The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) with several national and international partners are implementing a development into research project, “N2Africa-
Putting Nitrogen to work for smallholder farmers in Africa” in eleven African countries including Uganda.
The project seeks to build sustainable partnerships and expertise in nitrogen fixation to improve soil fertility, increase productivity, food security, nutrition and
income through improved grain legumes for smallholder farmers. In Uganda the project is implemented in northern, eastern and southwestern Uganda
Women are integral and critical players in the grain legume value chains in these regions. However due to gender dynamics at community and household level, women
receive limited support and hence limited benefits from their efforts in these value chains. This also translates to poor household diets and poverty amongst most of rural
women farmers. It is from this standpoint that the N2Africa project wishes to engage a graduate student to conduct an in depth study to unravel the gender issues and
dynamics in the grain legume value chains for groundnut, climbing bean and soyabean in the project areas in northern, eastern and southwestern Uganda, and to identify
opportunities for establishing women-led businesses along the grain value chain.
The MSc research fellowship is tenable at IITA –Uganda for a period of 12 months including fieldwork and write-up of the thesis
Applicants should be registered at a recognized University for a Masters degree programme in Agricultural Extension and Education, or Masters in Gender and Women
or Master in Agribusiness or a related discipline of social science, and should provide evidence of completing/completed course work. The successful candidate must have
proven experience in field data collection
The successful candidate will receive a stipend, research costs, and tuition for the second year and will be a graduate research fellow with IITA
Applications should be sent to;, copy to by 5:00 PM, 1st May 2015.