Speaking to students in the College of Business and Management Sciences, the Head of Training at the Institute of Insurance of Uganda, Mr. Jonan Kisakye called upon students to take up insurance professional courses after completion of their Undergraduate degrees reiterating that the courses offered at the Institute will enable them acquire practical knowledge and skills.
“Insurance professional courses are taught by experienced people who are already in the business of insurance. If you take up these courses, it will enable you acquire practical knowledge relevant in the insurance world. Insurance is a rewarding career which every student should be involved in,” said Mr. Kisakye.
Mr. Kisakye advised students to network with the right people that will help them make the right decisions in their lives and stay focused for a better future.
He highlighted that The Institute of Insurance of Uganda offers trainings in insurance at affordable prices in courses such as C.O.P Fundamentals of insurance, Certificate in Insurance (C.I.U), and Diplomas with intakes in January and August.
The workshop held on Thursday 12th October 2017 at Makerere University College of Business and Management Sciences presented opportunities to students from schools of Economics and Business interested in insurance as a career. The training also targeted unemployed graduands seeking jobs in the field of insurance.
Ms. Caroline Twongirwe, an Assistant Lecturer (Accounting and Finance) stated that the College organised the interaction in order for students to understand and appreciate the insurance field. She revealed that the College was planning to include Insurance as a Course Unit under Bachelor of Commerce. She said that the College partnered with The Institute of Insurance of Uganda because they have experienced staff that will help the students to appreciate insurance.
One of the inspired participants, Ms. Atugonza Lilian, a third year student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics revealed that she had acquired valuable information about the Insurance system in Uganda. Ms Atugonza said that the workshop enabled her to understand the professional courses she has to study in order to build a great career in insurance.
“The insurance workshop has motivated me into joining the insurance world. I have realized that it is a good career to take on especially the bank insurance,” remarked Ms. Atugonza.
Mr. Levis Ngabirano-a third year student pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Commerce thanked the College of Business and Management Sciences for organizing the insurance workshop which he referred to as a great opportunity that has exposed students to the insurance world. He said that such workshops enable them to acquire practical knowledge.
“It is such a great opportunity to have professionals from the Institute of Insurance of Uganda sharing information about insurance with us. This has exposed us to the real world of insurance. It has also enabled us acquire practical knowledge about insurance,” he remarked.
Mr. Ngabirano emphasised the need for insurance companies to undertake more publicity and community outreach programmes to inform the public about the benefits of embracing insurance first as a career and getting their properties insured.
Writers: Nakibombo Esther Joyce and Marion Apio,Volunteers-MAK Public Relations Office
Editor: Ritah Namisango, MAK Public Relations Office