The Academic Registrar Makerere University has released the lists of all successful applicants admitted as talented sports person on Natinoal Merit.
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for the Bachelor of Arts in Social Development degree programme for either Day or Evening tenable at Nsamizi Training...
ICTs and specifically Mobile cellular and Internet user penetration have grown impressively in all regions of the world over the past decade. For instance in Africa...
The AfricaAdapt network is launching the 3rd Edition of its AfricaAdapt Knowledge Sharing Innovation Fund that promotes local/indigenous knowledge and local knowledge sharing initiatives.
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for admissions to the Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Human Rights degree programme.
The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training has released a partial admission list for postgraduate programs in the different Colleges and Schools.
East African Community (EAC) in cooperation with Arcadia University – USA is pleased to announce scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students from EAC Countries interested in African...
The 2011 call for new members to join the Global Young Academy is now open. Applications are soughtfrom young, independent researchers who combine the highest level...
Makerere produces region’s first 12 Speech and Language Therapists. A total of 12 Speech and Language Therapists were among the graduands at the special 61st graduation...
A team of three lecturers from the Margaret School of Industrial and Fine Arts (SIFA) formed part of the team that won the International Bank Note...