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Call For Applications: Early-Career Research Fellowships under CECAP Program





Call For Applications For Early-Career Research Fellowships


Makerere University received a postdoctoral fellowship development grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2022 – 2024. The grant will be aimed atconsolidating the research capacity of early career academics to enhance their research productivity and ability to contribute effectively to global knowledge generation at MAK and its four partner public Universities (Busitema, Gulu, Kyambogo, Mbarara). The Grant will support 25 fellows (15 MAK;10 PPUs) awarded on a competitive basis, to begin by 2022. We now invite applications from eligible staff employed at Makerere University or any of the four partner public University named above.

Women are strongly encouraged to apply. At least 50 percent of the fellowships will be awarded to female applicants on competitive basis.

Eligibility requirements

  • An employee of MAK or any of the four PPUs (Busitema, Gulu, Kyambogo, Mbarara) on permanent or contractual terms.
  • Possess a PhD degree in any discipline earned within the last 10 years.
  • At the rank of Assistant Lecturer or Lecturer
  • Atleast one peer-reviewed article/paper as evidence of publication experience
  • Not hold another on-going fellowship or major research grant (as PI) at the time of application.

Benefits of the Fellowship

The fellowship amount is USD $ 37,000 to cover expenses for the following activities:

  • Research costs (Lab/fieldwork expenses, procurement of minor equipment, consumables and supplies (reagents), research assistants, IRB fees)
  • Dissemination and outreach activities
  • Tuition and research funds for masters’ student attached to the project
  • Publication fees for an article published in reputable peer-reviewed journals
  • Organization of a seminar or workshop series in the fellow’s department
  • Professional skills enhancement training 
  • Conference attendance and travel costs to present papers at international conferences (travel expenses, visa fees, and subsistence allowance).

In addition, the academic department hosting a fellow will be eligible to apply for a grant of up to USD $ 6,000 to upgrade research infrastructure, for example augmenting internet access, adding to or replacing research technology, and developing new courses or teaching materials.

Obligations and deliverables of the fellow

Fellows must commit to undertake and complete the following activities:

  • Conduct research under the mentorship of a senior academic,
  • Dissemination of research results to academic (published articles/papers) and non-academic audiences (policy dialogues),
  • Organize academic activities in the department e.g. curriculum development/review seminars, lunch time seminars.
  • Supervise the master’s student attached to the project.
  • Participate in professional skills and competency development training workshops organized by Makerere University.
  • Publish atleast one article/paper in a peer-reviewed journal 
  • Submit regular quarterly progress reports, endorsed by the mentor and the final report no later than one month after the completion of the fellowship. All peer reviewed publications and submitted manuscripts must be attached to the report.

Application instructions and procedure

Required documents

  1. A research concept paper submitted in Microsoft Word in Arial font, size 11, single-spaced.
  2. A realistic budget with budget notes explain the different expenditure items
  3. Detailed work-plan and procurement Plan (max. 1 page)
  4. A current CV (max. 1 page)
  5. Softcopies of at least one article/paper published in a peer-review journal
  6. Recommendation letters from two academic referees, one of which must be from the Head of Department indicating the academic ability of the applicant and that once successful, the fellow will be granted protected research time during the fellowship period
  7. Electronic submission of application with supporting documents and two letters of academic reference (submit file name: surname_givenname_CECAP2022.doc) to the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University; Email:  Copy to:
  8. Hard copies should be addressed to the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University, P.O.BOX 7062 Kampala, Senate Building Level 4, Room 410.
  9. Submission deadline: 13th May 2022, 5:00PM EAT.

Detailed information about the application and the application form for the fellowship can be obtained from the downloads below.

For further information regarding this call, please contact:

Mr. Nestor Mugabe
Research Grants Officer
Directorate of Research and Graduate Training
Lincoln Flats, Room B5
Makerere University
Cell: +256782770032

Mak Editor

Business & Management

PIM CoE Magazine Issue 1: Jul-Dec 2024



Cover page of the Public Investment Management Center of Excellence (PIM CoE) Magazine Issue 1: July - December 2024. College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Public Investment Management Center of Excellence (PIM CoE) was conceived as a result of the 2016 PIM Diagnostic study done by the World Bank and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development with support from Makerere University School of Economics that discovered inefficiencies in PIM in Uganda.

This report highlights the work, achievements and prospects of the Center. The Center plans to start offering Advanced level training through Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in PIM and Master of Science in Economic and Investment Modelling (MEIM). I am pleased to introduce this report to the public for use by all stakeholders.

I would like to appreciate PIM CoE Secretariat, partners, staff and well-wishers for technical support, daily running of the Center and their role in the realization of these achievements.

Special thanks go to Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, National Planning Authority, Cambridge Resources International (CRI) and Makerere University for the overwhelming support rendered towards the development of the Center.

Prof. Edward Bbaale
Principal & Principal Investigator, CoBAMS/PIM CoE

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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CARTA Graduate Dr. Drago on Advancing Research in Infectious Diseases



Dr. Kato Charles Drago at work in the Lab. Photo: CARTA.

In our latest ‘Stories of Change’ feature, CARTA graduate, Kato Charles Drago, cohort 3, Makerere University shares his journey from an early-career scientist to a leading expert in infectious disease in Uganda. His work focuses on biomarkers for zoonotic diseases, securing over $5 million in research funding, and establishing a biosafety level 2 lab for high-impact research at Makerere. Beyond his research, Kato is mentoring the next generation of African scientists and strengthening regional collaborations.

Read the full story here

Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 85

Mark Wamai

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CARTA Fellow Dr. Wandera Receives Research Excellence Award



Right to Left: Prof. James Wokadala, Prof. Edward Bbaale, Dr. Allen Kabagenyi, Dr. Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Dr. Patricia Ndugga and Ms. Namugenyi Christabellah. Convocation Luncheon, 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, CoBAMS, CHS and CoNAS. 14th January 2025, Research, Teaching, Students Excellence Awards, Edge Road, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Stephen Wandera, cohort 2, Makerere University, was nominated for the prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award 2025. This nomination recognizes his outstanding contributions to research excellence. The award ceremony took place on January 14, 2025, during the Convocation luncheon, following the 75th graduation ceremony of Makerere. We congratulate Stephen on this significant achievement and commend his dedication to advancing research within his field.

Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 85

Mark Wamai

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