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Mak VC Holds Thanksgiving: Praises God for Vice Chancellorship



On Saturday, 6th January 2018, all roads led to Busiwondo Village, Busia Municipality as Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and his wife Susan hosted clergy, cultural leadership and guests to a thanksgiving service held to commemorate his election as Vice Chancellor (VC) of Makerere University.

The colourful ceremony was presided over by the Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma; the day’s Guest of Honour, and attended by the Chairperson-Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem and members of the University Council, State Ministers, Members of Parliament, Political leaders, Members of Management, University staff and a host of other dignitaries and invited guests.

L-R: Chancellor-Prof. Ezra Suruma, Chairperson Appointments Board-Mr. Bruce Kabaasa and Masak LC5 Chairman-Hon. Jude Mbabaali share a light moment during the thanksgiving ceremony

From the onset, the day’s theme was clear, it was a day to give thanks and glorify God for all the good that He had done for Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and the Hasafu family. Giving the opening remarks, Pastor Titus Kamya-a nephew to Prof. Nawangwe, thanked God for steering his Uncle through the competitive race to the Vice Chancellorship and eventual election as Busia’s first Vice Chancellor.

“It is a serious matter to give thanks to God. When you give thanks, you are glorifying God; you are pointing to God and not yourself as the source of your achievements. Thank you Professor Nawangwe for coming back to give thanks to God publicly and may God bless you indeed,” said Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Kyomya the day’s preacher as he began his sermon.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (L) recognises members of clergy present as the Retired Bishop of Busoga Diocese-Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Kyomya (R) and St. Francis Chapel Rev. Canon Onesmus Asiimwe (C) applaud

Quoting the parable of the lepers from Luke 17:11-19, the Retired Bishop of Busoga Diocese observed that just like the nine lepers who did not return to thank Jesus for their healing, not many people want to point to God for their achievements. He therefore urged all present to emulate Prof. Nawangwe by always giving thanks to God for all that He does for them.

As part of the thanksgiving service, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and his family donated altar furniture to St. John’s Church Busia as its construction nears completion. Receiving the donation, the Retired Bishop thanked Prof. Nawangwe and his family for the good gesture to love and serve God. “I bless you in the name of The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,” consecrated Rt. Rev. Dr. Kyomya.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Kyomya (L) blesses Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and the Hasafu Family after their altar furniture donation to St. John's Church Busia was unveiled

“We return all the glory, all the honour and all the exaltation to God for everyone who has participated in making us what we are, by using you all in your respective capacities,” remarked Mrs. Nawangwe as the family began their acceptance remarks. She thanked the University Senate and Council for choosing the best candidate for the Vice Chancellorship, observing that “God is using you to favour my husband.”

Mrs. Nawangwe further testified that in the run-up to the VC race, she assembled an army of prayer warriors who fervently prayed for her husband to win the election. “All that we could do as a family was to pray and we thank the Almighty God that the time we spent before Him was not in vain,” she enthused.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (L) and his wife Mrs. Susan Nawangwe (R) applaud during the thanksgiving celebrations in Busiwondo Village, Busia Municipality

In his remarks that followed, Prof. Nawangwe thanked his wife for rescuing him from the tide of Communism and Socialism that had threatened to sweep him away from God. “I thank my wife for taking me from so far. She has transformed me and I am now saved and able to say ‘Praise the Lord!’” beamed the Vice Chancellor.

“I thank God who I now believe used the minds of these great men and women to find me worthy of being elected as the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University,” shared Prof. Nawangwe as he paid tribute to the Chancellor, Chairperson and Members of Council, Members of Senate, Leaders of Staff Associations and Student leadership.

L-R: Council Members: Hon. Thomas Tayeebwa, Dr. Sarah Ssali, DVCAA-Dr. Ernest Okello Ogwang and Chair Council-Eng. Dr. Charles Wana Etyem listen to proceedings at the thanksgiving

“I thank President Museveni who said at my Installation Ceremony that ‘the last shall be the first’ which is indeed a fulfillment of my father’s dream that one of us his children would one day also follow in his footsteps and become a Headmaster,” continued Prof. Nawangwe.

He thanked the people of Samia-Bugwe, the St. Augustine and St. Francis Makerere communities, the Makerere Imam and Muslim community as well as his family for all the prayers that culminated in his successful election. “We shall use all the wisdom from the East to transform our University and leave it better than we found it” pledged Prof. Nawangwe as he concluded his remarks.

“Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has invited us to come here and through this function, thank Jesus for what He has done in his life. All things come from God and the achievements and successes that we are celebrating here today all come from God,” remarked Eng. Dr. Wana-Etyem as he addressed the guests.

Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem (2nd L) presents the University Counicl Appreciation Award to Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (2nd R) as Dr. Sarah Ssali (L) reads out the wording and Hon. Thomas Tayeebwa (R) witnesses

The Chairperson Council continued to thank God for uplifting Prof. Nawangwe; a Mugwe – the smaller grouping of the Samia-Bugwe community, to the highest office of University leadership, reiterating President Museveni’s biblical quotation that indeed, ‘the last shall be the first’.

Eng. Dr. Wana-Etyem reassured guests present that Prof. Nawangwe’s election was not by mistake but rather based on the fact that he was the best candidate for the position. He reminded Prof. Nawangwe that the entire country was now watching his performance and urged him to take Makerere University to the next level. He noted that Makerere University was not an easy institution to lead by virtue of its diverse constitution but expressed confidence that Prof. Nawangwe’s inclusive leadership style held the key to enable him succeed.

The Chairperson Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem (5th R) introduces Members of Council R-L: Mr. Bruce Kabaasa, Dr. Euzobia Baine Mugisha, Hon. Tayeebwa Thomas, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, Dr. Sarah Ssali, Dr. Ernest Okello Ogwang, Dr. Umar Kakumba, Dr. Winston Tumps Ireeta, Dr. Tanga Odoi, Mr. Charles Barugahare and Mr. Musoke Joseph

The Chairperson was thereafter joined by 10 members of Council and together, they presented an Appreciation Award to Prof. Nawangwe, in recognition of his distinguished service to Makerere University. Council members present included; Mr. Bruce Balaba Kabaasa, Hon. Thomas Tayeebwa, Dr. Ernest Okello Ogwang-Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Mr. Charles Barugahare-University Secretary, Dr. Euzobia Baine Mugisha, Dr. Sarah Ssali, Dr. Umar Kakumba, Dr. Winston Tumps Ireeta, Dr. Tanga Odoi and Mr. Musoke Joseph.

Earlier, Mr. Okello Waata-Clan Leader of the Sirwa Clan had presented Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe with the Inaugural Award of Excellence, in recognition of his excellent academic and professional achievements. The presentation was witnessed by His Highness the “Omwenengo”, Philip Wanyama Nahama, the cultural head of the Samia-Bugwe community.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (L) flanked by his wife Susan (2nd L) receives the Inaugural Award of Excellence from the Sirwa Clan Leader-Mr. Okello Waata (2nd R) as Dr. George Were Hasafu (R) witnesses

“To be grateful is an important source of joy,” quoted Prof. Ezra Suruma, further explaining “To be grateful, you have to receive the gift of sight to see value in what God has given you.”

Delivering his remarks as the Guest of Honour, Prof. Suruma had earlier expressed his gratitude to Prof. Nawangwe and his family for their invitation to the thanksgiving ceremony. “I am especially glad that Prof. Nawangwe has recognised the value of what God has given him. He has opened a chapter for the rest of us to be thankful to God.” said the Chancellor.

Prof. Suruma extended warm greetings from Rt. Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda to Prof. Nawangwe and his family, and announced that the Prime Minister would donate a cow towards the fundraising drive aimed at completing St. John’s Church Busia.

Prof. Ezra Suruma (L) directly addresses Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (R) during the thanksgiving celebrations; commeding his simplicity and humility

He thanked the Makerere Community present at the function for honouring the Vice Chancellor’s invitation to his thanksgiving ceremony. “Your presence here is a demonstration your support for Prof. Nawangwe and this spirit of unity is going to open a greater and more important chapter in the future of Makerere University,” said Prof. Suruma.

Following a sumptuous lunch, Prof. Ezra Suruma was joined by Eng. Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem and Prof. Barnabas and Mrs. Susan Nawangwe to cut the thanksgiving cake, an artistic impression of the Main Administration Building.

Article by MAK Public Relations Office

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Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium



Call for Applications: Third U.S.-Africa Frontiers Symposium Kigali, Rwanda, February 18-20, 2025. Photo: Courtesy.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce the 3rd U.S.-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium in partnership with and hosted by the Republic of Rwanda. The upcoming meeting will be held on February 18-20, 2025 in Kigali, Rwanda. The application is now open for scientists, engineers, and medical professionals from the United States and African Union member countries to submit their application online before the deadline of July 7, 2024, 11:59 PM ET (Washington D.C. time).

This program brings together outstanding early/mid-career scientists, engineers, and medical professionals (within 15 years of most recent degree), from the United States and the member countries of the African Union for a series of symposia to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their fields. The goal of these meetings is to enhance scientific exchange and dialogue among early-to-middle career researchers in African countries and the United States, including the African science diaspora, and through this interaction facilitate research collaboration within and beyond the region. Another unique aspect of the Frontiers events is the pluri-disciplinarity of the participants’ backgrounds and research interests.

One of the main objectives of this Frontiers symposium is to advance our understanding of cutting-edge S&T trends in the U.S. and Africa and to foster dialogue and collaborations across disciplines. The upcoming symposium will address the following topics:

  • Session I: New Solutions for Decarbonization
  • Session II: Biotechnology
  • Session III: Precision Agriculture
  • Session IV: Advances in Space Research
  • Session V: Smart and Connected Cities

We encourage early-career scientists, engineers and medical professionals working on related research to apply to this multidisciplinary meeting, as long as they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Each general participant will also have the opportunity to present their research during poster sessions. Travel of selected participants will be covered. More details on the symposium, organization, and program can be found on the symposium webpage.

Please submit your application online by 11:59 PM ET on July 7, 2024. For more information on the U.S.-Africa Frontiers Program, please visit our program website. Please email with any questions.


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Call for scholarship applications for PhDs and MSc positions in the framework of the Intra Africa Homegrown Clean Energy Project



Some of the CAES PhD graduates with the Chair of the University Ceremonies Committee, also member of staff at the College, Prof. Jackie Bonabana (Right). 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), 30th January 2024, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Homegrown Clean Energy Project:

Mobility for Clean Energy Solutions to promote energy independence and environmental well-being through collaboration and innovation, addressing climate challenges across Africa.


Africa, a continent brimming with potential, faces a critical challenge: ensuring energy access and tackling climate change. Over 50% of its population lacks electricity, and relying on unsustainable practices threatens their health and the environment. Yet, Africa possesses a wealth of untapped renewable resources – a golden key to unlocking a brighter future.
The Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) Solutions Project steps in to address these challenges with a vision driven by African ingenuity. We are empowering universities, the private sector, and local communities to develop clean energy solutions tailored to their specific needs.

The objectives of Homegrown Clean Energy:

  • Promote the development of Homegrown Clean Energy (HCE) solutions for underrepresented communities.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and technology transfer among participating institutions.
  • Enhance entrepreneurship skills in clean energy solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa.
  • Promote gender equality and social inclusion in clean energy solutions.

Participating Institutions:

  • Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMIN), Nigeria
  • Makerere University, Uganda
  • University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin
  • Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Uganda
  • University of Nigeria (UNN), Nigeria
  • University of Zimbabwe (UoZ)

Application Documents:

  1. Filled Application Form
  2. CV
  3. A three-page proposal document

See Downloads for detailed application.

How to Apply for the Scholarship:

To apply: click here to apply: Masters
To apply: click here to apply: PhD

Application Deadline

The deadline for the application is 27th July 2024 by Midnight GMT +1. Results will be announced on September 3, 2024

Contact Details

For further enquiries or guidance required kindly contact the following.

  • FUT Minna – Caroline Alenoghena; +234 8035015984
  • UNN- Cynthia Nwobodo; +234 803 946 2574
  • MAK– Grace Nakabonge; +256 782356607
  • UMU- Dr Robinah S. Nakabo; +256 776 802981
  • UAC- Michel Dossou; +229 97 54 27 44
  • UoZ- Dr Blessing Magonziwa; +263 775990146

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Job Opportunity at MakSBSREC: Assistant Administrative Officer



The Davies Lecture Theatre (Right), School of Biomedical Sciences (Blue) and other buildings at the College of Health Sciences (CHS), Mulago Campus, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University is pleased to announce a vacancy for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) within the School of Biomedical Sciences Research Ethics Committee (MakSBSREC). This is an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to contribute to the ethical oversight of research involving human participants.

Position Details:

  • Job Title: Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator) – MakSBSREC
  • Reports to: Chairperson MakSBSREC
  • Engagement: Full-time
  • Duration: 1 Year, renewable upon satisfactory performance
  • Duty Station: Kampala

Qualifications, Desired Skills, and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Humanities, Medicine and Surgery, Ethics and Human Rights, or any related field.
  • Master’s degree in Bioethics (an added advantage).
  • Up-to-date training in Human Subject Protection or Good Clinical Practice.
  • Proficiency in English (both spoken and written).
  • Prior experience in regulatory work in research studies or projects.
  • Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and meet deadlines.

How to Apply:

Qualified and interested candidates are invited to submit a soft copy of their application documents and a motivation letter to with the subject line “Application for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer (REC Administrator)”. Address your application to the Dean, School of Biomedical Sciences.

Deadline for submission: July 2, 2024, by 5:00 pm Ugandan time.

Please provide a reliable 24-hour phone contact. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

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