The CGIAR research program on climate change agriculture and food security (CCAFS) has funded an IITA-led project “Influencing and linking policies and institutions from national to local level for the development and adoption of climate-resilient food systems”. The project is jointly implemented by a consortium of CGIAR centres (IITA, CIAT, ICRAF, Bioversity, and ILRI) in partnership with NARO, Makerere University, government ministries/departments, national climate change units, civil society organizations and other private sector agencies in Uganda and Tanzania.
The overall objective of the study is to assess to what extent gender aspects have been included in climate change related policies, to identify gaps, and to determine how eventual gender gaps impact on climate change adaptation.
Role and duration
We are looking for a well-qualified and highly motivated individual to undertake his/her PhD studies enrolled at the University of Wageningen. Over the 4 years, starting July 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter, the PhD student will be based in Uganda, but he/she will spend three periods of several
months each at Wageningen University (the Netherlands) for proposal development, training courses, and scientific writing.
Submission of applications
Applications should provide a cover letter and curriculum vitae – including a list of publications and names and addresses (including telephone and email) of three referees who are knowledgeable about the candidate’s professional qualifications – should be sent to both and, and copied to .
All documents should be submitted as one pdf file, named “genderphd_<your surname_your first name>”. Use “CCAFS FP4-EA Gender PhD Position” as the subject line of your email and your cover letter.
For further questions please contact
Applications close on 10th July 2014.