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Makerere-Sida sign USD 25.7m Specific Agreement on Research Cooperation



Makerere University and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) signed an Agreement on Continued Research Cooperation on 18th February 2010. Phase III of the agreement slated for the four-year period starting January 2010 to June 2014 will be worth 180million SEK or USD 25.7million.

Makerere University and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) signed an Agreement on Continued Research Cooperation on 18th February 2010. Phase III of the agreement slated for the four-year period starting January 2010 to June 2014 will be worth 180million SEK or USD 25.7million.

The Director, School of Graduate Studies, Prof. Eli Katunguka Rwakishaya expressed gratitude at witnessing the signing of yet another agreement for continued research support, which started in 2000. He thanked the Government and people of Sweden for the previous phases of support valued at 300million SEK or USD 37.5million, which saw the strengthening of Makerere’s position as leading provider of Science education and research; Improvement of the quality of academic staff and graduates through PhD training and reduction of L-R Ms. Christine Johansson-Dep Swedish Amb/Sida Country Director, Prof. Eli Katunguka-Rwakishaya-SGS Director and Dr. Cristina de Carvalho Erikssonthe degree of brain drain. He pledged that at the end of the 4 year period, Makerere was committed to have; increased the use of research outputs, technologies and innovations to contribute to national development; increased its Capacity to undertake research, generate and use new knowledge; and created an enabling environment for carrying out quality research.

Dr. Christina de Carvalho, Policy Specialist, Research, Sida Team Uganda, who was instrumental in providing valuable input for Phase III extension thanked Prof. Katunguka and the Makerere team, for their successful completion of previous phases. She lauded the Swedish Government for increasing the funding for Phase III, which will witness three more academic units namely; The Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Quality Assurance Directorate come on board.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba thanked Sida for the long term support to projects, which has indeed established Sida as partner in Makerere’s adage to build for the future. He indeed appreciated the benefits Makerere has reaped thus far such as; the Campus-wide fiber optic backbone; the improved gender terrain due to support accorded to the gender mainstreaming division and support to university efforts to reform administrative, financial, research, teaching and learning processes. Prof Baryamureeba further valued the support, which this time round also benefit the four other public universities in the area of PhD and Masters training.

H.E. Andres Johnson, Swedish Ambassador to Uganda In his address, the Swedish Ambassador to Uganda H.E. Andres Johnson, reiterated the importance of Research and innovations, which form the basis for Sweden’s exports “Globalisation creates more of interaction and interdependencies. As a small country, Sweden has to be internationally competitive – more than 50% of our GDP is based on exports.” In relation to Uganda “Consequently, the cooperation between Sweden and Uganda is a tangible manifestation of the importance we attach to the role of research in development” he added. He lauded Makerere’s efforts aimed at administrative reform to ensure the effective and efficient running of the university and commended the institution for becoming the highest-ranked university on research publications in East Africa, during the January webometric rankings.

The Minister of State for Primary Education, Dr. Kamanda Bataringaya, who represented the Minister of State for Higher Education Hon. Mwesigwa Rukutana, expressed Government’s deliberate support to strengthen Makerere’s research capacity through Sida/SAREC funded programs. This, he admitted was done due to the university being identified as “key institution in Uganda best positioned to make a strategic contribution to the overall research capacity in the country.” He noted some of the benefits of Sida’s support such as “the Demographic Surveillance Site at Iganga/Mayuge, the biochemistry lab in the College of Health Sciences, the GIS lab in the Faculty of Technology,” which benefit not only Makerere but server researchers across Uganda and the globe.


Amb. Andres Johnson(L) exchanges the MoU with Prof. Baryamureeba(2nd R) as Hon. Bataringaya (2nd L) and an official from the Ministry of Finance look on

On behalf of government of Uganda, Hon. Bataringaya thanked the government and people of Sweden for their continued support to the government of Uganda and Makerere in particular in building research capacity.

Click here to view Hon. Bataringaya's full speech 

Click here to view H.E Ambassador Andres Johnson's full speech

Click here to view Prof. Katunguka-Rwakishaya's full speech  



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Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi Appointed Acting DVC Academic Affairs



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Academic Registrar, Professor Buyinza Mukadasi has been appointed Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Makerere University, for a period of six (6) months effective 11th July 2024 to 10th January 2025 or until a substantive First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) is appointed whichever comes earlier.

He is a Professor of Forestry Resource Economics and served as the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), Makerere University from 2014 to October 2022. Buyinza holds a PhD in Forest Economics from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta Indonesia. He holds a number of professional enhancement certificates and Diplomas.

As Director DRGT he was charged with the oversight responsibility of all institutional research grants and graduate training in the university. Prof Buyinza served as the Deputy Director in Charge of Administration and Graduate Training (2010 – 2013); Head, Department of Community Forestry and Extension, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Resources (2003 – 2005, 2008-2010) at Makerere University.  Buyinza grew though the University ranks from a Tutorial Assistant (1993 – 1998) at Gajah Mada University, Indonesia to becoming a Lecturer (1999); Senior Lecturer (2004); Assoc. Professor (2007) and Full Professor (2010) at Makerere University.  He has over 20 years experience of University research and teaching in the field of Forestry and Natural Resource Economics.  He has successfully supervised over 50 MSc. and 10 PhD students in the fields of forestry, environment and natural resources. He has also acted as an external examiner in many regional and international universities. He is a member of many professional bodies and served as the Chairperson, Board of Directors of the National Forestry Authority (2007 – 2013). He was the Institutional Focal person (2010-2022) and Chair of the Board of Management of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA), 2014 – 2018.

Buyinza has published widely in the field of forest resource economics, environmental incomes, economics of biodiversity conservation, and Environmental Incomes for Rural Income and livelihoods. He has authored more than 150 papers in International peer-reviewed referred journals, 4 book Chapters, attended more than 70 conference proceedings and has presented in more than 140 conferences/seminars/workshops.

Buyinza has built a very strong international network of collaborations in research administration and has tremendous capacity for resource mobilization. He has been Principal investigator (PI) of 15 research projects and as Co-Principal Investigator in many other institutional research grants. He is the Coordinator of various externally funded research capacity building initiatives at Makerere University. He has a wealth of research management experience with special focus on in the field of natural resources economics, and environmental governance.

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Advert: Mature Age Entry Scheme – Private Sponsorship 2024/2025



Students sit for an exam in the pre-COVID era, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for the Undergraduate
Programmes under the Mature Age Entry Scheme only for Private Sponsorship for
2024/2025 Academic Year.
Non-Refundable Application fee of Shs. 50,000/= for Ugandans OR $75 Equivalent for
Internationals, plus bank charge should be paid in any of the banks used by Uganda
Revenye Authority after generating a Payment Reference Number (PRN).

  • Apply using the Institution’s Applications Portal URL:https: //
  • Application is for candidates who passed the Mature Age Entry Examinations of December 17, 2022 and February 24, 2024 only.
  • Any candidate who passed the examinations in mentioned above and was not admitted on Government/ Private sponsorship for December 17, 2022 sitting, and for Government sponsorship for February 24, 2024 sitting, is eligible to apply for admission on Private Sponsorship for 2024 /2025 Academic Year.

The closing date for applying will be Friday 26th July, 2024.

Further details can be accessed by following this link.

Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza

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Diploma/Degree Holders Admission Lists 2024/25



Main Library, Makerere University. Photo taken on 29th February 2016.

The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists of Diploma/Degree Holder applicants admitted under Private/Self Sponsorship for the academic year 2024/25. Please note that admission is subject to verification of academic documents by the awarding institutions.

The admission list is displayed here below:

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