This is to inform you that following the closure of all University Revenue Collection accounts, all fees payments are to be received via the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) portal.
The implications of this change are as follows;
1. Fees payment will continue to happen in commercial banks most of which have branches on Campus as listed below;
i. Stanbic Bank
ii. DFCU Bank
iii. Centenary Bank
iv. UBA
v. Post Bank
2. The other commercial banks receiving fees are;
i. Barclays Bank
ii. Diamond Trust Bank
iii. Bank of Africa
iv. Equity Bank
v. Finance Trust Bank
vi. Housing Finance Bank
vii. Standard Chartered Bank
viii. Tropical Bank
ix. Eco Bank
3. No payment shall be received without a Payment Reference Number (PRN). The PRN can be generated through the student portal on the AIMS system. However, assistance can be received from the respective College Accounts Offices.
4. Fees payment by bank drafts should be addressed to the Uganda Revenue Authority with a cover letter and brought to Room 313, Main Building, Makerere University. You will then obtain a reference number for payment.
5. Fees payment by Electronic Funds Transfer will also require a PRN generated on the system and the schedule of beneficiaries. These are currently handled by the Revenue Unit in the Main Building, Makerere University.
You are therefore requested to pay your fees as per your semester invoices assigned to your student accounts after enrolment, as well as indidcated on the provisional admission letters for First Year Students.
For further clarification, please email the following; unibursar[at], finance[at], emmanuel.asiimwe[at], blaise.turyasingura[at]
Yours faithfully,
Evarist Bainomugisha