EfD-Mak hosts the Annual Policy Day 2022 with a special call on Governments & donors to Finance Resilience & Adaptation
2 years agoon
Jane Anyango
Uganda is among the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change in the world, being the 15th most vulnerable and 49th least prepared to adapt and recover from impacts of climate change.
Environmental economics from Makerere University and stakeholders from Environment and Natural Resources agencies have expressed the need for green financing for sustainable development, Optimum utilization of natural resource, Adaptation to climate change impacts, Increased climate change mitigation measure actions and Reduction in public expenditure on related natural disaster shocks.
The call was made was during the Annual Policy Day 2022 organized by the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak Centre) under the theme, “Green Financing and Capacity Gaps”.
The policy dialogue attracted over 100 participants from the academia, policy makers, experts and representatives from Uganda’s Ministries, departments and agencies, Civil Society Organisations, the private sector as well as members from the World Bank, the EfD network, and the EfD Global hub led by the EfD Global Director Prof. Gunnar Kohlin.

The Annual policy day was a wrap up of the EfD Annual conference 2022 hosted by Makerere University at the Speke resort Munyonyo on 22nd-26th September, 2022 where participants had fruitful engagements intended to find solutions to the most pressing environmental problems affecting the continent.
The annual policy day was officially opened by the EfD-Mak Advisory Board Chair, who is also the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs of Makerere University.
“The EfD-Mak Centre is proud to be part of the global network of environmental economics research centers working to solve the world’s most pressing environmental and development challenges through policy-relevant research, capacity development and policy engagement. Allow me, at this juncture, to sincerely thank our long term partner – Sida, as well as the EfD Global Hub for having established an EfD Centre at Makerere University”, Kakumba said.
Annual policy day and theme timely for centennial celebrations and climate change
Kakumba said, the Annual policy day is significant on two fronts in that it comes to fit in a series of activities and celebrations marking Makerere University’s 100 years of excellent services to humanity:-having opened its doors to only 14 students in 1922, Makerere University has grown to become one of the most prestigious Universities in Africa and the world over.
Secondly, Kakumba noted that the theme of the policy day, focusing on Green Financing and Capacity gaps, is quite timely especially during this time when climate change is seriously affecting different parts of the world, including Uganda as witnessed by the changed weather patterns.

“There is a great need for Government and development partners to finance resilience and adaptation activities or projects. However, I must note that resilience and adaptation are new areas. Hence, governments have not been deliberately allocating resources in their favor.
Therefore, as Makerere University, we have a great task of building the capacity of government officials in these new areas of resilience and adaptation to climate change”, he said.
Kakumba reported that the university held productive engagements with officials from the World Resources Institute (WRI) who are interested in supporting the university to kick-start the Resilience and Adaptation Mainstreaming Programme (RAMP). RAMP is proposed to be a long-term capacity building programme for MDAs to integrate climate risk considerations into their macroeconomics, fiscal, public financial management, procurement, and other processes and research.

In February 2022, Kakumba said, Makerere University signed a MoU with the University Network for Strengthening Macro financial Resilience to Climate and Environmental Change. The Network, whose Secretariat is hosted by SOAS, at the University of London, was established to build capacity in RAMP. This resilience and Adaptation Mainstreaming Programme will complement the inclusive Green Economy Programme for Senior Civil Servants and Policy Makers in Eastern Africa, which we are implementing in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor thanked theEfD Global Hub for not only establishing an EfD-Mak Centre but also working very hard to ensure that all the aforementioned initiatives to the EfD-Mak Centre thrive.
“The EfD-Mak Centre has continuously received funding and equipment from EfD Global Hub to support its administrative and research activities. This has widely contributed towards strengthening the connection between the Centre’s researchers and academicians to policy makers and implementers.

We can now attest to a number of policy engagements that the Centre has conducted, some of which have already resulted in tangible policy reforms and good outcomes. I once again thank the Global Hub for its role towards changing this landscape where we can now collaborate effectively with government officials for research activities, policy discussions and uptake.” Kakumba commended.
Kakumba added that this Annual policy day was in line with a series of policy engagements that the EfD-Mak Centre has implemented since inception. He however, stressed that this wasvery special because the EfD Global Hub Director and the EfD Network members were here in person to contribute to the debate and discourse in the important area of Green Financing.
Green financing and capacity building huge tasks for the university
In his welcome remarks,the Principal Makerere University College of Business and Management Sciences Assoc. Professor Eria Hisali welcomed participants to the EfD-Mak policy day and in a special way welcomed the EfD Global Director Kohlin Gunnar to the EfD-Mak centre thanking him for choosing Uganda to host the EfD Annual meeting 2022 congratulating the network upon successful hosting.

Hisali thanked the board of the EfD-Mak Centre chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs for the continued guidance on the strategic direction of the centre, noting that this was a manifestation that the centre was institutionalized in the university structures.
The Principal appreciated the EfD -Mak centre for its contribution of the visibility of the college and the university at large pledging continued support to the centre activities and urged the centre to take advantage of the infrastructure at the college to conduct activities;
Hisali reported that the college has established a number of facilities that the centre can take advantage of including working paper series, rolled out the policy laboratories at the college that bring together policy makers, implementers, the private sector development partners and researchers to regularly discuss policy related issues.
He expressed hope that the next annual policy day would be handled under the auspices of the policy laboratory noting that the advantage is that it brings together different actors in one place and they contribute to the discussion which increases uptake.

The policy laboratory he said,was also handling a special assignment on behalf of government on the Parish Development Model. He also said the college received notification from Uganda National Council for Science and Technology on the clearance of the college’s institutional review board for purposes of accreditation and going forward whoever wants to go for field activities is welcome to use the college research and ethics committee.
“We are all are alive to the dangers that changes in the environment affects sustainable growth and the future planning. I salute the center for holding the dialogue because the discussions held are not only important but also hybrid providing insights into the problems being faced and what needs to be done in the perspective of financing and capacity gaps that exist..
Green financing as we know, lies at the future of our growth, the future of our existence as human beings both for the current and future generations to come and therefore deserves all the attention;This is important n our context as developing countries because much of our activities in our setting directly depends on nature but also facing a lot of pressure from the ever increasing population”, Hisali stated.
Hisali challenged participants to look at a number of issues including the categorization of the target groups for green financing factions, the most appropriate instruments for the different target groups, the framework for auditing progress and impacts of these interventions and the need to discuss the optimal balance between what needs to be done by the private sector, governments, public sector and other actors.

“With regard to capacity building I also want to agree that we need to build capacity at all levels right from the capacity to domesticate what is enshrined in international conventions into our domestic plans and activities.
But we also need to think about capacity through which we can equip the grassroots actors, the green financing actions are not stopping at the macro national level. These actions have to go up to the grassroot”
Hisali stressed that the issues of capacity gaps was a huge task and asked participants to deliberate and focus on where to start from to create the impact being looking for, how the EfD-Mak Centre can partner with other actors in this space to speed up the capacity building efforts, how to take advantage of the location at the university and mainstream the capacity building initiatives into the curriculum of some of the academic programs and which programs would it be and where to start from.
Other insights according to Prof. Hisali were the need to ask how to take advantage of the internship and outreach activities of the university to build capacity at the grass root level, how to equip these interns to deliver the right message to the grass root actors and whether there is hope for increasing the frequency of the short course capacity building initiatives.
The EfD Global foot print
The Director Global Hub Prof. Gunnar Köhlin said the hub has international researchers and academic institutions involved in research projects with the EfD Centers in the Global South, Africa, Asia and the America and EfD Partners in the Global North. In Africa, it operates in Makerere University, university of Dar es salaam and university of Nigeria, Ghana and other countries

“EfD is based on the frustration that there is so much knowledge in universities and that it so hard to get traction of that research and there is so much gaps to make that happen.
In research and policy interaction the hub provides funds for tailor research results for target groups, creates platforms for interactions and co-production of knowledge.
Under Institutional development, funds are availed for infrastructure and staff investments, mutual learning within the network”, Gunnar explained.
Under research collaboration, Prof. Gunnar said the hub provides Research fund and collaborative research, organizes collaborative research and policy relevant topics and capacity building for different actors.
“The first most fundamental is the need to build capacity of academics in universities but they should also provide the relevant information and build capacity for other actors in their respective societies for these people to work. Provision of information and capacity building is not enough but must work hard to influence policy by organizing collaborative programs,” Gunnar added
He said funds are provided for PhD specialization courses, PhD Program in Climate Economics At the University of Gothenburg and then PhD and MSc program support to the network centres
Prof Gunnar explained that they have implemented a program, Inclusive Green Economy for senior civil servants and policy makers, a capacity development program connecting societal needs with research capacity in five areas of transformation namely Sustainable energy transition, Low carbon transition, Biodiversity transition, Circularity transition, Financing and managing IGE transition
The network has had a number of publications categorized by SDG with highest number on SDG 17 (331) and SDG 15(291)Other programs sponsored include; Blue Resources for Development (BlueRforD), Emission Princing for Development (EPFD), Inclusive Green Economy, Natural Capital Collaboration (Natcap), Sustainable Energy Transition (SETI), Women in Environmental Economics
The Annual Policy Day 2022 very Special
The Director EfD-Mak Centre Prof. Edward Bbaale thanked the participants for honoring the invitation to attend this special policy day;

Bbaale recognised the Director EfD-Global network Prof. Gunnar Kohlin and other network members for coming to Makerere for the first time to engage in the discussion making it very special adding that the centre had previously held policy dialogues with national stakeholders.
Bbaale appreciated the local stakeholders from government ministries, departments and agencies,senior civil servants and policy makers from Uganda for reserving time amidst their tight schedules to attend.
“I also appreciate the panelists . You have started a discourse in the area of green financing which the center will follow up and came up with research projects to create evidence to guide government on policy changes.
There is need for capacity building in the area of green financing in terms of research and training. We need to pay attention to Climate parameters and macro-economic modelling issues and also pay attention in and outside the university on tailored short courses for government and other officials”.
Prof. Bbaale hailed Makerere University management for offering space for the dialogue and the local organising committee for the job well done.
Panelists speak on green financing
The Natural Resources officer Wakiso district Ms. Rebecca Sabaganzi,said Green financing seems to be very far and advocating for it seems far.

“The ENR sector has not been a priority in government programs and budget but this has been slowly and progressively having impact on us and we have been forced to act. There are several policy statements that push us to act but the actual implementation is the issue.
In local governments, however much you advocate for green financing, it’s the councilor’s allowance that come first. Because of the increasing number of policy makers amidst the limited budgeting, advocacy for green financing is not prioritized.
The facilitation to enable meaningful engagements and green financing are limited by budget as government priority is in other sectors such as roads, health and education,”. She said

World Bank representative Victoria Plutshack, Energy Access Project at Duke university observed that Climate Finance’s Adaptation is problematic and not meeting needs of the low and medium income countries.
Victoria noted that Climate investments targeting adaptation have been especially lacking because of, in part, a lack of data and clarity regarding the potential impact of these investments.
“Data-driven financial mechanisms that quantify and monetize adaptation impacts are needed to mobilize climate finance and prioritize development for greatest impact.
There is domestic financing available but is predominantly available in higher income countries and where the private sector play a significant role.

In sub-Saharan Africa, we see climate financing by private companies. Sub-Saharan Africa receives about 100 million dollars from multinational agencies and about 18million dollars from the private sector. In terms of progress it is abit slow but hope that with the proposals and problems faced today the situation will be better,”she said.
Dr. Sam Mugume Koojo from the Ministry of Finance highlighted major challenges facing green financing in Uganda.
“ Challenges of green financing include; Lack of expertise and knowledge in green financing by financial institutions in Uganda. Green financing is not clearly integrated in financial regulatory policies of the country while investments in the green financing areas are not very attractive to private sector. The central bank has not fully internalized the concept, emphasis is mostly on the risk side” He said.

He said the major areas for green financing include: Renewable energy and energy efficiency, Pollution prevention and control, Biodiversity conservation, Circular and blue economy initiatives and Sustainable use of natural resources and land.
He said government has come up with Toolkits for Greening the Financial Sector including the Green finance road map tool, the National task force, Climate and Environ Risk assessment, Disclosure and Reporting, Greening FIs and Corporate green bonds.
Dr. Ronald Kaggwa from the National Planning Authority Uganda reported that the authority develops indicators and NDPIII has a results framework based on three pillars namely;. environment and natural resource, industry and also based on governance.

To harmonise the indicators Kaggwa said they issue planning guidelines at the central level and local government showing results, measurements and what level and targets to achieve.
The authority he added has also the green growth indicators developed.Those guidelines give a good framework on which these indicators are anchored. MDAs are also requested to develop planning frameworks which must be aligned to the NDPIII and Vision 2040 while all sectors contribute to the attainment of the national vision.
“There is a section on monetary framework which has a targets of attaining the broader NDP targets and vision 2040. It is the private sector outside the planning horizon but are influenced through taxation and other financial instruments but are not captured in the planning matrix “ Kaggwa said.

The planning is based on government programs and sector programs are tuned towards attaining common results to allow harmonization of projects and institutional goals working together asa team.
NDPIII also addresses that through program based planning which have targets such as the human capital development and all sectors like health, education, gender contribute to it to harmonise the budgets.
Jane Anyango is the Communication Officer, EfD-Mak Centre Uganda.
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Re-Advert: Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor
7 hours agoon
March 31, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor holds a pivotal role in financial governance, institutional planning, and administrative leadership.
The Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
a) Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard shall oversee the finances and administration of the University;
b) Be responsible for the Planning and Development of the University and,
c) Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide strategic leadership and ensure efficient and sound financial, human and fiscal resources management in the University.
a) Provide leadership in Strategic planning and governance, leadership and administrative experience, Human resource and performance Management, Stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
b) Provide leadership in preparation and implementation of the University’s recurrent and capital budgets.
c) Monitor the development and implementation of the University’s accounting procedures, manuals and other documents relating to financial control and Management as per approved financial regulations.
d) Oversee income and expenditure of all income generating units of the University.
e) Coordinate the production of the University-wide Financial Reports by Colleges and Units.
f) Management of human resources in the University.
g) Oversee the management of University Estates and Assets.
a) Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
b) Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
c) Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
a) Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate should be acceptable by Senate.
b) At least five years of financial or administrative leadership experience at the level of school dean/director or higher in a higher education institution, public service, or corporate institutions.
c) Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) to completion. At least three of the students must be at the PhD level.
7.2 Strategic Planning and Governance
a) Experience in leading large administrative teams at the level of dean or higher, demonstrating efficiency and productivity.
b) Proven record in developing and executing strategic plans, aligning financial and administrative objectives with institutional goals.
c) Evidence of developing and implementing financial policies that have improved financial efficiency, transparency, and risk management.
d) Evidence of implementing organisational restructuring or process improvements to ensure operational efficiency.
e) Ability to develop and implement institutional policies, ensuring compliance with national higher education and financial regulations.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
a) Minimum 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable with that of Makerere University, as accepted by Senate.
b) Demonstrated experience in managing budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000=, ensuring financial sustainability and accountability.
c) Proven ability to mobilize resources, secure grants, and attract external funding to support institutional growth.
d) Experience in conducting financial forecasting, cost control measures, and investment strategies to optimize institutional resources.
e) Track record of leading financial audits and compliance assessments in alignment with national and international financial regulations.
f) Experience in handling procurement, asset management, and infrastructure development, ensuring transparency and value for money.
7.4 Human Resource and Performance Management
a) Track record of leading workforce planning, recruitment, and talent development strategies, ensuring a high-performance institutional culture.
b) Experience in implementing performance-based appraisal systems, leading to improved staff efficiency and accountability.
c) Proven ability to foster industrial harmony, resolving labour disputes and improving employer-employee relations.
7.5 Infrastructure Development and Resource Optimization
a) Experience in overseeing capital development projects, ensuring timely delivery and cost efficiency.
b) Track record of overseeing the maintenance and expansion of university facilities, enhancing institutional infrastructure.
c) Proven ability to negotiate and manage contracts for outsourced services, ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality standards.
7.6 Digital Transformation and ICT Integration
a) Experience in integrating ICT solutions in financial and administrative operations, improving service delivery and efficiency.
b) Evidence steering the automation of financial, procurement, and HR systems, reducing paperwork and improving real-time decision making.
c) Proven ability to implement cybersecurity measures that safeguard institutional financial and administrative data.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
a) Demonstrated experience in building partnerships with government agencies, donors, private sector investors, and international organizations to enhance institutional funding.
b) Proven ability to engage faculty, students, and staff in financial decision-making, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.
c) Experience in negotiating contracts, partnerships, and collaborations that have led to financial and administrative growth.
7.8 Personal Attributes
a) High level of integrity, transparency, and ethical leadership, with a record of financial prudence.
b) Strong analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, backed by evidence of successfully managing complex financial and administrative challenges.
c) Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, ensuring effective stakeholder engagement.
d) A visionary leader with the ability to drive financial sustainability administrative efficiency, and institutional growth.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.
The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
a) A signed letter of application;
b) A vision statement;
c) Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
d) Copies of required minimum number of publications;
e) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates;
f) Three (3) letters of recommendation;
g) Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
h) A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
i) A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body;
j) Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 14th April, 2025;
k) The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
(a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked
should be addressed to:
(b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to search.dvcfa[at] by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 14th April, 2025.
Please note that:
(a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time
will not be considered.
(b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries:
Email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (PhD)
RE-Advert: Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor
8 hours agoon
March 31, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of First Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The First Deputy Vice Chancellor must possess a strong background in academic leadership, teaching, research, and strategic institutional management.
The First Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
- Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard be responsible for the Academic affairs of the University
- In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, perform the functions of the Vice-Chancellor and,
- Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide leadership and Coordination of academic and academic research matters to ensure effective and efficient implementation of policies, teaching and research programmes.
- Initiate, obtain approval of policies, plans and programmes that will enhance the academic and professional excellence of the University.
- Initiate, coordinate curriculum development and review for all courses offered at the University.
- Ensure that all examinations are set and marked in accordance with established Regulations.
- Coordinate the appointment of external examiners.
- Oversee the selection and admission of qualified students.
- Oversee the development of research programmes by liaising with Principals of Colleges/Deans of Schools and submit them to Senate and Council for approval.
- Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
- Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
- Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
- Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in a relevant discipline.
- Minimum 5 years of progressive academic experience, including teaching, research, and academic administration at the level of dean of a school or higher.
- At least 20 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, or equivalent databases.
- Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to completion and graduation; at least three of these students must have been at the level of PhD.
7.2 Strategic Planning & Governance
- Evidence of having served or participated in university-level strategic planning processes including, membership to strategic planning committees and contribution to policy development and institutional growth.
- At least five years of demonstrated experience in academic programme accreditation processes contributing to the securing approvals from the relevant national or international regulatory bodies.
- Demonstrated evidence in leading at least one (1) higher education ICT integration initiative, improving online learning, digital governance, or student information systems or the development of at least one online course curriculum.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
- A minimum of 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable to that of Makerere University, as accepted by the Senate, at the level of Dean of a School or higher.
- Participated in the development and implementation of at least two (2) academic policies improving quality assurance, curriculum development, or institutional governance.
- Demonstrated ability to lead a school or college, ensuring optimal performance and professional development of members.
- Proven track record of mentoring at least 10 faculty members toward career progression and research output, including co-teaching, publication, and capacity development in areas of teaching and training, grants, research and innovations.
- Participated in at least three (3) university committees or initiatives on academic policy development, research and publications, or student affairs.
- Participation in mediation of at least five (5) student or faculty grievances, ensuring fair and transparent resolutions.
7.4 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Development
- Led or contributed to the development of at least five (5) accredited academic programmes or curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
- Participated in the Designing and conducting at least 10 faculty development workshops focused on pedagogy, research methodologies, or curriculum advancement.
7.5 Research & Innovation
- Secured at least $200,000 in competitive research grants from national or international funding agencies.
- Established or managed at least one (1) research centre, or college wide research programme or industry-academic partnerships.
- Published a minimum of five (5) books, or 5 book chapters, or patents (separate from the papers in peer reviewed journals), contributing to knowledge production in the discipline.
- Organized at least three (3) international or national research conferences, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
7.6 Financial & Resource Management
- Successfully managed academic budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000= in a leadership role.
- Led at least two (2) faculty resource mobilisation initiatives, increasing funding for research, scholarships, or infrastructure.
- Secured at least one (1) international academic partnership to enhance funding, student exchange, or faculty development.
- Developed and executed at least three (3) cost-cutting strategies, optimising institutional resources without compromising academic quality.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
- Built at least five (5) partnerships with government agencies, private sector stakeholders, or international academic institutions.
- Successfully led at least two (2) community engagement or outreach programmes, strengthening university-industry relations.
- Served on or contributed to at least three (3) University, national, or international education policy boards, shaping higher education discourse.
7.8 Personal Attributes
- Proven record of upholding institutional integrity, with no record of financial mismanagement or ethical violations.
- Demonstrated decision-making and problem-solving skills, having led at least five (5) crisis resolution initiatives.
- Recognized for academic leadership excellence, receiving at least one (1 ) award or recognition for contributions to higher education.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.
The First Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re- appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
- A signed letter of application;
- A vision statement;
- Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
- Copies of required minimum number of publications;
- Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation;
- Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
- A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
- A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body.
- Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 14th April, 2025.
- The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked “CONFIDENTIAL: POSITION OF FIRST DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR” should be addressed to:
b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 14th April, 2025.
Please note that:
a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries: Visit our website OR email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza
Office of the Academic Registrar Lauded for Groundbreaking Achievements In Digitalization
4 days agoon
March 27, 2025By
Mak Editor
By Gerald Ochwo
On 25th March 2025, a delegation of Registrars from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) undertook a benchmarking exercise at Makerere University, with a specific focus on the latter’s pioneering efforts in academic records digitalization. The delegation, led by Dr. Dickson Kalungi, Ag. Deputy Academic Registrar was received by Mr. Charles Ssentongo, Deputy Academic Registrar in charge of Admissions and Records Division, who represented the Academic Registrar (AR), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.
The visit was prompted by Makerere University‘s trailblazing achievements in digitalizing academic records, as exemplified by the Digitalization of Academic Records Project (DARP). This initiative has been instrumental in creating a centralized, digital one stop repository of all University’s academic records, thereby enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management.
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Ssentongo conveyed the Academic Registrar’s message and highlighted Makerere University‘s efforts to digitalize all its processes and records. He further noted that the university is intentional about creating a digital ecosystem that makes academic records retrieval easy and efficient.
“As a university, we are now intentional with the digitalization of all our processes including, digitization of our manual records that date as way back as the inception of Makerere University. Currently, the DARP project as gone as far as creating a one stop center for both Academic document verification and certification, whereby our former graduates, will only need to access the online verification and certification portal and submit their documents without necessarily having to travel many physical distances to Makerere University” Mr. Ssentongo remarked.

In his appreciation remarks, the MUST head of delegation, Dr. Dickson Kalungi, thanked the Academic Registrar for honoring their request to come and learn from the best practices that exist at Makerere University and particularly commended the Department for the great steps and strides made in pioneering modern Academic records storage management systems.
“I want to sincerely thank the Office of the Academic Registrar for sparing time and organizing this meeting. As a University, we have embarked on a transformative change drive whereby we intend to automate all our registry processes including, the management of Academic Records. The DARP project at Makerere University, has been one project where we draw a number of lessons and we are eager to go and implement some of the best practices we have observed here today”
The benchmarking exercise undertaken by Mbarara University of Science and Technology demonstrates the significance of Makerere University and particularly, the Office of the Academic Registrar’s achievements in academic records digitalization. The DARP project serves as a model for other institutions to follow, highlighting the importance of investing in digital solutions to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management. It further demonstrates the university’s commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices with other institutions. Makerere University‘s efforts in digitalizing academic records have set a high standard for other universities to emulate, and the DARP project is a shining example of innovation and excellence in academic records management.
Gerald Ochwo is the Liaison Officer, Office of the Academic Registrar
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