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Over 60 Mak PhD Fellows attend PhD Convention



Makerere University Doctoral Students Forum under the patronage of the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training has today, 12th April 2018 held its annual convention under the theme “Relevance of Research towards National Development”. The Vice-Chancellor Prof Barnabas Nawangwe represented by Prof Buyinza Mukadasi, Director of the Directorate of Research & Graduate Training officiated at the opening of the convention.

The annual convention brings together the PhD fellows of this great University to interact, share the research areas, critique concepts, and proposals or research don. The Convention also includes a research forum where doctoral students discuss their research concepts, proposals, pilot research findings and dissertation research manuscripts and papers with each other and renowned researchers. This is done through oral and poster presentations followed by a discussion aimed at appreciating the role of research in national development.

The Vice-Chancellor used the event to renew to the graduate students the University’s commitment to provide platforms through which PhD fellows at Makerere will continue to academically and socially network, share ideas, engage in collaborative research and access relevant information. He encouraged Doctoral students to support one another to overcome doctoral related stress, self inadequacies and lowliness.

As a premier University, Makerere will continue to ssustain the production of a critical mass of well-trained African academics at PhD level and in this regard, the Vice-Chancellor applauded the DRGT for recognizing the fact that the journey of PhD studies is quite long, lonely and challenging.

Cognisant of the challenges faced by the PhD student, in 2010 the University initiated the PhD Forum at Makerere University (PF@Mak), a Fellowship that brings together PhD students. Through the Forum, the University is able to provide a favourable environment for doctoral mentorship, training and research through peer networking and academic collaborations. The overarching goal of which is to achieve high quality research outputs leading to timely completion of doctoral studies. “It is our cardinal responsibility to prepare young and promising researchers in completing their PhD programme” the Vice-Chancellor noted.

Prof John Munene, an expert the organizational theory of change and Professor of Psychology at MUBS gave the key note address. In his remarks, re-affirmed the need to uphold research ethics and integrity based on theory of change. He cited examples of theory impacting on national and global development.  He applauded Makerere’s new perspective to integrative learning in form of organizing mentorship Colloquium and conventions. He is optimistic that Makerere would continue to invest in platforms that trigger peer networking, academic review and knowledge sharing.

Prof Munene proposed a paradigm shifts from the conventional social development model to one that respects and embraces theory for solving practical problems. He calls it complex Science thinking based on principles of none-linear modeling. He contends that perhaps one of the most important benefits from Convention presentations is the student’s ability to advocate for strength-based approaches versus deficitor gap approaches. According to Prof Munene, this allows students/researchers in other disciplines, policy-makers, and the public to become aware of the innovative research in one’s particular discipline. As scholars, “it is important that we make our research relevant with impact on social change increase the visibility of our research and provide interested individuals with more information”.
The Annual Convention 2018 has featured over 100 Oral and poster presentations under five thematic areas:
(1)     Health and Health Systems
(2)     Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resource Management
(3)     Governance, Economic and Social Change
(4)     Science and Technological Advancement
(5)     Education, Poverty and Behavioral Change

Despite the promising achievement, the PhD students raised a challenges related to inadequate Research Infrastructure and equipment; physical learning space, lack of harmonized supervision guidelines; inadequate support to student research groups; and inadequate budget support for basic sciences
Once again, on behalf of the University, the DRGT welcomes you to Annual Doctoral convention 2018 and wish you fruitful deliberations.  As “We Build for the Future”.

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Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi Appointed Acting DVC Academic Affairs



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Academic Registrar, Professor Buyinza Mukadasi has been appointed Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Makerere University, for a period of six (6) months effective 11th July 2024 to 10th January 2025 or until a substantive First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) is appointed whichever comes earlier.

He is a Professor of Forestry Resource Economics and served as the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), Makerere University from 2014 to October 2022. Buyinza holds a PhD in Forest Economics from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta Indonesia. He holds a number of professional enhancement certificates and Diplomas.

As Director DRGT he was charged with the oversight responsibility of all institutional research grants and graduate training in the university. Prof Buyinza served as the Deputy Director in Charge of Administration and Graduate Training (2010 – 2013); Head, Department of Community Forestry and Extension, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Resources (2003 – 2005, 2008-2010) at Makerere University.  Buyinza grew though the University ranks from a Tutorial Assistant (1993 – 1998) at Gajah Mada University, Indonesia to becoming a Lecturer (1999); Senior Lecturer (2004); Assoc. Professor (2007) and Full Professor (2010) at Makerere University.  He has over 20 years experience of University research and teaching in the field of Forestry and Natural Resource Economics.  He has successfully supervised over 50 MSc. and 10 PhD students in the fields of forestry, environment and natural resources. He has also acted as an external examiner in many regional and international universities. He is a member of many professional bodies and served as the Chairperson, Board of Directors of the National Forestry Authority (2007 – 2013). He was the Institutional Focal person (2010-2022) and Chair of the Board of Management of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA), 2014 – 2018.

Buyinza has published widely in the field of forest resource economics, environmental incomes, economics of biodiversity conservation, and Environmental Incomes for Rural Income and livelihoods. He has authored more than 150 papers in International peer-reviewed referred journals, 4 book Chapters, attended more than 70 conference proceedings and has presented in more than 140 conferences/seminars/workshops.

Buyinza has built a very strong international network of collaborations in research administration and has tremendous capacity for resource mobilization. He has been Principal investigator (PI) of 15 research projects and as Co-Principal Investigator in many other institutional research grants. He is the Coordinator of various externally funded research capacity building initiatives at Makerere University. He has a wealth of research management experience with special focus on in the field of natural resources economics, and environmental governance.

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Advert: Mature Age Entry Scheme – Private Sponsorship 2024/2025



Students sit for an exam in the pre-COVID era, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for the Undergraduate
Programmes under the Mature Age Entry Scheme only for Private Sponsorship for
2024/2025 Academic Year.
Non-Refundable Application fee of Shs. 50,000/= for Ugandans OR $75 Equivalent for
Internationals, plus bank charge should be paid in any of the banks used by Uganda
Revenye Authority after generating a Payment Reference Number (PRN).

  • Apply using the Institution’s Applications Portal URL:https: //
  • Application is for candidates who passed the Mature Age Entry Examinations of December 17, 2022 and February 24, 2024 only.
  • Any candidate who passed the examinations in mentioned above and was not admitted on Government/ Private sponsorship for December 17, 2022 sitting, and for Government sponsorship for February 24, 2024 sitting, is eligible to apply for admission on Private Sponsorship for 2024 /2025 Academic Year.

The closing date for applying will be Friday 26th July, 2024.

Further details can be accessed by following this link.

Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza

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Diploma/Degree Holders Admission Lists 2024/25



Main Library, Makerere University. Photo taken on 29th February 2016.

The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists of Diploma/Degree Holder applicants admitted under Private/Self Sponsorship for the academic year 2024/25. Please note that admission is subject to verification of academic documents by the awarding institutions.

The admission list is displayed here below:

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