1. Background
By 2050, the African youth population is estimated to reach 1.1 billion (1 in 10 of all people on the planet)1. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are mandated to impart skills to the youth that are relevant to the employment market. However, not all youth are able to join the HEIs due to various reasons including their limited financial capacity, poor academic performance at lower levels, and high competition at the joining stage. For instance, whereas the eligible population to study in HEIs in 2019/2020 grew by about 3.1% according to Uganda’s population growth estimates, the overall enrolment declined by 3.8%2.
Elaborated as one of the five flagship programmes of UNESCO Operational Strategy for Priority Africa 2022-2029)3, the overall objective of the Campus Africa Flagship Programme is to build integrated, inclusive, and quality tertiary education systems and institutions, for the development of inclusive and equitable societies in the Continent. The Programme is implemented along three interrelated main lines of action (MLAs) through which UNESCO jointly with its partners will strengthen and enhance equity and quality of higher education systems, connect Africa’s tertiary education systems, institutions, researchers, and communities, and promote mobility and employability of higher education students.
“Campus Africa” activities will promote all SDGs and more specifically SDG 4, 8 and 9. In particular, synergies are to be sought with United Nations agencies, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCF) and development partners’ initiatives supporting SDG 4.3 – by 2030 ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university.
2. Objectives of the Study on Enhancing Youth Skills Development through Higher Technical Education
To achieve the Campus Africa objective, UNESCO is working with its networks and partners to pool expertise and resources and ensure synergies in action and sustainable impact. To this end, UNESCO is collaborating with the Makerere University within the framework of the Campus Africa flagship with the objective to propose relevant operational initiatives, which address challenges of access and quality of higher education, and higher technical education in particular. More specifically, work shall be conducted in relation to Campus Africa Main Line of Action (MLA) 2, Workstream 2.1 which focuses on strengthening higher technical education to respond to national skill needs for development, by enhancing labor market oriented teaching and competency-based learning; and also to Campus Africa Main Line of Action 1 on improving the research capacity of African tertiary institutions and increasing research outcomes with effective networking.
This assignment therefore is to conduct an analytical study on the gaps, challenges, and opportunities for enhancing youth skills development through higher technical education, leveraging government-industry-university linkages, and identifying enablers and success factors – funding; curricula; collaboration and networking, etc. and propose the way to address these challenges.
The study is to have an inclusive approach, with gender, country, and regional balance where relevant – with a focus on Eastern Africa. It should target perspectives from stakeholders of higher education in Eastern Africa, in particular, from governments (ministries responsible for higher and tertiary education), higher education institutions, development partners, quality assurance council/agencies, NGOs, funding agencies, private sector associations and employers, and relevant institutions, including UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, as well as students and graduates, as related to the content of the work.
3. Scope of the study
The scope of study will include the following:
- Conduct an analytical study to generate information on the gaps, challenges, and opportunities
for enhancing youth skills development through higher technical education
- Engage with key stakeholders of higher education, particularly in Eastern Africa, to obtain
information to complement the analytical study
- Identify opportunities for leveraging government-industry-university linkages as well as enablers
and success factors for enhancing youth skills development through higher technical education
- Develop recommendations for enhancing youth skills development through higher technical
education, upholding the principles of inclusiveness, relevance and gender equality
The study team/individual is expected to propose the best approaches for undertaking this analytical study. The proposal should detail the methodology proposed and all the costs associated with conducting the study.
4. Key Deliverables
The key deliverables will include:
- Inception report: detailing the methodology including the main research methods, the sampling framework, proposed sources of data, procedures for data collection and analysis, and a draft but detailed table of contents. The proposed research tools will be discussed by the UNESCO Campus Africa/CFIT III Makerere Team before study commences.
- Revised first Draft Final Report, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from a reference group. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the Final Report can be produced.
- A final report (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in WORD format) with key findings and recommendations.
- An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the analytical study data set
- A final presentation of the overall findings to stakeholders for validation
5. Duration of the study
The final report of the analytical study is due by Friday 22 September 2023. The duty station is Makerere University as it is expected that capacity for such studies is available.
6. Qualifications and Expertise
- Post-graduate degree in engineering, economics, statistics, social sciences, education, or related field
- Demonstrable experience in conducting analytical studies – particularly in the context of youth skills development
- Good knowledge of Eastern Africa’s economy and relevant institutional frameworks
- Ability to interpret results and provide practical recommendations
- A good understanding of English language with excellent communication and report writing skills
7. How to Apply
Study teams or individuals interested in this opportunity should provide the following:
- A technical proposal with detailed response to these terms of reference, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and draft list of key stakeholders to be engaged
- Initial high level work plan based on an outlined methodology and indication of availability to undertake the tasks within the specified timeframe
- A financial proposal including a detailed budget breakdown for the different tasks in each specified work package
Applications should be sent via email to cedat.soe@mak.ac.ug by Thursday 17 August 2023.