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PIM Centre completes training of 23 Officers in Economic Appraisal and Stakeholder Analysis



Approximately 23 officials from different Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), as well as from the Civil Society have completed training in the Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis (PIAR). The trainees received training in Basic Public Investment Management (PIM), Financial and Risk Analysis and finally Economic Appraisal and Stakeholder Analysis. The training culminated in the award of Certificates jointly awarded by Makerere University, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and Cambridge Recourses International.

The two-weeks training, which took place in Mbarara attracted participants from Ministries, Agencies, Academia and the Civil Sector. Speaking during the closing ceremony, Prof. Eria Hisali, the Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences where the PIM Centre of Excellence is hosted, said the Centre aims at creating a pool of experts who can write proposals and approve public investments.

He cautioned the public officers to clearly identify projects that can deliver economic growth and also encouraged them to work together. He said the Centre would organize an experience sharing workshop to do an M&E on all the trainees to see how effectively they are utilizing the acquired knowledge. He informed participants that the University Senate had approved the proposed PIM Masters, “Masters in Economic and Investment Modeling,” and encouraged them to apply once the program is approved by the National Council for Higher Education. He said the Centre was also in the process of drafting a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Investment Management. Prof. Hisali appreciated the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development for providing financial support to the Centre as well as CRI and NPA for the partnership in training.

Makerere University Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and Cambridge Recourses International two-week training in the Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis (PIAR), 22nd April-6th May 2024, Mbarara Uganda, East Africa.

Dr. Willy Kagarura, the Centre’s manager said he was confident that the knowledge given to the participants will go a long way in ensuring they write the accurate investment proposals for the government to review.

He emphasized the importance of equipping individuals with the necessary skills to make informed investment decisions which will ultimately contribute to the economic development of the Country. Dr. Willy also highlighted the practical nature of the training, ensuring that participants are well-prepared for real-world scenarios in investment modeling.

Ms. Gertrude Aerone Basiima, the Assistant Commissioner of the Project Analysis and Public Investment Department emphasized the importance of the training, saying the goal of a project appraisal is to prevent bad projects from going ahead and good projects from being rejected. “This training is therefore aimed at ensuring that all stakeholders including Public Officials, Private Sector and Civil Society analysts develop and appraise investment projects in order to promote the economic and social wellbeing of the country,” she said.

Makerere University Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and Cambridge Recourses International two-week training in the Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis (PIAR), 22nd April-6th May 2024, Mbarara Uganda, East Africa.

She said the training arose out of the needs assessment that identified critical gaps by Officers in different MDAs with regard to undertaking Cost Benefit Analysis, Cost Effectiveness Analysis, preparation and cross-examination of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.

“I hope that the training you have attained during the last 3 training sessions has equipped you with skills to conduct and review feasibility studies by putting into considerations the different perspectives of Banker/Lender, Project Owner, Country and Distribution of Externalities. While you are undertaking project development and appraisal, please remember these perspectives,” Ms Basiima said.  Ms Basiima emphasized the importance of considering various perspectives during project development and appraisal to ensure a comprehensive feasibility study. She encouraged participants to apply the skills acquired in the training sessions to conduct thorough analyses and make informed decisions.

She further appreciated the dedicated faculty team comprised of CRI resource persons, Hassan and Christiania. The Ugandan Faculty consisting of Dr. Willy Kagarura, Prof. Edward Bbaale, Dr. John Sseruyage, Dr. Vincent Ssajjabi, Dr. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, Dr Ibrahim Mukisa, and Mr. Edwin Sentumbwe from Makerere University PIM CoE, Mr. Musimeta Hannington from NPA and, Mr. Ahaisibwe Joseph and herself from MoFPED

Makerere University Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and Cambridge Recourses International two-week training in the Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis (PIAR), 22nd April-6th May 2024, Mbarara Uganda, East Africa.

On his part, Mr. Hannington Musimenta, one of the faculty members from the National Planning Authority, emphasized the importance of the study, saying the NDPIII evaluation showed that the Country performed only to the tune of 17% because of poor projects. With this training and knowledge acquired by the different public officers, he was positive that the implementation of projects in NDP IV would be more successful and impactful leading to greater development outcomes for Uganda.

As part of the training, the team visited one government project in Kiruhura and Mbarara District titled the Reconstruction of Kyeshema Earth Dam. The dam was reconstructed to supply water to the cattle corridor during the dry seasons. The participants were able to evaluate a real-world project in relation to the theory obtained during training.  

The training was opened on April 22, 2024, by the Director of the PIM Centre of Excellence, Prof. Edward Bbaale, who called on the trainees to fully engage in the training sessions and actively participate in discussions to maximize their learning experience. He emphasized the importance of applying the knowledge gained to their work in order to achieve tangible results and make a difference in their workplaces. The director also highlighted the significance of networking and collaboration among participants, as this would foster a supportive environment for sharing best practices and innovative ideas. “By fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge exchange, the training program aims to empower individuals to drive sustainable development in Uganda”. He appreciated the MoFPED for the financing of the training and the nomination of the right people to train. The director emphasized the importance of participants actively engaging in discussions and practical exercises during the training sessions to maximize their learning experience. Additionally, he encouraged participants to take advantage of the resources and support provided by the program to implement their new skills and knowledge effectively in their respective roles.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

Business & Management

PIM CoE Magazine Issue 1: Jul-Dec 2024



Cover page of the Public Investment Management Center of Excellence (PIM CoE) Magazine Issue 1: July - December 2024. College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Public Investment Management Center of Excellence (PIM CoE) was conceived as a result of the 2016 PIM Diagnostic study done by the World Bank and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development with support from Makerere University School of Economics that discovered inefficiencies in PIM in Uganda.

This report highlights the work, achievements and prospects of the Center. The Center plans to start offering Advanced level training through Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in PIM and Master of Science in Economic and Investment Modelling (MEIM). I am pleased to introduce this report to the public for use by all stakeholders.

I would like to appreciate PIM CoE Secretariat, partners, staff and well-wishers for technical support, daily running of the Center and their role in the realization of these achievements.

Special thanks go to Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, National Planning Authority, Cambridge Resources International (CRI) and Makerere University for the overwhelming support rendered towards the development of the Center.

Prof. Edward Bbaale
Principal & Principal Investigator, CoBAMS/PIM CoE

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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Business & Management

Somali Officials Complete Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management at CoBAMS



Prof. Edward Bbaale (Seated 2nd Left) with training facilitators and the six Somali Government officials pose for a group photo. Six Somali government officials three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), 27th-29th January 2025, aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Six Somali government officials have successfully completed a three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Makerere University’s Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE). The training, funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), took place from January 27 to 29, 2025, and aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management.

The training brought together senior civil servants and policymakers from Somalia, equipping them with practical knowledge and strategies for sustainable infrastructure asset management. It also fostered valuable cross-border collaboration, facilitated by UNCDF Uganda, which played a crucial role in connecting Makerere University with the Government of Somalia.

Left to Right: Prof. Edward Bbaale, PIM CoE Manager-Dr. John Sseruyange and some of the officials follow proceedings. Six Somali government officials three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), 27th-29th January 2025, aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The program was delivered by experienced faculty from Makerere University’s College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), alongside experts from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). A special session was also led by the Makerere University Bursar, offering practical insights into financial management in infrastructure projects.

Speaking at the opening of the training, Mr. Ncube Mkhululi, the Regional Technical Advisor for UNCDF emphasized the importance of infrastructure asset management in driving sustainable economic growth. He highlighted UNCDF’s commitment to supporting capacity-building initiatives in developing economies, noting that effective infrastructure planning and management are critical to national development. He also expressed confidence in Makerere University’s expertise in delivering high-impact executive training programs for government officials.

Principal CoBAMS-Prof. Edward Bbaale (Right) presents a certificate to one of the officials. Six Somali government officials three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), 27th-29th January 2025, aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

During the closing ceremony, Prof. Bbaale Edward, the Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences expressed gratitude to all partners, including UNCDF, Makerere University management, and the PIM CoE faculty, for their commitment to making the training a success. He emphasized Makerere University’s ongoing efforts to internationalize its research-led agenda, positioning itself as a hub for regional knowledge exchange.

UNCDF Program Manager, Mr. Joel Mundua, the commended the participants for their dedication and encouraged them to share the acquired knowledge with fellow officials in Somalia. This was reaffirmed by one of the participants, who pledged to apply and disseminate the learnings within their respective departments.

UNCDF Program Manager0Mr. Joel Mundua (Left) and UNCDF Program Officer-Mr. Sunday Denis Aliti (Right). Six Somali government officials three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE), College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), 27th-29th January 2025, aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Mr. Sunday Denis Aliti, the Program Officer at UNCDF highlighted the importance of ensuring that infrastructure asset management strategies are practical, adaptable, and aligned with national development goals. He commended Makerere University for its leadership in knowledge transfer and regional training and encouraged continued collaboration between universities, governments, and international development partners to strengthen institutional capacity.

Dr. John Sseruyange, Manager of the PIM CoE, applauded both the participants and the expert trainers who contributed to the program. He reiterated the Centre’s commitment to advancing infrastructure asset management through continued training and collaboration with regional stakeholders.

As the training concluded, participants departed with valuable insights and practical tools to improve infrastructure management in Somalia and beyond. The success of this initiative highlights Makerere University’s role as a leading institution in public investment management, fostering capacity-building efforts that drive sustainable development across Africa.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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Business & Management

Staff of School of Statistics undertake training in Data Science



Dr. Margaret Banga (2nd Row Right) with participants and facilitators at the kick-off of the training. Statistics and Data Science (SDS) Working Group training to build capacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) among its members kick off Monday, 20th January 2025 facilitated by experts from Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Housing Finance Bank, and the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa and will run until 24th January 2025. Participants are being equipped with a wide range of skills, covering topics such as text mining, unsupervised learning, neural networks, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and more.

The Statistics and Data Science (SDS) Working Group training kicked off on Monday, 20th January 2025, and will run until 24th January 2025. This training, an initiative by the college, aims to build capacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) among its members.

Participants are being equipped with a wide range of skills, covering topics such as text mining, unsupervised learning, neural networks, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and more. The training is facilitated by expert data scientists from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Housing Finance Bank, and the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP).

The SDS Working Group comprises academic staff at the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP) whose research interests focus on statistical learning and AI.

Some of the participants follow proceedings. Statistics and Data Science (SDS) Working Group training to build capacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) among its members kick off Monday, 20th January 2025 facilitated by experts from Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Housing Finance Bank, and the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa and will run until 24th January 2025. Participants are being equipped with a wide range of skills, covering topics such as text mining, unsupervised learning, neural networks, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and more.

On January 21, 2025, Mr. Kiyingi Simon Peter and Mr. Tusubira Brian from URA led an engaging session on the practical applications of machine learning algorithms in day-to-day activities. They demonstrated how components fed into ML models are used to classify taxpayers into high-risk and low-risk categories, showcasing the transformative potential of AI in optimizing operations.

Dr. Margaret Banga, the Dean of the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), emphasized the transformative impact of the training on both the academic and professional development of the participants. She commended the expert trainers from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and other partnering institutions for their practical and insightful contributions to the sessions. Dr. Banga noted that the training is a significant step toward enhancing the teaching methodologies and research capabilities of the faculty. “By equipping our staff with advanced skills in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we are empowering them to deliver cutting-edge knowledge to our students and conduct impactful research that addresses real-world challenges,” she remarked.

Dr. Margaret Banga (2nd L) with participants. Statistics and Data Science (SDS) Working Group training to build capacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) among its members kick off Monday, 20th January 2025 facilitated by experts from Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Housing Finance Bank, and the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa and will run until 24th January 2025. Participants are being equipped with a wide range of skills, covering topics such as text mining, unsupervised learning, neural networks, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and more.

The training is a testament to the SSP’s forward-thinking approach to education and research in statistics and data science. The integration of topics such as neural networks, text mining, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) underscores the need for multidisciplinary expertise in an increasingly data-driven world. Dr. Banga highlighted that this capacity-building effort aligns with the college’s strategic objectives of fostering innovation and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving fields of data science and statistical learning.

The Dean further stressed the importance of partnerships with organizations like the Uganda Revenue Authority and Housing Finance Bank, which provide invaluable industry perspectives. These collaborations ensure that academic training is not only theoretical but also applicable to practical challenges in sectors such as taxation, finance, and public administration.

In conclusion, Dr. Banga reaffirmed her commitment to continuous learning and development within the School of Statistics and Planning. She expressed confidence that the knowledge gained through the training would translate into improved academic delivery, enriched research output, and a stronger contribution to societal and economic transformation through the application of advanced data science methodologies.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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