The education failure is the fault of the World Bank according to Mahmood Mamdani, Professor and Director of the Makerere Institute of Social Research at Makerere...
It was befitting to dedicate the fourth lecture in the Makerere Africa Lecture Series to celebrating the life of Dr. Joshua Baitwa Mugyenyi, a brilliant student,...
Makerere University has taken a major step towards improvement of the Public Service sector after it introduced the Master of Public Infrastructure Management Program (MPIM) at...
The trial judge’s order that the appellant’s certificate of recognition as a person who sat and past the Makerere University Mature Age Entry Examinations issued to...
Makerere University College of Health Sciences is calling for concerted effort in eradicating club feet in the country
The history and heritage of Makerere University is as one of the pioneering learning institutions on the continent; it has trained Presidents, senior business executives, academics,...
At the Vice Chancellor’s monthly press briefing held on 5th March, 2012, in the Makerere University Council Room, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences presented a number of developments...
The II Level Specializing Master on Navigation and Related Applications is a joint initiative of Politecnico di Torino and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) with the...
The Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow have...
The University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India, awards 20 Junior Research Fellowships and 7 Research Associateships every year to scholars (teachers and students) from developing...