Mitchellex bazaar is an annual exhibition that takes place at Makerere University’s Mitchell Hall every beginning of first semester. The show is famed for its pomp,...
The African Development Institute of the African Development Bank, in partnership with the African Econometric Society (AES), the Bank of Uganda, Makerere University College of Business...
Makerere University is designing a metallic mobile toilet named 'Smart Portable public trailer toilet'. The toilet which is in a trailer like form is intended to...
He was addressing the third tourism forum at the Uganda Museum. Participants included tour operators, hoteliers and Makerere University students.
Farmers in the Eastern Uganda districts of Serere, Palisa, Kumi and Bukedea have got a new sorghum variety MK 60 that is not only drought resistant...
When I passed to join Makerere University in the mid-1990s, the condition for “qualifying for government scholarship”, besides having the grades, was undergoing military-style training at...
When I passed to join Makerere University in the mid-1990s, the condition for “qualifying for government scholarship”, besides having the grades, was undergoing military-style training at...
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies announces the following upcoming programmes. WINTER PROGRAMME ON THE UNITED NATIONS AND GLOBAL CHALLENGES <> 7 – 18...
The Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine is transforming the way it is doing its mandate to reposition itself to meet the emerging development challenges.
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies is calling for applications for its fellowship programme <> designed for university teachers holding a PhD – with...