Babirye had met Charles Orombi at her hostel when she was studying for her diploma at Makerere Business Institute and he was completing his Masters degree...
The former V.C of Makerere University Prof Venansius Baryamureba has a sit on the COMESA Innovation council.
Makerere University Business School hosts Kampala University at the MUBS Arena seeking revenge for what happened in the East African University games in Dare salaam where...
After completing my civil engineering course at Makerere University in 2005, I was invited to St. John’s Church of Uganda, Kamwokya, to train their musical groups.
On 15th March 2013, Makerere University held the second Joshua Baitwa Mugyenyi Memorial Lecture in the University Main Hall. The Lecture, focused on the theme, A...
The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) at the University of Trento and its research and industrial partners have 27 open PhD positions in...
Not until research by Makerere University later revealed a woman who was diagnosed with Kaposi's Sarcoma and showed the same physical characteristics found on patients in...
About 1,800 students at Makerere University have been discontinued for exceeding the stipulated number of years on their courses.
Leaders of over 2,000 Makerere University academic staff have said they are seeking a payrise of 100%.
UMU lost to Kampala International University (KIU) 4-1 and Makerere University 5-0 in their opener whereas Must lost to Makerere University Business School (MUBS) 4-1 and...