In a unique project to combat depleted fish supplies in Lake Victoria, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Makerere University in Kampala, have established...
A study of the disease amongst adolescents and infants is being conducted by KEMRI/ CDC in Siaya, Western Kenya, while Makerere University’s College of Health Sciences...
"At first, I thought why not just take the perch out of the lake and reintroduce the original species?" Sivan-Levavi told Haaretz. "But this was naive."...
The 37th Makerere volleyball Open due March 13-14 at the institution’s main ground, will be dedicated to charity. “We are dedicating some of the proceeds from...
David William Strangway , OC , FRSC is a Canadian geophysicist and university administrator. He was on the faculty at MIT and headed the geophysics for...
Dr Sabrina Kitaka-Bakeera, from Makerere University Medical School says children's guardians sometimes fail to bring them to hospitals for treatment, or health workers lack the training...
Makerere University has once again suspended the proposal to outsource meals for the students, Daily Monitor has learnt.
Better still, the Government promoted ICT in learning institutions, a case in point is Makerere University faculty of computing and information technology.
A team of five Egyptian experts from the University of Suez Canal, Egypt were recently in the country to discuss issues regarding collaboration in Cardiothoracic surgery...
The Makerere University basketball open is to take place March 12-14. The annual event that acts as an opener before the regular league season kicks off,...