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Makerere University Draft Fees Policy (Share your Comments)



The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda established a committee to review the Makerere University's Fees Policy. In the view of involving all stakeholders in the new fees policy fomulation, the comittee would like to receive comments/contributions from the general public.

Please leave a comment by filling in the form at the bottom of the draft policy.

The draft fees policy is as follows:

A. Policy Statement

Makerere University is committed to providing the best service to her students to ensure that they get the best higher education experience from the University. In order to achieve this, the University raises financial resources from different sources, including tuition and functional fees, charges for use of University facilities, endowments and donations. Tuition and functional fees payable by students form an important component of the University’s financial resources.

B. Legal Framework

Fees payable by students shall be fixed by the University Council in accordance with article 41(c) of the Universities and Other Institutions Act (UOTIA) of 2001 as amended and may be reviewed from time to time.

C. Objectives of the Fees Policy

The objective of this policy is to:

  1. Ensure the setting fees is compliant with government regulations while supporting strategic and financial imperatives
  2. Ensure that additional charges levied are compliant with the legal requirements while ensuring coverage of legitimate costs
  3. Provide clarity regarding the requirements for administration, invoicing, collection and refund of fees.

D. Scope

This policy applies to all categories of fees chargeable for services to students of Makerere University for programmes of study.

E. Guiding Principles

  1. The University will set tuition fees according to economic and strategic considerations.
  2. The University will levy fees and charges on students in accordance with legal requirements and University regulations.
  3. Fees for tuition are set and charged at different rates for different cohorts based citizenship status, level of study and other criteria in accordance with the UOTIA 2001 as ammended.
  4. The University will publish comprehensive and accessible information on fees and charges for students and will ensure that the administration of these fees and charges is consistent with the published information and in accordance with the legal requirements and University regulations, policies and procedures.
  5. The University will refund tuition fees or remit HELB debt in accordance with legal requirements and University regulations.
  6. The University recognises that students may face financial hardship during the course of their studies and provides fees payment options to enable eligible students to continue their studies.

F. Categories of Fees

University fees are categorized as tuition, functional and other fees as detailed below:

i. Tuition Fees (payable each ordinary and recess semester)
ii. Undergraduate Students Functional Fees (payable in the first semester of each semester)

(a) Registration
(b) Examination
(c) Book Bank
(d) Library
(e) Information and Communication Technology
(f) Guild
(g) Sports
(h) Identity Card
(i) Medical Capitation
(j) Field attachment supervision
(k) Development
(l) Caution
(m) Endowment
(n) Research Fee

iii. Graduate Students Functional fees (payable in the first semester of each semester)

(a) Registration
(b) Examination
(c) Book Bank
(d) Library
(e) Information and Communication Technology
(f) Guild
(g) Sports
(h) Identity Card
(i) Medical Capitation
(j) Development
(k) Caution
(l) Endowment
(m) Research Fee

iv. Other Undergraduate Fees (payable as and when required)

(a) Graduation
(b) Transcript
(c) Certificate
(d) Convocation
(e) Certification
(f) Academic Gowns
(g) Recess Term fee
(h) Late Registration
(i) Re-mark Fee
(j) Re-take Fee
(k) Late Fees Payment Fee
(l) Verification Fee
(m) Affiliated Institutions Fee
(n) Application Fee
(o) Any other fees as may be fixed by Council from time to time

v. Other Graduate Fees (payable as and when required)

(a) Graduation
(b) Transcript
(c) Certificate
(d) Convocation
(e) Certification
(f) Academic Gowns
(g) PhD Cylinder
(h) Recess Term fee
(i) Late Registration
(j) Re-mark Fee
(k) Re-take fee
(l) Late fees Payment fee
(m) Verification Fee
(n) Thesis Examination Fee
(o) Affiliated Institutions Fee
(p) Application Fee
(q) Any other fees as may be fixed by Council from time to time

G. Fees Regulations

1. General Provisions

  1. Payment of University fees is the responsibility of students. An account shall be opened for each student in the computerized information system of the University. Students who default on the payment of fees are subject to sanctions, including de-registration, payment of a fine and legal action.
  2. Fees are due on the first day of each semester.
  3. All students admitted for programmes at the University are personally responsible for the payment of fees. This includes arrangements where students obtain sponsorship for fees and the sponsor defaults.
  4. The specific fee applicable is confirmed at the point of admission.
  5. When there is a review between admission and registration, the applicable fee will be that given to the students at the time of registration.
  6. Students repeating a course unit or programme of study will be charged the appropriate fee for the unit or programme for continuing students and those who will have overstayed on the programme.
  7. Students repeating course units or programmes where the fee structure has been revised upwards will be charged the revised rates.
  8. Every student admitted to a programme of study of Makerere University shall be required to sign and undertaking regarding fees payment.

2 Specific Requirements

a) New Students
  1. Every student admitted to a programme of study of Makerere University will be issued a provisional admission letter with an invoice for payment of the requisite fees.

  2. All functional fees and 60% of tuition fees for new joining students must be paid before the admission letter is issued.#

b) Continuing Students

Every continuing student shall pay a commitment fee as may be fixed by the University Council, provided that at the time of approval of this policy the commitment fee shall be UGX 200,000/= (Uganda Shillings Two Hundred Thousand only), before the student is provisionally registered for the subsequent semester. Provisional registration must be completed within the first two weeks of a semester.

The commitment fee shall form part of fees due for the semester. A student who is not provisionally registered by the end of the second week of a semester shall be de-registered. However, a student who fails to provisionally register by the end of the second week of a semester for genuine reasons may apply to the Vice Chancellor for special consideration for late registration.

Students permitted to complete Late Registration must do so by the sixth week of a semester upon payment of a Late Registration Fee as may be determined by the University Council, provided that at the time of approval of this policy the Late Registration Fee shall be UGX 100,000/- (Uganda Shillings One Hundred Thousand only), this in addition to the commitment fee.

All fees should preferably be paid at the start of each semester. However, within the first week of a semester students may choose any of three fees payment windows outlined below for payment of the fees due.

i) Window 1

Students opting to pay fees through window 1 shall pay all the approved functional and tuition fees by the end of the sixth week of a semester. Upon completion of payment of the approved fees, a student shall be given full registration for that semester.

ii) Window 2

Students opting to pay fees through window 2 shall pay all the approved functional and tuition fees as well as a Late Fees Payment charge equivalent to 5% of all fees due for that semester by the end of the 12th week of a semester. Upon completion of payment of the requisite fees, a student shall be given full registration for that semester.
Upon choosing any of two fees payment windows, the student shall be invoiced accordingly.

iii) Window 3

In order to provide quality service to her students, the University must collect all the requisite fees. The University nevertheless appreciates that a few students, particularly those who raise their tuition fees through employment, might genuinely be unable to pay their fees using any of the two windows.

Students who have difficulty paying their tuition fees due to financial hardship may apply to pay their tuition fee under a monthly payment plan. Students must apply in writing to the Vice Chancellor, and provide documentation as evidence of their financial hardship. Applications are reviewed on an individual basis and arranged on a per-semester basis only. Payment plans cannot be applied retrospectively and are not available to new students.

Please note: an administrative fee as may be fixed by Council will be charged for the establishment of a fees payment plan. Students who wish to apply for a payment plan arrangement must submit a written request/application no later than the fee payment due date for the semester in which they are requesting a payment plan.

Applications received after the fee payment due date will not be considered. Students permitted to pay by plan will be required to pay the commitment fee before the payment plan will be approved. The application fee will be billed to the student and included in his/her schedule of payments. The remaining balance will be paid under a monthly payment. All fees must be finalised in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions of the individual payment plan and in any case not later than the 12th week of the semester. Payment plans will be limited to the semester in which the request is made and no further extensions will be granted.

The Monthly Payment Plan is available to all undergraduates and graduates. Students desiring to use the Monthly Payment Plan are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible to realize the maximum number of months over which to pay the balance due. There is no interest charge or finance charge (zero percent annual percentage rate) imposed for use of the Monthly Payment Plan.

Application forms for this plan may be obtained from the College accountant. Continued participation in the Monthly Payment Plan is contingent upon a satisfactory payment history. Makerere University reserves the right to deny continued participation to anyone who has previously not complied with the terms of the monthly payment plan billing schedule.

c) Prepaid Tuition Plan

The University’s Prepaid Tuition Plan allows new students to prepay all the semesters in their study plan thereby locking in the rate of tuition in effect at the time of the plan’s initiation. Payment must be received before the first semester of the student’s study programme. For a copy of the Prepaid Tuition Plan agreement that governs this plan, please contact the Bursar’s Office.

d) Financial Support and Advice

Students who are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties in paying their tuition fees should seek help at the earliest opportunity. The University will assist by providing information about possible scholarships where possible. It must be noted, however, that payment of fees remains the responsibility of the student.

e) Students Who Have Overstayed on a Programme

Continuing students who have overstayed on a programme and are repeating a course unit or programme of study shall be charged the appropriate fee for the unit or programme of study

f) Students at Affiliated Institutions

Fees for students studying for Makerere University awards at affiliated institutions will be determined by the affiliated institution, provided that functional fees payable directly to Makerere University will be the same fees payable by Makerere University students.

g) Students With Sponsors

Students who have an approved sponsor shall be liable for any unpaid tuition fee costs if the sponsor defaults on payment in any given semester.

h) Accommodation Fees

Residence fees must be paid before allocation of a room.

i) Other fees
  1. On completion of their programmes of study, students shall pay stipulated fees, e.g. certificate, convocation, graduation and academic transcript fees.

  2. Students shall be required to pay for certification of their documents at rates determined by the University Council.

j) Fees Upon Withdrawal and Discontinuation From Studies
  1. Students who withdraw from a programme of study are still liable for the fees which they owe to the University.

  2. A student who is dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons, prior to the end of semester, shall forfeit all tuition and other fees paid for that semester.

3 Defaulting Students:

  1. Students who default payment of fees, or who are in debt to the University for any reason, shall not be allowed to write their examinations or proceed further with their studies or receive a University Transcript, degree or any award.

  2. A student who fails to pay fees within the stipulated period may apply for withdraw from the programme and on resumption shall be required to pay all the requisite fees.

  3. If, with notice, a student's enrolment is cancelled for abscondment from the programme of study and that student is subsequently permitted to have his/her enrolment reinstated, a UGX 500,000/=. re-instatement fee will be levied in addition to the requisite functional and tution fees not paid by the student at the time of abscondment.

  4. Non-payment of fees within the prescribed period shall lead to cancellation of registration.

  5. A student whose enrolment is cancelled will retain her/his fee liability, and re-admission in a subsequent year or semester will only be permitted when the debt is paid in.

  6. A student who is in debt to the University at the time of graduation shall not be issued with Academic Transcript, Degree or Diploma certificate and will not be permitted to graduate.

  7. The University reserves the right to take legal action, where appropriate, to effect recovery of monies from students who leave the University with outstanding debts.

  8. Transfer of fees from one student’s account to another student’s account is not permissible.

H. Procedure for Paying Fees

The following is the procedure for paying University fees:

  1. Students are invoiced for the fees before the start of the semester.
  2. Payments are made to an approved Makerere University Bank collection account.
  3. Upon confirmation of payment, receipts are issued by the Finance Department to students after which the student may register on the computerized system of the University.
  4. Upon registration an account is opened and maintained in the computerized system of the University for each student.

I. Methods of Payment

Methods of payment of University fees include the following:

  1. Cash deposit in a University bank account
  2. Bank drafts
  3. Direct Transfer
  4. Other electronic transfer methods as may be approved by University Management

4 Fees Subsidy Schemes:

i. Biological children of members of staff who are less than 21 years on entry into the University may be permitted to pay ½ tuition fees and full functional fees in accordancewith the existing policy on fees subsidy for biological children of members of staff. Members of staff who are on the Staff Development programme on programmes offered at Makerere University will have a waiver of the tuition and functional fees.

5 Refund of Fees

  1. Students’ Withdrawal

Students who choose to withdraw from a programme may be refunded some tuition fees as detailed below.

5.1.1 Tuition fees

A student who has been permitted to withdraw from studies shall be refunded the Tuition Fees already paid prorata to the equivalent fees due for the time spent on the programme of studies.
In case an Academic Programme to which a student has been admitted is not conducted in a particular academic year, the University will refund the full tuition fees paid by the student.

5.1.2 All Functional fees are non-refundable

5.1.3 Residence fee – NIL

5.1.4 A refund may be granted to a student unable to notify the Registrar in writing by the dates required, provided evidence is supplied that the student had ceased attendance by the 6th week of a semester, and was unable to notify the Registrar for reasons beyond her/his control.

5.1.5 These applications will only be approved where the University is satisfied that:

  1. The circumstances were beyond the student’s control (and those circumstances were unusual, uncommon or abnormal) and
  2. The circumstances did not make their full impact on the student until after the census date for the course(s) they wish to withdraw from and
  3. The circumstances make it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the course.

2. Payment in excess of statutory fees

Students, who pay more than the University’s tuition and other fees requirement, shall be refunded the sum paid beyond the University statutory fee requirements to

  1. The student or sponsor upon completion of programme of study
  2. By special permission of the Vice Chancellor upon proof of excess payment
  3. Or rolled forward depending on the circumstances.

Any credit resulting from an overpayment or an adjustment/amendment to a student’s fee liability will be credited towards her/his fee liability for the following semester.

3. Application for Refund

In every case a refund will be made on production of University receipt. Students’ written application seeking for the refund shall be verified by the Academic Registrar and Bursar before a refund is paid.

4. Forgeries

i. Students who are registered on the basis of forged academic documents will not get fees refund.
ii. Students who present forged fees payment documents will be dismissed from the University and prosecuted.

J. Responsibility for Implementation of the Fees Policy

The overall responsibility for implementation of this policy is the Vice Chancellor, assisted by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration).

The operational responsibility for implementation of this policy lies with the University Secretary, the Academic Registrar, the Bursar, the College Principals, Directors of External Campuses, Deans and Heads of Department.

Every member of staff has the general responsibility of ensuring that this policy is implemented effectively.

Elias Tuhereze

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Application for Admission to Bachelor of Education External (BED) 2025/26



Senate Building

1.        HOW TO APPLY

Application will be online using the AIMS System after getting a pay reference number but you will have to submit certified copies of your Diploma transcripts and certificates and a passport size photograph to office 310, level 3 Senate Building after payment of application fees.


  1. Applicants should access the Institution’s Admissions URL
  2. Sign up using full name, e-mail and Mobile No.  Please note that your name must be similar to the one on your supporting academic documents for your application to be considered valid.  If you changed your names please go to Senate Building Office 301 with an affidavit supporting the name change.
  3. A password will be sent to both your e-mail and mobile number.
  4. The system will prompt you to change the password to the one you can easily remember.
  5. To fill a form the applicant clicks on the APPLY NOW button displayed on the running scheme.
  6. Obtain a payment advice slip by clicking on “Pay for Form” button
  7. Make a payment at any of  bank used by URA
  1. Print the filled form and attach certified copies of your academic documents.



  1. Go the payment reference site: https//
  2. Fill in your name;
  3. Fill in your email;
  • Fill in your telephone number – Go to the next
  • Click on the option number;
  • Application fee is 50,000/=(Undergraduate) continue and get the pay reference number
  • Go to the Bank and pay
  • Go to room 310 Senate Building and submit certified copies of your academic documents.


  •      Applicants are strongly warned against presenting forged or other people’s

Academic documents to support their applications for admission.  The                          consequences, if discovered, are very grave indeed.

  •      Do not buy any other documents not originating from the Academic Registrar’s Office.  Those who buy them do so at their own risk.
  •      The Academic Registrar has not appointed any agents to act on his behalf to solicit for additional funds other than the application fee stated above.

The deadline for receiving applications is 28th February 2025.

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi

Mak Editor

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Admissions for Diploma Holders under Government Sponsorship for 2025/2026 AY



Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)/Academic Registrar, delivers his remarks at the Freedom Square. Freshers Orientation for Academic Year 2024/2025, 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from Diploma Holders only for admission under the Government Sponsorship Scheme (not exceeding 5% of the intake capacity) to the University Degree Programmes for the 2025/2026 Academic year listed in the Document in the link below.

  • Each applicant should possess at least a Credit or Second Class or equivalent Diploma in a relevant field from a recognised Institution plus a Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least 5 Passes (or its equivalent) and a Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least One Principal Pass and Two Subsidiary Passes obtained at the same sitting (or its equivalent).
  • A non refundable application fee of Shs.50,000/ = (Fifty thousand shillings only)plus the Bank Charge using an ACMIS Pay Reference Number should be paid to any bank used by URA before submitting a system generated application form to the Admissions Office, Room 315 Level 3, in the Senate Building, Makerere University.
  • Certified copies of Diploma Transcripts (not photocopies of certified copies) from the awarding Institutions must be attached to the application forms. Incomplete application forms shall not be processed.
  • Details of the Diplomas required for each programme can be viewed on Undergraduate Admissions Notice Board on Level 3, Senate Building, Makerere University and the University website-
  • N.B. Applicants will be responsible for verification of their academic documents from the awarding Institutions after admission.
  • Each applicant should also attach a copy of the Birth Certificate to the application form.

The closing date for returning the system generated application forms and certified copies of the academic documents to the University is Friday 28th February, 2025.

Mak Editor

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Admissions for Diploma/Degree Holders under Self Sponsorship 2025/2026 AY



Some of the Bachelors graduates from CAES at the 74th graduation ceremony. 74th Graduation Ceremony, Day 2, 30th January 2024, Collge of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from Ugandan, East African, S. Sudanese and international applicants for the Undergraduate Programmes under the Private Sponsorship Scheme for Diploma/Degree Holders for the 2025/2026 Academic Year.

The details are as follows:

Each applicant should:

  • Hold at least a Second Class/Credit (or equivalent classification) Diploma or otherwise as specified in the Diploma Holders’ Admission Requirements from Recognised Chartered Institutions relevant to the programme applied for. (Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates (not photocopies of certified copies) from the awarding Institutions and one Passport size photograph MUST be submitted to Office 315, Level three (3) Senate Building after applying online.
  • Details of the Diploma holders’ admission requirements for the 2025/2026 academic year can be viewed on the Notice Board of the Undergraduate Admission Office or on the Makerere University Website:


BE A GRADUATE FROM A RECOGNISED CHARTERED UNIVERSITY. (Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates (not photocopies of certified copies) from the awarding Institutions and one Passport size photograph MUST be submitted to Office 315, Level three (3) Senate Building after applying online).

The closing date for submission of applications is Friday 28th February, 2025.

Further details including Undergraduate Programmes advertised in the different Colleges in can be found in the document below:

Mak Editor

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