The Managing Editor, Makerere University Press (MUP), Dr. Samuel Siminyu (Right) with some of the authors and CHUSS Staff at the Book Launch on 28th June 2022, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University.
The atmosphere was festive on the warm Tuesday afternoon of 28th June 2022 as the Makerere University Press (MUP) presented its bumper harvest of nine (9) scholarly titles to the public. And, as any proud “parent” would, the Managing Editor, MUP, Dr. Samuel Siminyu took time to carefully introduce each of his “children”; the book titles and their respective authors. But first, he profusely thanked the authors for entrusting MUP with their intellectual property, an act he partly attributed to the reputation Makerere has earned itself over the century of existence.
“Makerere University Press is basing on that historic achievement to also make a name for you, for itself and for Makerere in the scholarly publishing arena” Dr. Siminyu praised. “Working with you personally has extended our circle of acquaintances and deepened our comradery” he added.
Dr. Samuel Siminyu, Managing Editor, Makerere University Press (MUP).
The nine books launched that afternoon were;
Runyakitara Language Studies: A Guide for Advanced Learners and Teachers in Runyakitara edited by Oswald K. Ndoleriire,
Contemporary Issues in Educational Research and Policy in the Global South edited by Connie Ssebbunga-Masembe and Samuel N. Siminyu,
What I Saw When I Died by Jimmy Spire Ssentongo,
Moving Back into the Future: Critical Recovering of Africa’s Cultural Heritage edited by Dominica Dipio,
Countering Violent Extremism in Uganda: An Assessment of the History, Philosophies and Strategies by Veneranda Mbabazi and Others,
Lulu ya Bara by Innocent Masengo,
HIV/AIDS in Uganda: Achievements and Challenges edited by James Kiwanuka-Tondo,
Statehood on Trial: Thoughts on the 1966 Uganda Political Crisis by Joseph Bossa, and
(Mis) Management of sub-Nationalism and Diversity in “Nations”: The case of Buganda in Uganda, 1979-1980 by Godfrey Asiimwe
Author appreciation
After his brief appreciation to the hardworking Prof. Oswald Ndoleriire and his team for their book Runyakitara Language Studies: A Guide for Advanced Learners and Teachers in Runyakitara, Dr. Siminyu pondered, “if we cannot publish to promote and immortalise the study of our local languages, who will?” He was nevertheless happy to announce that relatedly, MUP had received and was processing manuscripts in and about Kiswahili, Luganda, Luo, Ateso and Lusoga.
Runyakitara Language Studies: A Guide for Advanced Learners and Teachers in Runyakitara edited by Prof. Oswald Ndoleriire.
Turning to Sr. Dominica Dipio, he thanked the prolific author, filmmaker and Professor of Literature and Film for not only transferring her book Moving Back into the Future: Critical Recovering of Africa’s Cultural Heritage from an international publisher to MUP but also reminding his team of our collective obligation to reach out to the whole world with our African voice.
Moving Back into the Future: Critical Recovering of Africa’s Cultural Heritage edited by Prof. Sr. Dominica Dipio.
Dr. Siminyu then thanked Prof. Connie Sebbunga-Masembe for reminding us all that higher education is not just the concern of educationists at the College of Education and External Studies. Describing the book Contemporary Issues in Educational Research and Policy in the Global South as “a rich mosaic of ideas that could help propel higher education in our region to another level,” he was happy to share that it had already been warmly received and labelled by scholars of higher education as “very informative”.
Contemporary Issues in Educational Research and Policy in the Global South edited by Prof. Connie Ssebbunga-Masembe and Dr. Samuel N. Siminyu.
“As a public intellectual, Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo endeared us to the common man on the street with his sweet satire – What I Saw When I Died. We have had to ship his popular title across the country and into neighbouring Kenya and Tanzania on taxis, buses and boda-bodas” complimented the Managing Editor.
What I Saw When I Died by Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo.
Dr. Siminyu then thanked Dr. Veneranda Mbabazi and her team for showing through their book Countering Violent Extremism in Uganda: An Assessment of the History, Philosophies and Strategies that researchers can subject even fields as intimidating as terrorism to scholarly reflection. “We hope that their findings will contribute to our understanding of and fight against terrorism.”
Countering Violent Extremism in Uganda: An Assessment of the History, Philosophies and Strategies by Veneranda Mbabazi, Helen Nambalirwa-Nkabala, Dickson Kanakulya, Samson Barigye, Charlotte Karungi Mafumbo, Hilary Kiiza, Umar Serunjogi and Abdu Katende.
He then described working with the late Joseph Bossa on his book Statehood on Trial: Thoughts on the 1966 Uganda Political Crisis as a journey of discovery. “Can you imagine an Acting President of the former ruling party coming to see you all by himself – without a bodyguard or personal assistant?…a UPC leader who can pinpoint faults in Obote’s performance as a political leader and also see some positive traits in Yoweri Museveni’s performance?…Bossa was an enigma! He beat every stereotype and stood out as an independent thinker.”
Statehood on Trial: Thoughts on the 1966 Uganda Political Crisis by Joseph Bossa.
Of the next title (Mis) Management of sub-Nationalism and Diversity in “Nations”: The case of Buganda in Uganda, 1979-1980, Dr. Siminyu said, “When you read Dr. Godfrey Asiimwe’s work, you feel like telling the gentleman to stop talking and just concentrate on writing! His writing is so deep and sweet. He looks at what many other authors have already written about and comes up with fresh revelations.”
(Mis) Management of sub-Nationalism and Diversity in “Nations”: The case of Buganda in Uganda, 1979-1980 by Dr. Godfrey Asiimwe.
Dr. Siminyu described Prof. James Kiwanuka-Tondo’s book HIV/AIDS in Uganda: Achievements and Challenges as “another gem that was retrieved from another publisher and given to us as a statement of faith in Makerere and what it is capable of doing… Through these works, James has re-issued some pieces published in world-class journals, making them accessible and affordable for our local readers. This is a model that should be emulated.”
HIV/AIDS in Uganda: Achievements and Challenges edited by Prof. James Kiwanuka-Tondo.
“Can you imagine a Ugandan writing Kiswahili poetry?” pondered Dr. Siminyu with reference to Dr. Innocent Masengo’s Lulu ya Bara (The Pearl of the Continent). “We are waiting to hear what our Kiswahili-speaking regional neighbours will say. They have previously alleged that Kiswahili was born in Tanzania, died in Kenya, and was buried in Uganda.” he humorously added.
Lulu ya Bara by Dr. Innocent Masengo.
Keynote address
In line with the yearlong centenary celebrations, the Keynote address was appropriately titled “100 Years of Scholarly Publishing at Makerere“. It was delivered by Prof. J. Robert Ikoja Odongo, a gallant alumnus, former Principal of the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS), currently serving as Vice Chancellor of Soroti University. The Keynote Speaker expressed happiness at being back home, where his destiny was shaped.
From the outset, Prof. Ikoja sought to distinguish scholarly publishing from other forms of publishing such as; book publishing, trade publishing, journal publishing, newspaper publishing, magazine publishing, self-publishing and music publishing.
“Scholarly publishing is one branch of publishing that specializes in publishing for an academic and professional or scholarly market or scholarly community and the public with interest in a particular area of research” he said.
Prof. Ikoja further clarified that the outputs of scholarly publishing are researched material that are disseminated in universities, at conferences and during seminars and symposia. Post dissemination, they may be published as proceedings or in refereed journals as articles. He clarified that monographs or books belong to this category.
Chronicling the journey of publishing at over the last 100 years, Prof. Ikoja paid tribute to Sir Philip Mitchell who served as Governor of Uganda from 1935 to 1940, for championing and forecasting Makerere University to be an icon of education in the region and recommending the establishment of the Press. Subsequently, in 1945 a production unit called the Printer was established in the basement of the Main Administration Building and University Managers at the time sent one Yeko Mukasa to Britain, to be equipped with skills to run the Printer.
Following its establishment the Printer began publishing titles such as Commercial law in East Africa by John W. Katende, Medical statistics, Psychiatry, and African indigenous education by Prof. Jakayo Peter Ociti. Prof. Ikoja further cited Professors such as David Rubadiri, Margaret Donohue, George Kanyeihamba, Fredrick Kayanja, John Mbiti, Austin Bukenya, Mahmood Mamdani, Ali Mazrui and Okot p’Bitek among others who wrote and published many books and monographs.
Prof. J. Robert Ikoja Odongo delivers the Keynote Address.
The keynote speaker elaborated that publications by Makerere researchers were done both within the University and abroad. “The reason for outside publishing was political safety in some cases, economic emancipation in some while in others, an inability of Makerere to handle their works internally and on time.”
In particular, Prof. Ikoja pointed to the period between 1940 and 1960 as one of growth of African nationalism, with Makerere becoming a hive of militant students. “African strand of students started a writing scheme from which Makerere harvested many story book manuscripts that were later published including those published under the Crow Press of the East African Literature Bureau.”
Detailing Makerere‘s history of Journals, Prof. Ikoja outlined the; Makerere Medical Journal (MMJ) 1964, Mawazo 1968, Makerere Law Journal 1975, Journal of African Religion and Philosophy 1989, East African Journal of Rural Economy, African Crop Science Journal, 1993, Dialogue 1994, African Journal of Peace and Human Rights 1995, Makerere Journal of Higher Education 1998 as evidence that Makerere had been engaged in journal publishing.
Despite this rich and vibrant history, Prof. Ikoja took issue with his Alma Mater’s limited usage of its own books and journals in teaching and research. He nevertheless called for more planning, recognition and enthusiasm to reverse the dominant use of foreign literature. He added that MUP could contribute to solving local problems by publishing well-illustrated manuals for farmers as well as artisans such as welders, builders, etc. and translating these into various local languages.
Furthermore, he called for the enactment of a publications policy to guide planning, financing, and book development among other activities and the elevation of MUP to the status Directorate. The Keynote speaker equally tasked MUP to work closely with the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT) to scope for publishable theses or dissertations.
Prof. Ikoja challenged MUP to work together with other local, regional and international Presses such as; African Book Collective, Southern African Bibliographic Information Network (SABINET) and the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL) to develop marketing for Makerere University imprint.
Additionally, he encouraged MUP to; consider co-publishing with Presses on other continents or partner with them to include book reviews in the lists. He reiterated the need for MUP to explore translations as a means expand their market, and take advantage of ICT for e- scholarly publications and online marketing.
Panel discussion
The keynote address was followed by a panel discussion graced by the Principal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Prof. Josephine Ahikire and Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo from the Department of Philosophy, CHUSS.
The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Prof. Josephine Ahikire.
Moderated by Mr. Isaac Tibasiima from the Department of Literature, CHUSS, the panel discussion was a moment for the College to bask in the spotlight of scholarly publishing, as most of the books to be launched were authored by fellow faculty.
Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, Department of Philosophy, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS).
Key highlights from this session were;
The need for Makerere to create demand for knowledge by promoting multidisciplinary publication and content that speaks to all aspects of our human nature, be they spiritual, material, social, philosophical etc.
Writers ought to go beyond simply paying attention to producing new knowledge to caring about who is actually reading and making use of it. Academics should also never shy away from promoting their own works
The need to examine how favourable our scholar incentive structure is to the book writing and how policies on promotion have contributed to or disincentivised the same.
The need to decolonise publication and knowledge production in our promotion processes. Unwarranted extra scrutiny of articles published in local journals during promotion processes pushes authors to publish in international ones that don’t attract as much scrutiny.
The need to promote writing in our local languages as a political act. Furthermore, there is need include more of our writers in teaching and research course content as a way of motivating the younger generation to write and expand knowledge in our context
The culture of always seeking to go beyond the comforts of what we have achieved, what we know and what is celebrated by our society and peers as true success should be strongly encouraged.
It is our responsibility as inheritors to grow the body of knowledge beyond what already exists
Concluding remarks
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and Chairperson of the MUP Editorial Board, Prof. Umar Kakumba in his remarks sincerely appreciated the authors for having faith in the Press to publish their work. “I am also delighted to note that we have over 40 manuscripts in the pipeline under the Makerere University Press, which is a great sign of confidence in this institution.”
He appreciated the Vice Chancellor for entrusting him and the MUP Editorial Board and staff with the responsibility to promote scholarly publishing. The MUP mandate, he said, is in line with the core thrust of the Makerere Strategic Plan to make the University research-led.
Prof. Umar Kakumba, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and Chairperson, Makerere University Press (MUP) Editorial Board.
Prof. Kakumba further noted that the cost recovery model employed by MUP unlike the return on investment model employed by other publishing houses would ensure that authors’ publications hit the market at a competitive cost, which will enable more people to purchase and read their works.
Prior to inviting the Chief Guest to officially launch the books, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe expressed great pride at being at the helm of Makerere at a time when the University is progressing towards its goal of being a vibrant research university. He congratulated the authors upon investing time and energy in scholarly publishing and being good role models for other staff.
“My main objective as Vice Chancellor is the emancipation of our people from mental slavery. And so it makes me very happy to see authors beginning to publish about the issues that affect Uganda and Africa” remarked Prof. Nawangwe. He congratulated Prof. Kakumba and the Editorial Board as well as Dr. Siminyu and the MUP staff upon this achievement.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe.
Prof. Nawangwe challenged the younger generation in the room to always remember that their continent and its people are marginalised. He added that it is the responsibility of youth to fight and overcome the present state of affairs.
The Chief Guest at the Book Launch was the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero, who was represented by Dr. Cosmas Mwikirize, Member of Staff at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) currently serving as the Ministry’s Leader of the Engineering Economy.
Commending the scholars on their impressive publications, the Minister nevertheless warned that the race is far from over if this knowledge does not add value to society, make peoples’ lives better, create a conscious and transformed society, as well as contribute to reorientation of mindsets, value systems and policy.
Hon. Dr. Musenero nevertheless commended Makerere University for establishing a viable Press, which will serve as an example to other Ugandan Universities. “We are proud of the quality of publications that we have witnessed today and we encourage you to do more; it is important that we strive to maintain international quality standards in our scholarly publications.”
Furthermore, she challenged the University to ensure that most of her publications are availed electronically. “A small spark can light a fire and cause conflagration capable of consuming forests of intellectual ignorance. Today, electronic media are the chief enablers of this conflagration.”
Hon. Dr. Musenero concluded by thanking the Vice Chancellor and University Management for nurturing and supporting the spirit of innovation. She expressed the Government’s anticipation to seeing more publications in varied disciplines as well as from beyond the gates of Makerere.
Upon officially launching the nine (9) books, Dr. Mwikirize accompanied by the Vice Chancellor and Members of Management autographed dummies of the books and had a photo moment with the authors and their families. Mr. Tibasiima, assisted by the Principal Public Relations Officer (PRO), Ms. Ritah Namisango moderated the days proceedings.
Today, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we celebrate the incredible women scientists at Makerere University who are driving innovation, advancing research, and shaping the future of science in Uganda and beyond.
Your dedication, resilience, and groundbreaking contributions continue to inspire generations. As you break barriers and push the frontiers of knowledge, remember that your work is not only transforming communities but also paving the way for more young women to embrace science.
We honor your achievements and reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where women in science can thrive. Keep leading, innovating, and inspiring!
Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
The swearing-in-ceremony for the 91st Students’ Guild Electoral Commission was held on Friday 31st January 2025. Mr. Joseph Murungi, a commissioner from the College of Health Sciences (CHS) was unanimously chosen as the chairperson of the commision.
Mr. Murungi thanked the good Lord and students for entrusting him with the position and promised to deliver a free and fair electoral process and head a commission that is impartial.
The Dean of Students, Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli urged the new commission to execute its duties in line with the Guild statute and Constitution.
“You must execute your duties in line with the Guild statute and Constitution, anything outside that is invalid. I wish you the best and I am looking forward to working with you,” she said.
Ms. Ruth Iteu, the Head of the Online voting team, urged the commission to avoid being caught on the wrong side of the law as it will lead to severe consequences.
Rev. Fr. Josephat Ddungu, the Chaplain of Makerere University St. Augustine Chapel said they will continue to pray for the commission to have a peaceful and successful.
“The Electoral Commission is a very important body and the success of the electoral process depends on you. Please concentrate on doing what is right before the Lord. As your spiritual leaders, our duty is to pray. We are therefore praying for you to have a peaceful and successful election,” he said.
Administrator who urged the commission to always do the right at the right time.
Mr. Nickson Maberi encouraged the new commission to follow the law and avoid tarnishing the image of the university.
Mr. Joseph Murungi, Commissioner from the College of Health Sciences (CHS) swearing in as Chairperson of the Electoral Commission for the 91st Guild Elections.
“Makerere University elections attract national attention. Please follow the law and be people of integrity to avoid tarnishing the image of the university,” he guided.
Mr. Aston Tayebwa from the College of Natural Sciences was elected as the commission’s General Secretary while Ms Sharon Nyonyozi from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences was elected as the commission’s Vice Chairperson.
Other commissioners include: Mr. Ijoot William from the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT), Mr. Ntambi Moses from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (COVAB), Mr. Perez William Mwesigwa from the School of Law (SoL), Alyosius Mutagubya from the College of Computing and Information Science (CoCIS) and Mr. Mugisha Hamidu from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES).
The Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) is a community-driven, non-profit organization with a major focus on nurturing collaboration among member institutions (i.e. research and education institutions), and global partners. Founded in 2006, RENU has grown from a small National Research and Education Network (NREN) that focused on just connectivity needs of universities and research organisations, to a fast-growing specialized ICT solutions provider for the entire Research and Education (R&E) community including schools, colleges, other tertiary institutions, hospitals, and their end users. RENU is located at House No. 31, The Edge, Makerere University and on Plot 6B, Mabua Road, Kololo, Kampala.
Highlights from the 2024 Edition featuring Makerere:
Universities Launch Global Coalition to Support Refugee Education at Scale
16 universities from across the globe have come together to improve and increase access to higher education for refugees and their communities, where they reside. Universities based in Africa, Europe, and North America formed the Global University Academy (GUA) following a workshop hosted by the University of Oslo in June 2024.
The GUA is currently looking into the possibility to pilot the initiative in Uganda. Key partners in this work are Makerere University and Gulu University, who are already actively engaged in providing access to higher education for refugees, and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Uganda.
Advancing Child Welfare The AfriChild Centre’s Inter-University Programme
The Inter-University Programme, spearheaded by the Centre of Excellence for the Study of the African Child (AfriChild Centre), is a landmark initiative focused on equipping researchers with the essential skills needed to conduct high-quality child-focused research. The success of the Inter-University Programme is built on the strong partnerships the AfriChild Centre has established with universities including Makerere University.
Liberate your Mind from the Present and Dream Big to Provide Meaningful ICT Solutions for Research and Education!
At the 2024 RENU ICT Directors Forum, Dr. Francis F. “Tusu” Tusubira, the Chief Guest, delivered an electrifying address urging ICT leaders to dream beyond the present and shape the future of research and education. Reflecting on his time at Makerere University, he shared his philosophy of granting autonomy to team members and supporting them unconditionally. “Allow your team to make decisions and mistakes, especially in the current environment, which presents opportunities for learning. Protect them when they make mistakes. Once you do this, your team will build your dream.”
Advancing Open Science and Open Access in Africa, with a Focus on Uganda
Open Science and Open Access have emerged as transformative movements in the global academic and research community. Their principles—sharing knowledge freely, fostering collaboration, and driving practical solutions to societal challenges—are especially resonant in Africa, where equitable access to resources and innovative solutions are essential for sustainable development. Institutions like Makerere University are driving Open Science efforts by encouraging researchers to adopt open frameworks.