Court of Appeal of East Timor (2000-2001); Justice, Court of Appeal/Constitutional Court of Uganda (2000 to date); and Judge, High Court of Uganda (1991-2000).

He contributed to the reorganization of the Uganda Law Society, following several years in which the Association was either banned or handicapped in operation. He has lectured Law at Makerere University and was the Chairperson of the Law Reporting Committee of the Judiciary.

As Chairperson of the Judicial Training Committee (1996-97), he set out a broad framework, still in place today, for the design and delivery of programs on judicial education which were intended to develop and enhance knowledge & skills for new and serving judicial officers.

Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende (5th Right) with members of the law fraternity who included Principal School of Law-Assoc. Prof. Ronald Naluwairo (5th Left), Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs-Hon. Norbert Mao (2nd Right), the Lord Mayor of Kampala-His Worship Erias Lukwago (2nd Left) among others. 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 1, 29th January 2024, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende (5th Right) with members of the law fraternity who included Principal School of Law-Assoc. Prof. Ronald Naluwairo (5th Left), Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs-Hon. Norbert Mao (2nd Right), the Lord Mayor of Kampala-His Worship Erias Lukwago (2nd Left) among others.

Well known as a Technology “geek”, he pioneered the establishment of the Uganda Legal Information Institute (ULII) – a free online legal information database, that publishes and provides the public with primary legal information including decisions of courts of record in Uganda.

As Chairperson of the Working Committee on the Computerization of the Registries in the Uganda Judiciary (1996-97) and the first chairperson of the Technology Committee of the Judiciary of  Uganda (1997), he was instrumental in the development of the Technology and Automation Plan for the judiciary and the design and implementation of the Computerized Case Administration System, which culminated into the adoption of the now-indispensable Electronic Court Case Management Information System, which has improved court efficiency.

His judicial imprint has been felt in virtually all areas of the law, from constitutional law and contract law to family law, human rights and international law. In Osotraco v. The Attorney General of Uganda, he rejected an age-old barrier to remedies against government based on the new constitutional dispensation.  In Fredrick Kato v Ann Njoki, he invalidated a discriminatory colonial-era statutory provision which barred Africans from accessing the High Court in divorce matters. In Salvatori Abuki and Another v Attorney General, he explained that the right to life under the Constitution included a right to a livelihood. In Major General David Tinyefuza Munungu v. The Attorney General of Uganda, he highlighted the importance of the National Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy as a guide to the contextual interpretation of the Constitution.  Furthermore, in Re: Nicholas Mwanja, he called for the reform of the systems of adoption and guardianship which eventually found their way into the Children’s Act of 2016, and in Attorney General v Susan Kigula and 417 Others he charted a pragmatic path towards the use of international legal norms in the construction of the national legal framework.

Throughout the breadth and depth of his jurisprudence, a consistent thread is to be found: an expression of views without fear or favour; unquestionable belief in the independence of the judiciary, coupled with a commitment to increasing access to justice for common people.  

At the international level, he has distinguished himself as not only an international judge of repute but also a development practitioner who turns dysfunctional judicial institutions to productive and efficient systems. To this end, he has contributed to the administrative growth of different judiciaries around the world.

The Orator-Dr. Josephine Ndagire reads the citation flanked by Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende (Right), members of his family and other officials. 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 1, 29th January 2024, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Orator-Dr. Josephine Ndagire reads the citation flanked by Hon. Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende (Right), members of his family and other officials.

In Seychelles, where he served as Chief Justice (2009-2014), he started a judicial program for judges and other judicial officers and introduced digital recording technology in the judiciary which together with his strong and efficient oversight, turned around the productivity of judicial officers in the country.  He also pioneered the establishment of the Seychelles Legal Information Institute.

In East Timor, he was appointed Judge of the Court of Appeal (2000-2001) at a time the province had just broken away from Indonesia. He was involved in the setting up of an independent judiciary.

As an International Judge in Kosovo, he made great contribution in the fight against serious crimes including war crimes, genocide, and terrorism. He also played a critical role in strengthening the Kosovo judiciary and establishing the rule of law that country.

As an international civil servant, Justice Egonda-Ntende has been true to the highest creeds of humanity – integrity, excellence, discipline, passion and, above all, service above self.  His record of international service paved way for many Ugandan judicial officers to be sought after in many countries. 

He has carried out his task as a judge and justice with humility, utmost incorruptibility and unwavering fealty to the cause of justice and equality embedded in the judicial oath.

For his professional achievements and significant contribution, Makerere University is proud and honored to confer upon Justice Frederick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende the Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa of Makerere University and all the rights, duties and privileges pertaining thereto.

Orator: Dr. Josephine Ndagire, School of Law


Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi Appointed Acting DVC Academic Affairs



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Academic Registrar, Professor Buyinza Mukadasi has been appointed Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Makerere University, for a period of six (6) months effective 11th July 2024 to 10th January 2025 or until a substantive First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) is appointed whichever comes earlier.

He is a Professor of Forestry Resource Economics and served as the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), Makerere University from 2014 to October 2022. Buyinza holds a PhD in Forest Economics from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta Indonesia. He holds a number of professional enhancement certificates and Diplomas.

As Director DRGT he was charged with the oversight responsibility of all institutional research grants and graduate training in the university. Prof Buyinza served as the Deputy Director in Charge of Administration and Graduate Training (2010 – 2013); Head, Department of Community Forestry and Extension, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Resources (2003 – 2005, 2008-2010) at Makerere University.  Buyinza grew though the University ranks from a Tutorial Assistant (1993 – 1998) at Gajah Mada University, Indonesia to becoming a Lecturer (1999); Senior Lecturer (2004); Assoc. Professor (2007) and Full Professor (2010) at Makerere University.  He has over 20 years experience of University research and teaching in the field of Forestry and Natural Resource Economics.  He has successfully supervised over 50 MSc. and 10 PhD students in the fields of forestry, environment and natural resources. He has also acted as an external examiner in many regional and international universities. He is a member of many professional bodies and served as the Chairperson, Board of Directors of the National Forestry Authority (2007 – 2013). He was the Institutional Focal person (2010-2022) and Chair of the Board of Management of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA), 2014 – 2018.

Buyinza has published widely in the field of forest resource economics, environmental incomes, economics of biodiversity conservation, and Environmental Incomes for Rural Income and livelihoods. He has authored more than 150 papers in International peer-reviewed referred journals, 4 book Chapters, attended more than 70 conference proceedings and has presented in more than 140 conferences/seminars/workshops.

Buyinza has built a very strong international network of collaborations in research administration and has tremendous capacity for resource mobilization. He has been Principal investigator (PI) of 15 research projects and as Co-Principal Investigator in many other institutional research grants. He is the Coordinator of various externally funded research capacity building initiatives at Makerere University. He has a wealth of research management experience with special focus on in the field of natural resources economics, and environmental governance.

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Advert: Mature Age Entry Scheme – Private Sponsorship 2024/2025



Students sit for an exam in the pre-COVID era, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for the Undergraduate
Programmes under the Mature Age Entry Scheme only for Private Sponsorship for
2024/2025 Academic Year.
Non-Refundable Application fee of Shs. 50,000/= for Ugandans OR $75 Equivalent for
Internationals, plus bank charge should be paid in any of the banks used by Uganda
Revenye Authority after generating a Payment Reference Number (PRN).

  • Apply using the Institution’s Applications Portal URL:https: //
  • Application is for candidates who passed the Mature Age Entry Examinations of December 17, 2022 and February 24, 2024 only.
  • Any candidate who passed the examinations in mentioned above and was not admitted on Government/ Private sponsorship for December 17, 2022 sitting, and for Government sponsorship for February 24, 2024 sitting, is eligible to apply for admission on Private Sponsorship for 2024 /2025 Academic Year.

The closing date for applying will be Friday 26th July, 2024.

Further details can be accessed by following this link.

Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza

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Diploma/Degree Holders Admission Lists 2024/25



Main Library, Makerere University. Photo taken on 29th February 2016.

The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists of Diploma/Degree Holder applicants admitted under Private/Self Sponsorship for the academic year 2024/25. Please note that admission is subject to verification of academic documents by the awarding institutions.

The admission list is displayed here below:

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