As we celebrate World Environment Day, I call upon all of us in Uganda and the world generally to increase our efforts in preserving the environment...
By Arthur Moses Opio In unprecedented times like this, we encourage you to remain firm and resilient but also purpose to grow on all fronts. One...
The Makerere University Senate has today held its first online meeting. Important decisions have been made including a new strategy to move to online education, online...
Join the Dean Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze and other panelists discuss "Leveraging Uganda's Private Healthcare Sector Capabilities to Drive a...
The Ambassador of France to Uganda—H.E. Jules-Armand Aniambossou earlier today handed over the consignment from France to Dr. Misaki Wayengera, who is working on the COVID-19...
By Derrick Kiyonga Covid-19 has wreaked havoc globally and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. In Uganda, the pandemic has so far been managed and we...
A COVID-19 sample collection site has been set up at the Infectious Diseases Institute-McKinnell Knowledge Centre (IDI-MKC), Makerere University and availed with materials like; COVID-19 collection...
Makerere University has continued to uphold Uganda’s precautionary approaches towards responding to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These approaches include extensive social distancing, locking of public...
As a small boy growing up in Sibarara, one of the most remote villages in Uganda, I often had the privilege to read the Uganda Argus,...
Accept my compliments for the leadership shown by RUFORUM in proposing four priority responses to the COVID-19 pandemic that has brought African countries and more broadly,...